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Modro ozadje in Stop error

Modro ozadje in Stop error

stalc ::

Imam en problem, zaradi katerega bom vsak cas razbil racunalnik in vse drugo povezano z njim! ;(
Prebral sem nekatere teme na forumu in "mislim" da je moj problem povezan z maticno plato in sicer z pregrevanjem ali z cim podobnim!
Prosim vas, da mi svetujete okoli tega problema oz. pomagate ta problem odpravit!
Za odgovore se vnaprej zahvaljujem!
In sicer ko sem nekaj casa prikljucen na internet oz. ko nekaj casa downloadam mi racunalnik prikaze to sporocilo in sicer z modrim ozadjem:

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
If this is the first time you ve seen this Stop error screen restart your computer. If this screen appear again, follov these steps.
Check to be shure you have adequote disk space. If a driver is indetified in teh stop message, disable the drive or check with the manufacturer for driver updates.Try changing video adapters.
Check for your hardware windows for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use SafeMode te remove or disable components, restart your computer, pressF8 to select Advance Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode.
Technical information: STOP. 0x000008E (0xC00005,0x8052D727, 0x3AG60CF0,0x000000)
Beginning dump of physical memory
Pshysical memory dump complete.
Contact your system administrator or tecnical support groups for further assistance

Please help me!!


Winsi so XP? Če so meni je pomagalo da sem vrgu notri cd od WinXP in pol dal repair windows, pol pa je blo vse OK!


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