Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Temo vidijo: vsi
endelin ::
Rusofili so prebrisano sprmenili taktiko. Ne to, da odkrito rečejo da si želijo zmage rusije. Rečejo da ne smemo pošiljati orožja ukrajini. To seveda pomeni, da jih bi rusija pregazila in zasužnjila. UA ne bi bilo več. Try harder
Unchancy ::
Ampak aktualna trenutna Turška operacija. :)
Ne vem zakaj si jo potem omenil.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Poldi112 ::
Rusija je tako srbe, kot nas, osvobodila nacijev.
A si ti na glavo padel? Tko, čisto resno?
Kdo je lastoročno pobil 3/4 nacijev? Rusi, ali ves preostali svet skupaj?
Mi smo izvajali terorizem, kar je sicer pomagalo, podobno kot francozi, ... a resno so nacije pač tepli rusi.
Katero zgodovino si pa ti brala?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Unchancy ::
Rusija je tako srbe, kot nas, osvobodila nacijev.
A si ti na glavo padel? Tko, čisto resno?
Kdo je lastoročno pobil 3/4 nacijev? Rusi, ali ves preostali svet skupaj?
Mi smo izvajali terorizem, kar je sicer pomagalo, podobno kot francozi, ... a resno so nacije pač tepli rusi.
Katero zgodovino si pa ti brala?
Sploh jeseni 1939 so Rusi pobijali nacije. Dej spizdi s takšnimi.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
endelin ::
Rusija je tako srbe, kot nas, osvobodila nacijev.
A si ti na glavo padel? Tko, čisto resno?
Kdo je lastoročno pobil 3/4 nacijev? Rusi, ali ves preostali svet skupaj?
Mi smo izvajali terorizem, kar je sicer pomagalo, podobno kot francozi, ... a resno so nacije pač tepli rusi.
Katero zgodovino si pa ti brala?
SZ brez pomoči Usa/Uk bi padla 41/42ga. No razen ce ne verjameš stalinu da je tujina postavila 2/3 proizvodnje. Glej širše ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
gozdar1 ::
Rusija je tako srbe, kot nas, osvobodila nacijev.
A si ti na glavo padel? Tko, čisto resno?
Kdo je lastoročno pobil 3/4 nacijev? Rusi, ali ves preostali svet skupaj?
Mi smo izvajali terorizem, kar je sicer pomagalo, podobno kot francozi, ... a resno so nacije pač tepli rusi.
Katero zgodovino si pa ti brala?
Pred tem so pa veselo sodelovali.
Sz je celo omogočila nemčiji celo kršenje versajske pogodbe, dejansko so orožja in taktiko, ki so jo kasneje uporabili proti njim nemci izpopolnjevali ravno v sz.
l0g1t3ch ::
Nič ne boš spremenil mnenje. ;)
Akiro bo pa še naprej živciralo.
Nekdo, ki razmišlja s svojo glavo z lahkoto poda svoje argumente in obrazloži zakaj tako misli.
Nekdo, ki samo lajna naučeno propagando, se pa bo pa v neskončnost izmotaval z izgovori. To drugo si ti.
Nisem fen romanov.
Bolje sestanek ob kavi, kot pa pisanje na forumu, ker to je ena fejst dolga zgodovina.
V tem času ko si napisal 100 enovrstičnici bi lahko tudi na kratko napisal povzetek ali klučne dogodke te tvoje fejst dovge zgodovine :)
Poldi112 ::
Če normaliziraš odnose s posiljevalci in morilci si … cenen gnoj od gnoja.
Itak, saj smo v NATO. Boj kot to težko normaliziraš odzise, in to ne z neko zaostalo vukojebino, ampak svetvovnim prvakov v klanju in brutaliziranju suverenih držav.
Pred tem so pa veselo sodelovali.
Prav nič veselo - zgolj po sili potreb.
A naj te to ne odvrne od blejanja propagandnih puhlic.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
gozdar1 ::
Če normaliziraš odnose s posiljevalci in morilci si … cenen gnoj od gnoja.
Itak, saj smo v NATO. Boj kot to težko normaliziraš odzise, in to ne z neko zaostalo vukojebino, ampak svetvovnim prvakov v klanju in brutaliziranju suverenih držav.
Pred tem so pa veselo sodelovali.
Prav nič veselo - zgolj po sili potreb.
