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shogun ne dela?

shogun ne dela?

tec ::

mam P3,256 ram, geforce2,abit plata pa mi noce delat shogun total war, nobenega erorja nic, sm crn ekran rata pol pa fukne nazaj u win(ko hocm zagnt) kolegu pa isti cd normalno dela na AMD.

|KoRn| ::

Jaz imam tudi podobne težave s tem špilom. Na P2 350 laufa super, a lej ti zlomka na AMDju TB800 mi noče delat! Najper črn zaslon pol pa koj nazaj v winse... kaj bi lahko blo narobe pojma nimam... morda ji ne paše grafična GeForce2MX? ;(
Freak on a leash!

Dr.Miha ::

men je brez problema delal na P3 700 mhz, 128 mb rama in Geforce DDR....
Čisto možno da je kriva grafična kartica, saj vemo koliko igre se tepe z MXom...
Za domovino z Nintendom naprej!

joze ::

tocno to, zamenjaj driverje za geforca.V geforce faq je ta problem omenjen, opisana pa je tudi resitev

tec ::

kje lahko najdem driverje in tiste resitve?

joze ::

tec ::

Sm probal z novejšim driverjem pa še vedno ne dela shougun, ostele igre delajo normalno.
Kaj nardit?

joze ::

ni važno da so najnovejsi.
preberi tole:
. Shogun: Total War crashes to the desktop before the opening screens. How can I fix it?
The following driver versions work best with Shogun: Total War:

10.80+ is the best version to use. If these driver sets still don't work, the following website contains other Shogun troubleshooting tips:

You may also be able to fix any problems by starting Shogun: Total War in windowed mode. You can do this with the following steps provided by Steve Evest:

Right click on the shortcut that you launch the game from.
Click Properties.
Click the shortcut tab.
Where it says
"C:\Program Files\Total War\Shogun - Total War\Shogun.exe" (note it may be in a different folder)
change it so it says
"C:\Program Files\Total War\Shogun - Total War\Shogun.exe" /deb
The game will now run in a window, although battle sequences run slower.

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