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kripto splošna debata

kripto splošna debata

Temo vidijo: vsi
1168 / 1576

PacificBlue ::

Prebranac je izjavil:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Kaj se dogaja s Tamadogom?

Kiti zbijajo ceno, buy orderji so ze ves dan pri 0.06. Zna prit do odboja..
Jaz sem že prodal, z lepim plusom.

A do odboja navzdol? Super napovedi. P n d scena kot vsak hype. Ničkolikokrat. Buy the rumour sell the news. Naivneži pa kar molite na čudeže....in sanje o akomulaciji...

Men je to najboljsi bear market ever.

Tole sem pa ze objavil prej:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

hator je izjavil:

Pozna kdo Tamadoge. Imajo preseale. Verjetno shitcoin?

Ja, zelo riskantna nalozba.
Tokene lahk claimas sele potem, ko v 9 stageih prodajajo 1 milijardo tokenov.
Ekipa ni v celoti znana, oziroma do sedaj so razkrili samo dva ali tri clane.
Za njimi stoji CryptoPR podjetje, ki je sodelovalo ze pri nekaj shady projektih.
Recimo pri Lucky Block.
Tamadoge na instagramu oglasuje tudi Lucky Block..
Kar nekaj rdecih alarmov..
I’m out.

Prebranac ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Prebranac je izjavil:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Kaj se dogaja s Tamadogom?

Kiti zbijajo ceno, buy orderji so ze ves dan pri 0.06. Zna prit do odboja..
Jaz sem že prodal, z lepim plusom.

A do odboja navzdol? Super napovedi. P n d scena kot vsak hype. Ničkolikokrat. Buy the rumour sell the news. Naivneži pa kar molite na čudeže....in sanje o akomulaciji...

Men je to najboljsi bear market ever.

Tole sem pa ze objavil prej:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

hator je izjavil:

Pozna kdo Tamadoge. Imajo preseale. Verjetno shitcoin?

Ja, zelo riskantna nalozba.
Tokene lahk claimas sele potem, ko v 9 stageih prodajajo 1 milijardo tokenov.
Ekipa ni v celoti znana, oziroma do sedaj so razkrili samo dva ali tri clane.
Za njimi stoji CryptoPR podjetje, ki je sodelovalo ze pri nekaj shady projektih.
Recimo pri Lucky Block.
Tamadoge na instagramu oglasuje tudi Lucky Block..
Kar nekaj rdecih alarmov..

Ok. Se opravičujam. Moja napakeca. Res je shitishit. Bojim se da je konec. Nakup morda spet cca 0,017

PrihajaNodi ::

Nebl pa sam gor. Do atha

PacificBlue ::

Jaz sem tam tudi druge oposarjal na discordu in telegramu pa so me banali na koncu, ko doseze vrh je konec, gre se sam v prpad, z kakin skokom vmes.
Res je da je Tama po volumnu do sedaj 3. najvecji meme kovanec za Shibo in Dogeom.
Se splaca morda kupit kje blizu 0.01 ali 0.02..odvisno kako dalec bo padla..pri teh kovancih nikol ne ves.
I’m out.

hamez66 ::

Iz Mtgoxa smo spet dobili eno solato. Zgleda bomo zdaj lahko izbrali način izplačila ali nekaj podobnega:

To Rehabilitation Creditors,

Rehabilitation creditors should read this email carefully, as it contains essential information regarding repayment procedures under the Rehabilitation Plan.

1. Launch of Function for Selection and Registration
Regarding repayment under the Rehabilitation Plan ("Repayment"), the Rehabilitation Trustee has launched a function for rehabilitation creditors to select a repayment method and to register payee information ("Selection and Registration") on the MTGOX Online Rehabilitation Claim Filing System (i.e., the system accessible via https://claims.mtgox.com/; "System").

The deadline for Selection and Registration is January 10, 2023 (Japan time); any rehabilitation creditor who wishes to receive Repayment must complete Selection and Registration on the System by such deadline.

The following explanatory materials regarding Repayment have been uploaded to the System. All these materials contain important matters concerning Repayment. Therefore, all rehabilitation creditors should read them carefully before carrying out Selection and Registration. Please note that the following documents are accessible only by rehabilitation creditors. Please refrain from providing, disclosing or leaking such documents to third parties.

