Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » kripto splošna debata
kripto splošna debata
Temo vidijo: vsi
PrihajaNodi ::
Itak, da ne omenjamo vseh Bugatijev, toliko jih še nisem videl v Kranju. Vse lepe nove stavbe in hiše od miljona naprej
Prebranac ::
Fse gre f kurac. Še reveži nič ne kupujejo. Kje ste frizerke pliz? Čakam, da akomuliram dovolj penezov da grem spet allinn ko pade v 5 valu do konca leta. 12 k grem noter.
PrihajaNodi ::
Poglej si ETHW. Pretopi vse v ETHW in ne jokaj. Tole gre na 100
Prebranac ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Poglej si ETHW. Pretopi vse v ETHW in ne jokaj. Tole gre na 100
ETHPoW (ETHW) Has Officially Become a Pump-and-Dump Coin
It’s official, ETHPoW (ETHW) is the latest addition among pump-and-dump coins that investors overhype for the sole purpose of profiting.
In today’s 24-hour charts, the token climbed 41.34% to $6.95. This is just a day after it retraced 37% after news confirmed an attack on the blockchain. Reports show attackers successfully took 200 ETHPoW tokens on September 16 through the Omni Bridge and Gnosis chain.
This immediately put ETHPoW’s credibility and future security in a severe reckoning, which led to a massive selloff. ETHW fell to a fresh low at $4.22 after the news broke.
The recent price recovery means one thing: it is not more than a mere short-term price hyping. Once whales start moving funds out of the token, price corrections await.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Prebranac ()
Prebranac ::
Binance (BNB) implements 1.2% burn tax in two steps
Mr. Wu has taken to Twitter to share that the cryptocurrency exchange Binance (BNB) confirmed its decision to implement a 1.2% token burn rate on every transaction.
Binance: When the opt-in accounts reach a holding of 25% of the total LUNC held on Binance, we start to charge 1.2% tax for all opt-in traders when they trade LUNC. When reach 50%, we will roll out the 1.2% trading tax for all LUNC trading.
— Wu Blockchain (@WuBlockchain) September 24, 2022
The major upgrade will be implemented in two steps. First, when the amount of LUNC tokens stored in "opt-in" ("approving") accounts, the tax will be applied to "opt-in" traders only.
Then, once the limit of the LUNC share stored by opt-in account reaches 50%, the tax will be implemented to all LUNC transfers for Binance (BNB) users.
As such, very soon Binance (BNB) might become the largest crypto exchange to adopt LUNC transfer taxation.
Mr. Wu has taken to Twitter to share that the cryptocurrency exchange Binance (BNB) confirmed its decision to implement a 1.2% token burn rate on every transaction.
Binance: When the opt-in accounts reach a holding of 25% of the total LUNC held on Binance, we start to charge 1.2% tax for all opt-in traders when they trade LUNC. When reach 50%, we will roll out the 1.2% trading tax for all LUNC trading.
— Wu Blockchain (@WuBlockchain) September 24, 2022
The major upgrade will be implemented in two steps. First, when the amount of LUNC tokens stored in "opt-in" ("approving") accounts, the tax will be applied to "opt-in" traders only.
Then, once the limit of the LUNC share stored by opt-in account reaches 50%, the tax will be implemented to all LUNC transfers for Binance (BNB) users.
As such, very soon Binance (BNB) might become the largest crypto exchange to adopt LUNC transfer taxation.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Prebranac ()
Neon87 ::
Binance (BNB) implements 1.2% burn tax in two steps
Mr. Wu has taken to Twitter to share that the cryptocurrency exchange Binance (BNB) confirmed its decision to implement a 1.2% token burn rate on every transaction.
Binance: When the opt-in accounts reach a holding of 25% of the total LUNC held on Binance, we start to charge 1.2% tax for all opt-in traders when they trade LUNC. When reach 50%, we will roll out the 1.2% trading tax for all LUNC trading.