A naj te to ne odvrne od blejanja propagandnih puhlic.
Tudi v vojno z njimi so šli o sili potreb,hočeš povedat?
Drugača pa očitno ne bereš svojih postov. Verjetno ti jih pišejo v moskvi.
l0g1t3ch ::
Rusija je tako srbe, kot nas, osvobodila nacijev.
A si ti na glavo padel? Tko, čisto resno?
Kdo je lastoročno pobil 3/4 nacijev? Rusi, ali ves preostali svet skupaj?
Mi smo izvajali terorizem, kar je sicer pomagalo, podobno kot francozi, ... a resno so nacije pač tepli rusi.
Katero zgodovino si pa ti brala?
Ahaha, kak opranoglavec.
Brez ZDA, bi nemci še Ruse pojedli ali pa bi vse skupaj trajalo še par let dlje.
Pa lepo smo videli kako se je razvijala evropa na eni strani železne zavese pa na drugi. Recimo Češka, ki je bila konkretno industrializirana država, je pod sovjeti postala ena velika revščina.
Hvala Titotu, da je poslal Stalina u Kurac.
Unchancy ::
Če normaliziraš odnose s posiljevalci in morilci si … cenen gnoj od gnoja.
Itak, saj smo v NATO. Boj kot to težko normaliziraš odzise, in to ne z neko zaostalo vukojebino, ampak svetvovnim prvakov v klanju in brutaliziranju suverenih držav.
Jaja, dejmo se spomnit Lavrovovega preštevanja krvnih telesc Zelenskega, Putinovega Mein Kampfa o Ukrajini in na splošno retorike zatolčenih srednjeveških ruskih kmetavzov o “anglosaksoncih” ipd. Kot bi cela ruska garnitura prišla iz srednjega veka.
Njihova genocidna sranja in landgrabi v Čečeniji, Afganistanu itd. so tudi znani. Ukrajina se nam itak dogaja zdaj in njihova prizadevanja, da povzročijo lakoto na svetu in čimveč civilnih žrtev govorijo sama zase.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Poldi112 ::
SZ brez pomoči Usa/Uk bi padla 41/42ga. No razen ce ne verjameš stalinu da je tujina postavila 2/3 proizvodnje. Glej širše ;)
To v ničemer ne spremeni dejstva, da so rusi tisti, ki so nas osvobodili. Če bi rusi padli, se mi ne bi osvobodili nacizma še desetletja. Če bi sploh preživeli.
In rusi so, mimogrede, to "pomoč" odplačevali še v to tisočletje. In niso bili edini. Zakaj misliš, da je Wall Street-u v interesu Land-Lease? Ker jih skrbi za človekove pravice ukrajincev?
Pa še slavni citat ameriškega predsednika, ki je nukal japonce v "demokracijo" in "svobodo", o strategiji v 2. sv. vojni:
If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
D3m ::
Nič ne boš spremenil mnenje. ;)
Akiro bo pa še naprej živciralo.
Nekdo, ki razmišlja s svojo glavo z lahkoto poda svoje argumente in obrazloži zakaj tako misli.
Nekdo, ki samo lajna naučeno propagando, se pa bo pa v neskončnost izmotaval z izgovori. To drugo si ti.
Nisem fen romanov.
Bolje sestanek ob kavi, kot pa pisanje na forumu, ker to je ena fejst dolga zgodovina.
V tem času ko si napisal 100 enovrstičnici bi lahko tudi na kratko napisal povzetek ali klučne dogodke te tvoje fejst dovge zgodovine :)
Pol pa, kar začni
History of Russia @ Wikipedia
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
blay44 ::
l0g1t3ch ::
Nič ne boš spremenil mnenje. ;)
Akiro bo pa še naprej živciralo.
Nekdo, ki razmišlja s svojo glavo z lahkoto poda svoje argumente in obrazloži zakaj tako misli.
Nekdo, ki samo lajna naučeno propagando, se pa bo pa v neskončnost izmotaval z izgovori. To drugo si ti.
Nisem fen romanov.
Bolje sestanek ob kavi, kot pa pisanje na forumu, ker to je ena fejst dolga zgodovina.
V tem času ko si napisal 100 enovrstičnici bi lahko tudi na kratko napisal povzetek ali klučne dogodke te tvoje fejst dovge zgodovine :)
Pol pa, kar začni
History of Russia @ Wikipedia
Torej si Rus ?
