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kripto splošna debata

kripto splošna debata

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1528 / 1573

Špricer ::

A sem se jaz izmislil tole? Verjameš temu Saylorju? Verjetno že shorta medtem ko si ti na wcju. Black swan.

Michael Saylor admits that Bitcoin could collapse by up to 80%
According to MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor, the price of Bitcoin could plummet by as much as 80% by the end of the current cycle. However, the expert adds that this is a theoretical possibility that he does not believe will materialize for many reasons. He particularly highlights the fact that BTC now has a solid institutional presence.
The fact that large financial firms own the cryptocurrency makes a deep crash really difficult. Unlike retail investors, institutional investors tend to have a less volatile behavior. Thus, with a larger mass of coins in the hands of the latter, the price of the token is much less risky.
During an interview with Yahoo Finance, the entrepreneur offered some details about the performance of MicroStrategy's BTC purchases. He also expressed that on a personal level he also maintains recurring Bitcoin purchases to fatten his own portfolios. Saylor's investments, both on a personal and corporate level, are made independently of the BTC price.
In the case of MicroStrategy, the firm has been raising capital by issuing debt and shares to buy more BTC despite the current high price. Thus, although Bitcoin could theoretically collapse, it would be a merely temporary situation, as in all cycles.
Possible causes of a crash in the price of Bitcoin
In 2022, after a cycle in which the cryptocurrency's price reached highs close to $70K, a major crash occurred. The exchange value of the coin dropped to $16,000 after several tragic events such as the collapse of Terra and the bankruptcy of the FTX exchange. At that time, massive sales caused the digital currency to enter a severe winter or bear market.
Is it possible for a similar situation to happen again? In theory, there is a chance that this could happen. However, according to Saylor, this is a much less likely scenario than in 2022. Large investors maintain healthier and safer custodian firms, which negates the possibility of a giant going bankrupt.
The bankruptcy of Binance or Tether, for example, would cause a huge cataclysm. However, these companies seem consolidated after successfully overcoming the winter and now enjoy a great reputation.
" For this to happen, you need a bunch of very undercapitalized companies like FTX, Genesis, Celsius, and BlockFi ," Saylor said. In his opinion, there are no such companies on the market right now. Therefore, the realistic chance of Bitcoin price crashing is low.
Another black swan event that could lead to a BTC crash is President Trump failing to complete his term. The latter could be for political reasons or due to his advanced age. By the halfway point of his term, in July 2026, the tycoon will be 80 years old. If any of these events occur before crypto regulation, the situation could be tragic for the price of Bitcoin.

Ko tako začnejo zavlačevat pomeni da oni že prodajajo!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Špricer ()

val46 ::

Ne se bat...nism bil na meetingu v Ljubljani, pa tudi če bi bil, zakaj si tako prepričan, da bi mi jih napel? In kako se ti da cele dneve brskat po internetu, zato da nam podajaš neke nepreverjene izjave nekih kvazi novinarjev? Človek božji, december je...skozi leta najbolj donosen kripto mesec v letu, vse gre gor in namesto da bi kej služil, znaš samo iskat izgovore, kako ti pa tega ne bi, ker en možiček tam v afriki sadi drevesa, pa en ne ve kaj bi sam s sabo...Ma boli mene K kaj kdo kje dela, dokler mam jst profit. In za koliko stvari smo ti že povedali tu, kaj se splača kupit pa kdaj...ti pa trmasto svoje nabijaš, namesto da bi kaj kupil in potem reku hvala!

IgorCardanof ::

Čedalje več ljudi me sprašuje o kriptu in kaj si mislim o nakupu XRP/XLM/Cardano/DOGE, ... Ravno včeraj od punce fant, danes v garderobi v fitnesu nekdo drug. Skratka, retail prihaja v market in zna bit da smo že kar daleč.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

Kripto mesi ::

IgorCardanof je izjavil:

Čedalje več ljudi me sprašuje o kriptu in kaj si mislim o nakupu XRP/XLM/Cardano/DOGE, ... Ravno včeraj od punce fant, danes v garderobi v fitnesu nekdo drug. Skratka, retail prihaja v market in zna bit da smo že kar daleč.

