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MS Word problemček oziroma vprašanje

MS Word problemček oziroma vprašanje

Cwetto ::

Torej v wordu sem naredu lep dokument, kjer sem vstavil obrazce (Forms), da lahko samo tja noter tajnica vpisuje zadeve (naslovnika, številko dokumenta, zadevo....). Vse ostalo pa je zaklenjeno, tako da je dopis vedno iste oblike.

Sedaj pa je problem, ko hočeš recimo v glavnem besedilu nekaj označiti krepko (bold), pa seveda ne gre, ker je zaklenjeno. A se ne da tako odklenit Text obrazec, da bi lahko spreminjal pisavo in slog?

Je kakšen drug način, da bi zaklenil en text, na ostalem delu pa bi se dalo pisat? Lepo prosim za odgovor.

Beernarrd ::

V pomoči za vord je tole:

-On the Tools menu, click Protect Document.
-In the Protect Document task pane, under Editing restrictions, select the Allow only this type of editing in the document check box, and then click Filling in forms in the list of editing restrictions.
-To add protection to only parts of a form, click Select sections, and then clear the check boxes for the sections you don't want to add protection to.
Note To add protection to only parts of a form, those parts must be in separate sections. (On the Insert menu, click Break to create section breaks.)

-Click Yes, Start Enforcing Protection.
To assign a password to the form so that users who know the password can remove the protection and change the form, type a password in the Enter new password (optional) box, and then confirm the password. Users who don't know the password can still enter information in the form fields.
-Save the form, and then distribute it as you would any other document that you send for review.

Lahko določiš tudi, da se omeji spreminjanje formata samo na določene stile.

Cwetto ::

hmmm,, amapk s tem lahko dodajaš samo komentarje, še vedno pa ne moreš v zaklenjeni formi spreminjat sloga teksta.

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