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Kakšne opcije ima Rusija da nam zagreni življenje?

Kakšne opcije ima Rusija da nam zagreni življenje?

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Kebo ::

Hvala bogu smo mi "pametni" in nismo verjeli tem pravljicam o poceni ruskem plinu. Italjani imajo idealno klimo, da bi imeli povsod toplotne črpalke pa so se samo nasrali s tem plinom. Nemcem pa itak ni pomoči, ker gredo z glavo skozi zid, predvsem po zahvali SPD in Merkelce.

sbawe64 ::


Nemčija bi v skladu s pogodbami verjetno morala plačevati Gazpromu tudi, če bi se njen uvoz ruskega plina ustavil...:
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

D3m ::

BREAKING: Italian energy giant Eni set to open rubles accounts with Gazprombank
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

FilipF ::

Kebo je izjavil:

Hvala bogu smo mi "pametni" in nismo verjeli tem pravljicam o poceni ruskem plinu. Italjani imajo idealno klimo, da bi imeli povsod toplotne črpalke pa so se samo nasrali s tem plinom. Nemcem pa itak ni pomoči, ker gredo z glavo skozi zid, predvsem po zahvali SPD in Merkelce.

V Italiji je standardna glavna varovalka za stanovanje 10A. Električnih štedilnikov in bojlerjev ni, samo plin, zemeljski ali UNP.

redtech ::

Sparkxl je izjavil:

Aja glede nafte, ki se bojda več ne kupuje iz rusije. Ta se zdaj meša z drugo nafto do 49% in tako uradno več ni iz rusije.
Premog? Ta ni odvisen od plinovodov, indijci so že rekli da rade volje sprejmejo vse količine namenjene EU.
To več niti smešno ni kaki fail je eu

Nemčija uvozi 45% premoga od RU, več kot Francija, Italija, Španija skupaj, tudi tukaj bodo kratko potegnili. Bomo videli, kako bo to narod prenašal, cena se tukaj ne bo spustila sama od sebe: $300+ za tono, plus še 20% manj tonaže, ker je EUR šibek...

V Indiji je na zadnjem razpisu ostalo 15 rudnikov praznih, ker podjetja zaradi ESG nočejo investirati v premog.
Poraba je vsako leto višja, tukaj bodo še veliki problemi z supply/demand.
Indonezija je že in bo mogoče v trenutku, ko bo domača poraba ogrožena, dala prepoved izvoza.

Češka in Poljska sta podpisale za EU, da bosta zaprli rudnike premoga. Poljska je potem plačevala, 500k kazni na dan, ker tega ni naredila.

Podobno, kot naš cuker v Ormožu.

EU je odvzem suverenosti državam, zelo pametno, za nekoga, ki hoče kontrolo.

Še Nemčija ni suverena, plačali so NS2, po US nareku ga ne smejo odpreti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: redtech ()

D3m ::

Europe is amazed by the scale of the import of luxury cars to Ukraine.

This statement was made by the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Mustafa Nayem.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly needed thousands of new BMW X5 and Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

In just 8 days after the cancellation of customs duties, 14,300 passenger cars were imported into Ukraine -- allegedly "assistance" to the army.

Kiev's European "partners" have even decided to reduce the number of checkpoints through which cars from the EU are imported free of charge.

However, this is unlikely to help -- to whom the war, and to whom the mother is native.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

redtech ::

Največ takih avtov gre v Ukrajino, oligarhom in njihovim klanom :), mini army.

Samo, da se ti ne borijo proti RU, tako jim kradejo državo, da Ukrajinci zase ne vedo.

Potem pa dobivajo na Madžarski meji ženo ministra s 24 miljoni USD v kovčkih, drugje diplomata s 12kg zlata :D

deadbeef ::

Ni panike, Golob in Janković velika prijatelja Putina bosta vse rešila!

D3m ::

Sedaj se bo pa zgodil hud precedens, ki bo vplival na cel svet.