Od punce fant? 8-O

Špricer ::

Kripto mesi je izjavil:

IgorCardanof je izjavil:

Čedalje več ljudi me sprašuje o kriptu in kaj si mislim o nakupu XRP/XLM/Cardano/DOGE, ... Ravno včeraj od punce fant, danes v garderobi v fitnesu nekdo drug. Skratka, retail prihaja v market in zna bit da smo že kar daleč.

Od punce fant? 8-O

Odprta zveza..

Tu imate svojega FTX mesijo. Tako mu je dolgčas da piše že knjigo. Kaj pa poplačilo vseh opeharjencev?


V dnevniku se Bankman obširno pritožuje, da je spanje brez vzglavnika ali plišaste živali, zlasti medvedka Manfreda, zanj skoraj nemogoče in da ima zaradi tega bolečine v hrbtu.

"Odkar sem pri dveh letih dobil plišastega psa, sem z njim spal skoraj vsako noč v življenju in ga pogosto uporabljal kot provizorični vzglavnik, na katerega se je moj vrat navadil. Potoval je z mano, od Stanforda, kjer sem se rodil, do študija v Bostonu, do službe v New Yorku, do Berkeleyja, kjer sem ustanovil podjetje Alameda, do Hongkonga, kjer sem ustanovil podjetje FTX, do Bahamov, kjer je sedež podjetja FTX, in nazaj na Stanford, ko sem bil v hišnem priporu. Manfreda pogrešam," je zapisal.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Špricer ()

LeQuack ::

Bitcoin Maxi Says XRP Will be the Mother of All Rugpulls


I find it crazy that so many people are messaging me about #XRP
If you can't see that this is a scam, you deserve to be scammed
The way that the price is rising is not natural
This is not how markets work
Can anyone explain why XRP has risen 435% since November 2 and only 11% since 2018?

Quack !

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: LeQuack ()

Kripto ::

LeQuack je izjavil:

Bitcoin Maxi Says XRP Will be the Mother of All Rugpulls


I find it crazy that so many people are messaging me about #XRP
If you can't see that this is a scam, you deserve to be scammed
The way that the price is rising is not natural
This is not how markets work
Can anyone explain why XRP has risen 435% since November 2 and only 11% since 2018?


Problem je, ker so bitcoin maxiji toksični dvolični pokvarjenci. To bi moralo biti vsakomur jasno.
Wealth is mindset!

LeQuack ::

Še nekaj drugega, da ne bo samo shillanje coinov

Quack !

ViperR ::

LeQuack je izjavil:

Bitcoin Maxi Says XRP Will be the Mother of All Rugpulls


I find it crazy that so many people are messaging me about #XRP
If you can't see that this is a scam, you deserve to be scammed
The way that the price is rising is not natural
This is not how markets work
Can anyone explain why XRP has risen 435% since November 2 and only 11% since 2018?


Tip ma CFA v imenu. Te ljudi po navadi tezko resno jemljes.

Špricer ::

Zakaj je rdeče? Saj ni še ponedeljek! Portfolio je minimalno rdeč.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Špricer ()

aulcnik ::

Špricer je izjavil:

Zakaj je rdeče? Saj ni še ponedeljek! Portfolio je minimalno rdeč.

odvisno od kako zgrajen imaš svoj portfelj, sicer pa mene te korelacije manjše, večje vč ne ganejo, ker na podlagi predhodnjih let vidim, da sem suma sumarum vedno prišelkot zagovalec, predvsem ker stavim na tprave projekte, kot so btc, sol, sedaj pa sem dodal knjima lansko leto še pepeta,ej ap res da ves ta čas uporabljam dca strategijobrez nje pa verjetno nebi bil razulatt tak kot je?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: aulcnik ()

aulcnik ::

aulcnik je izjavil:

Špricer je izjavil:

Zakaj je rdeče? Saj ni še ponedeljek! Portfolio je minimalno rdeč.

odvisno od kako zgrajen imaš svoj portfelj, sicer pa mene te korelacije manjše, večje več ne ganejo, ker na podlagi predhodnjih let vidim, da sem suma sumarum vedno prišel ven kot zmagovalec, predvsem ker stavim na tprave projekte, kot so btc, sol, sedaj pa sem dodal knjima lansko leto še pepeta,je ap res da ves ta čas uporabljam dca strategijo, brez katere pa verjetno nebi bil razultat tak kot je😁