Pa tudi če si Rus ampak živeč v Sloveniji, je tvoje navijanje še vedno strel v lastno koleno. Ampak OK, ljudje delajo še bolj neracionalne stvari.
endelin ::
All women, children and elderly evacuated from besieged steel plant in Mariupol
All women, children and elderly people have been evacuated from Mariupol's besieged steel plant, Ukraine's deputy prime minister has said.
l0g1t3ch ::
D3m ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Zakaj potem pod nos tiščiš Rusko zgodovino ?
Za lažjo predstavo.
Canadian sniper Wali is back in his homeland after spending 2 months in Ukraine and Donbass.
Like other members of so called Foreign legion he's noted:
o total lack of communications
o lack of weapons
o fucked up UAF command
o huge UA losses
o most mercenaries defected
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
l0g1t3ch ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Zakaj potem pod nos tiščiš Rusko zgodovino ?
Za lažjo predstavo.
Pri kaki predstavi naj bi mi pomagala Ruska zgodovina ? Kvečjemu, me spomni na to kako je bilo vzhodno evropskim državam pod ruskim škornjem in da si ne želimo še kdaj imet Rusije blizu sebe.
LOL, ta bo ravno za na parado
Lepo pečen.
Pif, Pif, Pif, Kh.
Rus crkuje na bojišču.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()
yansek ::
Ni verjetno odveč ponoviti tistega kar se da večkrat slišati iz ust kredibilnih komentatorjev.
To je, da večina beguncev, ki so zbežali iz Ukrajine na Poljsko in druge države govori rusko. Rusko govoreči ruski vojaki napadajo pravoslavno in rusko govoreče Ukrajince iz vzhodne Ukrajine in v večji meri uničujejo mesta na vzhodu in jugu Ukrajine.
To je, da večina beguncev, ki so zbežali iz Ukrajine na Poljsko in druge države govori rusko. Rusko govoreči ruski vojaki napadajo pravoslavno in rusko govoreče Ukrajince iz vzhodne Ukrajine in v večji meri uničujejo mesta na vzhodu in jugu Ukrajine.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: yansek ()
Unchancy ::
SZ brez pomoči Usa/Uk bi padla 41/42ga. No razen ce ne verjameš stalinu da je tujina postavila 2/3 proizvodnje. Glej širše ;)
To v ničemer ne spremeni dejstva, da so rusi tisti, ki so nas osvobodili. Če bi rusi padli, se mi ne bi osvobodili nacizma še desetletja. Če bi sploh preživeli.
In rusi so, mimogrede, to "pomoč" odplačevali še v to tisočletje. In niso bili edini. Zakaj misliš, da je Wall Street-u v interesu Land-Lease? Ker jih skrbi za človekove pravice ukrajincev?
Pa še slavni citat ameriškega predsednika, ki je nukal japonce v "demokracijo" in "svobodo", o strategiji v 2. sv. vojni:
If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.
Če jim Rusi ne bi držali vreče pri Poljski, nihče ne ve, kako bi se vse skupaj odvilo. Možno, da si Nemci ne bi niti upali začeti sranja.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
gozdar1 ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Zakaj potem pod nos tiščiš Rusko zgodovino ?
Za lažjo predstavo.
Canadian sniper Wali is back in his homeland after spending 2 months in Ukraine and Donbass.
Like other members of so called Foreign legion he's noted:
o total lack of communications
o lack of weapons
o fucked up UAF command
o huge UA losses
o most mercenaries defected
Očitno spet ruska interpretacija,ki seveda nima zveze z realnostjo.
Gre pa za dober opis ruske vojske v ukrsajini.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
murrieta ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Ne sekiraj se, l0g1t3ch je samo psihopat, ki se za povrh zlaze v vsakem momentu, karkoli rece, je bolj verjetno laz kot resnica. Moja prizadevanja proti vojni ves cas oznacuje za zagovarjanje Putina, ni pa sposoben navesti enega citata (pa se tisto s cimer se trudi potvarja). Pac kopriva.
Spet se dogaja enaka zgodba, kot z antivaxxom, kjer je bilo enako nekaj posebnezev, ki so hoteli ustvarjati izredne razmere po nareku SDS. l0g1t3ch je samo en beden rumen jopic, skinhead, ki ga SDS placuje, da ustvarja zdraho.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: LuiIII ()
gozdar1 ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Ne sekiraj se, l0g1t3ch je samo psihopat, ki se za povrh zlaze v vsakem momentu, karkoli rece, je bolj verjetno laz kot resnica. Moja prizadevanja proti vojni ves cas oznacuje za zagovarjanje Putina, ni pa sposoben navesti enega citata (pa se tisto s cimer se trudi potvarja). Pac kopriva.
