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kripto splošna debata

kripto splošna debata

Temo vidijo: vsi
110 / 1490

MisterR ::

Za tiste ki niste kliknili prejšnjega linka, ki piše o tem kako pump&dump grupe delujejo:
After FunFair (A coin that I legitimately held since 2017) received a massive pump from $0.0042 to $0.0210, sending the moonshot bag I bought into the stratosphere, I looked on this Crypto sub and saw people saying it was a Pump and Dump. Curious, I followed the Discord link someone had provided to a group with over 200,000 members.

I didn't know what I should do, observe or participate... so for the time being I poked around and saw the structure of it all. You can't participate in any chats unless you invite someone. If you invite more people you get more bonuses... More on this later.

The Deception

So what's a Pump and Dump group? Well, the owner selects a coin, I presume a low volume, low Market Cap project that's been dead for some time. Then they send a signal out to buy and everyone must market buy, then wait for the rubes on the outside (you) to think something big is happening, then they encourage participants to sell, "25% at a time" to prevent the market dumping.

Hey, in theory, it seems like if you're in, you're in and nothing can go wrong. There's even channels where you can help advertise the coin on social media, with links to Reddits, Tweets etc. Looks well organised and legit. With that, I decided to dip my toes and participate - if I held FUN before, and the 6-hour pump brought a 6-7x return on investment, what could happen next?

The Con

In reality, things are different.

What happens is, the admin has picked a coin. This time, it was NEBL. They have all the time to load their bags. Let's say they put $10,000 into NEBL over a few weeks. The price barely moves and they have their bag ready. Then they start an announcement. "On January 2nd at 9PM GMT, the next coin to be pumped will be announced"

Remember that bonus I mentioned earlier? If you invite 5 people, you get notified 1 second earlier. If you invite 10, 2 seconds earlier, and so on.

You or I may think that we all just buy at 9PM, and then when we get big profit, sell and move on. If it worked that way, then getting rich from these groups would be utterly trivial. Unfortunately, in reality, what happens is the people that get notified seconds earlier place fat buy orders, and by the time the thousands of new-ranks enter the server, it's all over. They buy at X price, but that's already more than enough profit for the admins and high-ranked server members, who are able to make out like bandits.

At a representative example, the coin chosen today was sat at 2744 sats prior to the dump. As soon as the alert went out, I went straight to the NEBL/BTC market and market-bought with just ?50 of Bitcoin - a punt to try this thing out. My market buy went in at a whopping 8998 - at my buy, they more than tripled the price of the coin in seconds. I don't even know if it went higher because a fraction of a second later, it all crashed. Right now it's sat at 0.0002472 - ironically slightly less than before.

The real kicker is that as soon as they announce the coin, they close the chat. Anyone who gets trapped can't get out and can't alert anyone else to what's happening. Right now, I'm speaking to 10+ people who recently posted in the chat and every single one of them has lost money, some $10, some $25, one has even lost $500+

The Art

I can only stress that I haven't gone in to this thinking it will compose my trading strategy - I've learned that this group had nothing to do with the FUN P'n'D and there won't be an extended 6-hour pump. Instead, it seems like a very well-made and elaborate con to dump the absolute bejeesus of bags onto the rubes, who aren't the outsiders, but rather the 99% of users who participate thinking they are in for easy profit.

Nobody ever said there was such a thing as a free lunch

If you could get in to this 20 seconds earlier, you'd make money. Even better if you were the admin or his inside ring. You could make quite literally millions.

So in it's purest art form:

Accumulate coin on the sly until you have a heavy bag.
Announce a time to buy secret coin
Send secret coin name to a small privileged group a few seconds before announcing it publicly.
Close the chat so people can't warn of the impending shitshow
The rubes buy it at market price en-masse
Seconds after the rubes have bought it, dump for massive profit.
The rules state not to panic sell, this is to encourage the rubes not to think it's a scam and hold on as their BTC turns into a completely worthless shitcoin.
And there you have it. The deception, the con and the art.

