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Težave pri inštalaciji igre

Težave pri inštalaciji igre

ktimor ::

Imam Win Xp
Pri inštalaciji iger (originalnih) se mi računalnik resetira (ne zmeraj na enakem mestu). Pri ponovnem zagonu XP se javi obvestilo o napaki

napaka je
BCCODE: d1 BCP1:f7f36ff1 BCP2: 00000002 BCP3: 00000000
BCP4:f7f36ff1 OSVer:5_1_2600 S_P:1_0 Product: 256_1

nastala pa je pri fajlih

Prosim za pomoč.
Kaj je za nardit.

Inštaliran je SP1 z ostalimi dodatki iz neta.

LP Timor

Vikking ::

zgleda da je neki z gonilniki za grafično kartico narobe tisti dve datoteki pa naj bi pomenilo da rač. tja zapiše error, na microsoftovi strani je nekaj napisano o tem, če imaš ati radeon-a 64mb pol bo to to, vsekakor pa nadgradi gonilnike za grafično kartico katerokoli že pač imaš!

če ni to rešilo tvojega problema potem je mogoče tole naslednja rešitev:
II. Delete the Minidump Files and the Sysdata.xml File

When a serious error occurs, by default the system writes out a miniature memory dump along with an XML description of the system status (which notes the program at fault and other pertinent system data) that can be uploaded to Microsoft. If this data is not correctly closed out, the system may present a Serious Error screen upon boot. To resolve this problem, perform
the following steps:

1. Click the Start button.
2. Right click the My Computer icon, and then click Explore on the context menu that appears.
3. Browse to the c:\Windows\Minidump directory.
4. Delete everything located in this directory.

NOTE : You will need to be able to view hidden and system files and the system should not be hiding protected operating system files.

5. Browse to the c:\Documents and Settings folder.
6. Search for the following file: sysdata.xml file.
7. Delete all instances (you may find more than one) of this file.
8. Click the Start button, click Turn off the computer, and then click Restart.

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