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Nov gaming laptop prvo polnjenje

Ijus ::
evo. vprašal win11home 24h2 kopilota in je dejal:
New gaming laptop first charge - Does it need to be charged before first use or can I turn it on right away?
Great question! Generally, it's a good idea to charge your new gaming laptop fully before using it for the first time. This helps calibrate the battery and ensures it reaches its full capacity2. Most manufacturers recommend charging it for about 24 hours to ensure a complete charge. However, it's always best to check the user manual for specific instructions, as recommendations can vary between brands3.
Do you have a specific brand or model in mind? I can help you look up the exact guidelines if you need!
New gaming laptop first charge - Does it need to be charged before first use or can I turn it on right away?
Great question! Generally, it's a good idea to charge your new gaming laptop fully before using it for the first time. This helps calibrate the battery and ensures it reaches its full capacity2. Most manufacturers recommend charging it for about 24 hours to ensure a complete charge. However, it's always best to check the user manual for specific instructions, as recommendations can vary between brands3.
Do you have a specific brand or model in mind? I can help you look up the exact guidelines if you need!
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.

OutOfTheBox ::

Ijus ::
no sej jaz sem tudi svojega gaming laptopa asus rog strix kr prec prižgal pa začel uporabljati. nč nisem počakal da se je baterija nafilala.
isto do sedaj s kero koli el. rač. stvarko kot so foni, ura,...
isto do sedaj s kero koli el. rač. stvarko kot so foni, ura,...
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.

Nikonja ::
Vse nove baterije že imajo kar nekaj ciklov poljenja ker se prvo testirajo v tovarni, kje so narejene, potem pa še ko se vgradijo v prenosnik. Vklopi in šajbaj igre, ne sekiraj se za baterijo, ker jo itak boš uničil v 2eh letih (nobeden med nami jo ne drži med 20-80% napolnjenosti kot je priporočeno)

kixs ::
Kot zanimivost. Na mojem prejsnjem prenosniku, ki sem ga imel 99% priklopljenega samo doma in to 24/7, je baterija po 6 letih se vedno imela 100% kapaciteto. Pred prodajo sem testiral in je drzala normalne uporabe se vedno 8 ur. Energy report je javil enako kapaciteto kot nova. Bom videl kako se bo to obneslo pri trenutnem prenosniku, ki deluje v istem rezimu.
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