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XtX ::

  • zaklenilo: XtX ()

whatson ::

temu bi lahko rekli sex FAQ, ali sex for dummies:D...

je pa zadeva življensko resnična in seka... ampak ni lih e-mail fora.. 8-)
Čas včlanitve v Slo-Tech - 6. nov 2000 ob 20:39

XtX ::


XtX ::


Huey P ::

Tale vic smo že slišali na forumu med temo vici al nekaj...

..::DOOM III: The Legacy::..

luni ::

Heh ja ta z đanki zivalmi je ze bil, ampak tisti prvi pa res seka :) And don't forget to show him your love by buying him an expensive present and cooking a nice meal. Jea, rajt :D
Artificial Intelligentia

luni ::

to je danes zaromalo v moj nabiralnik :)

Artificial Intelligentia

R0K ::

LUNI : :D:D:DUpam da tega katira od predstavnic ženskega spola ne bo vidla>:D(sej ubistvu je pa use res kar piše:D)

poweroff ::

Kaj pa tale:

Zakaj znanstveniki zaslužijo manj kot obrtniki?
Do odgovora smo prišli z matematično analizo problema.

Aksiom 1: Znanje je Moč.
Aksiom 2: Čas je Denar.

Ko je znano iz fizike velja naslednja enačba:

W Delo
-- = P oziroma: -------- = Moč
t Čas

Ker velja Znanje = Moč in hkrati Čas = Denar dobimo:

-------- = Znanje

Če izpostavimo Denar dobimo:

-------- = Denar

Ko se torej Znanje približuje ničli, se Denar približuje neskončnosti, ne
glede na količino Dela.

SKLEP: Manj kot znaš, več zaslužiš.

Kekec ::

Pol se pa dam jst enga:

Razgovaraju dva programera:
* Juce sam u nocnom klubu upoznao prekrasnu plavusu.
* Uh!
* Predlozio sam joj da odemo do mene na kafu i ona je pristala.
* Uuh!
* Cim smo usli u stan zavapila je: "Skini me!"
* Uuuuh!
* Skin'o sam sve s nje, na kraju i gacice i stavio je onako potpuno golu
na radni sto do PC!
* A, imas PC kod kuce? A koji procesor imas?
Razgovaraju dve plavuse:
* Juce sam u nocnom klubu upoznala pravog programera.
* Uh!
* Predlozio mi je da odemo do njega na kafu i ja sam pristala.
* Uuh!
* Cim smo usli u stan krenuo je da me skida!
* Uuuuh!
* Skin'o je sve s mene, a na kraju i gacice i stavio me onako potpuno golu
na radni sto do PC!
* Ti nosis gacice?!

Thomas ::

Ja hehe Matthai - ni tole cisto iz trte zvito!

Mogoce pa denar res ni vse?

Mogoce je le igraca za tiste - ki se s cim zanimivejsim sploh ne znajo igrati?

Je mogoce, da je denar ena gnjavaza, ki ga pametni zvrnejo na neumnejse?

Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

luni ::

Hehe to mi je danes kapnilo v inbox:While visiting England, George Bush is invited to tea with HRM The Queen. President Bush asks her Majesty what her "real" leadership philosophy
is. HRM replies that it is quite simply to surround herself with intelligent people. President Bush then asks how she knows if they're truly intelligent. "I usually do so by asking them the right questions," says the Queen. "Allow me to demonstrate." She then phones Tony
Blair and says, "Mr. Prime Minister, please answer this question: Your
mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or sister. Who is it?" Tony Blair immediately responds, "Certainly, the child would be me, ma'am." "Correct. Thank you and goodbye, Mr. Prim! e Minister" says the Queen. She hangs up and says, "Did you get that, Mr. President?" "Yes, your Majesty. Thanks a lot. I'll definitely be using that one!" Upon returning to Washington, President Bush decides he'd better put the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to the test. He summons Jesse Helms to the White House and says, "Senator Helms, I wonder if you can answer a question for me." "Why, of course, Mr. President"... What's on your mind?" "Uhh," says President Bush, "your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Helms hems and haws and finally asks, "Can I think about it and get back to you?" Bush agrees, and Helms leaves. Helms immediately calls a meeting of ther senior Republican senators, and they proceed to puzzle over the question for several hours, but nobody can come up with an answer. Finally, in
desperation, Helms calls Colin Powell at the State Department and explains his problem. Senator Helms poses the question as follows "Now lookee here, son, your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Powell answers immediately, "It's me, of course, you dumb cracker." Much relieved, Senator Helms rushes back to the White House and exclaims, "Mr. President, I know the answer, sir! I know
who it is! It's Colin Powell!" President Bush replies in total disgust: "Wrong, you idiot, it's Tony Blair!"
Artificial Intelligentia

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