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amd navijanje

amd navijanje

TommyBoy ::

Mal sem brskov po internetu pa sem prišel na tole stran:


Zdej me pa zanima če ima mogoče kdo izmed vas že kakšne izkušnje s tem in če to res deluje. Sam imam namreč bartona 2800+ in bi bil zelo vesel če bu lahko mal znižal množilnik pa potem FSB na mal več dal.

Abit NF-7s,Barton 2080@2500,Radeon 9800se (saphir)@softtmod,Samsung TCCD DDR500
  • spremenil: Predator ()

Predator ::

beri tole
Building a better mousetrap merely results in smarter mice.

TommyBoy ::

Several mods have been circulating on the web of how to unlock AMD processors. Most of the mods are confined to alterations of the CPU in form of shorting or reconnecting bridges. In most cases, these modifications reguire quasi surgical skills and yet, they won't work on some processors / systems. An alternative modification that has become fashionable is to short pins on the CPU. While this is straight-forward, this method still misses the point in that it is somewhat risky and difficult to implement. Based on laziness, our agenda has always been to use our brains instead and we came up with a simple modification that is absolutely risk-free and can be done in about 5 seconds. After doing some further research, we found that this "trick" only works with Thoroughbred and Barton processors but not with older Palomino core-based CPUs.

Abit NF-7s,Barton 2080@2500,Radeon 9800se (saphir)@softtmod,Samsung TCCD DDR500

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: TommyBoy ()

sirotka ::

Pri Tbredih gre mp samo navzgor, ne pa navzdol8-O :'( ???

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