Če si zares proti vojni bi najprej zahteval ruski umik iz ukrajine, vse ostalo vodi k nadaljevanju vojne. Drugače si samo ruski apologet.
Unchancy ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Ne sekiraj se, l0g1t3ch je samo psihopat, ki se za povrh zlaze v vsakem momentu, karkoli rece, je bolj verjetno laz kot resnica. Moja prizadevanja proti vojni ves cas oznacuje za zagovarjanje Putina, ni pa sposoben navesti enega citata (pa se tisto s cimer se trudi potvarja). Pac kopriva.
Če si zares proti vojni bi najprej zahteval ruski umik iz ukrajine, vse ostalo vodi k nadaljevanju vojne. Drugače si samo ruski apologet.
Ampak … ampak … ampak … Američani!
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
gozdar1 ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Ne sekiraj se, l0g1t3ch je samo psihopat, ki se za povrh zlaze v vsakem momentu, karkoli rece, je bolj verjetno laz kot resnica. Moja prizadevanja proti vojni ves cas oznacuje za zagovarjanje Putina, ni pa sposoben navesti enega citata (pa se tisto s cimer se trudi potvarja). Pac kopriva.
Če si zares proti vojni bi najprej zahteval ruski umik iz ukrajine, vse ostalo vodi k nadaljevanju vojne. Drugače si samo ruski apologet.
Ampak … ampak … ampak … Američani!
Misliš tiste američane , ki sploh nimajo vojske v ukrajini ampak vseeno ogrožajo uboge ruse.
l0g1t3ch ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Ne sekiraj se, l0g1t3ch je samo psihopat, ki se za povrh zlaze v vsakem momentu, karkoli rece, je bolj verjetno laz kot resnica. Moja prizadevanja proti vojni ves cas oznacuje za zagovarjanje Putina, ni pa sposoben navesti enega citata (pa se tisto s cimer se trudi potvarja). Pac kopriva.
Spet se dogaja enaka zgodba, kot z antivaxxom, kjer je bilo enako nekaj posebnezev, ki so hoteli ustvarjati izredne razmere po nareku SDS. l0g1t3ch je samo en beden rumen jopic, skinhead, ki ga SDS placuje, da ustvarja zdraho.
Pokaži mi post, kjer pozivaš k ustavitvi ruskih napadov in umik iz UA ?
Ga ni!
Zdej boš pa na plano prišel z nekimi izgovori da je NATO prisili Putin v to. Apologet in pizda si ;)
fur80 ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Zakaj potem pod nos tiščiš Rusko zgodovino ?
Za lažjo predstavo.
Canadian sniper Wali is back in his homeland after spending 2 months in Ukraine and Donbass.
Like other members of so called Foreign legion he's noted:
o total lack of communications
o lack of weapons
o fucked up UAF command
o huge UA losses
o most mercenaries defected
On je ja padel drugi dan, ko je prišel na fronto! :D ste tukaj objavljali Twiter novice o smrti, vsak drugi dan. A sedaj pa še to? :D
Unchancy ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Ne sekiraj se, l0g1t3ch je samo psihopat, ki se za povrh zlaze v vsakem momentu, karkoli rece, je bolj verjetno laz kot resnica. Moja prizadevanja proti vojni ves cas oznacuje za zagovarjanje Putina, ni pa sposoben navesti enega citata (pa se tisto s cimer se trudi potvarja). Pac kopriva.
Če si zares proti vojni bi najprej zahteval ruski umik iz ukrajine, vse ostalo vodi k nadaljevanju vojne. Drugače si samo ruski apologet.
Ampak … ampak … ampak … Američani!
Misliš tiste američane , ki sploh nimajo vojske v ukrajini ampak vseeno ogrožajo uboge ruse.
Ti ne razumeš! Rusi so morali napast Ukrajino, “ker je bila pomankljivo oblečena”. In Američani so krivi, ker so jo nagovorili v to. Rusija se zgolj brani in s tem preprečuje, da bi izbruhnila vojna med Rusijo in Ukrajino. Ponjemaješ?
