Forum » Kaj kupiti » Kje kupiti radeon le online?
Kje kupiti radeon le online?
morphling1 ::
Yea wright, teh kartic pri nas ni za dobit , Pricewatch v search daj radeon Le in dobil bos kar nekaj zadetkov, cene so zelo ugodne od 68 do 90$ , konkretno pa recimo tu Cdrexpress kjer jo dobis za 78$ + postnina. Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
_Mortal_ ::
A veš kaj pomen LE :
The RADEON LE is a "light edition" RADEON graphics card product based on a RADEON LE chipset designed primarily for the Chinese and Asian market. While sharing common core technology with ATI's RADEON family, the RADEON LE is value featured and value priced to provide an entry-level performance product.
The RADEON LE is a "light edition" RADEON graphics card product based on a RADEON LE chipset designed primarily for the Chinese and Asian market. While sharing common core technology with ATI's RADEON family, the RADEON LE is value featured and value priced to provide an entry-level performance product.
Is reading in the bathroom considered as multi-tasking?
JXS ::
Nedelja, 6.5.2001 na slo-tech:
No ja, verjetno je bilo le vprašanje časa, toda vseeno me je novica o možnem hacku Radeona LE precej presenetila. Podobno kot vse GeForce in pred njimi Voodooje3, je možno s preprostim flashom BIOSa "nadgraditi" tudi Radeone LE. Ti so, kot veste, malce okrnjene različice močnejših bratcov, in zaradi tega so tudi njih cene precej nižje. V tem Forumu pa je mogoče zaslediti povezavo na potrebne datoteke in navodila, s katerimi boste svojega LEjčka z lahkoto
spremenili v pravega Radeona. Naj se igre začnejo .
Sam imam ta krek in bi tudi rad kupil Le-ja. kaj ta krej naredi? LE-ja dobi popolno ddr podporo, ki jo drugače nima.
No ja, verjetno je bilo le vprašanje časa, toda vseeno me je novica o možnem hacku Radeona LE precej presenetila. Podobno kot vse GeForce in pred njimi Voodooje3, je možno s preprostim flashom BIOSa "nadgraditi" tudi Radeone LE. Ti so, kot veste, malce okrnjene različice močnejših bratcov, in zaradi tega so tudi njih cene precej nižje. V tem Forumu pa je mogoče zaslediti povezavo na potrebne datoteke in navodila, s katerimi boste svojega LEjčka z lahkoto
spremenili v pravega Radeona. Naj se igre začnejo .
Sam imam ta krek in bi tudi rad kupil Le-ja. kaj ta krej naredi? LE-ja dobi popolno ddr podporo, ki jo drugače nima.
_Mortal_ ::
Glej neki podrobnosti o LE verziji no prvo sem hotel pokazati samo par odgovorov no sedaj sem se odločil vse odgovore
Q1: What is a RADEON LE?
A1: The RADEON LE is a "light edition" RADEON graphics card product based on a RADEON LE chipset designed primarily for the Chinese and Asian market. While sharing common core technology with ATI's RADEON family, the RADEON LE is value featured and value priced to provide an entry-level performance product.
Q2: What is the board configuration of a RADEON LE card?
A2: RADEON LE is an AGP card with 32MB of DDR RAM AGP 4X/2X.
Q3: What are the technical differences between a RADEON LE and the RADEON GPU?
A3: As a value positioned product the RADEON LE GPU carries a subset of the hardware found in the RADEON GPU. The key difference is the Hyper-Z technology, which is found in the RADEON GPU but not in the RADEON LE. The RADEON LE still contains fast 3D texture acceleration in hardware and IDCT circuitry.
Q4: Is the RADEON LE manufactured by ATI?
A4: The RADEON LE is designed by ATI and manufactured by ATI's strategic partners.
Q5: Why should I buy a RADEON LE?
A5: The RADEON LE product was designed for value conscious customers and system builders who want to take advantage of the speed and visual quality offered by ATI's RADEON products at an entry-level price point. The RADEON LE has the right mix of technology and features to provide high end performance
Q6: Where can I buy?
A6: The RADEON LE card is sold and supported exclusively by Althon Micro and their distribution partners as an OEM product. Most RADEON LE products will be available as an installed component in new computer systems.
Q7: Do the RADEON LE graphics cards support true AGP4X?
A7: Yes. RADEON LE™ offers full AGP 4X implementation for 1GB/sec data transfer rate, sideband addressing, pipelining and AGP texturing support. AGP 2X operation is also supported, for systems / motherboards which do not offer 4X compatibility.