Notice Concerning Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan and Acquisition of Permission Regarding Repayments
Information on Financial Situation of Rehabilitation Debtor
Income and Expenditure Statement, Balance Sheet, List of Assets (as of August 31, 2022)
Guide to Repayment by Bank Remittance (for Rehabilitation Creditors who Reside Outside of Japan)
Guide to Repayment by Bank Remittance (for Rehabilitation Creditors who Reside in Japan)
Guide to Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider
Guide to Selection of Cryptocurrency Exchange or Custodian

2. Overview of Selection and Registration Procedures
(1) Initial registration on the System
To ensure safe and secure Repayment, rehabilitation creditors must log in to the System to carry out Selection and Registration themselves. If you currently cannot log in to the System, you will need to complete initial registration on the System. Therefore, please review the information below and promptly complete initial registration on the System. If you complete initial registration but still cannot log in to the System because you have forgotten your password or for other reasons, please re-register by carrying out the same procedures as those for initial registration.

If you cannot log in to the System, you will not be able to carry out Selection and Registration. If you do not complete the necessary Selection and Registration, you will not be able to receive any of the Repayments below, and you will need to bring the required documents to the MTGOX Co., Ltd. head office or other place designated by the Rehabilitation Trustee and receive Repayment in Japanese yen (cash) (if you are unable to receive such Repayment, the Repayment amount will be deposited with the Legal Affairs Bureau).

?Early Lump-Sum Repayment
?Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency
?Repayment by Bank Remittance
?Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Please note that even if you have completed initial registration, in case you have not carried out Selection and Registration on the System by January 10, 2023 (Japan time), you will not be able to receive any of the above Repayments. Therefore, after you complete initial registration, make sure that you carry out Selection and Registration on the System.

(2) Identity Verification
After logging in to the System, and prior to Selection and Registration, you must perform identity verification using services provided by Onfido PTE Ltd. Please click on the "PERFOEM IDENTITY VERIFICATION" button on the System and follow the onscreen instructions and other explanatory materials to complete identity verification.

The result of the identity verification will be sent to your contact email address. If the result of your identity verification was "Success," you may proceed to the procedures detailed in (3) below. If the result of your identity verification was "Fail," you will need to redo the identity verification procedures. It may take some time between your request for identity verification and notification of your result.

Please note that your identity verification documents, your selfie data, and the details of your identify verification materials will be obtained and managed by the Rehabilitation Trustee, provided to third parties in and outside of Japan, and otherwise used to the extent necessary to conduct the Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings including Repayment.

(3) Selection of Method of Proportional Repayment and Selection of Repayment Method of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims
Once you click on the "SELECT REPAYMENT METHOD AND REGISTER PAYEEINFORMATION" button on the System, the Terms of Consent regarding Repayment will be displayed; please read the Terms of Consent carefully and then click on the "AGREE" button. If you do not agree to the Terms of Consent, you will not be able to carry out Selection and Registration.

After agreeing to the Terms of Consent, please carry out the selection regarding (i) and (ii) below (rehabilitation creditors who will be paid in full by the Base Repayment cannot carry out the selection regarding (i), and rehabilitation creditors who do not hold cryptocurrency rehabilitation claims cannot carry out the selection regarding (ii)). In all cases, make sure to carefully read the on-screen explanations on the System and other related materials before making your selection. Please note that you can change your selection up to the end of January 10, 2023 (Japan time), the deadline for Selection and Registration.

(i) Selection concerning proportional repayment
As a proportional repayments for claims remaining after the Base Repayment Amount are deducted, you will be asked to select between (a) Intermediate Repayments and Final Repayment and (b) Early Lump-Sum Repayment.

(ii) Selection of repayment method for cryptocurrency rehabilitation claims
If you have cryptocurrency rehabilitation claims, you may select to receive cryptocurrency allocated to cryptocurrency rehabilitation claims (a) in cryptocurrency or (b) in the fiat currency obtained by the Rehabilitation Trustee through the sale of cryptocurrency.

(4) Registration of Payee Information
After completing the procedures in (3) above, you can register your Repayment payee information. Click on the applicable button below on the System, and after carefully reading the on-screen explanations on the System and explanations in other related materials, register your payee information.


3. Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan and Permission regarding Repayment
(1) Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan
To ensure that rehabilitation creditors can receive Repayment smoothly, fairly and safely, the Rehabilitation Trustee petitioned for amendments to certain provisions of the Rehabilitation Plan, and the Tokyo District Court made an order to grant these amendments on September 29, 2022. The order will become final and binding after the period specified in the Civil Rehabilitation Act passes. These amendments include those that clarify matters that were not explicitly stated in the previous version of the Rehabilitation Plan. Rehabilitation creditors can view the Draft Amended Rehabilitation Plan which reflects such amendments in the System or the URL below. Please note that the Draft Amended Rehabilitation Plan is accessible only by rehabilitation creditors. Please refrain from providing, disclosing or leaking it to third parties. Please also note that the disclosure of the Draft Amended Rehabilitation Plan at the following URL may be terminated without prior notice.

In addition, please also refer to the "Notice Concerning Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan and Acquisition of Permission Regarding Repayments" which is disclosed in the System and provides the contents and reasons of the amendments.

(2) Permission regarding Repayment
There are matters that the Rehabilitation Trustee is required to decide with the permission of the Tokyo District Court in order to implement Repayment. The Rehabilitation Trustee has, with the permission of the Court, decided these matters, which can be reviewed in "Notice Concerning Amendment of Rehabilitation Plan and Acquisition of Permission Regarding Repayments" which is accessible on the System. Among such matters are the deadline for Selection and Registration and Repayment deadlines, which are also indicated below. Please note that, depending on the future circumstances, the following deadlines are subject to change with the permission of the Tokyo District Court.

(i) Base Repayment Deadline: July 31, 2023 (Japan time)
(ii) Intermediate Repayment Deadline: July 31, 2023 (Japan time)
(iii) Early Lump-Sum Repayment Reference Date: January 10, 2023 (Japan time)
(iv) Cryptocurrency Repayment Reference Date: January 10, 2023 (Japan time)

4. Inquiries
For any questions regarding Repayment, please log in to the System and use the inquiry form accessible from the "FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ)" button in the upper right corner of the screen.

The inquiry also can be made using the inquiry form accessible from the URL below without logging to the System. However, if the inquiry is made in such manner, the identity of the inquirer and the creditor may not be verified, which may make it difficult to respond to inquiries smoothly. Accordingly, please make the inquiry after logging in to the System, if possible.

Please note that, due to a large number of inquiries, we may not be able to respond in a timely manner. We appreciate your understanding.

This email was sent from a send-only email address, and we cannot read or respond to any reply you may send.

Rehabilitation Debtor: MTGOX Co., Ltd.
Rehabilitation Trustee: Nobuaki Kobayashi


Veliko solate, TLDR.

jedateruk ::

Daj povzetek tega doktorata.


Zgodovina sprememb…

DarwiN ::

DarwiN je izjavil:

Naslednji teden sledi trenutek resnice. Pripravite se na shortanje. Target je nekje med 12 in 3k. ;)

Buckle up, people.

V US pozitivne novice okrog stopnje brezposelnosti. Dolar gor, kripto dol.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

dope1337 ::

jedateruk je izjavil:

Daj povzetek tega doktorata.


Bolj trivialno predstavljenega povzetka ne boš našel.

Pa še poljudna razlaga, zakaj ostale nativne cosmosSDK ter IBC podprte verige blokov nimajo te varnostne luknje. -> https://twitter.com/JoeAbbey/status/157...
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: dope1337 ()

hujsk1999 ::

Kateri coini bojo dobro performali v naslednjih petih letih recesije? Rabim letni donos okoli 20% brez nekih večjih tveganj da približno ohranim vrednost mojega premoženja.
Intel Core i9-13900KS/MSI GeForce RTX 4090 SUPRIM X 24G/EKWB Custom

Zgodovina sprememb…

jedateruk ::

Kot da bi vprašal, kakšno bo vreme 8. oktobra 2027.

TheMentor ::

hujsk1999 je izjavil:

Kateri coini bojo dobro performali v naslednjih petih letih recesije? Rabim letni donos okoli 20% brez nekih večjih tveganj da približno ohranim vrednost mojega premoženja.

Torej bi rad x2 od trenutne cene v 5ih letih...približno.

Kupi BTC...x2 skor zihr nardi v naslednjih 5ih letih.

Apofis ::

Ada kakopak...

