Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Gregor P ::
Zanimivo, ker jaz pa poznam ravno obratne primere, kjer si s svojim znanjem uspejo najti zaposlitev pri nas.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
fikus_ ::
kdor ima interes, si bo našel zaposlitev/delo, kdor ne pač ne. In nekaj poznanih primerov je premalo za posploševanje.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
AtaŠtumf ::
Glede ruskih zrtev.
Zaluzhny made several other striking admissions. According to the general, Russia lost at least 150,000 troops -- a much lower estimate than the numbers previously circulated by Ukrainian and Western sources
Glede posiljanja municije Ukrajini.
EU countries have supplied Ukraine with just over 300,000 shells and will not be able to fulfil a plan to send 1 million shells and rockets by the end of the year.
Zaluzhny made several other striking admissions. According to the general, Russia lost at least 150,000 troops -- a much lower estimate than the numbers previously circulated by Ukrainian and Western sources
Glede posiljanja municije Ukrajini.
EU countries have supplied Ukraine with just over 300,000 shells and will not be able to fulfil a plan to send 1 million shells and rockets by the end of the year.
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Fungi88 ::
Pa vseeno Rusi še vedno Pušijo kurac
Tako hudo zmagujejo da že dve leti vlečejo 3 dnevno operacijo
Za referenco
Tako hudo zmagujejo da že dve leti vlečejo 3 dnevno operacijo
Za referenco
Dobre napovedi, vidoviti AtaŠtrumf
Zabavno je, kako še vedno ves čas verjamete, da so Ukrajinci vedno resnico govoreči angelčki!
Pa te analitki, ki jih objavljate, so pa še bolj smešni, 100x so že falili, pa še vedno jim slepo zaupate!
Osel gre enkrat na led, slo-techoca lahko nafukaš 100x, pa še vedno bo bee se drl!
Pravi se oglaša
Da ne omenjam tistega zgoraj od uporabnika jaruski, ki je pisal o napadu wagnerja iz Belorusije
Verjetno na ukrajinski strani noben oklepnik ni gorel, niti ni noben Ukrajinec umrl ta teden, ali kaj hočeš povedati s tem?
Vojna je, izgube so na ruski strani, ali pa si sveto prepričan, da nikakor ne bo izgub na ruski ali ukrajinski strani?
ps: Pa še tole, koliko se tolčejo po morju, da je ta podmornica tako pomembna in je strateški ukrajinski cilj?
Hočem povedati, da rusi trdijo da zmagujejo, ker prepočasi izgubljajo zasedeno ozemlje
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fungi88 ()
AtaŠtumf ::
Pocaki, da bo konec tega in bomo potem govorili, kdo je imel prav, kdo pa ne.
Se vedno trdim, da bo na koncu split in half opcija.
Se vedno trdim, da bo na koncu split in half opcija.
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Fungi88 ::
Pocaki, da bo konec tega in bomo potem govorili, kdo je imel prav, kdo pa ne.
Se vedno trdim, da bo na koncu split in half opcija.
Večni srbski optimist.
Rusija bo kot srbija, manjša z vsako edicijo
carska rusija > SZ > RF > karkoli bo že ostalo od RF
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fungi88 ()
AtaŠtumf ::
Pocaki, da bo konec tega in bomo potem govorili, kdo je imel prav, kdo pa ne.
Se vedno trdim, da bo na koncu split in half opcija.
Večni srbski optimist.
Rusija bo kot srbija, manjša z vsako edicijo
Bomo videli.
Sicer mi se vedno ni jasno, kaj naj bi jaz imel s Srbijo?
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Fungi88 ::
minuto dolg video s podnapisi
“I am for Putin, but I will not return to Russia».
Russian clowns who came and live in the USA complain how bad it is for them to live there. That there is no freedom of speech in the USA. And they don't like being fined and having their car and driver's license taken away for drunk driving. He openly says that he supports Putin and his policies. That soon no one in America will speak English. But at the same time, when asked if he wants to return to Russia, he says no, we will suffer here🤡
And the problem is that there are hundreds of thousands of such people. It is these people, under the guise of Americans, who shout against Ukraine and justify Russia’s actions. They all emigrated to this country, but they hate it.
Tole je popoln opis ljudi kot je AtaŠtumf.
AtaŠtumf ::
Kaj mene boli k za Putlerja?
Povej ti raje za koji k mora EU pomagati vsem moznim drzavam in se vtikati v notranje politike vseh moznih drzav izven EU, obenem pa imamo v lastni domovini Sloveniji in EU vec kot dovolj svojih lastnih problemov.