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
scythe ::
Torej si Rus ?
Ne. Slovenec.
Zakaj potem pod nos tiščiš Rusko zgodovino ?
Za lažjo predstavo.
Canadian sniper Wali is back in his homeland after spending 2 months in Ukraine and Donbass.
Like other members of so called Foreign legion he's noted:
o total lack of communications
o lack of weapons
o fucked up UAF command
o huge UA losses
o most mercenaries defected
Lahko je srečen, da je vse skupaj preživel, Rusi so ga že 2-3x pokopali, vsak tak so pisali v svojih novicah.
Tole čist verjamem Waliu:
If the Ukrainians had the procedures we had in Afghanistan to communicate with the artillery, we could have caused carnage,” he believes.
Če gledaš pa tega tipa , imajo komplet svojo ekipo, po orožje so hodili na Poljsko...itd. Ta je bil tud ubit iz Ruske strani, tak so Rusi pisali, pa človek še kar hodi okrog
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Unchancy ::
Povsem možno (čeprav manj verjetno) je tudi, da je bil neroden ameriški umik iz Afganistanana past za rusko kmetavzarsko nomenklaturo, da se zaplete v vojno, ki jo bo popolnoma izčrpala in hkrati privezala EU na ZDA še bolj. Ker EU se je po izkušnji z norim Trumpom začela osamosvajati od ZDA.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
D3m ::
Očitno spet ruska interpretacija,ki seveda nima zveze z realnostjo.
Gre pa za dober opis ruske vojske v ukrsajini.
Nope. Tukaj imaš original source
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
gozdar1 ::
Očitno spet ruska interpretacija,ki seveda nima zveze z realnostjo.
Gre pa za dober opis ruske vojske v ukrsajini.
Nope. Tukaj imaš original source
Kjer piše točno isto kot na reddit linku.
Torej tisto z rusko vojsko ostaja.
Pac-Man ::
OP je ex-NSA, v 90ih je delal na ex-YU. Sicer doktor zgodovine, spisal knjigo o soški fronti. Različni avtorji, od 29. marca z
Optimistic scenarios for Russia loosing soon its war against Ukraine are based on two assumptions:
1/ West will arm Ukraine to the teeth
2/ Russia will not use Weapons of Mass Destruction
First should be done 100% ASAP
Second should be prevented by fixing deterring red lines
Putin's 2022 Ukraine War is now tracking to be like the 1939-40 Winter War: Moscow wins, technically speaking, and even takes land from the defenders, but at such a ridiculous cost that opens big questions about the Kremlin's basic military competence.
In other words, a Russian military that can't defeat Ukraine is no match for NATO and probably couldn't even take the Baltic states, while Poland would thrash them. But Putin still has ca 5K nukes and is willing to use them, so don't uncork the champagne just yet.
Ah, yes the "fighting to the last Ukrainian" strategy to contain Putin. Which means a lot more dead Ukrainians.
Far wiser (and more moral) for NATO to prepare ZSU for their own Operation STORM a few years down the road when Vova's dead or incapacitated.
Think Croatia 1992-95.
5 weeks apart in the autumn of 1978, 2 Communist secret services murdered literary dissidents in Western Europe. 1 assassination became a global sensation; the other, everybody's pretty much hidden from for over 40 years. Eventually, the truth comes out.
Some seriously bonkers revisionist history here.
Back here, on Planet Earth, NATO maintained a no-fly zone over Bosnia for almost 3 years then bombed the Bosnian Serbs to end the war -- none of which NATO will do for Ukraine, short of WW3.
I think it's not a good idea to put an angry guy with 5K nuclear warheads on death ground without any obvious off-ramps.
Western leaders need some classes in effective war termination. This situation can get out of hand, fast.
Spare me the "It's not fair having nukes means you get to be bad" whining. That's geostrategic reality.
DPRK gets to act like lunatics on a regular basis (don't mention famines either) because they have nukes.
Remember the "Axis of Evil"? The dirtbag without nukes went down.
If you can plausibly explain to us how the West dismantles the Russian state without Moscow using "muh nukes" we're all ears.
Serbia is small, they ditched Slobo over 20 years ago, packing him off to die in The Hague as the West demanded, but Serbia (& the Bosnian Serbs) are still a thorn in NATO's side, now openly in the Russian orbit.
Dispense with fantasies that Putin goes away and Russia's fine.