The US House of Representatives passed a bill on the seizure of assets associated with the Russian Federation to help Ukraine. The bill was supported by 417 votes against 8. Next, the bill must be approved in the US Senate and sent to Biden for signature.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m ::


Britain is threatening China.

Foreign Minister Liz Truss warned Beijing that it must "play by the rules." Otherwise, sanctions like anti-Russian ones will be imposed against him.

"China is not impenetrable, and its rise is not inevitable," she said.

"He won't continue to grow if he doesn't play by the rules. China needs trade with the G7 countries. We represent about half of the global economy. And we can make a choice," Truss said.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Sparkxl ::

Samo britanci so hecni...komplet irelevantni na svetovni tribuni, šopirijo pa se 2x toliko kot usa

chucki ::

Vsako noc okoli 2.30 ropota, ko gredo nato letala mimo hise... nimam vec mirnega spanca :(
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti

Lonsarg ::

D3m je izjavil:

Sedaj se bo pa zgodil hud precedens, ki bo vplival na cel svet.

The US House of Representatives passed a bill on the seizure of assets associated with the Russian Federation to help Ukraine. The bill was supported by 417 votes against 8. Next, the bill must be approved in the US Senate and sent to Biden for signature.
Ta je kar huda ja (ce ni to zgolj strasenje). Sicer US lahko tudi ce to premozenje porabi za Ukrajino ga se vedno kasneje "vrne" v sklopu kakih mirovnih dogovorov.

Itak ce bo hotel biti kdaj mir med Rusijo in Zahodom da bodo morali vso to premozenje Rusiji vrniti. Znajo pa zahtevati v zameno marsikaj od Rusov v Ukrajini, zanimiva naslednja desetletja nas cakajo...

D3m ::

Države, ki plačujejo v rubljih in tiste, ki tega nočejo.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

endelin ::

Sile osi (axis) plačujejo v rubljih?

D3m ::

Zeleni plačujejo, rdeči nočejo, sivi še nedoročeno.....vendar vemo, da je 10 EU držav odprlo račun.

Torej moramo še počakati kdo so preostale 5.


Kherson oblast bo uporabila rubelj, kot uradno plačilo s 1.majem 2022
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

tikitoki ::

O lej, rasist, ki govori o IQ, podpira ruse, verjetno ni cepljen,.... Krasen primer Dunning-Kruger effect.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tikitoki ()

D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m ::


"Masovna" predaja ukrajinskih vojakov v okolici Izjum.

Posnetek je lahko že star.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Unilseptij ::

Evo, to je rezultat modre politike EU...


Kar se mene tiče, bi moralo biti dovolj vsaj za sum veleizdaje pri voditeljih EU, ki podpirajo take nebuloze na škodo svojih držav in državljanov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

MadMen ::

D3m je izjavil:

Države, ki plačujejo v rubljih in tiste, ki tega nočejo.

D3m ::

According to the SVR, Poland is preparing the annexation of western Ukraine under the guise of "historical reunification."
Options for the entry of Polish troops into Western Ukraine were openly discussed in Europe back in March, when the United States made it clear that they would not openly participate in such an operation, but would not mind if Poland with a "group of countries" occupied Western Ukraine.

To se je pisalo že prejšnji mesec.

Za predstavo.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

D3m ::


Rusi so the gut guys. :D

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m ::

Director of the SVR Naryshkin: according to the information entering the Russian foreign intelligence service, Washington and Warsaw are working on plans to establish a tight military-political control of Poland over "their historical possessions" in Ukraine.
- According to the SVR, the first stage of "reunion" should be the commissioning of Polish troops into the western regions of Ukraine under the slogan of their "protection against Russian aggression."
- With the Biden administration, the modality of the upcoming mission is discussed. According to preliminary agreements, it will take place without a NATO mandate, but with the participation of "wishing states." Warsaw has not yet been able to agree with potential participants in the coalition of like -minded people.
- The "peacekeeping contingent" of Poland is planned to be placed in those parts of Ukraine where the threat of a direct clash with the Armed Forces of Russia is minimal. The priority tasks of the Polish military will include a gradual interception of control over strategic objects in the west of Ukraine.
- In fact, we are talking about an attempt to repeat the historical "deal" for Poland after the First World War, when the collective West represented by the Entente recognized the right to of Poland to take these lands due to the Bolshevik threat, and then the inclusion of these territories into the reborn Polish state.
- Polish intelligence services are looking for "contractual" representatives of the elite of Ukraine to form a counterweight oriented to Warsaw to nationalists. According to Warsaw's calculations, the consolidation of the Polish military in the west of Ukraine with a high degree of probability will lead to the partition of the country.