This is a warning to you. I lost a trivial amount of money, I was curious more than I was greedy. But I am talking to people who have lost nearly 4 figures worth of Fiat. If any of this looks obvious, well in a way it is, but scams are always obvious when someone is explaining them to you. On the face of it, I think I believed because I experienced the absolutely wild ride of FUN yesterday which was entirely coincidental - I just happened to hold a coin that PnD groups happened to pump and I got the benefit of it.

Stay safe out there.


This was added to the Discord channel:

Dear members, the pump was insane, we have 4 years of experience and never expected this volume. With a peak of 1200% this was the highest pump we have seen with this group. Was it the best pump? Not really. There is a lot of people that profited but because it went this high this quick, there is also people that lost during the pump. Luckily, there were a couple of waves the first few minutes. The second minute there was a lot of selling volume, which means a lot of people in our group were able to sell. Like we always say, do NOT buy too high. If you are late buying in, do not buy in or wait for the second wave. Never buy above 500%. We will send video's of people that participated soon. We will analyse this pump in a few hours. Chats will open later.

Bolded emphasis mine. I think it's complete fucking baloney. There was no wave, it was one spike which lasted a few seconds, and then massive selling pressure. More a dump than a pump.

Someone else in the server lodged a complaint and got this back:

"That is unfortunate to hear. I've been getting DMs of people complaining. I have also seen someone lose their life savings today. We hope this VIP opportunity can help losers become winners next week guaranteed, and if you're a winner to keep on winning. :slight_smile:
0.005 BTC is the price for next weeks signal.
You'll be added to a private channel with other members."

So not satisfied with ripping off thousands of users at once, now pay them to be added to a private group. What a load of bollocks.

Ne pravim da ni možno ustvariti profita ampak s to shemo pridobivanja sekund je jasno, da 100% profitirajo tisti pri vrhu, za ostale je pa bolj ali manj sreča.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: MisterR ()

quaror ::

Kako je pa z izplačilom iz menjlalnice (Recimo Bitstamp) na TRR ? Ali je potrebno kapitalske dobičke poročat, ali si lahko mirno izplačaš?

endelin ::

tezus še kar 2usd.

perci ::

A bi raje, da pade?

PrihajaNodi ::

Saja pada, proti BTcju enormno

Tezos - stronger than gravity

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pep3Laugh ::

etc 6$, tezos niti 2$ :8)

endelin ::

še malo in DOGE prehiti XTZ

perci ::

Če hočeš btc, zakaj ne kupiš btc?

Pep3Laugh ::

DOGE bo naslednji bitcoin 8-)

endelin ::

Če kdo ni opazil...
presegli smo tudi market cap iz jan 2018

Facebook dev ::

Jz vem kdaj bo Tezos začel rast. To bo točno takrat ko bo Nodi ali Vazelin prodal ves svoj Tezos stack.
If you can't handle me at my worst,
you don't deserve me at my best.

Pep3Laugh ::

ja pa se nismo še niti lotili bomo vidli kaj bo čez 2 tedna.

PersonaRuda ::

Facebook dev je izjavil:

Jz vem kdaj bo Tezos začel rast. To bo točno takrat ko bo Nodi ali Vazelin prodal ves svoj Tezos stack.

To sem jaz že pred dvemi leti dejal :D

endelin ::

to bo res žalostno da bi se ta bullrun končal brez večje alt sezone.;((
3 leta za nič LOL

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: endelin ()

PrihajaNodi ::

Rich as Bezos?
Not with #Tezos
Creating losses
Like absolute bosses!

endelin je izjavil:

to bo res žalostno da bi se ta bullrun končal brez večje alt sezone.;((
3 leta za nič LOL

Saj bull je.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Facebook dev ::

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Rich as Bezos?
Not with #Tezos
Creating losses
Like absolute bosses!

endelin je izjavil:

to bo res žalostno da bi se ta bullrun končal brez večje alt sezone.;((
3 leta za nič LOL

Saj bull je.

If you can't handle me at my worst,
you don't deserve me at my best.

endelin ::

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Rich as Bezos?
Not with #Tezos
Creating losses
Like absolute bosses!



