Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
rejven ::
Napad na Ukrajino pač ni genocid, temveč popolna nesposobnost Ruske imperialistične politike, da si z vsemi možnimi sredstvi podredi sosednjo državo.
Napad na Ukrajino je genocid, ker se Združeni narodi opredeljujejo na genocid kot dejanja, ki vključujejo:
1. uničenje v celoti ali delno določene nacionalne, etnične, rasne ali verske skupine
2. umiranje članov skupine
3. uvedbo ukrepov za preprečevanje rojstva otrok v skupini
4. premestitev otrok iz skupine v drugo skupino
In rusi s putlerjem so še javno potrdili, da kradejo otroke po Ukrajini in jih prisilno zapirajo po raznih ruskih domovih, hkrati pa jim prepovedujejo kakršno koli uporabo ukrajinskega jezika in kakršne koli omembe glede Ukrajine.
Sem tudi 100%, da te ukradene ukrajinske otroke učijo še, kako je njihova Ukrajina zlobna, kako so tam sami nacisti itd ...
Če se ne motim, je uradno številka ukradenih otrok v Ukrajini čez 20.000 ... neuradno pa verjetno še enkrat več - predvsem nimajo informacij o regijah, ki jih rusi okupirajo in Ukrajinci nimajo nobenih stikov z oblastmi tistih regij.
Ne smemo pa pozabiti, da so rusi to počeli že v času v vojne v Afganistanu v 80-ih letih oz. od 1979-1989, ki so isto kradli otroke po afganistanu in jih prisilno deportirali v SZ zaradi (uradnega ruskega mnenja) nadzora nad prebivalstvom, preprečevanje civilistov z uporniki itd.
Ko rusofili tako radi za vsak drek najdejo izgovor za napad rusov v Ukrajini z američani, ki so tudi napadli Afganistan, Irak, Sirijo, Vietnam itd, Američani niso nikoli kradli ozemelj in si jih priključili svoji državi, isto niso nikoli kradli otrok in jih uvažali v svojo državo.
Tole me je nasmejao. Pravičnik v akciji :))
fur80 ::
Ni fakt, da je treba Rusijo spravit na kolena. Če pa tako misliš, pa izvoli vzeti puško v roke in na fronto. Jaz mislim, da se je potrebno izogniti žrtvam in nuklearni vojni in da ima to prioriteto pred izganjanjem Rusije iz Ukrajine. Ukrajina je bila še 2014ga tako proruska, da je izvolila pro-ruskega predsednika.
V glavnem, kar pojdite na fronto, če ste takega mnenja. Jaz bi rad še živel nekaj časa.
Pa preden ste ful pametni, okoli 75% Nemcev bi se na tak ali drugačen način poskušalo izogniti vpoklicu v vojno, ko bodo šle stvari predaleč. Se pravi smo pusiji v demokratični večini :D
Zanimivo, da v živalskem svetu kot ga živimo, ne razumeš, da če se ne boš branil te bodo pojedli, prideš ven z tako, jaz bi rad še nekaj časa živel! :D
Me res zanima v katero državo bi 75% Nemcev pobegnilo.
gozdar1 ::
Javno mnenje v Evropi se obrača, zmeraj več ljudi nasprotuje uničevanju EU gospodarstva in podpori vojni v Ukrajini, kjer je ob polomu ofenzive zmeraj bolj jasno, da Ukrajina v tej vojni ne more zmagati.
Podporniki nadaljevanja vojne v Ukrajine boste kmalu v manjsini...
With another winter approaching and energy prices climbing anew, the cracks are once more beginning to show. In Germany, there is growing concern over the damage the conflict is doing to the country's once well oiled economic model, partly dependent as it has been on the supply of cheap Russian energy.
"What is to become of our economy", exclaimed one German participant at last week's Ambrosetti Forum of business leaders and economists on the shores of Italy's Lake Como. "Are we to stop making things, and like Britain become an economy based almost entirely on services and the manipulation of money? That is no way forward for Germany".