— Wu Blockchain (@WuBlockchain) September 24, 2022
The major upgrade will be implemented in two steps. First, when the amount of LUNC tokens stored in "opt-in" ("approving") accounts, the tax will be applied to "opt-in" traders only.
Then, once the limit of the LUNC share stored by opt-in account reaches 50%, the tax will be implemented to all LUNC transfers for Binance (BNB) users.
As such, very soon Binance (BNB) might become the largest crypto exchange to adopt LUNC transfer taxation.
If the threshold for Step 2 cannot be reached within a month of the completion of Step 1, or falls back below the threshold in the future, we will remove the opt-in feature to keep to a simpler user-experience.
Mato989 ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Poglej si ETHW. Pretopi vse v ETHW in ne jokaj. Tole gre na 100
ETHPoW (ETHW) Has Officially Become a Pump-and-Dump Coin
It’s official, ETHPoW (ETHW) is the latest addition among pump-and-dump coins that investors overhype for the sole purpose of profiting.
In today’s 24-hour charts, the token climbed 41.34% to $6.95. This is just a day after it retraced 37% after news confirmed an attack on the blockchain. Reports show attackers successfully took 200 ETHPoW tokens on September 16 through the Omni Bridge and Gnosis chain.
This immediately put ETHPoW’s credibility and future security in a severe reckoning, which led to a massive selloff. ETHW fell to a fresh low at $4.22 after the news broke.
The recent price recovery means one thing: it is not more than a mere short-term price hyping. Once whales start moving funds out of the token, price corrections await.
Kaj mi pomaga če ga ne morem prodat na binance govna ena
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
Prebranac ::
Binance (BNB) implements 1.2% burn tax in two steps
Mr. Wu has taken to Twitter to share that the cryptocurrency exchange Binance (BNB) confirmed its decision to implement a 1.2% token burn rate on every transaction.
Binance: When the opt-in accounts reach a holding of 25% of the total LUNC held on Binance, we start to charge 1.2% tax for all opt-in traders when they trade LUNC. When reach 50%, we will roll out the 1.2% trading tax for all LUNC trading.
— Wu Blockchain (@WuBlockchain) September 24, 2022
The major upgrade will be implemented in two steps. First, when the amount of LUNC tokens stored in "opt-in" ("approving") accounts, the tax will be applied to "opt-in" traders only.
Then, once the limit of the LUNC share stored by opt-in account reaches 50%, the tax will be implemented to all LUNC transfers for Binance (BNB) users.
As such, very soon Binance (BNB) might become the largest crypto exchange to adopt LUNC transfer taxation.
If the threshold for Step 2 cannot be reached within a month of the completion of Step 1, or falls back below the threshold in the future, we will remove the opt-in feature to keep to a simpler user-experience.
Se pravi, da ne bo frizerk, ki mi izplačajo višje zneske...sranje
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Poglej si ETHW. Pretopi vse v ETHW in ne jokaj. Tole gre na 100
ETHPoW (ETHW) Has Officially Become a Pump-and-Dump Coin
It’s official, ETHPoW (ETHW) is the latest addition among pump-and-dump coins that investors overhype for the sole purpose of profiting.
In today’s 24-hour charts, the token climbed 41.34% to $6.95. This is just a day after it retraced 37% after news confirmed an attack on the blockchain. Reports show attackers successfully took 200 ETHPoW tokens on September 16 through the Omni Bridge and Gnosis chain.
This immediately put ETHPoW’s credibility and future security in a severe reckoning, which led to a massive selloff. ETHW fell to a fresh low at $4.22 after the news broke.
The recent price recovery means one thing: it is not more than a mere short-term price hyping. Once whales start moving funds out of the token, price corrections await.
Kaj mi pomaga če ga ne morem prodat na binance govna ena
Pač zelo uspešno omrežje za krajo. Do predvčeraj še prazen whitepaper
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Prebranac ()
PrihajaNodi ::
Sej je blo pr ETC ju isto pa so poflikal. Ti kar kupi in se mi zahvali kasneje.