Poljaki začnejo z vojaškimi vajami 1.maja
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

D3m ::

Država št.6, ki bo plačevala v rubljih je Slovaška.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zimonem ::

Zakaj bi nam hoteli zagreniti življenje? Zgolj branijo svoje interese.

poweroff ::

- tile Rusi pa zadnje čase kar močno kadijo v skladiščih orožja! :))
sudo poweroff

D3m ::

The Swedish government opposed holding a referendum on the country's accession to NATO.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

SmolWhale ::

D3m je izjavil:

The Swedish government opposed holding a referendum on the country's accession to NATO.



endelin ::

Grejo kar direkt v Nato?:))

D3m ::

Grčija je EU država št.7 za plačilo v rubljih

Greece is going to pay Russian gas supplier Gazprom in Rubles. - Minister Kostas Skrekas.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

D3m ::


BREAKING: Bulgarians want Russian gas back and will pay for it in Rubles. - Minister K. Ninova.


Izgleda, da bo prišlo do vojne v Moldaviji. Ukrajina hoče v vojno potegniti še sosedo.

#Israeli authorities urged their citizens to leave the territory of #Transnistria "as soon as possible"

Bolgarija je tudi naročila naj prebivalci zapustijo Moldavijo.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

D3m ::

So far, the United States, Canada, Bulgaria, France, Israel, Great Britain and Germany have already called on their citizens to leave Transnistria. The same thing happened in Ukraine on the eve of the outbreak of hostilities.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Lonsarg ::

Idealna prilika da se Transnistrio vzame iz Ruskih rok sedaj ko so vojasko svoh.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Lonsarg ()

endelin ::

Tako je. Čas da se Moldavija osamosvoji

D3m ::


Moldavija = Romunija

Bolj bi bilo pravilno, da se državi združita.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Koraaz ::

D3m je izjavil:


Moldavija = Romunija

Bolj bi bilo pravilno, da se državi združita.

Ne želi si tega, ker bo to povzročilo domino efekt.

Če pride do kakršnegakoli vračanja ozemelj na območju EU bo to povzročilo verižno reakcijo.

Tudi za Slovenijo "lahko" rečemo, da je last Jugoslavije/Srbije, Avstrijci/Nemci bodo tudi želeli kos pogače, Italija bo zahtevala mejo po rapalski pogodbi, Madžarska mejo na Muri.ž
Seveda, bi tudi mi lahko zahtevali kontra, ampak nimamo ne vojaške ne politične moči, da bi si to lahko privoščili kot naše močnejše sosede.

Tako kot smo mi samostojni ima tudi Moldavija pravico do neodvisnosti.

Aja pa kakršnakoli vojna v Moldaviji bi lahko povzročilo vmešavanje Romunije in s tem vstop NATA v vojno z Rusijo.

D3m ::

Ne želi si tega, ker bo to povzročilo domino efekt.

Vem. Samo romunska vojska je že na poti na mejo z Moldavijo.

Sicer pa domino efekt je že v efektu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

nirburu ::

Nekaj mi pravi, tresla se gora, rodila se miš.
Spet gre za hypanje krize, ko folk že malo pozablja. Ukrajina ni več na front pejđih zadnje čase.

D3m ::

Tudi UA zastavc na FB, twitter in Insta profilih pojenja.

Folk je ali bil sedaj bolje ozaveščen, da Ukrajina le ni nebeška država ali pa je vse skupaj modna muha enodnevnica.