But at the same time the standoff has created a cost of living crisis across Europe, with rampant inflation and a stagnating economy, and is proving an increasingly divisive force politically.
Just to be clear, I'm not, like Viktor Orbán, arguing that we should settle with Putin by giving him much of what he wants, and then get back to business as usual.
But belief that Europe could somehow emerge from war in Ukraine relatively unscathed was always a case of wishful thinking.
Growing numbers of Germans seems to agree. According to Politico's most recent poll of polls, support for Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), parts of which favour an immediate settlement with Putin, has surged all the way from 10pc since the start of the war to 21pc today. . It was also delusional to think sanctions would bring Putin down. Continued anticipation of that moment is, I fear, a bit like waiting for Godot. He's probably going nowhere.
And in the meantime, the European economy grows ever weaker. Who will sanctions destroy first? Putin or Europe? It may be a close run thing.
Podporniki vojne ste tisti, ki podpirate rusijo mi smo proti vojni že od vsega začetka.
Inflacija v evropi večinoma nima veze s sankcijami, prav tako ne nemške težave, ki imajo izor v zgrešeni ekonoski politiki zadnjih let. Nenazadnje ima težave tudi kitajsko godpodarstvo na katero je vezen velik del nemškega izvoza.
Afd je pro putiniovska stranka zato pogledi ne presenečajo.
MadMen ::
Javno mnenje v Evropi se obrača, zmeraj več ljudi nasprotuje uničevanju EU gospodarstva in podpori vojni v Ukrajini, kjer je ob polomu ofenzive zmeraj bolj jasno, da Ukrajina v tej vojni ne more zmagati.
Podporniki nadaljevanja vojne v Ukrajine boste kmalu v manjsini...
With another winter approaching and energy prices climbing anew, the cracks are once more beginning to show. In Germany, there is growing concern over the damage the conflict is doing to the country's once well oiled economic model, partly dependent as it has been on the supply of cheap Russian energy.
"What is to become of our economy", exclaimed one German participant at last week's Ambrosetti Forum of business leaders and economists on the shores of Italy's Lake Como. "Are we to stop making things, and like Britain become an economy based almost entirely on services and the manipulation of money? That is no way forward for Germany".
But at the same time the standoff has created a cost of living crisis across Europe, with rampant inflation and a stagnating economy, and is proving an increasingly divisive force politically.
Just to be clear, I'm not, like Viktor Orbán, arguing that we should settle with Putin by giving him much of what he wants, and then get back to business as usual.
But belief that Europe could somehow emerge from war in Ukraine relatively unscathed was always a case of wishful thinking.
Growing numbers of Germans seems to agree. According to Politico's most recent poll of polls, support for Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), parts of which favour an immediate settlement with Putin, has surged all the way from 10pc since the start of the war to 21pc today. . It was also delusional to think sanctions would bring Putin down. Continued anticipation of that moment is, I fear, a bit like waiting for Godot. He's probably going nowhere.
And in the meantime, the European economy grows ever weaker. Who will sanctions destroy first? Putin or Europe? It may be a close run thing.
Cias, zakaj delaš kontatno nove nicke?
Sicer pa je Telegraph precej šala od časopisa, pač outlet za različne popagandne kanale, kot pri nas Insajder.
fur80 ::
Javno mnenje v Evropi se obrača, zmeraj več ljudi nasprotuje uničevanju EU gospodarstva in podpori vojni v Ukrajini, kjer je ob polomu ofenzive zmeraj bolj jasno, da Ukrajina v tej vojni ne more zmagati.
Podporniki nadaljevanja vojne v Ukrajine boste kmalu v manjsini...
With another winter approaching and energy prices climbing anew, the cracks are once more beginning to show. In Germany, there is growing concern over the damage the conflict is doing to the country's once well oiled economic model, partly dependent as it has been on the supply of cheap Russian energy.
"What is to become of our economy", exclaimed one German participant at last week's Ambrosetti Forum of business leaders and economists on the shores of Italy's Lake Como. "Are we to stop making things, and like Britain become an economy based almost entirely on services and the manipulation of money? That is no way forward for Germany".