Q8 What's the Ramdac speed on Radeon LE?
A8: The DAC speed on the RADEON LE is 350MHZ.
Q9: Is there a PCI version of RADEON LE™?
A9: No. RADEON LE™ graphics cards have AGP universal bus that supports AGP4X or AGP 2X systems.
Q10: Can the on-board-memory be upgraded?
A10: No. RADEON LE™ graphics cards are not memory upgradeable.
Q11: What operating systems do RADEON LE™ graphics cards support?
A11: RADEON LE™ graphics cards currently support Windows(R) 98 SE, Windows(R) Millennium edition, and Windows(R) 2000 and Windows NT 4.0.
Q12: Can I get more technical specifications for the RADEON LE?
A12: Inquiries of this nature should be directed to :
for Asian market (Beijing) 86-10-625-24733
rest of Asia 886-2-2396-7711
USA 909-594-3128
email address:
Q13: How many pipelines in the RADEON LE?
A13: RADEON LE™ has 2 pipelines.
Q14. How many textures per pipeline?
A14: There are 3 textures per pipeline on the RADEON LE
Q15: What is the warranty on the RADEON LE?
A15: The RADEON LE is warranted for 2 years exclusively through Althon Micro.
Q16. What type of memory is there on the RADEON LE boards?
A16: The RADEON LE has 32MB of DDR memory.
Q17: Does the RADEON LE support Hyper-z technology?
A17: No.
Q18: Does the Radeon LE support Charisma Engine, Pixel Tapestry and FSAA features?
A18: Yes.
Q19: What is the memory bus width?
A19: The Radeon LE has a memory bus width of 128bits.
Če ne veste kaj pomeni okrajšava
Q1: What is a RADEON LE?
A1: The RADEON LE is a "light edition" RADEON graphics card product based on a RADEON LE chipset designed primarily for the Chinese and Asian market. While sharing common core technology with ATI's RADEON family, the RADEON LE is value featured and value priced to provide an entry-level performance product.
Q2: What is the board configuration of a RADEON LE card?
A2: RADEON LE is an AGP card with 32MB of DDR RAM AGP 4X/2X.
Q3: What are the technical differences between a RADEON LE and the RADEON GPU?
A3: As a value positioned product the RADEON LE GPU carries a subset of the hardware found in the RADEON GPU. The key difference is the Hyper-Z technology, which is found in the RADEON GPU but not in the RADEON LE. The RADEON LE still contains fast 3D texture acceleration in hardware and IDCT circuitry.
Q4: Is the RADEON LE manufactured by ATI?
A4: The RADEON LE is designed by ATI and manufactured by ATI's strategic partners.
Q5: Why should I buy a RADEON LE?
A5: The RADEON LE product was designed for value conscious customers and system builders who want to take advantage of the speed and visual quality offered by ATI's RADEON products at an entry-level price point. The RADEON LE has the right mix of technology and features to provide high end performance
Q6: Where can I buy?
A6: The RADEON LE card is sold and supported exclusively by Althon Micro and their distribution partners as an OEM product. Most RADEON LE products will be available as an installed component in new computer systems.
Q7: Do the RADEON LE graphics cards support true AGP4X?
A7: Yes. RADEON LE™ offers full AGP 4X implementation for 1GB/sec data transfer rate, sideband addressing, pipelining and AGP texturing support. AGP 2X operation is also supported, for systems / motherboards which do not offer 4X compatibility.
Q8 What's the Ramdac speed on Radeon LE?
A8: The DAC speed on the RADEON LE is 350MHZ.
Q9: Is there a PCI version of RADEON LE™?
A9: No. RADEON LE™ graphics cards have AGP universal bus that supports AGP4X or AGP 2X systems.
Q10: Can the on-board-memory be upgraded?
A10: No. RADEON LE™ graphics cards are not memory upgradeable.
Q11: What operating systems do RADEON LE™ graphics cards support?
A11: RADEON LE™ graphics cards currently support Windows(R) 98 SE, Windows(R) Millennium edition, and Windows(R) 2000 and Windows NT 4.0.
Q12: Can I get more technical specifications for the RADEON LE?
A12: Inquiries of this nature should be directed to :
for Asian market (Beijing) 86-10-625-24733
rest of Asia 886-2-2396-7711
USA 909-594-3128
email address:
Q13: How many pipelines in the RADEON LE?
A13: RADEON LE™ has 2 pipelines.
Q14. How many textures per pipeline?
A14: There are 3 textures per pipeline on the RADEON LE
Q15: What is the warranty on the RADEON LE?