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: aulcnik ()

Špricer ::

aulcnik je izjavil:

Špricer je izjavil:

Zakaj je rdeče? Saj ni še ponedeljek! Portfolio je minimalno rdeč.

odvisno od kako zgrajen imaš svoj portfelj, sicer pa mene te korelacije manjše, večje vč ne ganejo, ker na podlagi predhodnjih let vidim, da sem suma sumarum vedno prišelkot zagovalec, predvsem ker stavim na tprave projekte, kot so btc, sol, sedaj pa sem dodal knjima lansko leto še pepeta,ej ap res da ves ta čas uporabljam dca strategijobrez nje pa verjetno nebi bil razulatt tak kot je?

Pepe, icp, sui, hedera, hbar. Na pozitivni ničli.

val46 ::

Na pozitivni ničli? Ma kaj si kupil včeraj te kovance al kaj ti gledaš? Sam zadnji mesec...

pepe=128% +
in btw, hedera je isto kot hbar, ta pa je zadnji mesec za 543% v plusu. Tko da, če si s temi na pozitivni ničli, res ne vem kaj še delaš v kriptu. Oprosti, sam tko je.

Gregor P ::

Da, ker ostali kvečjemu razmišljamo o prodaji (vsaj delni DCO), ne pa šele vstopu. In to smo ti povedali še pred tvojimi nakupi sedaj.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Gregor P ()

IgorCardanof ::

Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

IgorCardanof ::

val46 je izjavil:

Na pozitivni ničli? Ma kaj si kupil včeraj te kovance al kaj ti gledaš? Sam zadnji mesec...

pepe=128% +
in btw, hedera je isto kot hbar, ta pa je zadnji mesec za 543% v plusu. Tko da, če si s temi na pozitivni ničli, res ne vem kaj še delaš v kriptu. Oprosti, sam tko je.

Od kje misliš da prihaja tvoj profit? Seveda od tega, ko drugi izgubljajo. Tako da pač vsi profitirat ne morejo, tko to ne dela.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

merlin2 ::

IgorCardanof je izjavil:



Špricer a nisi bagholder ADE? Ja cajt za prodat?

Announcement from the Cardano Foundation

The Cardano Foundation regrets to inform our community that we have been served with a lawsuit by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on December 8, 2024.

In light of this unexpected legal action, we have made the difficult decision to immediately cease all support towards the $ADA token to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

We understand the impact this may have on our valued community members and stakeholders, and we assure you that we are committed to providing support during this transition.

We will be sharing further details regarding the next steps and how we plan to assist all holders of $ADA in the coming days.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: merlin2 ()

LeQuack ::

To je bullish, to pomeni da so tolk pomembni da jih ameriška vlada opazi. Jutri 20% gor.
Quack !

Gregor P ::

Saj ne da je opozorilo spodaj ...
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

M2222 ::

X-a sta zbrisana

endelin ::

Ko se človek zbudi in pogleda cmc je vedno na trnih da ni šlo 1/3 dol čez noč:D

Špricer ::

merlin2 je izjavil:

IgorCardanof je izjavil:



Špricer a nisi bagholder ADE? Ja cajt za prodat?

Announcement from the Cardano Foundation

The Cardano Foundation regrets to inform our community that we have been served with a lawsuit by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on December 8, 2024.

In light of this unexpected legal action, we have made the difficult decision to immediately cease all support towards the $ADA token to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

We understand the impact this may have on our valued community members and stakeholders, and we assure you that we are committed to providing support during this transition.

We will be sharing further details regarding the next steps and how we plan to assist all holders of $ADA in the coming days.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.

Prodaj zaboga. Čimprej. Če bo 20 eur plusa sem vesel, raje kot 100 eur minusa jutri. A nisem rekel da bo huda korekcija jutri? Da se ne bo kdo jutri zjutraj zbudil s trdim.

endelin ::

Že več kot 2.4mio coinov je na cmc. :))
2017 smo bili nejevoljni ko jih je bilo nekaj tisoč:P

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: endelin ()

Špricer ::


endelin je izjavil:

Že več kot 2.4mio coinov je na cmc. :))
2017 smo bili nejevoljni ko jih je bilo nekaj tisoč:P

Še dobro, da se dinocoini držijo.




Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Špricer ()

merlin2 ::

Špricer je izjavil:

merlin2 je izjavil:

IgorCardanof je izjavil:



Špricer a nisi bagholder ADE? Ja cajt za prodat?

Announcement from the Cardano Foundation

The Cardano Foundation regrets to inform our community that we have been served with a lawsuit by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on December 8, 2024.

In light of this unexpected legal action, we have made the difficult decision to immediately cease all support towards the $ADA token to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

We understand the impact this may have on our valued community members and stakeholders, and we assure you that we are committed to providing support during this transition.

We will be sharing further details regarding the next steps and how we plan to assist all holders of $ADA in the coming days.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.

Prodaj zaboga. Čimprej. Če bo 20 eur plusa sem vesel, raje kot 100 eur minusa jutri. A nisem rekel da bo huda korekcija jutri? Da se ne bo kdo jutri zjutraj zbudil s trdim.

No, si prodal?

endelin ::

Xrp spet pleza?:P

Čez dober teden imam frizerja. Me zanima če bo kaj omenjen ripl

Špricer ::

merlin2 je izjavil:

Špricer je izjavil:

merlin2 je izjavil:

IgorCardanof je izjavil:



Špricer a nisi bagholder ADE? Ja cajt za prodat?

Announcement from the Cardano Foundation

The Cardano Foundation regrets to inform our community that we have been served with a lawsuit by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on December 8, 2024.

In light of this unexpected legal action, we have made the difficult decision to immediately cease all support towards the $ADA token to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

We understand the impact this may have on our valued community members and stakeholders, and we assure you that we are committed to providing support during this transition.

We will be sharing further details regarding the next steps and how we plan to assist all holders of $ADA in the coming days.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.

Prodaj zaboga. Čimprej. Če bo 20 eur plusa sem vesel, raje kot 100 eur minusa jutri. A nisem rekel da bo huda korekcija jutri? Da se ne bo kdo jutri zjutraj zbudil s trdim.

No, si prodal?

Ne, ker je scam in vdor v profil.

Pri ftx in celsiusu je sicer bilo enako. Rekli so, da je bil shekan profil...nato pa minus 90% prosti pad. Vesel bi bil za Charlesa da stopi na realna tla, tudi Garlinghouse naj gre v zapor.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Špricer ()

Špricer ::

The Shiba Inu ($SHIB) community is reeling from a jaw-dropping development: the US government has transferred an astronomical 54 billion SHIB tokens, equivalent to 22% of the total circulating supply. This unexpected move has sent shockwaves through the crypto market, sparking speculation, debate, and a frenzy of trading activity.
? Key Highlights of the Shocking Transfer
1? Massive Token Movement:
The transfer involved 54 billion SHIB tokens, valued at a staggering $1.2 billion based on current prices.
2? Unclear Purpose and Timing:
While the transaction is confirmed, the exact motive and timing remain shrouded in mystery, fueling intrigue and speculation.

endelin ::

Tezus niti na 2 eur ne prileze več:'(
Jaz še hodlam in stakam

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: endelin ()

LeQuack ::

Moraš zdaj še nakupiti več ko je nižje.
Quack !

endelin ::

Pomoje se mi odfuka da prodam tezos ki ga hodlam leta in gre nato na 10usd:D

Kaj ltc bo kaj pojačal? :/ pričakujem 400 na coin

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: endelin ()

Mato989 ::

Kot kaže se bo zaključilo pred 20.1.2025 >:D

endelin je izjavil:

Pomoje se mi odfuka da prodam tezos ki ga hodlam leta in gre nato na 10usd:D

Kaj ltc bo kaj pojačal? :/ pričakujem 400 na coin

Ne sanjaj, Tezos je the end, LTC pa tudi
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Mato989 ()

Špricer ::

Kje ste sedaj traderji? A jr ali ni rdeči ponedeljek? Napoved velja!

matic492 ::

Konc je, vse gre zugrunt, sell sell sell.
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000

Gregor P ::

... medtem ko mirno srebram kavico 8-)
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

matic492 ::

Nemogoče, kako zdržiš 5% padec brez da padeš v depresijo?
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000

Gregor P ::

A misliš, potem ko mi je prej vse zraslo za enih 200 % ter vmes skrbim za DCO ... lahkotno 8-)
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

endelin ::

25.1. bomo že globoko v kripto zimi:P

When altseason?:))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: endelin ()

Špricer ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

A misliš, potem ko mi je prej vse zraslo za enih 200 % ter vmes skrbim za DCO ... lahkotno 8-)

Seveda na papurju. Pobral nisi še nič. Jutri boš pa s trdim vstal ob rdečih svečah. Pobiral drobtinice.