But at the same time the standoff has created a cost of living crisis across Europe, with rampant inflation and a stagnating economy, and is proving an increasingly divisive force politically.
Just to be clear, I'm not, like Viktor Orbán, arguing that we should settle with Putin by giving him much of what he wants, and then get back to business as usual.
But belief that Europe could somehow emerge from war in Ukraine relatively unscathed was always a case of wishful thinking.
Growing numbers of Germans seems to agree. According to Politico's most recent poll of polls, support for Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), parts of which favour an immediate settlement with Putin, has surged all the way from 10pc since the start of the war to 21pc today. . It was also delusional to think sanctions would bring Putin down. Continued anticipation of that moment is, I fear, a bit like waiting for Godot. He's probably going nowhere.
And in the meantime, the European economy grows ever weaker. Who will sanctions destroy first? Putin or Europe? It may be a close run thing.
Pa še nekaj, kaj pa ima npr. Nemčija ali neka stranka v Nemčiji, ki želi politične točke in jih na nasprotni strani ne more več odtrgat drugim strankam, za rečti, da se bodo Ukrajinci predali Rusiji.
Orban, nabija, ker ima isto nastevljeno politiko kot Putin, plus tega ne bo nikoli izjavil, da je za slabše stanje države kriv on in ne vojna v Ukrajini.
-kekec- ::
Sicer pa je Telegraph precej šala od časopisa, pač outlet za različne popagandne kanale, kot pri nas Insajder.
Telegraph je drugi največji resen časopis v VB in je kar močno povezan z konzervativno vlado v VB. Bi se lahko reklo, da "neuradno" predstavljajo kar stališča VB vlade.
Britain's second most popular quality newspaper after The Times, The Daily Telegraph's unwavering support of the Conservative party has earned it the moniker of the “Torygraph”. Always predictably anti-Labour and anti-Europe in its commentaries and blogs, the paper is entirely devoid of the culture of debate that characterises other papers like the Guardian.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
BlaY0 ::
Pa kako, ni rusija samozadostna, neskončna, z vsemi surovinami?
Načeloma je. Problem je v končni fazi po moje samo logistične in seveda administrativne narave. Isto kot so na začetku vojne limali fotke praznih polic za olje/moko tako iz Nemčije kot tudi Rusije in so se komentatorji z ene in druge strani veselo muzali. Isto kot je na začetku korone V Nemčiji iz štacun dobesedno izginil ves skretpapir, skladišča so bila pa jasno polna.
Me res zanima v katero državo bi 75% Nemcev pobegnilo.
Ne samo to... v katero državo bi pobegnilo 3 milijone v Nemčiji živečih Rusov
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: BlaY0 ()
Gregor P ::
Rusi v Nemčiji bi pred Rusi bežali ta prvi; že vedo oni zakaj.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Tidule ::
Javno mnenje v Evropi se obrača, zmeraj več ljudi nasprotuje uničevanju EU gospodarstva in podpori vojni v Ukrajini, kjer je ob polomu ofenzive zmeraj bolj jasno, da Ukrajina v tej vojni ne more zmagati.
Podporniki nadaljevanja vojne v Ukrajine boste kmalu v manjsini...
With another winter approaching and energy prices climbing anew, the cracks are once more beginning to show. In Germany, there is growing concern over the damage the conflict is doing to the country's once well oiled economic model, partly dependent as it has been on the supply of cheap Russian energy.
"What is to become of our economy", exclaimed one German participant at last week's Ambrosetti Forum of business leaders and economists on the shores of Italy's Lake Como. "Are we to stop making things, and like Britain become an economy based almost entirely on services and the manipulation of money? That is no way forward for Germany".
But at the same time the standoff has created a cost of living crisis across Europe, with rampant inflation and a stagnating economy, and is proving an increasingly divisive force politically.
Just to be clear, I'm not, like Viktor Orbán, arguing that we should settle with Putin by giving him much of what he wants, and then get back to business as usual.
But belief that Europe could somehow emerge from war in Ukraine relatively unscathed was always a case of wishful thinking.
