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GLS sledenje

GLS sledenje

Rad21 ::

01.02.2024 22:40 The parcel has reached the parcel center.
Hungary Alsónémedi

01.02.2024 06:58 The parcel is stored in the parcel center until the agreed date.
Hungary Nyiregyhaza

01.02.2024 06:06 The parcel has reached the parcel center.
Hungary Nyiregyhaza

31.01.2024 16:35 The parcel has reached the parcel center.
Hungary Alsónémedi

30.01.2024 23:07 The parcel has reached the parcel center.
Czech Republic

30.01.2024 23:07 The parcel was handed over to GLS.
Czech Republic

30.01.2024 14:00 The parcel has been picked up by GLS.
Czech Republic

30.01.2024 12:00 The parcel data was entered into the GLS IT system; the parcel was not yet handed over to GLS.
Czech Republic

01.02.2024 06:58 The parcel is stored in the parcel center until the agreed date.
Hungary Nyiregyhaza


To mi ni jasno.
  • poskusilo klonirati: Rad21 ()

kixs ::

Nimam pojma. Vendar paket gre ocitno naprej. Tako se s tem ravno ne bi obremenjeval.

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