- Ponudba je vse bolj omejena, saj vse več vlagateljev stavi na strategijo "hodlanja".
- Aleš Kepic iz ekipe Crypto Trade Academy dolgoročno vidi še veliko možnosti za rast

Se je kdo udeležil kripto akademije?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: endelin ()

PrihajaNodi ::

Need losses to reduce your tax liabilities? Relax & buy #Tezos.

Pep3Laugh ::

pole ko pa bo tezos na 100$ plus bomo pa vsi fomo noter :P

PrihajaNodi ::

Se ne bo zgodilo

SuperKripto ::

endelin je izjavil:

to bo res žalostno da bi se ta bullrun končal brez večje alt sezone.;((
3 leta za nič LOL

Ker se blizajo regulacije kriptovalut imajo veliki vlagatelji morda pomisleke glede vlaganj v dolocene altcoine, dokler se to ne razresi. Zato pa btc cveti. Pa mogoce kaksen, ki ga elite, npr Musk reklamirajo. Drugac pa kar se tice btc, nekateri pravijo, da je to exit pump pred tether regulacijo. lol , ampak ne vem ce je res.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Sirena ::

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Rich as Bezos?
Not with #Tezos
Creating losses
Like absolute bosses!

Aj, pa ti si pravi PO.ET! - a se kdo še spomni simpatičnega POEja izpred dveh, treh let? Kaj se je zgodilo z njim? Izginil na smetišču kriptozgodovine?

Senior Dev ::

Sem kupil nekaj PO.ET za $0.2 pred leti. Zdaj je $0.000168. Uff, kako je to zgrmelo. Še sreča da sem se rešil altov. :))
ZenaDeva d.o.o. - Oddaja nepremičnin

Pep3Laugh ::

očitno je res elon neki naredu z doge-om še zdej pumpa.

SuperKripto ::

Kolk casa je potrebno, priblizno, da tist, ki prvic slisi za kripto na musk twitterju, se pozanima kako se kripto kupuje, Pa da se registrira na kripto menjalnico in nakaze denar. Koliko bi potreboval casa za celoten postopek. Pa recimo, da ni ravno vesc kripto zadev?

Zgodovina sprememb…

PersonaRuda ::

1-2 tedna max

Pep3Laugh ::

ola neki se že dogaja :O

PrihajaNodi ::

Pep3Laugh je izjavil:

ola neki se že dogaja :O


SuperKripto ::

PersonaRuda je izjavil:

1-2 tedna max

Danes je 14. dan odkar je Musk 20. decembra napisal ...one word... doge. Pa ce upostevamo, da niso vsi videli takoj prvi dan ampak komaj pozneje, ko je bil twit v trendu.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Sirena ::

Eno splošno vprašanje: ali kdo ve, po kateri menjalnici se orientira "Coinmarketcap" - ker vrednosti, navedene tam, se recimo kar razlikujejo od tistih na Binancah ali Bitstampu. Saj v končni fazi sploh ni bistveno in procentualno tudi ne gre za neka velika odstopanja, vprašam bolj zaradi firbca.

Facebook dev ::

Vsi cointrackerji delajo neko uteženo povprečje cen, ki jih dobijo z raznih menjalnic. Odvisno je od volumna menjalnega para, od zaupanja menjalnice (kar nekaj jih je, ki imajo wash trading volume v milijardah), itd.

Torej greš recimo pri coinmarketcapu na nek kovanec, pa potem spodaj izbereš zavihek markets, pa dobiš več podatkov o tem, koliko je bilo na kateri menjalnici volumna, kolikšna je cena, kolikošno je zaupanje v podatke itd.
Na coingecko pa lahko samo zascrollas dol, pa nato klikneš see all trading pairs.
If you can't handle me at my worst,
you don't deserve me at my best.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pep3Laugh ::

ta je pa kar lepa cifra ja, očitno jih ne briga več


Mato989 ::

Pep3Laugh je izjavil:

ta je pa kar lepa cifra ja, očitno jih ne briga več


Ali pa shocking celo dejansko je vecina tega kesa inside
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

Pep3Laugh ::

pa a je sploh možno da pride npr. cardano ali pa stellar na 10€+, ko pa sta že zdaj v top 10 market cap in nista niti 20 centov. verjetno čez 5-10 let bo tale market cap zelo drugačen in top 10 tudi ampak je prav čudno si predstavljat, da ne bi bilo eth in btc v top 10 čez par let.