Growing numbers of Germans seems to agree. According to Politico's most recent poll of polls, support for Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), parts of which favour an immediate settlement with Putin, has surged all the way from 10pc since the start of the war to 21pc today. . It was also delusional to think sanctions would bring Putin down. Continued anticipation of that moment is, I fear, a bit like waiting for Godot. He's probably going nowhere.
And in the meantime, the European economy grows ever weaker. Who will sanctions destroy first? Putin or Europe? It may be a close run thing.
Res je, moja farma hrčkov pridno raste. Samo što nije in bom prodajal hrčke sestradanim in prezeblim nemcem... al se boš pa ti zbudil ves premočen in s prtom v riti.
-kekec- ::
Sicer se pa nič več ne govori o ukrajinski ofenzivi. The Times poroča o usodi 47.brigade, urjene v Nemčiji in opremljene z zahodno opremo. Katastrofalne 75% izgube, napredek pa zelo majhen.
These were not the death-or-glory remarks of a soldierly narcissist: death is a daily companion to the assault troops. Boyets's unit has already been reduced by casualties to 25 per cent of its original strength since joining counteroffensive operations around the axis towards Robotyne in July, and the life expectancy of storm units is the shortest on the front.
"Ninety per cent of the guys here will die too," added the young fighter matter-of-factly, looking around his comrades as the Skala battalion's storm troops waited to receive orders for another night attack on Sunday. "We know that. Sure, we've breached the first line of the Russians but f***ing hell. What a cost."
On Sunday Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavskiy, Ukraine's top general commanding operations in the south of the country, said in an interview with The Observer that he believed the Russians had expended 60 per cent of their resources on their primary defensive position around Robotyne, suggesting that in the limited time before the arrival of the October rains the next phase of the Ukrainian counteroffensive towards the coast of the Sea of Azov, 55 miles to the south, may be smoother than the first. It was an optimistic beat in a day that later included the dismissal of Oleksii Reznikov, Ukraine's minister of defence, whose ministry had become submerged in a sea of corruption allegations.
Yet the Ukrainian soldiers in the vanguard of this offensive talk of the battle around Robotyne and beyond in different terms, describing levels of doctrinal confusion, attritional warfare and massed casualties that have exhausted the Ukrainian armoured units upon which hopes were first pinned to accelerate the progress of the three-month counteroffensive.
Early hopes that the operation could be carried by Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles to have a decisive impact by the end of the summer now appear forlorn.
Instead the conduct of the campaign has been thrown into the realm of men on their feet, the storm groups such as those of the Skala battalion, infiltrating through minefields under the cover of darkness and fighting desperate close-quarter struggles to clear Russian trenches by night before armoured vehicles can be brought forward.
"Bradleys and Leopards are great until they hit a mine and can't move and get smothered by Russian artillery," said Boyets, whose unit joined the counteroffensive after Ukrainian mechanised units became repeatedly bogged down in minefields along the Robotyne front. "Really, our big lesson of the summer is that mostly we go in on an attack at night carried by just our own legs. The armoured vehicles come up later."
The 47th Brigade, trained in Germany and equipped with Bradley armoured personnel carriers and Leopard tanks, was eulogised by Ukrainian and western media even before the offensive began, despite it lacking the air support that is crucial to Nato's doctrine of warfare.
No sooner had the 47th Brigade spearheaded the main attack on the southern front in early June than it suffered heavy losses. Without air support and with limited mine-clearing abilities the brigade found that its armoured vehicles were frequently immobilised in Russian minefields and then pounded with artillery.
Last week its commander and deputy commander were removed from their positions and replaced, a month after the unit's most high-profile senior NCO, Sergeant Major Valerii Markus, left having criticised the "incompetence" of senior officers.
Meanwhile, in the 15 weeks it took the 47th Brigade to advance eight miles to capture Robotyne, medics attached to the brigade say that the unit's casualties have run into four figures.
