Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Temo vidijo: vsi
endelin ::
The European Union plans to impose sanctions on the head of the Russian Orthodox church, Patriarch Kirill, a long-serving Kremlin ally who has given his blessing to the war in Ukraine
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
tomlin ::
Iz katere kremeljske kleti pa ti pravzaprav trolaš. Reci svojim šefom naj ti vsaj priskrbijo tipkovnico s čžš.
Ali pa ste ti in tvoji gospodarji tako na psu, da niti....
Ali pa ste ti in tvoji gospodarji tako na psu, da niti....
OMG, si pa na celem svetu našel res dva enkratna egzemplarja,
Za pogajalca glede znižanja cene pa lahko pošljejo mene, 20% minus garantiram.
Kaj ima veze kdo vojasko napada koga. Vsake dve leti je nekje vojna, pa se zaradi nje se nikoli nismo sli unicevati gospodarstva.
PrimoZ_ ::
The European Union plans to impose sanctions on the head of the Russian Orthodox church, Patriarch Kirill, a long-serving Kremlin ally who has given his blessing to the war in Ukrainekiril bo mad
A bo še papež kako zmolil.
Ojej, kaj pa sedaj?
Vučić: Putin izkorišča Kosovo. Edini cilj Srbije je EU.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()
Lepo znas potegniti izjave izven konteksta.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!
D3m ::
The European Union plans to impose sanctions on the head of the Russian Orthodox church, Patriarch Kirill, a long-serving Kremlin ally who has given his blessing to the war in Ukrainekiril bo mad
A bo še papež kako zmolil.
Ojej, kaj pa sedaj?
Vučić: Putin izkorišča Kosovo. Edini cilj Srbije je EU.
Vatikanskega pa posredno sankcionirajo. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
endelin ::
Putler je iz Azovstala naredil simbol trpljenja in junaštva, ki gre v zgodovino. Po Azovstalu bodo snemali filme nagrajene z oskarji.
Slava junakom, ki že več kot mesec dni preživljajo pekel na zemlji.
Slava junakom, ki že več kot mesec dni preživljajo pekel na zemlji.
Ce se ne znas pogajati, pa trpi.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!
TezkoDihanje ::
drone footage of a destruction of Russian T-90M tank
vse skupaj so jih imeli Rusi 67 pred začetkom ukrajinske avanture
vse skupaj so jih imeli Rusi 67 pred začetkom ukrajinske avanture
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
tomlin ::
Poveljstvo sil za posebne operacije (SSO) oboroženih sil Ukrajine (AFU) je v ponedeljek dejalo: ,,Odporniško
gibanje SSO Ukrajine deluje.
Ukrajinske čete so uničile enega najnaprednejših ruskih tankov, ki so zaščiteni s posebnim reaktivnim oklepom.
Poveljstvo sil za posebne operacije (SSO) oboroženih sil Ukrajine (AFU) je v ponedeljek dejalo: ,,Odporniško
gibanje SSO Ukrajine deluje.
Ukrajinske čete so uničile enega najnaprednejših ruskih tankov, ki so zaščiteni s posebnim reaktivnim oklepom.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tomlin ()
fur80 ::
A true love story! a big boat!
Why would anyone drag an iceberg to the black see?
What my new movie, SOUND ON!
Why would anyone drag an iceberg to the black see?
What my new movie, SOUND ON!
Comandante ::
Sicer si grem pa danes kupit vrečko čipsa, moram biti pripravljen za praznovanje, ko ukrajinci stolčejo most na Krim.
Po moje ne rabis v trgovino ravno danes, to bo se nekaj casa trajalo - most ni v dosegu HIMARSov oziroma MGM-140 ATACMS. Ti imajo 300km dosega. Najprej bo potrebno osvoboditi Herson in stopiti na levi breg Dnjepra, potem pa bo slo.