The odds that post-Putin Russia will be led by a Western-style liberal can be charitably termed low while the odds of Vova's successor being a bigger West-hating nationalist than he is are definitely non-zero.
@PNGjani diplomati
Most are SVR/GRU Legals. In any Russian diplomatic mission, 1/3 or so of the "diplomats" aren't, in some places it's as high as 40%. Counting co-optees, something like half the Russians in their embassies & consulates have an intelligence mission of some kind.
I've found the stupidest take yet.
The only way Merkel should go to Moscow is if there's no return ticket.
No Western leader did more to normalize Putin and his criminal regime than Angie. But, hey, German pols got rich off the Kremlin, so we're good.
NATO is the most successful alliance in history. Its defenders sometimes play games and insist it's not about Russia.
Damn right it is. Putin's awful crimes in Ukraine now demonstrate clearly why nobody outside Russia wants them taking their country over. The world knows now.
Putin has resurrected "old vagabond Russia" (to cite Trotsky, who knew) combined with brutal Chekist nostalgia. Thievish, cruel, convinced of its own righteousness. Every foreign country ever enslaved by Russia knows what I mean. This vision will lose, it has always lost. Always.
I have been a critic of NATO at times. Sometimes, a harsh critic, even. But Russia's brutal aggression against Ukraine reminds us of what the civilizational choices are. What side are you on, really?
Europe has demonstrated how to hit Putin where it hurts by expelling lots of Russian "diplomats" to cripple Kremlin espionage & influence operations against the West for years to come.
It's time for the US to join the PNG party, now.
It's not often I'd recommend USG to be more like the EU, but it's the truth now.
'Russian spy networks remain active in the U.S. thanks to the presence of Russian "diplomats" recruiting and handling them. It’s time to put an end to that.'
Her legacy doesn't lie in ruins so much as it's now obvious that Putin's aggression IS Merkel's legacy.
What you reward, you always get more of.
Angie and every single Western journalist who fraudulently boosted her as "the leader of the Free World" owe Ukraine an apology now.
Indeed. Putin's Russia remains, as I've long said, Mexico with nukes. Yes, those nukes certainly matter, but the myth of Russia's scary "reformed" military has been shredded by brave Ukrainians with RPGs and ATGMs.
Conventionally, Russia couldn't defeat Poland, much less NATO.
Oh. Just the largest social democrat paper established in 1918 describing how "Sossar" (social democrats) founded NATO.
Things will move so fast now that if you don't buckle'll have THE MOTHER of all whiplashes... This will be pure entertainment. Also, everybody in Western military/intel circles needs to brush up on manual Morse, since HF may be the only thing working reliably if/when the balloon goes up with China.
Russia sent a diplomatic note saying Czechia cannot deliver Soviet-era weapons to Ukraine without Russian permission.
One senior Czech diplomat told me a joke today: “well, we are technically returning these weapons to the former Soviet Union, so there is no problem.”
As POTUS, when it mattered, Obama cared so much about this important subject that his WH ordered the shutdown of the only office in all of the US Government devoted to combating and debunking Russian disinformation -- fully one year before the 2016 election.
Field repair, which is standard in most NATO armies, has always been a problem for the Russians. They rely on rear-area repair depots for fixes that in the West are executed close to the front. Big problem when you've got a lot of damaged AFVs you need to get back in the fight.
This objective, recreating Novorossiya, was always the achievable goal for Moscow, plus strategically sound. Historians someday will unravel why Putin opted instead for his madcap effort to seize Kyiv and decapitate Ukraine's leadership, creating the current bloody debacle.
It's clear that the FSB's Fifth Service had SBU deeply penetrated for years. It now seems reasonable to wonder how much of that was really under SBU control, feeding Moscow bad and/or misleading intel. CI 101 stuff really. Lots for intel gurus who know Chekists to ponder here.
It's the same across the West: intel services are competing for a smallish talent pool with the right skills, against the higher-paying private sector, which doesn't subject employees to onerous, invasive security vetting. Got no easy fixes. The hook is the spooky, exciting work.
DHS has no business having *ANY* disinformation office. Countering disinformation was always viewed by USG as an explicitly FOREIGN mission (which is why AMWG, GEC resided in FP departments). This is a terrible mistake that will have serious domestic political consequences.