Kaj za k se meni spremeni, ce Putler zavzame Ukrajino?
Ce bi napdel EU ali NATO drzavo razumem, da moramo pomagati in se strinjam s tem, da se unici napadalca!
Kaj ima pa Ukrajina z Eu in Nato koalicijo, da ji moramo pomagati?
Ce pa je argument, ker je bila napadena, ok, a smo pomagali in dali v taki kolicini orozje in denar vedno in povsod in dali sankcije vsakemu napadalcu, odkar Eu obstaja?
Povej ti raje za koji k mora EU pomagati vsem moznim drzavam in se vtikati v notranje politike vseh moznih drzav izven EU, obenem pa imamo v lastni domovini Sloveniji in EU vec kot dovolj svojih lastnih problemov.
Kaj za k se meni spremeni, ce Putler zavzame Ukrajino?
Ce bi napdel EU ali NATO drzavo razumem, da moramo pomagati in se strinjam s tem, da se unici napadalca!
Kaj ima pa Ukrajina z Eu in Nato koalicijo, da ji moramo pomagati?
Ce pa je argument, ker je bila napadena, ok, a smo pomagali in dali v taki kolicini orozje in denar vedno in povsod in dali sankcije vsakemu napadalcu, odkar Eu obstaja?
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AtaŠtumf ()
Fungi88 ::
Kaj mene boli k za Putlerja?
Povej ti raje za koji k mora EU pomagati vsem moznim drzavam in se vtikati v notranje politike vseh moznih drzav, obenem pa imamo v lastni domovini Sloveniji in EU vec kot dovolj svojih lastnih problemov.
Kaj za k se meni spremeni, ce Putler zavzame Ukrajino?
Ce bi napdel EU ali NATO drzavo razumem, da moramo pomagati in se strinjam s tem, da se unici napadalca!
Kaj ima pa Ukrajina z Eu in Nato koalicijo, da ji moramo pomagati?
Ce pa je argument, ker je bila napadena, ok, a smo pomagali in dali v taki kolicini orozje in denar vedno in povsod in dali sankcije vsakemu napadalcu, odkar Eu obstaja?
Putin sploh ne skriva da mu je želja obuditev SZ, Ukrajina je samo prvi korak. Ceneje ga je sedajle po pički kot potem ko bo delal probleme bliže. To je na kratko vse.
Pravzaprav je Putin prvi korak naredil že v Gruziji, drugega pa z zavzetjem Krima. Tako da splošen napad na Ukrajino je ubistvu že tretji korak.
Če bi se m takoj pokazalo kje mu je mesto, bi bilo za vse nas lažje in ceneje ampak sem nas je pripeljala politika popuččanja.
Pravzaprav cel tvoj post kaže da si kot teli bedaki na sliki
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fungi88 ()
AtaŠtumf ::
Kaksne zelje ima Putler in kaj je realnost se tebi ali meni niti sanja ne.
Pa tudi, ce zeli sestaviti SZ skupaj, kako mislis, da mu bo EU to preprecila?
S tem, da ne moremo poslati niti 1 mio granat v enem letu ali pa mislis, da bo nasih 5 pilatusov naredilo razliko?
Kako mu bos pokazal kje mu je mesto, kako bos pokazal drzavi, ki ima vec nukeov kot cela EU, kje ji je mesto?
S sanckijami, ki jih ne jebe 5% vec kot pol sveta?
Polna usta imas vsega, realnosti pa se ne zavedas, EU nima niti malo moznosti, da karkoli sploh naredi!
Ce ZDa neha podpirati Ukrajino je game over, EU tega bremena ni sposobna prevzeti.
Pa tudi, ce zeli sestaviti SZ skupaj, kako mislis, da mu bo EU to preprecila?
S tem, da ne moremo poslati niti 1 mio granat v enem letu ali pa mislis, da bo nasih 5 pilatusov naredilo razliko?
Kako mu bos pokazal kje mu je mesto, kako bos pokazal drzavi, ki ima vec nukeov kot cela EU, kje ji je mesto?
S sanckijami, ki jih ne jebe 5% vec kot pol sveta?
Polna usta imas vsega, realnosti pa se ne zavedas, EU nima niti malo moznosti, da karkoli sploh naredi!
Ce ZDa neha podpirati Ukrajino je game over, EU tega bremena ni sposobna prevzeti.
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AtaŠtumf ()
Fungi88 ::
Kaksne zelje ima Putler in kaj je realnost se tebi ali meni niti sanja ne.