Je pa precej gotovo, da bo most padel. Samo vprasanje casa je.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Comandante ()
tomlin ::
Rusija je utrpela še eno vojaško zadrego in ponižanje, potem ko so ukrajinske sile uničile njen
najnaprednejši tank T-90M - le nekaj dni po tem, ko je bil prvič v uporabi.
najnaprednejši tank T-90M - le nekaj dni po tem, ko je bil prvič v uporabi.
murrieta ::
Rusija je utrpela še eno vojaško zadrego in ponižanje, potem ko so ukrajinske sile uničile njen
najnaprednejši tank T-90M - le nekaj dni po tem, ko je bil prvič v uporabi.
In kaj to tebi pomaga, ko bos placeval 10% vec na vse izdelke?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: sirotka ()
tomlin ::
Daj najprej vzemi v roke slovenski pravopis placeval ni plačeval! A zaradi ruskega tanka naj bi plačeval 10%, komu tebi in tvojemu kremeljskemu podzemlju?
murrieta ::
Daj najprej vzemi v roke slovenski pravopis placeval ni plačeval! A zaradi ruskega tanka naj bi plačeval 10%, komu tebi in tvojemu kremeljskemu podzemlju?
Ja razumem, nimas racionalnega odgovora. Ker si pac se en bedak, ki ga sponzorirajo starsi in misli, da ne bo obcutil posledic. Starsem bo naredil kupe stroskov, on bo preko kriptovalut zasluzil nekaj centov in se bo imel za totalnega carja ™, ki je zasluzil ™, dejansko pa je naredil skodo tako starsem kot sebi (pa je preneumen, da bi razumel).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: murrieta ()
Pac-Man ::
Dobra nit
As May 9 is the major symbolic date for the Russian state cult of the "Great Victory", it also serves as a psychological benchmark for Z-war. Thus on May 9 Putin will feel pressure to declare either:
1. A tactical victory
2. A rapid escalation
Let's discuss both🧵
What could serve as a symbolic victory showing that Russia hadn't failed its invasion totally by May 9? Most probably, the capture of Mariupol. Siege of Mariupol has been going for two months but the Russians didn't crush the last pocket of resistance on the Azovstal steel plant ...
Mariupol is a large urban centre of the Russophone East Ukraine which Russians were supposed to "liberate". And yet, it turned into the centre of resistance. While resistance in Galicia is something Russian worldview would allow for, resistance in "Novorossiya" is unacceptable
The very fact that the Russophone troops from the East Ukraine do even resist is absolutely shocking for Kremlin. Furthermore, the two-months-long defence of Mariupol in an absolutely desperate situation made it a sort of Alcazar-like symbol, which should be crushed at any cost [video]
While Russian propaganda focuses on the Azov participation in the defence of Mariupol, portraying them as Nazis, we should consider that for Russian propaganda a "Nazi" is first and foremost a racial or cultural traitor who could be Russian but refused to. "Nazi" = "вырусь" Nazis = those who could Russify but chose not to. Look at the birthplace regions of the Azov commanders
Kharkiv is *the* centre (3). Three commanders r from there including the founder. Next are Kyiv and Poltava (2). Finally, Sumy and Luhansk (1)
Not a single one from the West I'll cover the history of Azov later. For now I'll say that it debunks the Russian myth about "bad Nazi West" controlling "good Russian East" of Ukraine. In fact it is large Russophone cities of the East, especially Kharkiv, that are the main clusters of Ukrainian nationalism
While Russians portray Ukrainian nationalism as an essentially Western, Galician phenomenon, in fact Galicia provides more of a cultural standard than the actual leadership. Lviv would be more of a Tuscany of the Ukrainian national movement, while Kharkiv would be its Piedmont ...
crapola primerov pozivanja k raznim zločinom s strani Rusov
katakombe pod azovstalom & mobilizacija v LDPR
That's how the Donetsk and Luhansk armies look like. Notice their equipment, helmets for example. Russians forced these Ukrainian nationals into their puppets' armies, gave them whatever garbage remained from the Soviet stocks and sent them to die In Vkontakte they discuss mobilised DPR soldiers in Mariupol with obsolete equipment like Mosinka guns originally based on 1891 design and not used in the army since the 1950s:
"I very much hope they are not being sent forward as meat in the first line"
Well, of course they are "Fucking shame, they recruited them as meat, thanks for not giving them forks to fight. They gave them helmets of 1941. You couldn't make up a better anti-ad"
"It's sad when the entire company has Mosinkas"
"That's a shame"
"After a month they could've brought some equipment" "Nazis are being supplied by half a Europe and the US and these guys are fighting with Mosinkas"
"I feel bed for these men. They never fought, don't know anything. They're common workers from a coals mine and they don't even have ammunitions. Damn. Why did they send them there?" ...
