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Rayman 3 pomoč

Rayman 3 pomoč

clancy ::

Že nekaj cajta igram to igro, ki je zelo dobra, vendar tudi težka. Prišel sem do stopnje Hoodlum Headquarters, kjer spodaj teče lava in moraš skakati po lesenih zabojih, ki se izmenično potapljajo in dvigajo. Nekajkrat mi je uspelo priti čisto do vrha, kjer se moraš tepsti z tistim stvorenjem, vendar me ta takoj ubije in moram vse ponovno od začetka.
Ima kdo kaki nasvet kako naj končam to stopnjo, probal sem že z traineryemi
za neskončno energijo,vendar mi ne delajo. Prosim za pomoč.

Matek ::

Preberi tole

Pod hoodlum hideout maš tole:

LEVEL 4 - Hoodlum Hideout

{Part 1}
Go up the slope at the start and swing on the purple lum to reach the slope at
the other side and three lums [1-3]. Go further on for your first Hoodlum
encounter - one with a wooden shield. He fights back with explosive cocktails,
so the best bet is to jump over them. When you have the chance, destroy the
shield by launching both fists, and then kill him like the Henchmen. Go to the
end of the platform and reach for the red lum and the platform. Then you face
the same Hoodlum again, only this time he's on a higher platform than you. It
helps if you launch your fists while in the air this time. After that, jump on
the platform and helicopter your way to the net, getting another red lum on
the way. Helicopter for the yellow lum [4], quickly swing on the purple lum
and helicopter to another net, getting another lum [5]. Climb to the top for
another [6]. Then, helicopter to the left to a high platform and another
Hoodlum. Kill him, and go behind him for three lums [7-9]. Go back to the net,
swing on the purple lum and helicopter to the next net, getting two lums [10-
11] on the way there. Climb to the top for another [12], swing on another
purple lum and land on the turf, getting two more on the way [13-14]. Near the
Green Lum, a flying Hoodlum should come by and try to shoot you. Either jump
or duck over his shots, and if you can, fight back with your fists to kill

Get the green lum and go to the net underneath the platform, break the ~FIRST
CAGE~ and use the trampoline on the right to get back up. Swing on the purple
lums ahead to reach another platform, getting three more lums [15-17] at the
same time. If you want, you can helicopter to a red platform on the left for
an extra life and jump back up. Run to the right, dodge/fight the flying
Hoodlums, get three lums [18-20] on the slope and fight the Hoodlum at the end
of it. Jump to the next platform and swing on more purple lums to reach a
platform, getting four lums [21-24] on the way. Use the trampoline to jump up
to the next turf, swing on the purple lum to the left towards three nets and
six lums [25-30], go back to the purple lum and swing to the right. Climb on
the net below for two lums and the ~SECOND CAGE~. Use the trampoline on the
left to get back up, get the three lums on the turf [33-35] and reach the

{Part 2}
Go to the platform on the left and get the lum [1]. Then go back and use the
net to reach a turf with a trampoline. Jump on it and reach the high platform
on the left. On there is a Hoodlum, but this time he has a metal shield. To
fight him, jump over the cocktails and hit him wherever he's unprotected - it
helps if you repeatedly punch and jump at him. After he's gone, get the ~FIRST
CAGE~. Go back to the trampoline, go up the slope for two lums [2-3], and keep
on going for two more [4-5] at the end of the stretch]. Jump to the wooden
platform below to face another different Hoodlum - that with a battering ram.
The trick is to jump over it and hit it on its back. After he's gone, continue
to the trampoline on the right, getting another lum [6] on the way there.
Reach the other trampoline for three lums [7-9] and a way up to a pole to hang
onto. Go to the end to drop down to two lums [10-11] and a trampoline to bring
you to another pole. At the end of it drop down for another battering ram
Hoodlum. After he's gone, go to the trampoline again and follow the trail of
three lums [12-14] to the platform above. Reach for a lum in the air [15],
swing on the purple lum and go to a platform to the top right. Go along there
for another metal shield Hoodlum. After he's gone, hit the switch, go back and
down, and to the right towards a Green Lum.

Go across the nets for a lum [16] and an extra life. Then jump on the
trampoline to reach another pole, drop down to the right for two lums [17-18]
and another trampoline bounce to another pole, and reach the end to drop down
to three lums [19-21] and a trampoline to take you to two purple lums to swing
on. Get the lum [22] above the trampoline afterwards, and go to the lower
right platform. Fight another metal shield Hoodlum, flip the switch, and use
the trampoline to go through the door at the top and reach a Green Lum.

Jump on the net, reach the trampoline to the right and bounce to another
platform, getting five lums [23-27] in the process. Defeat the battering ram
Hoodlum, reach the end of the platform, hang onto it and while doing so use
your fists to break the ~SECOND CAGE~. Jump back up, swing on the purple lums
and grab the trail of three lums [28-30] before going on the trampoline and on
another pole. As soon as you reach the end, drop off, helicopter if necessary
and swing on the purple lum. Reach the trail of three lums [31-33] to another
platform with another trampoline. Bounce on it to another pole, reach the end,
quickly swing on the purple lum and traverse more of those to the other side
and the final two lums [34-35]. Jump on the trampoline to reach the top right
platform for another metal shield Hoodlum. After he's gone, get the switch,
drop down, go through the door on the right and reach the exit.

If you got all the lums, you can go as far to the left as you can and drop
down for Mega Havoc 1, or you can go to the Teensies, whom were guarding an
exit to your right. Pass through there, and go to the next world!

Sicer pa pri podobnih primerih pomaga, če v google vtipkaš "ime igre+walkthrough".
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matek ()

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