Pa tudi, ce zeli sestaviti SZ skupaj, kako mislis, da mu bo EU to preprecila?
S tem, da ne moremo poslati niti 1 mio granat v enem letu ali pa mislis, da bo nasih 5 pilatusov naredilo razliko?
Kako mu bos pokazal kje mu je mesto, kako bos pokazal drzavi, ki ima vec nukeov kot cela EU, kje ji je mesto?
S sanckijami, ki jih ne jebe 5% vec kot pol sveta?
Z polovičarsko pomočjo ukrajini smo dosegli da se je domnevno druga armada sveta zlomila v Ukrajini. Tista armada za katero obstajajo posnetki Putina, ki pravi da če hoče lahko v dveh tednih zavzame pol evrope. Če bi malček bolj resno pristopili k pomoči in bi malo manj verjeli jamračem tvojega kova, bi bilo vojne že konec ker bi bila Rusija fuč.
Tako pa je preveč revežev tvojega kova ki ližete putinov kurac in strašite z jedrsko zimo, pa se potem pomoč dovaja z zamikom in po kapljicah.
NATO je prestopil že 99 ruskih rdečih črt, pa smo še vedno tu. Jedrske grožnje so prazne grožnje.
AtaŠtumf ::
Pocakaj do konca spopada, pa bomo na koncu naredili analizo, kdo je zmagal, kdo pa izgubil!
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Bauc ::
Kaj mene boli k za Putlerja?
Povej ti raje za koji k mora EU pomagati vsem moznim drzavam in se vtikati v notranje politike vseh moznih drzav izven EU, obenem pa imamo v lastni domovini Sloveniji in EU vec kot dovolj svojih lastnih problemov.
Kaj za k se meni spremeni, ce Putler zavzame Ukrajino?
Ce bi napdel EU ali NATO drzavo razumem, da moramo pomagati in se strinjam s tem, da se unici napadalca!
Kaj ima pa Ukrajina z Eu in Nato koalicijo, da ji moramo pomagati?
Ce pa je argument, ker je bila napadena, ok, a smo pomagali in dali v taki kolicini orozje in denar vedno in povsod in dali sankcije vsakemu napadalcu, odkar Eu obstaja?
Zato, ker je ukrajina evropska soseda. Če bi Putin napadel mongoljio bi se pa verjetno mešala kitajska mi bi pa gledali. Čist preprosto.
Spura ::
Rusija ima prednost v stevilu ljudi in v tem, da se lahko gre vojno ekonomijo, v kateri je precej BDPja namenjenega vojski. Ce bo Putin dal 20% BDP za vojno ga ne bo nihce ustavil, ker ni demokraticno izvoljen. In drzava ima energente za prodajat, da ta budget napolnijo. Torej za pricakovat, da bo Rusiji zmanjkalo nekih low-tech topovskih granat in tankov, ni. Zdej jih je malo stisnilo, ker so zaloge porabili, ampak komot prevekslajo na proizvodnjo, postavijo par fabrik itd in bodo imeli dovolj. Sociala in ostalo, kar so zgubilo budget... rusi bodo pac zategnili pasove, so ze vajeni.
Slaba stran rusije je da je njihova vojska, vojaska tehnika itd shit, slaba stran je tudi to, da prevelika mobilizacija in prevelik strosek vojne, jih vseeno lahko unici in lahko privede do drzavnega prevrata. V vsakem primeru bo pa brain drain pa zmanjsanje prebivalsta na rok 50 let zelo poslabsalo razmere v Rusiji.
Dobra stran EU/NATO je, da je kombinirana gospodarska moc veckratnih ruske in da je vojaska tehnika boljsa. Negativna stran je, da so voditelji odgovorni svojemu ljudstvu in ce hocejo financirat 1% BDP za to vojno na dolgi rok, je to politicno tezko in je treba prepricevati ljudi itd... iz tega je jasno za Rusijo strategija, da se pac utrudi javnost teh drzav, da nehajo financirat ukrajince.
Zdej pa kdo bo dlje zdrzal. Verjetno lahko Rusi dlje furajo to vojno, kot bomo v EU lahko zagotavljali podporo javnega mnenja za tole. Ukrajina se tega zaveda, zato so se pa trudili z ofenzivami, ker bi zavzetje vecine ozemlja spremenil situacijo. Je pa jasno da Ukrajinci ne bodo popustili v nobenem primeru, za njih je to domovinska vojna. Ce ne bo pomoci jih bo rusija zavzela in bo pac partizanscina.
