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Zakaj ISDN, če hočem ADSL ???

Zakaj ISDN, če hočem ADSL ???

Bx ::

Zakaj morm vzet ISDN pri telekomu, če pa hočem met ADSL?
Sej sem neki bral, da zaradi (KAO) kvalitetnejšij povezav itd....
Sam tuki na linkline.com so pa to napisal v FAQ

Q: Will DSL work with other services such as ISDN?

A: Unfortunately, DSL won't work with ISDN because DSL is designed to work with voice grade circuits over copper cable facilities. Services that are compatible with DSL operation include Direct Data Services (56/64 Kbps) and Standard Analog Telephone services.


[BISI] ::

Zato, ker telekom tako rece :D

McHregec ::

Telekomu ker je monopolist se bolj splača če ljudje kupijo isdn in potem še adsl. Če hočeš met adsl ne rabiš isdnja ampak taka je odločitev telekoma.

Fuck YOU Telekom......
Destroyer Of The Worlds.

wind ::

uradno razlago dobis na adsl.siol.net

||_^_|| ::

prou zanima me če ta razlaga temelji na resnici

OldSkul ::

Kar poglejte ADSL ma navadne kable za analogne linije da ga prključiš.To z isdn-jem je samo zato da bi telekom dobil več keša!!

jakinj ::

Adsl-ja na navadnih linijah ni ker siol ni hotu kupit en še ene naprave za merjenje prenosa ( so kupili samo za ISDN linije ) ker bi jih prišlo približno 5000 - 7000 DEM
To live whitin the circle of life only one thing is asked in return. Everyone pays the ultimate price. Make every moment count.

AlchemY ::

se strinjam, Telekom nas samo nateguje. Tudi v junijski številki PC Magazina je obširen članek o širokopasovnih povezavah. V njem med drugim piše tudi, da ADSL ni priporočljivo priklapljat na ISDN,...psi telekomovski :).

PaJo ::

Ja tocno tako kod ste ugotvili, pri nas je ISDN pogoj zato ker Telkom zeli se nekaj zasluzit, pa fora je ve tem da je dobavitel DSLAM-ov Siemens, kateri je bil dobavitelj Nemskemu Telkomu in tdi tam so prvo zaceli ADSL samo na ISDN-ju, taksna zgodba se ponavlja tudi pri nas;(
Pac nasi vrli Telkomovci zelijo se nekaj zasluzit, dokler se se da. Sicer pa je res da ce mas ISDN n ADSL skupaj da ADSL pobere vec pasovne sirine in manj ostane za ADSL, samo kaj to nam ko nas Siol omeji na 512kbit/s, adsl pa je zmozen 8Mbit, tak da hitak ne cutimo razlike. No ja upam da bo kaksen ADSL mozen kmalu pri nas, samo do takrat bomo se pa zal cakali na navadnih dialup-ih:\
Ne se preveč sekirat, rajši uživat:)

Bx ::


ADSL deluje na osnovi sodobnejšega omrežja, zato moramo vsakomur hkrati z vzpostavitvijo ADSL-a priključek tehnično dograditi. V Sloveniji je uporaba ADSL zasnovana na frekvenčnem spektru, na katerem deluje tehnologija ISDN. Vse sočasne funkcije iz obstoječega ISDN telefonskega naročniškega razmerja (dva prosta 64 kbit/s kanala za govor, faks ali podatke) ostanejo nespremenjene, kljub sočasni uporabi ADSL podatkovne zveze (tretji neodvisni kanal).


Q: Ali je predpogoj za ADSL priključek ISDN?

A: ADSL deluje v Sloveniji na osnovi sodobnejšega omrežja, zato moramo vsakomur hkrati z vzpostavitvijo ADSL-a priključek tehnično dograditi, saj je le tako možno zagotoviti brezhibno delovanje te storitve.
V Sloveniji je uporaba ADSL zasnovana na frekvenčnem spektru, na katerem deluje tehnologija ISDN. Hkratno delovanje nove storitve na enostavnih telefonskih priključkih in na ISDN priključkih, ki so med seboj nekompatibilni, bi namreč lahko povzročalo večje motnje v delovanju te nove storitve.


Q: Will DSL work with other services such as ISDN?

A: Unfortunately, DSL won't work with ISDN because DSL is designed to work with voice grade circuits over copper cable facilities. Services that are compatible with DSL operation include Direct Data Services (56/64 Kbps) and Standard Analog Telephone services.
EVO ODGOVOR iz DSL reports!!!

Q: Must I install additional telephone lines in order to use DSL?

A: That answer to this question is maybe. It usually depends on your local telephone company and DSL technology.

In some areas, the answer is "no", a single phone line is all that is required (i.e. line-sharing). For instance, ADSL operates at a different set of frequencies than standard voice telephones do. The difference in frequencies allows both voice traffice and IP (internet) traffic to co-exist on the same phyisical phone line. You simply need to obtain line filters to plug in to the wall jacks you wish to use for normal voice telephones.

Unfortunatly, in other areas or different types of DSL (such as SDSL), the answer is yes. When technology allows but DSL provider may still prefer to install DSL on seperate loop due to technical reasons or due to regulatory reasons.

Q: How does DSL allow me to be on the phone & be on the internet at the same time?

A: The DSL servie operates at a different set of frequencies. Voice at the lower frequencies and your DSL at the higher frequencies. For the most common DSL (ADSL), the two can co-exist on the same wire. You are unable to hear the high frequencies even if your telephone was able to play them as sounds. The DSL signal should not be disturbed by the lower voice frequencies you use when talking on the phone.

Q: What is the difference between ADSL and IDSL?

A: ADSL is a service that runs at a different speed up and down, up to 8 megabits/sec down and 1 megabit/sec up, and is limited to distances of around 18,000 ft towards the high end, and cannot run through various devices that can be placed on the phone line such as a DLC (fiber in the line).
IDSL is a service that is based on ISDN technology, runs at a maximum speed of 144 kilobits/sec each way, but can go anywhere ISDN can, at a distance of up to 50,000 ft with the currently used versions, and can run through most DLC.

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