Forum » Loža » Ukrajina part IX
Ukrajina part IX
TezkoDihanje ::
blay44 ::
Ma sej vem, Po moje počasi pripravlajo
teren za objavo osmrtnic mornarjev in ostalih.
Najbrž informacije že preveč krožijo med narodom.
teren za objavo osmrtnic mornarjev in ostalih.
Najbrž informacije že preveč krožijo med narodom.
VladarP ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ruska propaganda!!!! A lahko prosim nehas ker ne maramo dejstev
Človek. RUSIJA ima več NACIJEV kot pa Ukrajina. TE TO KAJ BRIGA?
Res je Rusija je dom za vse nacije in veroizpovedi.
Akhmat sila
TezkoDihanje ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Sedmo ali osmo skladišče orožje ruske vojske, ki je zletelo v luft v zadnjih 2-3 dneh.
Ukrainian howitzers M777 destroy Russian warehouses with ammunition.
Največja eksplozija v teh dneh je bila v Kransyi Luch:
According to Russian channels, the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit a Russian ammo depot in the city of Krasnyi Luch, Luhansk Oblast with a Tochka-U short-range ballistic missile.
The moment of a massive secondary explosion in Krasnyi Luch from a close distance.
New details emerged of the Kransyi Luch ammo stockpile attack.
Russian blogger Murz posts a follow-up to the Krasnyi Luch ammo stockpile attack message shared on 16 June. As he claims, the majority of the ammunition was concentrated in one location in the warehouse which lead to a huge detonation.
Multiple reports and videos of large explosions in #Khrustalnyi #Ukraine on 16 June. Imagery shows a destroyed building with at least 2 large craters, each approximately 14 meters wide, still smoldering. Video from the ground available here:
Allegedly aftermath at 2nd Army Corps ammo depot in Khrustalnyi.
endelin ::
Ultra UAnacisti loverji enostavno ne premorejo pogledat resnici v oci in se sprijaznit z njo, zato se raje lotevajo diskreditacije uporabnikov tuki na slo-techu, ker drugega tako ali tako ne poznajo.
Dejstvo pa je da gre Rusiji vse kot po maslu, pa dobim vse informacije vec ali manj iz zahodnih UK/US based virov.
Nacisti so Rusi ki so napadli suvereno državo, da se obnovi imperializem petra velikega
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
Poldi112 ::
In kdo po tvojem Ukrajini zagotavlja suverenost? Božiček?
To, da zahodni kolonialci rečejo, da je ruska provinca suverena še ne pomeni, da je to res.
To, da zahodni kolonialci rečejo, da je ruska provinca suverena še ne pomeni, da je to res.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
TezkoDihanje ::
Yesterday afternoon, RU's large ammo depot in Khrustalnyi, Luhansk oblast, was destroyed
The facility hidden at a factory more than 50 km behind the frontline caught fire after an alleged UKR missile strike & detonations lasted well into the night.
Yesterday afternoon, RU's large ammo depot in Khrustalnyi, Luhansk oblast, was destroyed
The facility hidden at a factory more than 50 km behind the frontline caught fire after an alleged UKR missile strike & detonations lasted well into the night.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
endelin ::
kopriwa ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Yesterday afternoon, RU's large ammo depot in Khrustalnyi, Luhansk oblast, was destroyed
The facility hidden at a factory more than 50 km behind the frontline caught fire after an alleged UKR missile strike & detonations lasted well into the night.
Mater, sam ognjemet je pa lepši kot Sydneyski za silvestrovo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kopriwa ()
Scaramouche3 ::
Putlerja je potrebno uničit in ponižati. Da rusi ne bodo 100let sanjali imperializma.
Se strinjam, enako z Ameri ki imajo več kot 750 baz po celem svetu in Ruse šolajo v imperializmu!
EU pa mora postati resna država s svojo vojsko in ICBM konicami za grožnjo vsakomur ki nas hoče ustrahovati!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Scaramouche3 ()
gazibo ::
In kaj ima veze ce je ukrajina suverena ? A je to neko nenapisano pravilo da se pod nobenim pogojem ne sme napadat suverenih drzav ? Ker ce smo se kej naucil iz zgodovine je to da so suverene drzave zmer napadale druge suverene drzave.
Res ne razumem kaj je poanta okol te suverenosti.
