Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » RAM kot virtualni VRAM?
RAM kot virtualni VRAM?
Ijus ::
ali je mogoče, in če je, kako se to naredi: da bi imel RAM kot virtualni VRAM?
se da to?
rabil bi za AI creating image app Stable Diffusion.
se da to?
rabil bi za AI creating image app Stable Diffusion.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Ijus ::
se vidva spoznata na Stable Diffusion app?
to je treba skonfigurirat nekaj, ne? - na roke.
sam jaz niti ne vem kje (.BAT al .CMD al kje drugje) niti kako.
se to dela v notepadu al v pythonu?
vidim da je python priložen.
sam ne vem kva naredit.
to je treba skonfigurirat nekaj, ne? - na roke.
sam jaz niti ne vem kje (.BAT al .CMD al kje drugje) niti kako.
se to dela v notepadu al v pythonu?
vidim da je python priložen.
sam ne vem kva naredit.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Ijus ::
sem vprašal na Discord-ovem uradnem kanalu od tega programa Stable Diffusion AI.
upam, da kaj koristnega izvem.
upam, da kaj koristnega izvem.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Ijus ::
okey. dobil sem odgovor v smislu napotka kje naj najdem koristne informacije.
bom c/p:
Hi @Ijus666 Apologies if we missed your message! To be honest, I don't know enough about CUDA to comment, but as far as I understand the way SD is written, I think it either works with GPU memory, or CPU+RAM, and cannot combine the two.
If you'd like to dig into this, you can try reading and see if it applies to the stable diffusion code:
a mi vi lahko kaj pomagate okol zadnjega odstavka?
jaz nimam čisto nič pojma o programiranju.
bom c/p:
Hi @Ijus666 Apologies if we missed your message! To be honest, I don't know enough about CUDA to comment, but as far as I understand the way SD is written, I think it either works with GPU memory, or CPU+RAM, and cannot combine the two.
If you'd like to dig into this, you can try reading and see if it applies to the stable diffusion code:
a mi vi lahko kaj pomagate okol zadnjega odstavka?
jaz nimam čisto nič pojma o programiranju.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
kixs ::
Kot ti pise na githubu, uporabi "Optimized Stable Diffusion", ki je optimiziran za manjso porabo VRAM-a.
This repo is a modified version of the Stable Diffusion repo, optimized to use less VRAM than the original by sacrificing inference speed.
To reduce the VRAM usage, the following opimizations are used:
the stable diffusion model is fragmented into four parts which are sent to the GPU only when needed. After the calculation is done, they are moved back to the CPU.
The attention calculation is done in parts.
The maximum size that can fit on 6GB GPU (RTX 2060) is around 1152x1088.
Ijus ::
dobro. okey bom probal. hvala za opazko.
jaz tega nisem videl.
sem pa še nekaj izvedel za Stable Diffusion AI app:
kaj je treba disejblat pa se veliko VRAM-a sprosti.
hvala za ta info.
jaz tega nisem videl.
sem pa še nekaj izvedel za Stable Diffusion AI app:
kaj je treba disejblat pa se veliko VRAM-a sprosti.
hvala za ta info.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Ijus ::
dej, kixs... povej kako naj zdej te fajle dol potegnem.
na temu linku: ... pod sekcijo / pod Installation naslovom ... piše: All the modified files are in the optimizedSD folder, ko kliknem na ta link ... pa kva? - ne znam tiste fajle dol potegnit.
na temu linku: ... pod sekcijo / pod Installation naslovom ... piše: All the modified files are in the optimizedSD folder, ko kliknem na ta link ... pa kva? - ne znam tiste fajle dol potegnit.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
kixs ::
Pise, da te optimizirane skopiras v originalno mapo.
All the modified files are in the optimizedSD folder, so if you have already cloned the original repository you can just download and copy this folder into the original instead of cloning the entire repo. You can also clone this repo and follow the same installation steps as the original (mainly creating the conda environment and placing the weights at the specified location).
Alternatively, if you prefer to use Docker, you can do the following:
Install Docker, Docker Compose plugin, and NVIDIA Container Toolkit
Clone this repo to, e.g., ~/stable-diffusion
Put your downloaded model.ckpt file into ~/sd-data (it's a relative path, you can change it in docker-compose.yml)
cd into ~/stable-diffusion and execute docker compose up --build
This will launch gradio on port 7860 with txt2img. You can also use docker compose run to execute other Python scripts.
Ijus ::
ah jeb* ga... desni klik z miško pa je.
jao ej.
sorry, no.
že včer nisem imel dobrega dneva. pa izgleda še današnji ne bo kaj prida.
jao ej.
sorry, no.
že včer nisem imel dobrega dneva. pa izgleda še današnji ne bo kaj prida.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
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