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problemi z particijo

problemi z particijo

daks ::


Nekaj casa nazaj sem razdelil(Partition Magic 8) logično particijo na dva dela, da sem lahko na en del instaliral se Linux.Isto sem naredil se z "podaljsano" particijo isto s Partition Magic 8.
Zdaj mi je zmanjkalo prostora, Linux-a pa ne rabim več in bi rad izbrisal te dve particiji in jih naredil v NTFS.
Vendar ko odprem partition Magic 8 mi napiše:

"PowerQuest Partition Magic has detected an error 113 on the partition starting at sector 6152895 on disk 1.

The end of the indicated extended partition overlaps logical partition.
This can be fixed by extending the extended partition.
Would you like the PowerQuest Partition MAgic to fix this error?"

Če kliknem "yes" mi napise:
"The Partition table error was succesfully fixed!"

Ko kliknem "ok" mi zopet napise:
"PowerQuest Partition Magic has detected an error 113 on the partition starting at sector 6152895 ...."

in to se ponavlja dokler ne kliknem "no" in potem napise to:
"Init failed: Error 117.
Partitions drive letter cannot be idetified"

Če se komu kaj sanja o tem oz. ce je ze kdo imel podobne probleme mi prosim pomagajte.


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