The Department of Homeland Security -- which shouldn't even exist; it was Dubya's worst mistake not called Operation IRAQI FREEDOM -- has no business lecturing the American public about disinformation. This is Stasi shit. Countering #deza is a FOREIGN issue ONLY in a democracy.
Autocracy creates it own #deza.
In a democracy you're allowed to say crazy shit -- X stole my election! Y vaccines are toxic! Z's cops are killing millions of innocent people! -- because that's freedom.
When HoIS gets involved, the counter-disinformation folks have a role.
There's a reason so many classic KGB Active Measures in the 1970s/80s got launched via the Italian press.
Optimistic scenarios for Russia loosing soon its war against Ukraine are based on two assumptions:
1/ West will arm Ukraine to the teeth
2/ Russia will not use Weapons of Mass Destruction
First should be done 100% ASAP
Second should be prevented by fixing deterring red lines
Putin's 2022 Ukraine War is now tracking to be like the 1939-40 Winter War: Moscow wins, technically speaking, and even takes land from the defenders, but at such a ridiculous cost that opens big questions about the Kremlin's basic military competence.
In other words, a Russian military that can't defeat Ukraine is no match for NATO and probably couldn't even take the Baltic states, while Poland would thrash them. But Putin still has ca 5K nukes and is willing to use them, so don't uncork the champagne just yet.
Ah, yes the "fighting to the last Ukrainian" strategy to contain Putin. Which means a lot more dead Ukrainians.
Far wiser (and more moral) for NATO to prepare ZSU for their own Operation STORM a few years down the road when Vova's dead or incapacitated.
Think Croatia 1992-95.
5 weeks apart in the autumn of 1978, 2 Communist secret services murdered literary dissidents in Western Europe. 1 assassination became a global sensation; the other, everybody's pretty much hidden from for over 40 years. Eventually, the truth comes out.
Some seriously bonkers revisionist history here.
Back here, on Planet Earth, NATO maintained a no-fly zone over Bosnia for almost 3 years then bombed the Bosnian Serbs to end the war -- none of which NATO will do for Ukraine, short of WW3.
I think it's not a good idea to put an angry guy with 5K nuclear warheads on death ground without any obvious off-ramps.
Western leaders need some classes in effective war termination. This situation can get out of hand, fast.
Spare me the "It's not fair having nukes means you get to be bad" whining. That's geostrategic reality.
DPRK gets to act like lunatics on a regular basis (don't mention famines either) because they have nukes.
Remember the "Axis of Evil"? The dirtbag without nukes went down.
If you can plausibly explain to us how the West dismantles the Russian state without Moscow using "muh nukes" we're all ears.
Serbia is small, they ditched Slobo over 20 years ago, packing him off to die in The Hague as the West demanded, but Serbia (& the Bosnian Serbs) are still a thorn in NATO's side, now openly in the Russian orbit.
Dispense with fantasies that Putin goes away and Russia's fine.
The odds that post-Putin Russia will be led by a Western-style liberal can be charitably termed low while the odds of Vova's successor being a bigger West-hating nationalist than he is are definitely non-zero.
@PNGjani diplomati
Most are SVR/GRU Legals. In any Russian diplomatic mission, 1/3 or so of the "diplomats" aren't, in some places it's as high as 40%. Counting co-optees, something like half the Russians in their embassies & consulates have an intelligence mission of some kind.
I've found the stupidest take yet.
The only way Merkel should go to Moscow is if there's no return ticket.
No Western leader did more to normalize Putin and his criminal regime than Angie. But, hey, German pols got rich off the Kremlin, so we're good.
NATO is the most successful alliance in history. Its defenders sometimes play games and insist it's not about Russia.
Damn right it is. Putin's awful crimes in Ukraine now demonstrate clearly why nobody outside Russia wants them taking their country over. The world knows now.
Putin has resurrected "old vagabond Russia" (to cite Trotsky, who knew) combined with brutal Chekist nostalgia. Thievish, cruel, convinced of its own righteousness. Every foreign country ever enslaved by Russia knows what I mean. This vision will lose, it has always lost. Always.
I have been a critic of NATO at times. Sometimes, a harsh critic, even. But Russia's brutal aggression against Ukraine reminds us of what the civilizational choices are. What side are you on, really?
Europe has demonstrated how to hit Putin where it hurts by expelling lots of Russian "diplomats" to cripple Kremlin espionage & influence operations against the West for years to come.