A je Rusija bila nesuverena ko sta Napoleon in nato Hitler marsirala nad njo ?
Res ne razumem kaj je poanta okol te suverenosti.
A je Rusija bila nesuverena ko sta Napoleon in nato Hitler marsirala nad njo ?
Poldi112 ::
In kdo po tvojem Ukrajini zagotavlja suverenost? Božiček?
To, da zahodni kolonialci rečejo, da je ruska provinca suverena še ne pomeni, da je to res.
Rusi so priznali suvereno ukrajino. Razen če se ruski naciji ne držijo pogodb?
A to je bila ona Ukrajina, ki je bila striktno nevtralna?
In kaj ima veze ce je ukrajina suverena ?
Veze ima s tem, da eni živijo v pravljičnem svetu, kjer si suveren, če te prizna UN in ne, če imaš vojsko, ki ti zagotavlja suverenost.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
l0g1t3ch ::
tomlin ::
Če zdaj Evropejci popustimo pred rusko agresijo, nasiljem in brutalnostjo,
pademo v nemilost aziatsko ruskemu barbarizmu za tisoč let.
"Pripravljeni moramo biti, da bo trajala več let. Ne smemo popustiti v naši podpori
Ukrajini, niti za visoko ceno ne. Ne samo glede vojaške podpore, tudi v luči
naraščajočih cen energentov in hrane,"
We must not weaken in our support of Ukraine, even if the costs are high -- not
only in terms of military support but also because of rising energy and food
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson issued a similar warning, urging sustained
support for Kyiv or risk "the greatest victory for aggression" since World War II.
"Time is now the vital factor," Johnson wrote in an article for the Sunday Times
after making his second visit to Kyiv, calling for the West to ensure Ukraine has
the "strategic endurance to survive and eventually prevail".
pademo v nemilost aziatsko ruskemu barbarizmu za tisoč let.
"Pripravljeni moramo biti, da bo trajala več let. Ne smemo popustiti v naši podpori
Ukrajini, niti za visoko ceno ne. Ne samo glede vojaške podpore, tudi v luči
naraščajočih cen energentov in hrane,"
We must not weaken in our support of Ukraine, even if the costs are high -- not
only in terms of military support but also because of rising energy and food
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson issued a similar warning, urging sustained
support for Kyiv or risk "the greatest victory for aggression" since World War II.
"Time is now the vital factor," Johnson wrote in an article for the Sunday Times
after making his second visit to Kyiv, calling for the West to ensure Ukraine has
the "strategic endurance to survive and eventually prevail".
Scaramouche3 ::
>Če zdaj Evropejci popustimo pred rusko agresijo, nasiljem in brutalnostjo,
pademo v nemilost aziatsko ruskemu barbarizmu za tisoč let.
Škoda, če bi bili res Evropejci, bi imeli svojo vojsko in pomagali manjšim državam da se oborožijo,tako bo pa EU pisala protestne note če Rusija napade kako manjšo EU NATO državo!
gazibo ::
Canada reports talks with Germany on Siemens-made Nord Stream 1 equipment
Zakaj se nemcija flexa ce jim pa ni do ruskega plina ?
Zakaj se nemcija flexa ce jim pa ni do ruskega plina ?
Pac-Man ::
Slavna ruska "duša" je globoko v sebi močno frustrirana, drugače si tovrstne literature ne znam razložit.
Pri nas nesrečne mamice v srednjih letih sanjajo o svojem Christianu Greyu, Rusi pa o sodelovanju Stalina & Hitlerja, ki zahodnjakom pokažeta, kar jim gre.
Ni nacizem haram?
“In the not so far future, the Kyiv junta follows orders from its US masters and starts a genocide of Russians in Southeast of Ukraine,” according to Ukraine in Blood, a work of fiction published in 2015. “Novorossiya is dying in a blood bath, but resists. Nazi murderers cannot win, so they call NATO for help. The fight is too unequal, so Russia remains the only hope. Only Russia can stop Banderite genocide."
The book forms part of a series called Battlefield Ukraine, which includes Ukrainian Hell: It is our war!, Ukrainian Front: Red Stars over Maidan, Battlefield Ukraine: Broken Trident“ and Ukraine Aflame. A typical cover depicts victorious Russian troops, defeated and cowardly Ukrainian nationalists, and fearsome but destroyed US jets. The message is plain — this will be a bloody, but easy war. The message was loud and available in any bookstore. The authors and distributors hoped to plant a seed in the 15-years old boy that would flower into a 20-year-old soldier.
