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Ghost in the shell 2:Innocence

Ghost in the shell 2:Innocence

DixieFlatline ::

Še kdo tako nestrpno čaka na tole zadevo kot jaz?

Po trailerjih sodeč bo tole noro.
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

DixieFlatline ::

Še kratka vsebina filma:

Batou is a living cyborg. His whole body, even his arms and legs are entirely man-made. What only remains are traces of his brain and the memories of a woman. In an era when the boundary between humans and machines has become infinitely vague, Humans have forgotten that they are humans. This is the debauchery of the lonesome "ghost" of a man, who nevertheless seeks to retain humanity. Innocence... Is what life is.

Na žalost ga pri nas v kinu skorajda gotovo ne bo.
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

Alexius Heristalski ::

Ja, jaz tudi komaj čakam na to. Prva - izvirna risanka je bila čudovita. Po drugi strani upam, da ne bodo pokvarili dobrega vtisa iz prvega dela, čeprav so Japonci in natačni, izvirni ...
fantje, ni blo slabo, samo dajte še v herbicidščini

Zgodovina sprememb…

Mavrik ::

Že črtam dneve na koledarju :D

Upam da bo vsaj tako dober kot izvirnik.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

Raw ::

Ce ste feni, morate gleat GITS - Stand Alone Complex 1st in 2nd GIG..
I am what I am and I do what I can

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Raw ()

sketch ::

Ali kdo ve - bo stvar zgodbovno nadaljevanje prejšnjega ali ne?

Si je kdo mogoče ogledal GITS: Stand Alone Complex, je vreden ogleda?

Adapt and overcome.

NoUse4AName ::

Stand Alone Complex je odlicen, 2nd GIG sta trenutno samo dva dela in sta oba neverjetna.

Drugace pa, trailerji za Innocence so 8-O

-brez wareza. Preberi si pravila. N.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Mavrik ::

Sem gledal Stand Alone complex, sicer ne celotno prvo epizodo, samo je pa bil super.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

DixieFlatline ::

Qrac, dvd si bom naroču takoj ko bo to mogoče, sam verjetno šele proti koncu leta.

Kolosej bi se pa lahk potrudu pa vsaj 1 teden špilov tale film, bi že napolnil dvorane.
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

NoUse4AName ::

Ne nebi napolnil.
Kolosej je kot MTV, ne vrtijo najboljsega ampak vrtijo to na kar je raja navajena in to kar raja gleda. Tisti, ki imajo okus in vejo kaj o filmih so zelo ozek del javnosti.

DixieFlatline ::

Ja sej vem da kolosej fura mainstreamovske hollywood filme, po tej strani so me dost razočaral ker so pred odprtjem obljublali tud več evropskega in azijskega filma.

Kaj pa kino dvor in kinoteka? Je kaka možnost da GITS zaide tja?
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

NoUse4AName ::

Veliko vecja.

DixieFlatline ::


Evo od enga modela k je bil na prvemu screeningu:

I saw Innocence.
I think Innocence is not boring!. Story has a simple framework and understandable.
(It is difficult to understand detail of story.)
But!,the words of Baotu, Haraway and Kim are very very difficult because there is much quotation
from the Chinese writing and philosophy. I think some audience rejects Innocence because of their difficult words. If we try to understand all of their words, can't understand story, because story goes ahead while we are thinking about it. However, story can be understood even if we can't understand their words. Amazing visual takes us to the end of Innocence.

I'm sure that you can enjoy the visual of Innocence even if can't understand the story.
First scene leads you to the Oshii's world. Opening title is sooooo cool and beautiful. And there are many action scene which we can't see in the trailer.
I know that you want to know about Motoko. Yes, you can meet Motoko.
Please check it on screen. I hope Innocence will be released in your country soon.

Although OST and animeted clip DVD will be released on March, I think that it is better not to see it, before you see Inocence. If you see Innocence without having any information, it will be shocked more.

In Innocence all night talk session, Suzuki said
"Animation has come to the peak. The film of Oshii-san, Miya-san, and Otomo-san is released in this year. Probably, it is not accidental. I think it means something. I have not heard about the big budget project after next year.
Recently, I care that young staff of Ghibli says that are not interested in a movie. I think it is natural.
Animation may go in the direction which is completely different from now on."

Oshii said
"When we visited Skywalker Sound, studio was under modification. A carpenter who was coming there keeps the Bassett dog.We recorded the sound of this dog, and used for the sound of the dog of Batou. "Ruby" in the staff list is the name of this dog."

Anyway, I found the Innocence poster which announces Innocence English subtitle version. Virgin Cinemas Roppong Hills release English subtitle version (only night time) for foreigner from March 6. Many foreigners are living around Roppongi.

You can get Innocence screen saver.
Motoko is in these site now. Click banner "2501"
Some of messages of Motoko are used in Innocence.
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: OwcA ()

CCD ::

Jest bi opozoru še na Appleseed. Preberite si mal tale forum
KAA forum
če vas zanima, pa trailerji so tut tle (btw, a se mi zdi al je bil nekdo zgoraj zmoderiran zarad linkov do TRAILERJEV? mislim, shwashta [samo zdi se ti -OwcA] ).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: OwcA ()

DixieFlatline ::

Film bo predstavljen tudi v Cannesu in to v tekmovalnem delu, če kdo rabi recenzijo filma, pa ima 1 tukaj:

The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

Vredno ogleda ...

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