FireSnack ::
Razprodajalo se bo še nekaj let dokler ne mine recesija. Potem gremo novi balon.
2022 Q4:
BTC - 15.000€
ETH - 900€
2023 Q4:
BTC - 5.000€
ETH - 300€
2022 Q4:
BTC - 15.000€
ETH - 900€
2023 Q4:
BTC - 5.000€
ETH - 300€
Preprodajalec NFT umetnin
Prebranac ::
Seveda. Praf akomulacije ja...mislim da odemo niže dol. Rdeči dildo prihaja!
Seveda. Praf akomulacije ja...mislim da odemo niže dol. Rdeči dildo prihaja!
FireSnack ::
Dolar mi je v enem letu naredil skor 30% in šele začel je dobro plezat. Pričakujem 50% donosa samo na dolarju.
Preprodajalec NFT umetnin
TheMentor ::
Dolar mi je v enem letu naredil skor 30% in šele začel je dobro plezat. Pričakujem 50% donosa samo na dolarju.
Dollar glede na kaj? Euro? Sej veš, da moraš pol prodat na ATH pa eur kupt, če hočeš "vnovčit" te %
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: TheMentor ()
PrihajaNodi ::
Kdaj mislite, da se bo končal ta "bearshit" (združen bearish shit)?
Zdej se akumulira. Je faza akumulacije. Kaksen teden do 25 k
stumfek ::
Invite only, get "hi" now ?
Nova HI Mastercard kartica do 10% cashback
Free subscriptions (Netflix, Apple music, HBO max,...)
Poglejte več na
Nova HI Mastercard kartica do 10% cashback
Free subscriptions (Netflix, Apple music, HBO max,...)
Poglejte več na
jedateruk ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Zdej se akumulira. Je faza akumulacije. Kaksen teden do 25 k
Verjetno je 25k mišljeno za BTC.
Vprašanje: kaj v praksi pomeni full signal pri indikatorju MACD?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jedateruk ()
mr_chai ::
Nodi ti si v fazi:
#1 Gambler's fallacy: If there were crypto bull markets in the past, there should be crypto bull markets in the future
Moja napoved: Vse gre dol. In crypto ostane na nivoju penny stocks.
#1 Gambler's fallacy: If there were crypto bull markets in the past, there should be crypto bull markets in the future
Moja napoved: Vse gre dol. In crypto ostane na nivoju penny stocks.
PrihajaNodi ::
Verjetno je 25k mišljeno za BTC.
Drzi. Faza akumulacije
Prebranac ::
Pa fsi nekaj upate. Recesija se še začela okrevanje se opisuje konec 2023 - gospodarstva in najbrz tudi kripta.
Hopiuma je zmanjkalo. Lageri so prazni...
Hopiuma je zmanjkalo. Lageri so prazni...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Prebranac ()
PrihajaNodi ::
Kera pumpa spet iz 18.300 na 19.000. Se da lepo služit. Naj kar traja tole.
jedateruk ::
Cena od katerega kripta bi lahko najbolj skočila gor? BTC je najbolj drag, zato mislim, da se ne bo podražil za tako veliko kot kripti za 1 €.
Prebranac ::
Sanja svija o kukzruzu. Neke pumpice z dvosmernim prometom med kiti da vas napizdujejo.
jedateruk ::
A vsi tukaj gledate samo na BTC? LUNC je iz 0,00008 skočil na 0,0005. Kdaj se bo BTC podražil tako veliko?
Prebranac ::
A vsi tukaj gledate samo na BTC? LUNC je iz 0,00008 skočil na 0,0005. Kdaj se bo BTC podražil tako veliko?
Lunc je pušnil big time.
Do kwon in interpol vas pumpajo in obirajo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Prebranac ()
Prebranac ::
Kripto mesi je izjavil:
Vidim, da preveč brihten pa ti nisi.