PrihajaNodi ::

ADA itak

Magic1 ::

Unemployment je šla dol v ZDA! Fed je dvignil obrestno mero, da bi malo zabremzal gospodarstvo in potrošnjo. Izgleda da še ni blizu zadanemu, tako da bo še konkretneje zategnil.

Prebranac ::

Magic1 je izjavil:

Unemployment je šla dol v ZDA! Fed je dvignil obrestno mero, da bi malo zabremzal gospodarstvo in potrošnjo. Izgleda da še ni blizu zadanemu, tako da bo še konkretneje zategnil.

Vse gre v 3pm. Narod si je nakopičil zaloge, kupujejo ko nori. Fukjeni fsi. Nepremičnine v nebo tukaj v mb, magna pa delavce na čakanje.

DarwiN je izjavil:

DarwiN je izjavil:

Naslednji teden sledi trenutek resnice. Pripravite se na shortanje. Target je nekje med 12 in 3k. ;)

Buckle up, people.

V US pozitivne novice okrog stopnje brezposelnosti. Dolar gor, kripto dol.

To tudi jazt pravim. Akomolirajo naivneži. Prodajte dokler lahko. Padec je neizbežen. Saylor bo potegnil za sabo tudi ta balon...

Zgodovina sprememb…

PrihajaNodi ::

Vse gre v 3pm. Narod si je nakopičil zaloge, kupujejo ko nori. Fukjeni fsi. Nepremičnine v nebo tukaj v mb, magna pa delavce na čakanje.

Tebi se meša

Magic1 ::

Sej zdaj se že nazadržno bliža zaključek tega sanjanja. Kome se bo zmešalo, bo kmalu jasno. Jaz ne sanjam na gamblanju.

PrihajaNodi ::

BTC ne bo šel pod 19k tole je kot 300 usd. Kdor nima da si jih vsaj 5 kupi naj ga pa koklja brcnr

Magic1 ::

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

BTC ne bo šel pod 19k tole je kot 300 usd. Kdor nima da si jih vsaj 5 kupi naj ga pa koklja brcnr

Tebi tele gobice škodijo. Ali pa si tolk že nasanku na kriptu, da zdaj živiš na tem, da še koga potunkaš. Za tvojo nesposobno rit pa itak veš, da bo mamica poskrbela.
Drugače je bil BTC že na 17,7kEUR. 19kEUR ni nobena magična meja, ki ne bi mogla bit prebita. Apple je danes komaj zdržal nad 140. Ko bo to padlo, gremo dol.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Magic1 ()

mr_chai ::

hujsk1999 je izjavil:

Kateri coini bojo dobro performali v naslednjih petih letih recesije? Rabim letni donos okoli 20% brez nekih večjih tveganj da približno ohranim vrednost mojega premoženja.

USD coin

Prebranac ::

Nov dan nov dildo v barta. Danes izjemno slab kazalec. Xrp in xlm rasteta, kar kaže na to da prestavljajo iz menjalnic in v stabilne valute. Nekaj se kuha..,sami lažovi z strani kitof.

Vprašanje ali bo 0,05 pri tamadoge izdržal...slabo kaže na volumnih

Zgodovina sprememb…

PacificBlue ::

Ja, volumen je sel na polovico, sam od dipa priblizno na 0.04 se vedno pocasi, vendar raste.
Del svojega profita sem pa dal stejkat v umee za en mesec.
Imam dober filing, da bo vrednost tega kovanca se lepo zrastla..
I’m out.

PrihajaNodi ::

Tamadoge pa sam up

Prebranac ::

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Tamadoge pa sam up

Katera tama? 4 so na cmc. Tista tama pod 0,06 pa bolj klaverno deluje. Volumen le še 30 miljonof....ladja se potaplja žal..

enemon ::

Prebranac je izjavil:

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Tamadoge pa sam up

Katera tama? 4 so na cmc. Tista tama pod 0,06 pa bolj klaverno deluje. Volumen le še 30 miljonof....ladja se potaplja žal..

Tudi ti deluješ vedno bolj klavErno.

PrihajaNodi ::

Prebranac je izjavil:

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Tamadoge pa sam up

Katera tama? 4 so na cmc. Tista tama pod 0,06 pa bolj klaverno deluje. Volumen le še 30 miljonof....ladja se potaplja žal..

In kaj je ce je to novi shiba? Nebi vrgel 10 eur?