Russian volunteer who served in the LPR army but then deserted and made it back to Russia is describing "the literal utilisation of the LPR male population"
Forcibly mobilised Ukrainians nationals are being sent to attack Ukrainian positions "naked" without even the body armour As the Donbass war has been going since 2014, Ukrainians had time to build very thorough fortifications. Notice how a Russian TV correspondent is describing an abandoned Ukrainian position. Why would he need to show that? Well, to show why Russian advance goes slower than planned [video betonskega bunkerja s kevlar/vlakneno oblogo proti betonskemu šrapnelu]
As May 9 is the major symbolic date for the Russian state cult of the "Great Victory", it also serves as a psychological benchmark for Z-war. Thus on May 9 Putin will feel pressure to declare either:
1. A tactical victory
2. A rapid escalation
Let's discuss both🧵
What could serve as a symbolic victory showing that Russia hadn't failed its invasion totally by May 9? Most probably, the capture of Mariupol. Siege of Mariupol has been going for two months but the Russians didn't crush the last pocket of resistance on the Azovstal steel plant ...
Mariupol is a large urban centre of the Russophone East Ukraine which Russians were supposed to "liberate". And yet, it turned into the centre of resistance. While resistance in Galicia is something Russian worldview would allow for, resistance in "Novorossiya" is unacceptable
The very fact that the Russophone troops from the East Ukraine do even resist is absolutely shocking for Kremlin. Furthermore, the two-months-long defence of Mariupol in an absolutely desperate situation made it a sort of Alcazar-like symbol, which should be crushed at any cost [video]
While Russian propaganda focuses on the Azov participation in the defence of Mariupol, portraying them as Nazis, we should consider that for Russian propaganda a "Nazi" is first and foremost a racial or cultural traitor who could be Russian but refused to. "Nazi" = "вырусь" Nazis = those who could Russify but chose not to. Look at the birthplace regions of the Azov commanders
Kharkiv is *the* centre (3). Three commanders r from there including the founder. Next are Kyiv and Poltava (2). Finally, Sumy and Luhansk (1)
Not a single one from the West I'll cover the history of Azov later. For now I'll say that it debunks the Russian myth about "bad Nazi West" controlling "good Russian East" of Ukraine. In fact it is large Russophone cities of the East, especially Kharkiv, that are the main clusters of Ukrainian nationalism
While Russians portray Ukrainian nationalism as an essentially Western, Galician phenomenon, in fact Galicia provides more of a cultural standard than the actual leadership. Lviv would be more of a Tuscany of the Ukrainian national movement, while Kharkiv would be its Piedmont ...
crapola primerov pozivanja k raznim zločinom s strani Rusov
katakombe pod azovstalom & mobilizacija v LDPR
That's how the Donetsk and Luhansk armies look like. Notice their equipment, helmets for example. Russians forced these Ukrainian nationals into their puppets' armies, gave them whatever garbage remained from the Soviet stocks and sent them to die In Vkontakte they discuss mobilised DPR soldiers in Mariupol with obsolete equipment like Mosinka guns originally based on 1891 design and not used in the army since the 1950s:
"I very much hope they are not being sent forward as meat in the first line"
Well, of course they are "Fucking shame, they recruited them as meat, thanks for not giving them forks to fight. They gave them helmets of 1941. You couldn't make up a better anti-ad"
"It's sad when the entire company has Mosinkas"
"That's a shame"
"After a month they could've brought some equipment" "Nazis are being supplied by half a Europe and the US and these guys are fighting with Mosinkas"
"I feel bed for these men. They never fought, don't know anything. They're common workers from a coals mine and they don't even have ammunitions. Damn. Why did they send them there?" ...