Slaba stran rusije je da je njihova vojska, vojaska tehnika itd shit, slaba stran je tudi to, da prevelika mobilizacija in prevelik strosek vojne, jih vseeno lahko unici in lahko privede do drzavnega prevrata. V vsakem primeru bo pa brain drain pa zmanjsanje prebivalsta na rok 50 let zelo poslabsalo razmere v Rusiji.
Dobra stran EU/NATO je, da je kombinirana gospodarska moc veckratnih ruske in da je vojaska tehnika boljsa. Negativna stran je, da so voditelji odgovorni svojemu ljudstvu in ce hocejo financirat 1% BDP za to vojno na dolgi rok, je to politicno tezko in je treba prepricevati ljudi itd... iz tega je jasno za Rusijo strategija, da se pac utrudi javnost teh drzav, da nehajo financirat ukrajince.
Zdej pa kdo bo dlje zdrzal. Verjetno lahko Rusi dlje furajo to vojno, kot bomo v EU lahko zagotavljali podporo javnega mnenja za tole. Ukrajina se tega zaveda, zato so se pa trudili z ofenzivami, ker bi zavzetje vecine ozemlja spremenil situacijo. Je pa jasno da Ukrajinci ne bodo popustili v nobenem primeru, za njih je to domovinska vojna. Ce ne bo pomoci jih bo rusija zavzela in bo pac partizanscina.
sir_mha ::
Tokrat nekaj več novic o naših "influenserjih".
A leading western journalist who has long been considered one of Germany's top independent experts on Russia received at least €600,000 in undisclosed offshore payments from companies linked to an oligarch close to Putin
Rudy Giuliani's top Ukraine allies have been accused of working for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Ukrainian lawmaker Oleksandr Dubinsky joined a criminal organization financed by Russia's military intelligence, Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) said in a statement on Monday.
He was not named as the politician suspected of treason in the SBU statement, but Reuters reported that he was identified by two Ukrainian lawmakers on the messaging platform Telegram.
The SBU said the criminal group received more than $10 million to "take advantage of the tense political situation in Ukraine and discredit our state in the international arena."
gozdar1 ::
Bog ve koliko je še podobnih ekspertov in analitikov po zahodnih državah.
Putin expert got hundreds of thousands of euros from Russia!
Putin expert got hundreds of thousands of euros from Russia!
Okapi ::
Točno tako, in Putin bo končal podobno kot Milošević.Pocaki, da bo konec tega in bomo potem govorili, kdo je imel prav, kdo pa ne.
Se vedno trdim, da bo na koncu split in half opcija.
Večni srbski optimist.
Rusija bo kot srbija, manjša z vsako edicijo
carska rusija > SZ > RF > karkoli bo že ostalo od RF
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Okapi ()
Pac-Man ::
Za Seipla prvič slišim, sem šel pa malo guglat
Znanstveni članek:
Russia's aggression towards Ukraine in German talk shows 2013-2023. An empirical analysis of the studio guests
On the evening of February 23, 2022, the journalist and Putin expert Hubert Seipel on the “Maischberger” program attributed the escalating situation on the border to the breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine to a breach of the Minsk Agreements by Ukrainian troops, encouraged by NATO. He dismissed Russia's massive troop buildup on the Ukrainian border as harmless muscle flexing. The day before, long-time Russia correspondent Gabriele Krone-Schmalz had seen no signs of a Russian invasion from Markus Lanz and complained that NATO was threatening Russia's legitimate security interests.
Znanstveni članek:
Russia's aggression towards Ukraine in German talk shows 2013-2023. An empirical analysis of the studio guests
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
RedDrake ::
Eni nimamo računov za spyware omrežja tipa iks, včasih znan kot čivkalnik.
Lahko kak povzetek/screenshot te "niti"?
Lahko kak povzetek/screenshot te "niti"?
Pac-Man ::
In #Russia|n-occupied areas in southern and eastern #Ukraine, Russian occup.authorities urge civilians not only to switch from Ukrainian to Russian citizenship/passports but also to Russify surnames.
This ad from Melitopol advertises surname change from Halushko to Glushkova: Additional context: this Russian ad reads "Are you changing your passport? Change your last name too! Let's cleanse ourselves of imposed Ukrainian Nazism!"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
marS ::
Eni nimamo računov za spyware omrežja tipa iks, včasih znan kot čivkalnik.
Lahko kak povzetek/screenshot te "niti"?