Prebranac ::

enemon je izjavil:

Prebranac je izjavil:

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Tamadoge pa sam up

Katera tama? 4 so na cmc. Tista tama pod 0,06 pa bolj klaverno deluje. Volumen le še 30 miljonof....ladja se potaplja žal..

Tudi ti deluješ vedno bolj klavErno.

Hvala na provoceranju...kot sem napovedal, nič dobrega se ne piše do decembra.

enemon ::

Prebranac je izjavil:

enemon je izjavil:

Prebranac je izjavil:

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Tamadoge pa sam up

Katera tama? 4 so na cmc. Tista tama pod 0,06 pa bolj klaverno deluje. Volumen le še 30 miljonof....ladja se potaplja žal..

Tudi ti deluješ vedno bolj klavErno.

Hvala na provoceranju...kot sem napovedal, nič dobrega se ne piše do decembra.

Prosim ZA provocIranje.

Kripto ::

Market se vedno igra z emocijami.
Wealth is mindset!

Apofis ::

Kripto je izjavil:

Market se vedno igra z emocijami.

Pizda, tole mencanje gor al dol itak na načenja živce...naj ga fajn dol kresne al pa konkretno gor...sj men je sicer vseen sam je tečno gledat to mencanje

PrihajaNodi ::

Bo slo konkretno gor. Zakaj? Roboti berejo warkrafta in pol naredijo obratno

Edorta ::

hujsk1999 je izjavil:

Kateri coini bojo dobro performali v naslednjih petih letih recesije? Rabim letni donos okoli 20% brez nekih večjih tveganj da približno ohranim vrednost mojega premoženja.

PAX-G 15% letno, brez tveganj.

Surstromming ::

Dajte mi povedat no, umiram od firbca, koliko ste spusili ob padcu bitcoina?

Vem, da se pri kriptovalutah vsi samo hvalijo kaksni "investitorji" (gre pravzaprav za gamblerje) so, ampak a ima kdo jajca, da po pravici pove?

Ob porastih bitcoina, so bile to velike novice, vsi so pametovali itd. Dajte narediti se novico koliko ste popusili.
Pojdite volit drugi krog volitev. Prepricujejo vas, da se ne
splaca, zato, da bi SDS (Logar) sploh imel moznost zmagati.
In v kolikor bo, bo to zato, ker se niste udelezili volitev.

Zgodovina sprememb…

PrihajaNodi ::

Surstromming je izjavil:

Dajte mi povedat no, umiram od firbca, koliko ste spusili ob padcu bitcoina?

Vem, da se pri kriptovalutah vsi samo hvalijo kaksni "investitorji" (gre pravzaprav za gamblerje) so, ampak a ima kdo jajca, da po pravici pove?

Ob porastih bitcoina, so bile to velike novice, vsi so pametovali itd. Dajte narediti se novico koliko ste popusili.

Takole ti bom rekel pametnjakovic. Nic! Zakaj? Ker ne prodajamo! 1 btc bo vedno 1 btc. Tudi s shibo si padel iz 1000 eur na 5 pa pol do miljona. Raje kaj jotr vrzi, vzami kredit, prodaj zeno. Ker tako ugodno ne bo nikoli vec

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: OracleDev ()

Prebranac ::

Surstromming je izjavil:

Dajte mi povedat no, umiram od firbca, koliko ste spusili ob padcu bitcoina?

Vem, da se pri kriptovalutah vsi samo hvalijo kaksni "investitorji" (gre pravzaprav za gamblerje) so, ampak a ima kdo jajca, da po pravici pove?

Ob porastih bitcoina, so bile to velike novice, vsi so pametovali itd. Dajte narediti se novico koliko ste popusili.


sreda ::

Surstromming je izjavil:

Dajte mi povedat no, umiram od firbca, koliko ste spusili ob padcu bitcoina?

Vem, da se pri kriptovalutah vsi samo hvalijo kaksni "investitorji" (gre pravzaprav za gamblerje) so, ampak a ima kdo jajca, da po pravici pove?

Ob porastih bitcoina, so bile to velike novice, vsi so pametovali itd. Dajte narediti se novico koliko ste popusili.

