Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Problemi z (ne)ugašanjem computerja...
Problemi z (ne)ugašanjem computerja...
Poletnik ::
Pri kolegu sm zasledil en problem, ki pa njega ne ovira in to je ko računalnik ugasne po postopku start/shutdown se mu računalnik ne ugasne sam ampak ga mora izklopit odzadi na 0/1 tipki. :) Njega to ne moti, mene pa zanima kok se da to popravit, ker se mi zdi da ni fajn da tak izklaplja... Ima pa celerona 1.7... drugo pa nism sigurn... Hvala za nasvete.
Dr_M ::
odvisno, do kje pride ta postopek ugasanja. ce niti ne pride do shutdown screena pol so windowsi krivi, drugac pa kej v biosu..
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
totek24 ::
Poglej v Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Power options Tam mora bit listek APM in tam mora bit klukica noter, da se bo racunalnik sam izklopil.
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