PrihajaNodi ::

Tron pa Tezos se gibljeta skoraj skupaj. Obstaja kaksna korelacija?

Pep3Laugh je izjavil:

pa a je sploh možno da pride npr. cardano ali pa stellar na 10€+, ko pa sta že zdaj v top 10 market cap in nista niti 20 centov. verjetno čez 5-10 let bo tale market cap zelo drugačen in top 10 tudi ampak je prav čudno si predstavljat, da ne bi bilo eth in btc v top 10 čez par let.

Polkadot je konkreten konkurent ethereumu. Sem ga priporocal pod 2 usd

Zgodovina sprememb…

Mato989 ::

Pep3Laugh je izjavil:

pa a je sploh možno da pride npr. cardano ali pa stellar na 10€+, ko pa sta že zdaj v top 10 market cap in nista niti 20 centov. verjetno čez 5-10 let bo tale market cap zelo drugačen in top 10 tudi ampak je prav čudno si predstavljat, da ne bi bilo eth in btc v top 10 čez par let.

Zakaj pa ni mozno... Btc 500.000, eter 10.000 in cardano in stellar 10

Tvoja logika predpostavlja da btc ostane na tem mestu cardano hre pa na 10 in ja to je pa nerealno in skoraj nic mozno
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

Pep3Laugh ::

ja res ampak cardano je tudi konkurent eth in preden pride eth 2.0 ven bo cardano že kar napredoval. btc pa tudi ne vidim dolgoročno v top 10. Ampak ja to so samo špekulacije verjetno še kar eni 5-10 let do takrat.

profesjonalc ::

Ali kdo od vas delagira cardano? Če ja, na katerem poolu?

Pep3Laugh ::

ja nekaj imam na daedalus, 1 percent pool.

endelin ::

Danes med top coini najbolj raste ......... xtz

PrihajaNodi ::

endelin je izjavil:

Danes med top coini najbolj raste ......... xtz

Zakaj zajebavas? In jst butast Nodi po nepotrebnem odpiram cmc

endelin ::

Ltc pred Xrp po dolgem času

hamez66 ::

Nodi sej ti imaš DOT, tako da ni panike, če XTZ ne raste.

PrihajaNodi ::

Premal dota mam. Glavnina je xtz

Pep3Laugh ::

bogi xrp kako so ga zjebali :'(

PrihajaNodi ::

Pep3Laugh je izjavil:

bogi xrp kako so ga zjebali :'(

Nehaj jamrat. Ico investorji so v enormnem profitu.

Mato989 ::

Pep3Laugh je izjavil:

ja res ampak cardano je tudi konkurent eth in preden pride eth 2.0 ven bo cardano že kar napredoval. btc pa tudi ne vidim dolgoročno v top 10. Ampak ja to so samo špekulacije verjetno še kar eni 5-10 let do takrat.

Ko bos razumel da tech ni stevilka ena bos razumel zakaj je btc prvi in eter drugi...

Ce bi gledali bolj ali manj samo tech imamo vrsto boljsih kovancev kot eter in btc bodisi v hitrosti bodisi v ostalem...
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

spegli ::

Pep3Laugh je izjavil:

bogi xrp kako so ga zjebali :'(

SEC se ni spravil na tehnologijo XRP, ampak na firmo Ripple Labs.

@BTC okrog 29400 je bil close na menjalnicah, ki se zaprejo v petek zvečer.
Če je kdo bil short takrat je res F.

endelin ::

Res bi bil lep štart leta da pride do abnormalne Alt sezone:O

spegli ::

110 / 1490