Russian volunteer who served in the LPR army but then deserted and made it back to Russia is describing "the literal utilisation of the LPR male population"
Forcibly mobilised Ukrainians nationals are being sent to attack Ukrainian positions "naked" without even the body armour As the Donbass war has been going since 2014, Ukrainians had time to build very thorough fortifications. Notice how a Russian TV correspondent is describing an abandoned Ukrainian position. Why would he need to show that? Well, to show why Russian advance goes slower than planned [video betonskega bunkerja s kevlar/vlakneno oblogo proti betonskemu šrapnelu]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TezkoDihanje ::
What Exactly Happens in Russia When Russian Soldiers Die? 2 Freshly Intercepted Phone Calls!
What do Russian mothers say in Russia when their sons die as soldiers in Ukraine?
What do Russian mothers say in Russia when their sons die as soldiers in Ukraine?
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!
SmolWhale ::
OMG, si pa na celem svetu našel res dva enkratna egzemplarja,
Za pogajalca glede znižanja cene pa lahko pošljejo mene, 20% minus garantiram.
Nafte in plina je po svetu ogromno, ni samo v Rusiji. Pač potrebno se bo preusmeriti na druge trge stran od
ruskih zločincev in kriminalcev.
Neumnost. Pojdi se zdravit, privide imas.
Ja ampak tisti ki jo majo niso naši prijatelji, reče se jim Venezuela in Iran. Ravnokar bi izničil desetletje sankcij. Še en ki nima niti malo razgledanosti, in malo tralala.
VENEZUELA IN IRAN STA PRIPRAVLJENA PRODAJATI lastno mater, kamo-li plin in nafto.![]()
Kako ste oprani, ja nafe in plina je dosti, problem je v logistiki in infrastukturi, ampak to vam opranim bebcem niti na pamet ne pride. Živite v risanki.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SmolWhale ()
tikitoki ::
Tisto, da nič več ne bo kot je bilo pomoje hudičevo drži. Predolgo že zvijamo Rusiji roko na hrbtu, da bi to kar pozabili in odpustili, sedaj je najboljša opcija da zvijemo toliko da se zlomi.
Propaganda rabi generacijo za komplet indoktrinacijo, tako da glede tega se ne rabiš pretirano sekirati.
Lomljenje rok je pa itak klasična kolonialna mentaliteta, ko je potrebno brutalizirati vse, ki si ne želijo "svobode" in "demokracije".
Neverjetno, da podpiras rusko brutalizacijo0 mnogih sosed in seveda Ukrajine.
nirburu ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Putin je res nacelen človek. Kapo dol![]()
Največji dec na tej polobli se je osebno, kot curica, opravičil neki "majhni puščavski državi".
Interesantno ne?
Veste kaj je tudi interesantno?
Da največja supersila vseh časev je ravno tako izjavila, da tudi če bi razpadla, bi podpirala to "majhno puščavsko državo".
In a recent IAC conference with Jewish senator Chuck Schumer and Israeli billionaire Haim Saban who runs Univision and many other media outlets, Nancy Pelosi made a statement that is leaving many Americans scratching their heads. Pelosi effectively said that even if America crumbles, we will continue our aid to Israel.
Dve največji supersili preteklega stoletja, ne izgubljajo časa z ljubčkanjem te "majhne puščavske države". Interesantno ne?
Kaj le se skriva v tej "majhni puščavski državi"?
Mogoče jim je všeč pesek?
Pojma nimam zakaj bi vse supersile sveta se metale na kolena pred to "majhno puščavsko državo", ima kdo kakšno idejo kaj bi to bilo lahko? Mi ne pride in pride na pamet.
TezkoDihanje ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Putin je res nacelen človek. Kapo dol![]()
Kaj točno je bilo v tem opravičilu načelnega?
Unega bizgeca od Lavrova naj raje brcne rit.