Ajde, zate, sem se potrudil drugače tega ne delam
The recent article by General Valeriy #Zaluzhnyi has made much uproar. Some interpret it as admitting a failure or stalemate. Others see it as anthem to technology. How can we make sense of it? Here’s a perspective from media and technology studies. Buckle up and let’s roll.
Zaluzhnyi first outlines contours of a new global conflict: between democracies and revanchist autocracies. Ukraine is one theatre of what is headed to the real WW3. He clearly opposes the failure of the international community and the Ukrainian resolve to defend its freedom. 2/
His way to victory is “increasing the capabilities of the Defence Forces through new technological solutions and innovative approaches on a way out of the positional crisis on the line of contact”. So, is this “give me some Wunderwaffe that doesn't exist yet” as some suggest? 3/
Not quite. Zaluzhnyi actually shows how each side grasped technology as a fix for its vulnerabilities in 5 core areas: air superiority, minefields, counterbattery fire, mobilization, and electronic warfare. As a result, he sees parity between Ukraine and Russia in each sphere. 4/
It is worth reminding that in classical military theory, defense is seen as superior to attack, and Clausewitz calls it "a stronger form of waging war". This is still valid. In order to attack, an asymmetry must be created through other factors to negate this superiority. 5/
Zaluzhnyi admits 2 facts: Western assistance helped Ukraine a lot but was insufficient and too slow to achieve superiority. It helped Ukraine to achieve parity at best, but the ensuing attrition warfare favors Russia as it expands and speeds up its use of resources faster. 6/
His proposal to break the parity? Zaluzhnyi suggests three methods: scaling up the use of existing systems, smarter and better-organized resource application, and only then, finally, the development of completely new weapons. 7/
In fact, it is almost surprising how little he actually speaks about the future need for Western assistance compared to developing own systems and rational organization. I read his article as a manifesto of self-sustainability. 8/
For example, Gen Zaluzhnyi proposes such different things as the large-scale use of killer drones, which is already present, at the same time as hunter drones armed with nets should neutralize enemy counterparts. Yep, drone wars. Pretty futuristic! 9/
Zaluzhnyi says, in a nutshell, that we (all), but especially Ukraine, need to develop new stuff, produce more of old and new stuff, and apply it smarter. One area he particularly singles out for innovation is military communication and electronic warfare. 10/
Researchers like myself demonstrated how the Russo-Ukrainian War was always a communication war. When Russia attacked Ukraine in 2014, Ukraine’s capabilities were particularly crippled. Ukraine did not have enough secure military communication systems. 11/
Ukrainian soldiers had to improvise and made smartphones and tablets into powerful combat stations, using them for anything from coordination to mapping to fire targeting to drone piloting – at the same time as talking to their kids and families. 12/
While entailing risks, smartphones gave Ukrainians just enough edge over the enemy, while becoming a key element of the frontline media ecology and flooding social media with footage, now widely used to document and map the war. 13/
Smartphone also became a key interface between the military and society. As @andrewhoskins and @warmatters
suggested, smartphones effectively collapse the categories of the military and civilians, making us all into "participants". 14/
Civilian volunteers and activists organized using smartphones and social media, and in many ways helped disrupt the enemy aims, which was crucial for Ukraine keeping Mariupol in 2014-2022, as @olgarithmic showed. 15/
And smartphone in principle became the main tool for volunteering and organizing, as evident from this important text by Gregory Asmolov. 16/
However, Russia learned from this. As a result, it developed and refined sophisticated systems such as this here Leer 3, which launches drones imitating the signal of a legit mobile base station. This false signal is so powerful that all smartphones prefer to connect to it. 17/
When your phone comes into the drone's 6 km range (it can fly up to 100 km) and connects to its signal, it intercepts all your data, disrupts your connection, and can bombard you with malware or demoralizing text messages. It can force your phone to disseminate them further. 18/
In 2022, Russia applied a doctrine of “mobile blackout”, cutting off entire areas from mobile connection through jamming and physical destruction of cell sites and power grid. This blackout clearly aimed to disrupt UA military comms and conceal RU acts of genocide. 19/
