Glede problema s Large System Cache in ATI karticami :
Pri začetku instlacije lepo piše ( glej spodaj ), ampak eni pač raje ure in ure iščejo po internetu, ko pa bi v petih minutah navodila prebrali. In ja, ATI očitno ve za ta problem. Če se komu da registrirat na , jih lahko obvesti o tem.
Text iz ATI README ( se pokaže ko poženeš exe fajl ) :
Data corruption may occur if the Large System Cache feature is enabled in Windows XP.
For complete details see; This symptom does not occur on all systems. The key ingredients that lead to this symptom may include:
- System Memory greater than 512 Meg. (1 gigabyte of RAM is common)
- Large NTFS disk volumes. And multiple large volumes. (60-100 gigabyte hard drives possibly in RAID arrays)
- AGP graphics with large AGP resource requirements (AGP aperture greater than default)
- Large file transfers
To avoid this symptom ensure the System Cache option is NOT selected for Memory usage. Use the Programs option.
- right-click on the My Computer Icon then Properties to open the System Properties dialog box
- select the Advanced Tab then the Settings button under Performance
- select the Advanced tab on the Performance options tab
- in the Memory Usage area, ensure the Programs radio button is selected
- Apply the changes and select OK