PrimoZ_ ::
Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin se je danes v telefonskem pogovoru opravičil izraelskemu premierju Naftaliju Benetu zaradi izjave ruskega zunanjega ministra Sergeja Lavrova
Haha, še Putin se boji židovskih overlordov :D
Haha, še Putin se boji židovskih overlordov :D
nirburu ::
murrieta ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Putin je res nacelen človek. Kapo dol![]()
Kaj točno je bilo v tem opravičilu načelnega?
Unega bizgeca od Lavrova naj raje brcne rit.
Samo ena stvar. Ukrajinska mafija, se ni opravicila se nikomur. Ne Rusom, kjer je krsila dogovor o samostojnosti, po drugi strani se mafijec Zelinsky ni opravicil lastnim drzavljanom, da jim je zjebal drzavo. Ali, da ima racune v davcnih oazah. Z unicevanjem EU gospodarstva na ramenih kriminalcev kot je Zelinsky, z nasimi dodatnimi izdatki, za sponzoriranje propadle drzave ze preden je Rusija urgirala... Pac izpadli smo (EU) bedaki, ki nas je na led peljal navaden gnoj od cloveka.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: sirotka ()
nirburu ::
Če si vsaj malo v zionističnih krogih, bi moral vedet, da judje imajo "dual loyalty". Israel first, vse ostalo pa je sekundarno.
Zelensky bo v najslabšem primeru se odselil v Izrael in tam živel polnopravno življenje do konca svojih dni.
Zelensky bo v najslabšem primeru se odselil v Izrael in tam živel polnopravno življenje do konca svojih dni.
TezkoDihanje ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Putin je res nacelen človek. Kapo dol![]()
Kaj točno je bilo v tem opravičilu načelnega?
Unega bizgeca od Lavrova naj raje brcne rit.
Samo ena stvar. Ukrajinska mafija, se ni opravicila se nikomur. Ne Rusom, kjer je krsila dogovor o samostojnosti, po drugi strani se mafijec Zelinsky ni opravicil lastnim drzavljanom, da jim je zjebal drzavo. Ali, da ima racune v davcnih oazah. Z unicevanjem EU gospodarstva na ramenih kriminalcev kot je Zelinsky, z nasimi dodatnimi izdatki, za sponzoriranje propadle drzave ze preden je Rusija urgirala... Pac izpadli smo (EU) bedaki, ki nas je na led peljal navaden gnoj od cloveka.
vx, saj vemo kaj imaš v glavi. Vse narobe.
Si pač eno posrano usrane, ki ne razume, da je svoboda neprecenljiva in za katero se tudi umre. Ker sploh ne razmeš, kaj se dogaja v Ukrajini, pišeš te bedarije, ki jih beremo že od začetka te vojne.
nirburu ::
Kot sem rekel, Lavrovu se je življenje ali vsaj kariera dramatično skrajšala.
Don't fuck with the schlomo mafia.
Don't fuck with the schlomo mafia.
TezkoDihanje ::
Kot sem rekel, Lavrovu se je življenje ali vsaj kariera dramatično skrajšala.
Don't fuck with the schlomo mafia.
This is how the Jews treat the Russian flag and the Ukrainian flag, enemies of Russia +1.
nirburu ::
EU/ZDA uvede uničujoče sankcije rusiji.
Putin ne trzne.
EU/ZDA izdatno oboroži ukrajino in povzroči številne ruske žrtve.
Putin ne trzne.
EU/ZDA skensla ruska fosilna goriva, temelj ruske ekonomije.
Putin ne trzne.
RU zunanji minister izjavi, da je bil hitler najbrž jud.
Putin dva dni kasneje kliče "malo puščavsko državo" in se osebno opraviči.
Putin ne trzne.
EU/ZDA izdatno oboroži ukrajino in povzroči številne ruske žrtve.
Putin ne trzne.
EU/ZDA skensla ruska fosilna goriva, temelj ruske ekonomije.
Putin ne trzne.
RU zunanji minister izjavi, da je bil hitler najbrž jud.