Izvoli, nauči me.
Res je mesija. Nauči ga če si brihta,
Kripto mesi je izjavil:
Vidim, da preveč brihten pa ti nisi.
Izvoli, nauči me.
Res je mesija. Nauči ga če si brihta,
Leti na mesijo. Vsi ste nekaj super duper mađioničari. Važno da vas lupijo. Če bi mene poslušali, bi vsaj kaj kupili na dnu. Sedaj pa kupujete ko sploh še ni padlo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Prebranac ()
PrihajaNodi ::
Ti boš btc kupoval ko bo 100 k in bo šel na 270k!
Tole je sedaj zastonj.
Tole je sedaj zastonj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
Prebranac ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Ti boš btc kupoval ko bo 100 k in bo šel na 270k!
Tvoj lunc pumpa, sedaj ko kwon pobira, da bo kaj imel za jesti v zaporu. Kar kupuj, da te napizdi.
Lunc mora padnet pod 0,0001, da je pameten nakup!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Prebranac ()
Magic1 ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Ti si že dve leti v recesiji!
Bi morali biti pa so vklopili tiskalnik. Sedaj drvi inflacija zaradi tiskalnika in ga posledično morajo izklopit. Zdaj že sam FED razlaga, da bo moralo priti do krize, da se ustavi inflacijo.
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Kera pumpa spet iz 18.300 na 19.000. Se da lepo služit. Naj kar traja tole.
Sej v kazinoju lahko tudi vlečeš ročko vsak dan. Ti kar gambli za tistih par procentov, potem se zgodi enkrat prepad in bo žur. Trenutno je veliko večja verjetnost da gre na 10k, kot pa na 30k.
PrihajaNodi ::
Sej v kazinoju lahko tudi vlečeš ročko vsak dan. Ti kar gambli za tistih par procentov, potem se zgodi enkrat prepad in bo žur. Trenutno je veliko večja verjetnost da gre na 10k, kot pa na 30k.
Že zaradi shorterjev se to ne more zgoditi, ker jih 60% shorta.
Fak no, dej vklopte možgane.
Magic1 ::
Počakaj da kakšen whale obupa. Samo eden od tavelkih reče, da ima dost in gre BTC v bližino nule.
Prebranac ::
Dobrotnik iz Binancea? a je fukjen? spreminja mnenja v 24 urah. Nategun.
Dobrotnik iz Binancea? a je fukjen? spreminja mnenja v 24 urah. Nategun.
PrihajaNodi ::
Počakaj da kakšen whale obupa. Samo eden od tavelkih reče, da ima dost in gre BTC v bližino nule.
Ja al pa da Salvador spet zacne kupovat
jedateruk ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Ti boš btc kupoval ko bo 100 k in bo šel na 270k!
Tvoj lunc pumpa, sedaj ko kwon pobira, da bo kaj imel za jesti v zaporu. Kar kupuj, da te napizdi.
Lunc mora padnet pod 0,0001, da je pameten nakup!
Po mojem bo spet padel na isto ceno kot pred 2 mesecoma.
mastazeko ::
Dobrotnik iz Binancea? a je fukjen? spreminja mnenja v 24 urah. Nategun.
Ne bit zdaj salty, ker nimaš nič lunca...pejt na zrak, da se spočiješ od tehnične analize
jedateruk ::
Calm down, kids.
Bo kdo napisal, da se splača kupit še kaj drugega razen BTC, ko bo konec "polnjenja akumulatorja"?
Bo kdo napisal, da se splača kupit še kaj drugega razen BTC, ko bo konec "polnjenja akumulatorja"?
PrihajaNodi ::
IOTA je ok
A kej grindate pobje?
A kej grindate pobje?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
PrihajaNodi ::
a ni eos kot xtz obadva crknenea konja ki samo dumpata. Jaz sam xtz kupoval ko je bil 0.25 pa supply 600m