A15: The RADEON LE is warranted for 2 years exclusively through Althon Micro.
Q16. What type of memory is there on the RADEON LE boards?
A16: The RADEON LE has 32MB of DDR memory.
Q17: Does the RADEON LE support Hyper-z technology?
A17: No.
Q18: Does the Radeon LE support Charisma Engine, Pixel Tapestry and FSAA features?
A18: Yes.
Q19: What is the memory bus width?
A19: The Radeon LE has a memory bus width of 128bits.
Če ne veste kaj pomeni okrajšava
Is reading in the bathroom considered as multi-tasking?
IceIceBaby ::
mortal_car: kaj ti neki postaš tuki brezveze. Tipa zanima KJE se dobijo radeoni le in ne KAJ je to. Kapiraš?
morphling: a si ti mogoče kupu grafično iz tujine? Če si dej plis povej kje pa kaki so stroški.
morphling: a si ti mogoče kupu grafično iz tujine? Če si dej plis povej kje pa kaki so stroški.
morphling1 ::
Mortal ti si najbolj zmeden osebek na tem forumu. Ce bi se kje drugje kaj prebral o racunalnikih , bi se se kaj naucil , tako si pa kot noj z glavo v pesku in samo nekaj nakladas , nimas pa blage veze o stvareh. Radeona Le se da def. predelati v normalnega radeona z vsemi plusi ki jih ta kartica ima.
Kst, graficne nisem kupoval, sem pa kupil cdrw preko ebay-a, to je tudi varianta, za kupovat, torej preko avkcije , za postnino sem dal 25$ , sem se pa z prodajalcem zmeni ,l da je na paket napisal vrednost 40$ (drugace 120$) in na to vrednost sem placal carino ter ddv kar me je prislo okoli 3500sit se ne spomnim vec tocno. Preko ebaya sem ze veliko kupoval in stvar je zelo dobra , samo moras kupovati od takega ,ki ima dober rating oz. cim vec pozitivnih feedbackov od kupcev.
Evo na ebayu sem nasel tipa ki prodaja radeona le je pa iz Anglije , do konca avkcije so se 4. dnevi tako imas cas malo vprasat prodajalca glede postnine in nacina placila. Link: Ebay auction: Radeon LE
cena ko to pisem je pa 30 funtov
Kst, graficne nisem kupoval, sem pa kupil cdrw preko ebay-a, to je tudi varianta, za kupovat, torej preko avkcije , za postnino sem dal 25$ , sem se pa z prodajalcem zmeni ,l da je na paket napisal vrednost 40$ (drugace 120$) in na to vrednost sem placal carino ter ddv kar me je prislo okoli 3500sit se ne spomnim vec tocno. Preko ebaya sem ze veliko kupoval in stvar je zelo dobra , samo moras kupovati od takega ,ki ima dober rating oz. cim vec pozitivnih feedbackov od kupcev.
Evo na ebayu sem nasel tipa ki prodaja radeona le je pa iz Anglije , do konca avkcije so se 4. dnevi tako imas cas malo vprasat prodajalca glede postnine in nacina placila. Link: Ebay auction: Radeon LE
cena ko to pisem je pa 30 funtov Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
morphling1 ::
Jaz sem mu denar kar poslal ,z letalsko posto, obstaja pa se vec moznosti , recimo da mu denar nakazes na njegov racun, tudi to sem ze izvedel in sicer moras dobit vse podatke potem pa ti pa vse zrihtajo na banki cena transferja je bila okoli 2000 sit. Prva varianta je najlazja sicer malo riskantna ampak ce je prodajalec dober in ta na linku ,ki sem ga dal recimo je , ni nobenih problemov tako sem denar posiljal ze velikokrat in je bilo vedno vse uredu. Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
_Mortal_ ::
Morphing kaj pa če se zgodi da ti proda sfukano kartico kaj mi ti lahk nardiš da ti vrne keš
Is reading in the bathroom considered as multi-tasking?
morphling1 ::
Govorimo o online prodaji , kjer te sicer lahko vsak nategne , ampak ce gre za dobrega prodajalce te ne bo, ker mu je to zasluzek in si ne bo blatil imena za majhen denar , ker bo nategnil samo prvega in zadnjega seveda ce so kupci pametni in ne kupujejo vec pri njemu. Dober prodajalec ima pa tudi garancijo na svoje produkte , razen ce ne kupujes rabljene potem je pa verjetno ni ali pa samo kaksnih 30dni. Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
McHregec ::
No tuki pa najdete hack
Destroyer Of The Worlds.
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