Putin dva dni kasneje kliče "malo puščavsko državo" in se osebno opraviči.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nirburu ()
PrimoZ_ ::
Jarno ::
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije:
Krokodil, propaganda in domače žganjare z metilnim alkoholom.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
l0g1t3ch ::
EU/ZDA uvede uničujoče sankcije rusiji.
Putin ne trzne.
EU/ZDA izdatno oboroži ukrajino in povzroči številne ruske žrtve.
Putin ne trzne.
EU/ZDA skensla ruska fosilna goriva, temelj ruske ekonomije.
Putin ne trzne.
RU zunanji minister izjavi, da je bil hitler najbrž jud.
Putin dva dni kasneje kliče "malo puščavsko državo" in se osebno opraviči.
Sej ti pravim,
na dnu so amerikanci, potem dolgo čas nič in potlej židi. Potem pa spet dolgoooo časa nič in na vrhu smo reptili.
Zdaj pa bodi lepo priden!
TezkoDihanje ::
Russian Psycho Soldier About His Plans In Ukraine | Plus Intercepted Conversation Of Separatists
Russian Special Forces Aren't That Special Outside of Russia| 2 Interesting Intercepted Phone Calls!
Russian Special Forces Aren't That Special Outside of Russia| 2 Interesting Intercepted Phone Calls!
Pac-Man ::
GeoConfirmed so povezani z Bellingcat, imajo skupno bazo podatkov, vse skupaj je retweetal Higgins.
Kaj so storili ruski mediji za identifikacijo ukrajinskih vojnih zločincev?
Verjetno imajo preveč dela s spreminjanjem polka Azov v mit.
One of our volunteers has found evidence about which Ukrainian troops were present and responsible for the kneecapping of Russian POWs in Malaya Rohan.
Left: When captured.
Right: Shot in the knee(s) This is a heavy violation of the Geneva Convention.
Read 👇
THREAD: I have geolocated footage that shows Ukrainian soldiers of the Slobozhanshchina battalion capturing and mistreating Russian POWs in Malaya Rohan (49.936010, 36.485807), including at least one prisoner who was later kneecapped 750 meters to the east. ...
New footage was posted yesterday that shows some of the same engagement.
Part 1: [video]
This badge is seen near the end of the video. It translates to Slobozhanshchina Special Purpose Battalion - a local Kharkiv battalion that took part in liberating Malaya Rohan. The man who shot most of the combat footage is Andriy Yangolenko, a member of Slobozhanshchina. ...
Yangolenko previously led a “Slobozhanshchina” battalion in 2014-15 in the War in Donbass. He was accused of looting residents’ personal property, but the criminal case was shortly closed.
In 2015, Yangolenko was detained on grounds that he was planning on conducting contract killings, including of then-Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. Avakov later supported his bail.
A new Slobozhanshchina was formed after Feb 24 this year. On March 25-26, the battalion participated in retaking Malaya Rohan, during which reportedly six of its soldiers were killed. Yangolenko’s brother was one of them. Other Ukrainian forces involved in liberating the town in addition to the 92nd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine include Azov and Freikor.
One still from a new video shows Yangolenko and other soldiers in front of a building. This is the same building in the dairy plant in front of which POWs were abused.
I think it probable the photo was taken before the POWs were captured (lighting + likely course of battle). While these videos show Slobozhanshchina personnel capturing and mistreating POWs in Malaya Rohan, including at least one who was kneecapped at the dairy plant, I have not been able to match any perpetrator in the dairy plant video to Ukrainian personnel in Yangolenko’s videos.
Kaj so storili ruski mediji za identifikacijo ukrajinskih vojnih zločincev?
Verjetno imajo preveč dela s spreminjanjem polka Azov v mit.
One of our volunteers has found evidence about which Ukrainian troops were present and responsible for the kneecapping of Russian POWs in Malaya Rohan.
Left: When captured.
Right: Shot in the knee(s) This is a heavy violation of the Geneva Convention.
Read 👇
THREAD: I have geolocated footage that shows Ukrainian soldiers of the Slobozhanshchina battalion capturing and mistreating Russian POWs in Malaya Rohan (49.936010, 36.485807), including at least one prisoner who was later kneecapped 750 meters to the east. ...