Je pa sedaj čez lužo drugi problem.

Biden je ustanovil "Ministrstvo za resnico"

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

D3m ::

Ahhhhh Poljaki


Rubelj bo kmalu pod 70
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

poweroff ::

Če se pa vmeša še Kitajska in od Rusije nazaj zahteva Mongolijo, bo pa sploh zabavno.

Da ne bo na koncu od Rusije ostal samo še "Moskovski pašaluk", tako kot je bilo leta 1610...
sudo poweroff

nirburu ::

D3m je izjavil:

Tudi UA zastavc na FB, twitter in Insta profilih pojenja.

Folk je ali bil sedaj bolje ozaveščen, da Ukrajina le ni nebeška država ali pa je vse skupaj modna muha enodnevnica.


Je pa sedaj čez lužo drugi problem.

Biden je ustanovil "Ministrstvo za resnico"

It gets better.
Preveri kdo je vodja tega novega oddelka.

Nina Jankowicz.

Every single time.

D3m ::

poweroff je izjavil:

Če se pa vmeša še Kitajska in od Rusije nazaj zahteva Mongolijo, bo pa sploh zabavno.

Da ne bo na koncu od Rusije ostal samo še "Moskovski pašaluk", tako kot je bilo leta 1610...

Ermmm, saj Mongolija je svoja država.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

poweroff ::

Pozor, Ukrajinci imajo novo orožje, s katerim lovijo ruske vojake:

sudo poweroff

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavarovalo slike: poweroff ()

D3m ::

Fuck....to bi še na slovencih delovalo. :D
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m ::

AFP News Agency
#BREAKING Russian central bank says cutting key interest rate to 14% from 17% from May 4

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

spaget ::

A veš, da je problem s tem rubljem. Noben ga ne odkupuje, pravzaprav ga ne marajo. V Rusiji pa tudi nimaš kaj zapravljati. No, morda kakšno "železno kramo" ali pa kurbe. Potem se pa že konča.
BDP jim je pa strmoglavil. Očitno nič ne proizvajajo, še manj trošijo.

poweroff ::

D3m je izjavil:

Fuck....to bi še na slovencih delovalo. :D

Samo pri klenih. So se že dokazali v tej vladi s korupcijo... :))
sudo poweroff

D3m ::


NATO special operation "Bloody Maia"

Earlier, the @wargonzo project reported that Romania was preparing an invasion of Transnistria and promised details.

So, our high-ranking insiders in Chisinau, who are really concerned about the security of ordinary people, report that the head of Moldova, Maia Sandu, is holding closed meetings with parliamentarians in order to convince them to publicly advocate for Moldova's participation in hostilities against the PMR and the Russian troops deployed there.

Naturally, Sandu is doing this not because of her personal militaristic nature, but following the orders of her direct curators - German citizen Hans Martin Sieg and American political strategist Jason Smart (and yes, these are real surnames lmao), who themselves follow instructions and direct orders from NATO generals who set relevant tasks.

In the scenarios proposed by the curators, the Moldovan military themselves will allegedly participate only nominally, direct participation in hostilities, deployment of troops, as well as further military planning, will fall on the shoulders of the Romanian Armed Forces. Thus, the NATO is working out another scheme based on the "proxy" principle - the Romanians are fighting, but under the flag of Moldova. In general, as usual.

The reconnaissance has already been carried out, heavy weapons and manpower are being pulled into the area, but there is a problem - Sandu's loyal associates, realizing the possible consequences for themselves, do not want to share with her the title of "bloody Maia" and the fate of Zelenskyy's team, decided long ago.

The Moldavian lawmakers understand this perfectly and are definitely not such idea-driven warriors as to put their lives on the line. However, no one is going to just leave them in peace. Sandu has already informed the curators about who specifically refuses to meet the NATO initiatives, and local security services and the Romanian special services have already started to work with the lawmakers, exerting pressure in all conceivable, and sometimes inconceivable ways.

Where all this will lead is anyone's guess.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
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