Mato989 ::

Daj Špricer umiri se... vsaj počakaj 3 tedne preden pametuješ o padcu in rdečih dildotih... da ne bo samo nekaj odstotna korekcija pol pa spet boom...

Presenečem bom če je konec runa pred 20-30. januarjem...
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

Gregor P ::

Saj to je to; človek očitno 24/7 bulji v te grafe in takoj, ko se nekaj premakne malo na rdečo, že mori po forumu o koncu sveta.;((
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Špricer ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Saj to je to; človek očitno 24/7 bulji v te grafe in takoj, ko se nekaj premakne malo na rdečo, že mori po forumu o koncu sveta.;((

A ni normalno, da si malo bolj pozoren kot pa zadet s hopiumom?

Mato989 ::

Špricer je izjavil:

Gregor P je izjavil:

Saj to je to; človek očitno 24/7 bulji v te grafe in takoj, ko se nekaj premakne malo na rdečo, že mori po forumu o koncu sveta.;((

A ni normalno, da si malo bolj pozoren kot pa zadet s hopiumom?

Torej to da so eni hopium sanjali da bo šel BTC do 100k USD je bil hopium in nerealno? Kako se je potem zgodilo?
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

globoko grlo ::

Pyzda pr vseh teh struckotih na slotwku bi mogl bit vsi ze vsaj miljonarji.

Dwjte vi ta bogati kksn namig v ker kovancek nej minimalca zarinemo.
Gigabyte B460M DS3H | I5 - 10400F | 16GB | 6700XT | P2 m.2 500GB

Mato989 ::

Trenutno nikamor, razen če hočeš držat 5 let... pol pa seveda pol BTC, pol pa ETH :)
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

Špricer ::

globoko grlo je izjavil:

Pyzda pr vseh teh struckotih na slotwku bi mogl bit vsi ze vsaj miljonarji.

Dwjte vi ta bogati kksn namig v ker kovancek nej minimalca zarinemo.

Saj zato. Meni morijo, ko so shilali kovance 3 tedne nazaj, je pa večinoma pozitivna nula. Kaj mene briga če ste kupovali avgusta ali septembra. Mi plačujemo vaše zapitke, da se mastite z dobrotami. Mi pa pobiramo drobtinice oz smo bag hodlerji...

matic492 ::

Daj špricer, pokrijem ti tvojo izgubo teh 50€, če obljubiš, da se ne vrneš na forum :D
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: matic492 ()

Mato989 ::

Špricer je izjavil:

globoko grlo je izjavil:

Pyzda pr vseh teh struckotih na slotwku bi mogl bit vsi ze vsaj miljonarji.

Dwjte vi ta bogati kksn namig v ker kovancek nej minimalca zarinemo.

Saj zato. Meni morijo, ko so shilali kovance 3 tedne nazaj, je pa večinoma pozitivna nula. Kaj mene briga če ste kupovali avgusta ali septembra. Mi plačujemo vaše zapitke, da se mastite z dobrotami. Mi pa pobiramo drobtinice oz smo bag hodlerji...

Ampak glavno vprašanje je zakaj ti nisi kupoval avgusta?
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

Gregor P ::

Sem šel za hec pogledat samo moje komentarje iz tistega časa in vem, da so tudi ostali svetovali enako:

Gregor P je izjavil:

Ja pa ne bo se vse zgodilo v enem dnevu; kaj ste zdaj vsi tako živčni. Zdaj ma da se naloudate (v bistvu bi se že mogli!), potem pa lepo počakate na naslednji val8-)

Gregor P je izjavil:

Zopet čas za šoping torej8-)

Gregor P je izjavil:

To je zdaj zadnja diskontna razprodaja pred jesensko-zimskim bull run-om, tako da zdaj je čas za "all-in" fantje in dekleta* :D

* torej v resnici mišljeno z denarjem, ki ga lahko izgubite
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
1528 / 1573