It's time for the US to join the PNG party, now.
It's not often I'd recommend USG to be more like the EU, but it's the truth now.
'Russian spy networks remain active in the U.S. thanks to the presence of Russian "diplomats" recruiting and handling them. It’s time to put an end to that.'
Her legacy doesn't lie in ruins so much as it's now obvious that Putin's aggression IS Merkel's legacy.
What you reward, you always get more of.
Angie and every single Western journalist who fraudulently boosted her as "the leader of the Free World" owe Ukraine an apology now.
Indeed. Putin's Russia remains, as I've long said, Mexico with nukes. Yes, those nukes certainly matter, but the myth of Russia's scary "reformed" military has been shredded by brave Ukrainians with RPGs and ATGMs.
Conventionally, Russia couldn't defeat Poland, much less NATO.
Oh. Just the largest social democrat paper established in 1918 describing how "Sossar" (social democrats) founded NATO.
Things will move so fast now that if you don't buckle'll have THE MOTHER of all whiplashes... This will be pure entertainment. Also, everybody in Western military/intel circles needs to brush up on manual Morse, since HF may be the only thing working reliably if/when the balloon goes up with China.
Russia sent a diplomatic note saying Czechia cannot deliver Soviet-era weapons to Ukraine without Russian permission.
One senior Czech diplomat told me a joke today: “well, we are technically returning these weapons to the former Soviet Union, so there is no problem.”
As POTUS, when it mattered, Obama cared so much about this important subject that his WH ordered the shutdown of the only office in all of the US Government devoted to combating and debunking Russian disinformation -- fully one year before the 2016 election.
Field repair, which is standard in most NATO armies, has always been a problem for the Russians. They rely on rear-area repair depots for fixes that in the West are executed close to the front. Big problem when you've got a lot of damaged AFVs you need to get back in the fight.
This objective, recreating Novorossiya, was always the achievable goal for Moscow, plus strategically sound. Historians someday will unravel why Putin opted instead for his madcap effort to seize Kyiv and decapitate Ukraine's leadership, creating the current bloody debacle.
It's clear that the FSB's Fifth Service had SBU deeply penetrated for years. It now seems reasonable to wonder how much of that was really under SBU control, feeding Moscow bad and/or misleading intel. CI 101 stuff really. Lots for intel gurus who know Chekists to ponder here.
It's the same across the West: intel services are competing for a smallish talent pool with the right skills, against the higher-paying private sector, which doesn't subject employees to onerous, invasive security vetting. Got no easy fixes. The hook is the spooky, exciting work.
DHS has no business having *ANY* disinformation office. Countering disinformation was always viewed by USG as an explicitly FOREIGN mission (which is why AMWG, GEC resided in FP departments). This is a terrible mistake that will have serious domestic political consequences.
The Department of Homeland Security -- which shouldn't even exist; it was Dubya's worst mistake not called Operation IRAQI FREEDOM -- has no business lecturing the American public about disinformation. This is Stasi shit. Countering #deza is a FOREIGN issue ONLY in a democracy.
Autocracy creates it own #deza.
In a democracy you're allowed to say crazy shit -- X stole my election! Y vaccines are toxic! Z's cops are killing millions of innocent people! -- because that's freedom.
When HoIS gets involved, the counter-disinformation folks have a role.
There's a reason so many classic KGB Active Measures in the 1970s/80s got launched via the Italian press.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
Ermmmm lih prej je bil twitter video iz Popasne.
Bom probal poiskati.
Bom probal poiskati.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
endelin ::
Rusi so tiste ukradene traktorje že usposobili ali jih imajo za rezervne dele?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
D3m ::
Težko rečem. Običajno, ko usposobijo se o tem ne poroča, ker se išče druge novice.
Tako tudi pri nas to špila tako, da nikoli ne dobimo zaključka. :)
Tako tudi pri nas to špila tako, da nikoli ne dobimo zaključka. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
l0g1t3ch ::
Russia - 3472, of which: destroyed: 1909, damaged: 65, abandoned: 262, captured: 1237
Tanks (625, of which destroyed: 332, damaged: 19, abandoned: 45, captured: 227)
Nikol se namo tolk smejal, kot ko Rusija bo crknila :)
Tanks (625, of which destroyed: 332, damaged: 19, abandoned: 45, captured: 227)
Nikol se namo tolk smejal, kot ko Rusija bo crknila :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()