These books are troubling in terms of form and delivery. The popadantsy (or time travel) genre, is something altogether darker. Popadantsy is like a therapy session – but one designed to make the psychosis worse. It opens a door to the darkest dreams of a nation. It is not pretty.
Such works feed on the sense that Russia since the early Middle Ages has had its triumphs stolen. It is perhaps not a surprise that in popadantsy books, modern Russians take the opportunity to punish each of their competitors. So in London must be destroyed, Russian airborne troops storm the city in the 19th century. In Russian America Inc., Russia eliminates the British Empire and establishes its own American Colonies. And in Tsar From the Future, the Russian revolution is prevented and the Russians occupy Istanbul using automatic grenade launchers.
These books open a door to the darkest dreams of a nation. In Comrade Führer, and Comrade Hitler — both books showing Adolf Hitler partly in Russian airborne uniform attacking London and burning Western tanks — a Russian author fantasy about a cordial alliance between Stalin and Hitler. A modern Russian wakes up in the mind of Adolf Hitler, becomes an ally of Joseph Stalin, and helps the Soviets to defeat British Empire and the US. Having executed Winston Churchill “for war crimes”, he helps develop a Soviet nuclear device, and orders the Wehrmacht “to fight together with the Red Army.” ...
Pri nas nesrečne mamice v srednjih letih sanjajo o svojem Christianu Greyu, Rusi pa o sodelovanju Stalina & Hitlerja, ki zahodnjakom pokažeta, kar jim gre.
Ni nacizem haram?
“In the not so far future, the Kyiv junta follows orders from its US masters and starts a genocide of Russians in Southeast of Ukraine,” according to Ukraine in Blood, a work of fiction published in 2015. “Novorossiya is dying in a blood bath, but resists. Nazi murderers cannot win, so they call NATO for help. The fight is too unequal, so Russia remains the only hope. Only Russia can stop Banderite genocide."
The book forms part of a series called Battlefield Ukraine, which includes Ukrainian Hell: It is our war!, Ukrainian Front: Red Stars over Maidan, Battlefield Ukraine: Broken Trident“ and Ukraine Aflame. A typical cover depicts victorious Russian troops, defeated and cowardly Ukrainian nationalists, and fearsome but destroyed US jets. The message is plain — this will be a bloody, but easy war. The message was loud and available in any bookstore. The authors and distributors hoped to plant a seed in the 15-years old boy that would flower into a 20-year-old soldier.
These books are troubling in terms of form and delivery. The popadantsy (or time travel) genre, is something altogether darker. Popadantsy is like a therapy session – but one designed to make the psychosis worse. It opens a door to the darkest dreams of a nation. It is not pretty.
Such works feed on the sense that Russia since the early Middle Ages has had its triumphs stolen. It is perhaps not a surprise that in popadantsy books, modern Russians take the opportunity to punish each of their competitors. So in London must be destroyed, Russian airborne troops storm the city in the 19th century. In Russian America Inc., Russia eliminates the British Empire and establishes its own American Colonies. And in Tsar From the Future, the Russian revolution is prevented and the Russians occupy Istanbul using automatic grenade launchers.
These books open a door to the darkest dreams of a nation. In Comrade Führer, and Comrade Hitler — both books showing Adolf Hitler partly in Russian airborne uniform attacking London and burning Western tanks — a Russian author fantasy about a cordial alliance between Stalin and Hitler. A modern Russian wakes up in the mind of Adolf Hitler, becomes an ally of Joseph Stalin, and helps the Soviets to defeat British Empire and the US. Having executed Winston Churchill “for war crimes”, he helps develop a Soviet nuclear device, and orders the Wehrmacht “to fight together with the Red Army.” ...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
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Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Ukrajina part VIII (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Loža | 9847 (9059) | VladarP |
⊘ | Ukrajina part VII (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )Oddelek: Loža | 29167 (26519) | gozdar1 |
⊘ | Ukrajina part VI (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )Oddelek: Loža | 29339 (26891) | PrimoZ_ |
⊘ | Ukrajina Part IV (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 120 121 122 123 )Oddelek: Loža | 476713 (344447) | l0g1t3ch |