Ukraine responded by massively reverting to Starlink satellite internet as an alternative to mobile communication. It formed the backbone of military communication and brought back connectivity to Ukraine’s civilians as entire base stations were reconnected using Starlink. 20/
However, we are all aware of the Starlink problem. Owned by Elon Musk, the company used its backend control to disrupt Ukrainian military operations in Kharkiv, Donbas and Crimea. Much of communication in Ukraine depends on the whim of this man. 21/
Ukrainians also pioneered the use of drones to correct targeting in 2014 because they could not rely on a similar network of local civilian spotters as prepared by the Russians. By 2022, Russia caught up and now also uses drones in droves. 22/
But Ukraine is fighting on in this battle of innovation. It has learned from the Russian experience of deploying kamikaze drones. It has established new platforms such as the MoD Defense Innovation Center and Aerorozvidka, Ukraine’s IT sector military initiative. 23/
They work on stuff like developing a new control and command system or applying AI to sift through hours of drone footage to find Russian equipment. And you can donate to them! ;) 24/
So, technology matters in complex ways. Instead of technological determinism—explaining away anything with new technology—we need to attend to how new technologies interplay with their social contexts and environments. 25/
In Russia, technological innovation has always been a top-down initiative from the state. From Leer 3 jammer to the Lancet drone, its works were the result of a concerted effort. 26/
The Ukrainian innovation always relied on participatory, grassroots initiatives of ordinary soldiers and small IT firms or volunteers. This often reminded of gambiarra, a Latin American concept of a technical contraption, a makeshift fix that is often in a legal grey zone. 27/
This participatory innovation gave Ukraine an edge in the “small” Donbas War. But, as Zaluzhnyi realizes, it is not enough in a major interstate war since 2022. Grassroot initiative needs to be married to a centralized concerted effort at a mass scale. 28/
It's probable that the new electronic warfare system announced by Zaluzhnyi, Pokrova, is a result of such connection. 29/
It will apply GPS spoofing to disable or mess up the navigation of Russian Shahed drones and even cruise missiles. We can expect to see it in action very soon. 30/
The ultimate success of Ukraine will depend on how well it manages to build and expand this connection. END/ more heroes...
Pac-Man ::
@0:36 se lepo vidi položene mine, Rusi pa povsem mirno, "v ravni vrsti kot hiše v Trsti" zapeljejo na njih
Avdiivka. Russian tanks destroyed by HIMARS and Ukrainian mines in failed attack
Avdiivka. Russian tanks destroyed by HIMARS and Ukrainian mines in failed attack
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Bauc ::
@0:36 se lepo vidi položene mine, Rusi pa povsem mirno, "v ravni vrsti kot hiše v Trsti" zapeljejo na njih
Avdiivka. Russian tanks destroyed by HIMARS and Ukrainian mines in failed attack
Takšnih posnetkov, ko se je po kake pet ruskih tankov zaporedoma zapeljalo na isto minsko črto je kolk hočeš. Očitno se niso ničesar naučili. Ali pa enostavno nimajo izbire in morajo vozit, ker so drugače batine od nadrejenih. Pravzaprav se ti skoraj morajo smilit.
RedDrake ::
Ajde, zate, sem se potrudil drugače tega ne delam
Top shit, res hvala :)
Preden je Musk ukinil dostop za tiste brez računov sem z veseljem bral threade z obeh strani. Sedaj je pač žalost.
Zaluzhny ima čisto prav. Ukrajina ima dovolj tehnološke prednosti da je neke vrste parity na bojišču. Ampak bo potrebno več in predvsem več na enkrat. To je tisto kar se mi zdi čudno pri obeh straneh. Razumem da je težko ali nemogoče skriti 100 tankov in par 100 oklepnikov, ampak to je imho (trenutno) edini način da kdorkoli naredi preboj. Pač veš, da bo šlo pol udarne sile po gobe, ampak hebiga ko bodo ostali enkrat čez linijo bo pa fešta ...
blackbfm ::
Pocakaj do konca spopada, pa bomo na koncu naredili analizo, kdo je zmagal, kdo pa izgubil!
rusi bodo vsak poraz prikazovali kot zmago.. medtem ko si elita naprej uvaža iphone in mercedese, pa naj stane kar hoče!
kow ::
Ce Ukrajina Krima ne dobi nazaj, je imo izgubila vojno. Sicer ne katastrofalno, a Rusi jih za vedno drzijo za jajca. Taksna je pac geografija obale.
Smrekar1 ::
po moje jih nimajo več kot 20 še delujočih
ATACAMS jih je zrinil stran. Nekaj napadov na letališča in so jih bili primorani umakniti v zaledje, vsaj 200 km od fronte, pogosto še dlje. Zdaj so njihova oporišča predaleč, da bi lahko učinkovito posredovali na fronti. Predolgo traja da priletijo tja, premalo časa lahko ostanejo v zraku in so na splošno neuporabni.