Trenutno imam 2x glede na vložek.
Začel avgusta 2017, na srečo na bitstampu, ker so bili poleg bitcoina le še trije šitkoini (ETH, LTC in XRP). Ker nisem vedel kaj kupovat sem vložek vedno razdelil med vse štiri. Kupoval sem tudi decembra 2017 bitkoin po 17000 ripl po 1,4 in Ether po 1300. Sedaj ves čas dokupujem le še bitkoin. Kupoval sem ga tudi pri 48000 $.
Vlagam vsak mesec po malo, na dolgi rok 10+ let in zneske, ki me ne bolijo.
Dvignil nisem še nič.

vaščan ::

Jaz če potegnem črto sem trenutno na začetnem vložku glede da smo v bearu je to zame ok. S tem da fiata ne držim nič sem poleti ko je bla panika zmetal še zadnje usdtje noter. Škoda je ker se bo tole navijanje obrestnih mer po vsej vrjetnosti zavleklo brezposelnost je nizka vrjetno bo market počasi krvavel dokler ne začne inflacija padat ali se brezposelnost večat in fed malo popusti se pa zadeva lahko zavleče jaz sem predvideval,da bo do novembra decembra 2022 zadeva zaključena ampak očitno temu nebo tako. Nikol pa neveš kdaj fed odneha ker posledice dviga obrestnih mer se čutijo šele pol leta do leto naprej in kolk bodo zbili inflacijo ter nas porinili v recesijo ali samo bear market je vse predvidevanje.

hunterslo ::

Naslednjih 6 mesecev je ključnih.

FireSnack ::

Če povem čisto po pravici. S kriptom ne bom nikoli spušil enega evra. To pa zato ker dokler ne prodaš ne izgubiš. To je ta zmagovalni mindset, folk.
Preprodajalec NFT umetnin

endelin ::

Rabim nekaj za x2 do jutri.

Aja nismo v bull runu:D

Prebranac ::

endelin je izjavil:

Rabim nekaj za x2 do jutri.

Aja nismo v bull runu:D

Vse je odvisno od muska. V kolikor kupi twitter kateri je gonilo za shitcoine bo mogoče bull.

Zgodovina sprememb…

PrihajaNodi ::

endelin je izjavil:

Rabim nekaj za x2 do jutri.

Aja nismo v bull runu:D

Tama coin pa nebl

Vidim da si je trg kar lepo opomogel

Zgodovina sprememb…

zmago5000 ::

sprašujem za prjatla: kupu je tamadoge pri 0,15 in ga dokupu pri 0,12,..kaj naj zdej naredi ko je 0,045? Je zdej pravi čas za nakup?

Zgodovina sprememb…

Prebranac ::

zmago5000 je izjavil:

sprašujem za prjatla: kupu je tamadoge pri 0,15 in ga dokupu pri 0,12,..kaj naj zdej naredi ko je 0,045? Je zdej pravi čas za nakup?

Počakaj do 0,017

zmago5000 ::

Jest sem bolj ziher in imam samo tavelika ter zraven 1 ali 2 bolj risky projekta. Ampak Tama glede na to da je bil 0.20 bo verjetno spet kmal ker kot memecoin ima potencial se mi zdi.

Kripto mesi ::

zmago5000 je izjavil:

sprašujem za prjatla: kupu je tamadoge pri 0,15 in ga dokupu pri 0,12,..kaj naj zdej naredi ko je 0,045? Je zdej pravi čas za nakup?

Zdaj se splača, zarini not 100 jurjev, potem pa jamraj kot Warkraft.

Prebranac ::

Kripto mesi je izjavil:

zmago5000 je izjavil:

sprašujem za prjatla: kupu je tamadoge pri 0,15 in ga dokupu pri 0,12,..kaj naj zdej naredi ko je 0,045? Je zdej pravi čas za nakup?

Zdaj se splača, zarini not 100 jurjev, potem pa jamraj kot Warkraft.

Sreča je na strani pogumnih.

Zgodovina sprememb…

PrihajaNodi ::

Pod 19 k ne gremo na 25 k pa zih. Tama bo takrat 2 usd

energetik ::

Azijci se zbudijo čez 3-4h. Glede na tole vikend konsolidacijo, bo tole konkretno skočilo. Jaz rečem da bolj na gor. Verjetno bom zdle še ene ostanke fiata zarinil v BTC.
Imam že 2 tedna order ns 18k€, pa ga noče zagrabit. Vprašanje če bo še kdaj tako poceni.
vires in numeris

PrihajaNodi ::

+1 za tole
1168 / 1576