New footage was posted yesterday that shows some of the same engagement.
Part 1: [video]
This badge is seen near the end of the video. It translates to Slobozhanshchina Special Purpose Battalion - a local Kharkiv battalion that took part in liberating Malaya Rohan. The man who shot most of the combat footage is Andriy Yangolenko, a member of Slobozhanshchina. ...
Yangolenko previously led a “Slobozhanshchina” battalion in 2014-15 in the War in Donbass. He was accused of looting residents’ personal property, but the criminal case was shortly closed.
In 2015, Yangolenko was detained on grounds that he was planning on conducting contract killings, including of then-Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. Avakov later supported his bail.
A new Slobozhanshchina was formed after Feb 24 this year. On March 25-26, the battalion participated in retaking Malaya Rohan, during which reportedly six of its soldiers were killed. Yangolenko’s brother was one of them. Other Ukrainian forces involved in liberating the town in addition to the 92nd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine include Azov and Freikor.
One still from a new video shows Yangolenko and other soldiers in front of a building. This is the same building in the dairy plant in front of which POWs were abused.
I think it probable the photo was taken before the POWs were captured (lighting + likely course of battle). While these videos show Slobozhanshchina personnel capturing and mistreating POWs in Malaya Rohan, including at least one who was kneecapped at the dairy plant, I have not been able to match any perpetrator in the dairy plant video to Ukrainian personnel in Yangolenko’s videos.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
scythe ::
Comandante je izjavil:
Sicer si grem pa danes kupit vrečko čipsa, moram biti pripravljen za praznovanje, ko ukrajinci stolčejo most na Krim.
Po moje ne rabis v trgovino ravno danes, to bo se nekaj casa trajalo - most ni v dosegu HIMARSov oziroma MGM-140 ATACMS. Ti imajo 300km dosega. Najprej bo potrebno osvoboditi Herson in stopiti na levi breg Dnjepra, potem pa bo slo.
Je pa precej gotovo, da bo most padel. Samo vprasanje casa je.
V tale krog mora pridit HIMARSov, potem bo pa akcija. Ali bodo uporabili MGM-140 ali MGM-168, baje bi bila dost 1 raketa MGM-168 in most pade.
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
nirburu ::
PrimoZ_ ::
EU/ZDA uvede uničujoče sankcije rusiji.
Putin ne trzne.
EU/ZDA izdatno oboroži ukrajino in povzroči številne ruske žrtve.
Putin ne trzne.
EU/ZDA skensla ruska fosilna goriva, temelj ruske ekonomije.
Putin ne trzne.
RU zunanji minister izjavi, da je bil hitler najbrž jud.
Putin dva dni kasneje kliče "malo puščavsko državo" in se osebno opraviči.
Hočeš reči, da se je po domače rečeno usral ? Junak pa tak
Bully, na manjše od sebe se spravlja.
PrimoZ_ ::
Vučić: Putin izkorišča Kosovo. Edini cilj Srbije je EU.
Ojoj! Kaj pa Srbsko Rusko prijateljstvo ?
Pa ne da je še Srbe pamet srečala
Srbski predsednik sicer ostro obsoja rusko invazijo v Ukrajini. In pravi, da zanjo ni opravičila. Po njegovem mnenju tudi Putinovi argumenti, da je invazija odgovor na ambicije Nata za širitev na vzhod, ne vzdržijo presoje.
Ojoj! Kaj pa Srbsko Rusko prijateljstvo ?
Pa ne da je še Srbe pamet srečala
tomlin ::
troli iz kremeljske kleti na slotech ponovno uzurpirajo temo o Ukrajini, naj moderatorji počistijo te debilizme
Unchancy ::
Dejmo imet referndum, če bo večina proti sankcijam, bo to signal da se je treba odselit, ker nihče ne mara biti med norci. Samo ne potem rinit za nami čez par let ruskega raja.