Kolikor jih Rusi sploh še imajo, seve. Menda zadeva pri malo bolj intenzivni rabi začne samoiniciativno razpadati v zraku. Za pet misij je v redu, potem počasi rabiš novega, če nočeš leteti z za svinčnik širokimi razpokami na trupu.
Pac-Man ::
7 let zapora ker je cene v trgovini menjala s protivojnimi&protirežimskimi sporočili. Zašpecal jo je menda nek penzioner.
A Russian court on Thursday found artist and musician Alexandra Skochilenko guilty of knowingly spreading fake news about the Russian army's behaviour in Ukraine and sentenced her to seven years in a prison colony.
Skochilenko, 33, replaced price tags in a supermarket in her native St Petersburg on March 31 2022 with small pieces of paper urging an end to Russia's war in Ukraine and criticising the authorities.
She denied the formal charge of knowingly spreading false information about the army.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
dronyx ::
@0:36 se lepo vidi položene mine, Rusi pa povsem mirno, "v ravni vrsti kot hiše v Trsti" zapeljejo na njih
Ti ne razumeš ruske vojaške taktike. Če pošlješ na minsko polje dovolj tehnike, slej ko prej sprožijo vse mine. Saj tudi med drugo svetovno vojno so se posluževali podobne taktike. Če pred sovražnika pošlješ dovolj žive sile, mu slej ko prej enkrat zmanjka nabojev.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dronyx ()
fur80 ::
Baje je kritiziral Putina:
Ex-commander of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Russian Federation V. Sviridov and his wife were found dead in their home in the Stavropol Territory
Ex-commander of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Russian Federation V. Sviridov and his wife were found dead in their home in the Stavropol Territory
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
kow ::
AtaŠtumf ::
Podpora, denarna in v orožju, usiha. Brez te se bo Ukrajina zlomila kot država.
Pa je to res? Nemcija je recimo obljubila podvojitev pomoci. Nekaj je "percepcija", drugo so stevilke.
Obljubljenega je bilo veliko, dostavljenega pa konkretno manj.
Recimo tole je bilo že postano:
EU countries have supplied Ukraine with just over 300,000 shells and will not be able to fulfil a plan to send 1 million shells and rockets by the end of the year.
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AtaŠtumf ()
fur80 ::
Podpora, denarna in v orožju, usiha. Brez te se bo Ukrajina zlomila kot država.
Pa je to res? Nemcija je recimo obljubila podvojitev pomoci. Nekaj je "percepcija", drugo so stevilke.
Obljubljenega je bilo veliko, dostavljenega pa konkretno manj.
Recimo tole je bilo že postano:
EU countries have supplied Ukraine with just over 300,000 shells and will not be able to fulfil a plan to send 1 million shells and rockets by the end of the year.
Ma lahko, da so jih dostavili samo 100 000, lahko pa tudi 500 000, se mi zdi, da se je končalo najavljanje orožja. Mi tudi ni bilo jasno, zakaj so na začetku to tako na veliko delali, mogoče za dvig morale.
AtaŠtumf ::
ps: Malce realnosti spet.
Under siege on the Ukrainian front line of Avdiivka: 'Russians are more prepared for war, and to die' - Moscow's air and artillery superiority is pushing the defenders of the strategic city in Donetsk province to the limit as ammunition supplies run low
Kyiv's NATO allies have practically run out of munition reserves and the Western military industry will not be able to fully arm their own countries and Ukraine until the end of 2024, according to the estimates of Zaluzhnyi and U.S. and European defense analysis centers.
Under siege on the Ukrainian front line of Avdiivka: 'Russians are more prepared for war, and to die' - Moscow's air and artillery superiority is pushing the defenders of the strategic city in Donetsk province to the limit as ammunition supplies run low
Kyiv's NATO allies have practically run out of munition reserves and the Western military industry will not be able to fully arm their own countries and Ukraine until the end of 2024, according to the estimates of Zaluzhnyi and U.S. and European defense analysis centers.
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
fur80 ::
ps: Malce realnosti spet.
Under siege on the Ukrainian front line of Avdiivka: 'Russians are more prepared for war, and to die' - Moscow's air and artillery superiority is pushing the defenders of the strategic city in Donetsk province to the limit as ammunition supplies run low
Kyiv's NATO allies have practically run out of munition reserves and the Western military industry will not be able to fully arm their own countries and Ukraine until the end of 2024, according to the estimates of Zaluzhnyi and U.S. and European defense analysis centers.
