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Opera 8.0 Problem

Opera 8.0 Problem

jernejc ::

Imam sledeči problem. Instaliral sem Opero 8.0.... stvar deluje super, do trenutka ko hocem odpreti kakšno stran, in mi izpiše :

Could not connect to remote server

You tried to access the address http://blabla........., which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelled and punctuated, then try reloading the page.

-Make sure your Internet connection is active and check whether other applications that rely on the same connection are working.
-Check that the setup of any Internet security software is correct and does not interfere with ordinary Web browsing.
-If you are behind a firewall on a Local Area Network and think this may be causing problems, talk to your systems administrator.
-Try pressing the F12 key on your keyboard and disabling proxy servers, unless you know that you are required to use a proxy to connect to the Internet. Reload the page.

po tem izpisu mi internet strani noče več odpirati!!!!Niti v IE! internet dela (Messenger, Shareaza) vendar internetnih strani na noben nacin nemorm vec odpreti! Pomaga samo restart rač. Sedaj sem ugotovil tudi da to ne dela naključno vendar ob povezavi z neko posebno stranjo, naprimer grem na www.hte.si -> spletna trgovina , in na levi kliknem naprimer Ročni instrumenti.....ter tukaj se stvar zaustavi!?!?!?!?! v IE mi stran normalno odpre.

Ali kdo slucajno ve v čem je problem!??!??!!

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