Lepo se imej, bon voyage. Samo pazi, sirjenje panike je v nekaterih drzavah kaznivo, tako, da skrbno izbiraj. Predlagam Ukrajino, jim bos lahko na fronti pokazal, kako gorec si. Dobesedno.
Ko voli, nek izvoli. Jaz zagotovo ne bi šel tja. In če bo v Sloveniji dovolj pete kolone, da bosti lizali rit Rusiji, potem me tudi tukaj ne bo zraven, fuck off.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pac-Man ::
Takle mamo. Verjetno bo več jasno v ponedeljek.
Despite the Kremlin spox saying full-scale mobilization rumors are “nonsense,” Russian state agencies (from the post office to the tax inspectors) have started flooding online job portals with listings for “mobilization experts.” 👀
Despite the Kremlin spox saying full-scale mobilization rumors are “nonsense,” Russian state agencies (from the post office to the tax inspectors) have started flooding online job portals with listings for “mobilization experts.” 👀
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
murrieta ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Putin je res nacelen človek. Kapo dol![]()
Kaj točno je bilo v tem opravičilu načelnega?
Unega bizgeca od Lavrova naj raje brcne rit.
Samo ena stvar. Ukrajinska mafija, se ni opravicila se nikomur. Ne Rusom, kjer je krsila dogovor o samostojnosti, po drugi strani se mafijec Zelinsky ni opravicil lastnim drzavljanom, da jim je zjebal drzavo. Ali, da ima racune v davcnih oazah. Z unicevanjem EU gospodarstva na ramenih kriminalcev kot je Zelinsky, z nasimi dodatnimi izdatki, za sponzoriranje propadle drzave ze preden je Rusija urgirala... Pac izpadli smo (EU) bedaki, ki nas je na led peljal navaden gnoj od cloveka.
vx, saj vemo kaj imaš v glavi. Vse narobe.
Si pač eno posrano usrane, ki ne razume, da je svoboda neprecenljiva in za katero se tudi umre. Ker sploh ne razmeš, kaj se dogaja v Ukrajini, pišeš te bedarije, ki jih beremo že od začetka te vojne.
Tole ti odgovarjam kot murrieta, ker se s tvojimi navideznimi prijatelji ne bom pogovarjal. To je tvoj problem.
V ukrajini se dogaja vojna, nic boljsa ali slabsa kot vse pred njo. Skratka, v stilu vseh prejsnjih bi moralo EU dol viseti zanjo. Pac njihov problem, dali vam bomo humanitarno pomoc in to je TO. Ce mislis, da temu ni tako, spokaj na fronto in poslji nasim obozevalcem trupel kaksno sliko. Jebe se mi za Ukrajino. Dol mi visi, in tebi tudi. Samo, da si ti tako hinavski, da tega ne upas priznati.
Zelinsky je navaden kriminalec, ki zazira svoje ljudi, tole lepo dokazuje (pred vojno):
To, da ga podpiras je samo znamenje, da si popoln idiot ali tudi sam kriminalec. Pika. Ni vec kaj diskutirati. V nobenem primeru pa nisi verodostojen vir kakrsnekoli diskusije. Ker si kriminalec. Ali popoln idiot, ki se mu ne da pozanimati, kaksna je dejanska situacija in raje skodis lastni drzavi, lastnim sodrzavljanom, lastni ekonomiji zaradi drkanja na lastne interese. Skratka vrhunska pizda od cloveka.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: murrieta ()
Aston_11 ::
Skratka vrhunska pizda od cloveka.
Ti si kot en Putler. Samo cviliš in jočeš in ljudi pošiljaš v pizdo.
Število tankov na današnji dan je že 600?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Aston_11 ()
scythe ::
-VX- se vrati
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
fur80 ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
What Exactly Happens in Russia When Russian Soldiers Die? 2 Freshly Intercepted Phone Calls!
What do Russian mothers say in Russia when their sons die as soldiers in Ukraine?
This is the "thank you" this #Russian soldier got for losing his leg in #Ukraine - a bottle of canola oil, a can of canned food, and a couple of bags of buckweet. Oh, and a card from Putin.
I'm without words.