Če bi to bilo res, zakaj bi to objavljavljal javno? Kaj bi imela vojska od tega, da reče javno, da jim je zmanjkalo municije? Npr. dali smo v Ukrajino točno 300 000 granat, neko povprečje in zaloge se da potem hitro izračunat.
Bauc ::
ps: Malce realnosti spet.
Under siege on the Ukrainian front line of Avdiivka: 'Russians are more prepared for war, and to die' - Moscow's air and artillery superiority is pushing the defenders of the strategic city in Donetsk province to the limit as ammunition supplies run low
Kyiv's NATO allies have practically run out of munition reserves and the Western military industry will not be able to fully arm their own countries and Ukraine until the end of 2024, according to the estimates of Zaluzhnyi and U.S. and European defense analysis centers.
Rusi so res bolj pripravljeni umreti. Žalostno.
gozdar1 ::
Ruska propaganda vsak tak članek pograbi z obema rokama in ga potem posreduje prek vseh svojih kanalov.
Pac-Man ::
Malenkost bo treba pritisnit na naše drage severne sosede
Tole je deklasificiran CIA dokument, stroje so prodali že v 70ih, torej SZ
1. Russian-Ukrainian war is mostly an artillery war
2. Russian artillery production fully relies upon a few dozen GFM Steyr (Austria) radial forging machines
3. Which rely upon the continuous supply of expendables from the original producer
It is *the* bottleneck. Target it
The funny thing with the GFM Steyr is that it is not even a large business. In 2021, its revenue was estimated at only 32,5 million euros. In 2022, it rose to 69,8 million (for obvious reasons). Yet, the Russian artillery industry is critically dependent upon this single company
First, the existing park of GFM Steyr machines requires a steady supply of parts and expendables to keep them running. Consider this one single SXP-55 radial forging machine operating at the Motovilikha Plants, a major artillery & MLRS producer [video]
In April 2023, they purchased the following expendables for their GFM SXP-55 machine. This list gives an idea of:
1. Structure
2. Quantity
of supplies required to keep the stock forging the artillery & tank barrels running. You need details from the original Austrian producer
Tole je deklasificiran CIA dokument, stroje so prodali že v 70ih, torej SZ
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Okapi ::
Pac-Man ::
7 let zapora ker je cene v trgovini menjala s protivojnimi&protirežimskimi sporočili. Zašpecal jo je menda nek penzioner.
2 minuti dolg video
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
AtaŠtumf ::
Ironija vsega kar trdite je v tem, da vse kar Ukrajinci napišejo verjamete v nulo, ko pa zahodni mediji napišete nekaj proti Ukrajini pa se takoj derete, da so to plačani ruski novinarji.
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Bauc ::
Ironija vsega kar trdite je v tem, da vse kar Ukrajinci napišejo verjamete v nulo, ko pa zahodni mediji napišete nekaj proti Ukrajini pa se takoj derete, da so to plačani ruski novinarji.
Ti pa verjemeš vse kaj ti rečejo Rusi. Zaupaš tudi zahodnim medijem kadar se pokrivajo z tvojo logiko drugače je pa zate vse zahodna propaganda. Verjetno ne verjameš niti Rusom, ki pravijo, da ni vse tako kot trobi kremelj. Prvo razčisti pri sebi pol pa nastavljaj ogledala drugim.
Pac-Man ::
Wild how I spent most of last year trying to convince people that Ukrainians deserve to not get all slaughtered en masse even though Bandera was Ukrainian, and some Ukrainians do associate him with our fight for liberation, and now it’s apparently okay to… stan Bin Laden?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Pred dnevi sem videl izjavi dveh mlajših študiranih žensk, poslanke in direktorice nekega inštituta, da bi morali prenehat s promoviranjem študija med dekleti, ker biološka ura tiktaka...
Zgleda res delajo na dvigu natalitete, tudi z omejevanjem dostopa do splava
The add in Russia: 1 photo says: Protect me today. 2 photo says: I’ll be able to defend you tomorrow.
Putin tries to ban abortions to grow the generations of soldiers. He encourages women to deliver kids with the idea of militarising them since childhood.
A Russian can leave the signature for abortion ban in the “closest” church.
Zgleda res delajo na dvigu natalitete, tudi z omejevanjem dostopa do splava
While only a proposal for now in Kaliningrad, private clinics elsewhere have begun to stop providing abortions. Nationwide, the Health Ministry has drawn up talking points for doctors to discourage women from terminating their pregnancies, and new regulations soon will make many emergency contraceptives virtually unavailable and drive up the cost of others.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.