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OC MX-a z 12.41

OC MX-a z 12.41

Dalmatinc ::

Jah coolbitsov ne uklop ?
Dejte povedat ešitev kako jih uspobit?
Ziher ste mel iste bleme !>:D

Huey P ::

Probaj s tem

..::DOOM III: The Legacy::..

Dalmatinc ::

Jaz hočem usposobit coolbitse !!
Se razume in če kdo zna naj pove !>:D

Dalmatinc ::

:D:D:Dkva ko bi mi mal pomagali ? a ?
To bi blo zlo fajn......a se vam ne zdi ?


Dalmatinc ::


Dalmatinc ::

In order to get Coolbits working under a crippled Detonator, you must :

Download and install the crippled driver (such as 12.41 any new WHQL driver)

Install Coolbits

Download a Detonator that isn't crippled in Zip format (say the 1080 from somewhere such as ReactorCritical)

Extract the nvcpl.dll file from the uncrippled zip folder into your drivers folder in the windows drivers directory (usually system32 under NT and system under 9x)

Voila Coolbits works!!!

It may be necessary with some releases to also copy across the nvQTwk.dll file in order for your desktop tweaks to remain in working order. This is not the case in every case however. Do it only if you need to. If you don't need to change this file, you will corrupt the system.

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