So severe has been the fighting that in some instances teams of medics with the 47th had their own numerical strength reduced to 50 per cent because of casualties suffered on missions to collect wounded on the Robotyne front, despite using US-made M-113 armoured personnel carriers to evacuate the wounded.
One team interviewed by The Times said that two of their M-113s had been destroyed while on missions near Robotyne and the numbers of wounded they were required to bring out on a single expedition sometimes exceeded all the armoured vehicles' capabilities.
"Technically, you can carry four wounded out in an M-113," "Taras", a doctor heading one of the medevac units attached to the 47th Brigade, said. "One day in July we piled 24 wounded into and on to a single vehicle. Those July days were the worst. We were just stacking casualties."
His eyes widening and limbs twitching as he described the daily missions to evacuate casualties, Taras went on to detail the continuing Russian bombardment in Robotyne days after its capture. Such is the intensity of fire on the ruined village that Ukrainian troops can move about it only in armoured vehicles in the hours of darkness. Even that is no guarantee of safety.
"Six nights ago we got a mission to get the dead and wounded out of a Bradley that had been hit there by some kind of new Russian shell," Taras said in an account of tumbling words and trauma. "I got as close as I could on foot and got the Bradley commander out. He had lost his leg but the flame had cauterised it so he wasn't bleeding much.
"We couldn't get the gunner out as his body was tangled up in the destroyed turret. The driver had his head blown off and we thought we could get his body back but then the shelling started and we had to abandon him there. Amid all this the engine of the Bradley was still running. Scenes like this are so regular in our lives I think we have lost the ability to feel afraid."
These were not the death-or-glory remarks of a soldierly narcissist: death is a daily companion to the assault troops. Boyets's unit has already been reduced by casualties to 25 per cent of its original strength since joining counteroffensive operations around the axis towards Robotyne in July, and the life expectancy of storm units is the shortest on the front.
"Ninety per cent of the guys here will die too," added the young fighter matter-of-factly, looking around his comrades as the Skala battalion's storm troops waited to receive orders for another night attack on Sunday. "We know that. Sure, we've breached the first line of the Russians but f***ing hell. What a cost."
On Sunday Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavskiy, Ukraine's top general commanding operations in the south of the country, said in an interview with The Observer that he believed the Russians had expended 60 per cent of their resources on their primary defensive position around Robotyne, suggesting that in the limited time before the arrival of the October rains the next phase of the Ukrainian counteroffensive towards the coast of the Sea of Azov, 55 miles to the south, may be smoother than the first. It was an optimistic beat in a day that later included the dismissal of Oleksii Reznikov, Ukraine's minister of defence, whose ministry had become submerged in a sea of corruption allegations.
Yet the Ukrainian soldiers in the vanguard of this offensive talk of the battle around Robotyne and beyond in different terms, describing levels of doctrinal confusion, attritional warfare and massed casualties that have exhausted the Ukrainian armoured units upon which hopes were first pinned to accelerate the progress of the three-month counteroffensive.
Early hopes that the operation could be carried by Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles to have a decisive impact by the end of the summer now appear forlorn.
Instead the conduct of the campaign has been thrown into the realm of men on their feet, the storm groups such as those of the Skala battalion, infiltrating through minefields under the cover of darkness and fighting desperate close-quarter struggles to clear Russian trenches by night before armoured vehicles can be brought forward.
"Bradleys and Leopards are great until they hit a mine and can't move and get smothered by Russian artillery," said Boyets, whose unit joined the counteroffensive after Ukrainian mechanised units became repeatedly bogged down in minefields along the Robotyne front. "Really, our big lesson of the summer is that mostly we go in on an attack at night carried by just our own legs. The armoured vehicles come up later."
The 47th Brigade, trained in Germany and equipped with Bradley armoured personnel carriers and Leopard tanks, was eulogised by Ukrainian and western media even before the offensive began, despite it lacking the air support that is crucial to Nato's doctrine of warfare.
No sooner had the 47th Brigade spearheaded the main attack on the southern front in early June than it suffered heavy losses. Without air support and with limited mine-clearing abilities the brigade found that its armoured vehicles were frequently immobilised in Russian minefields and then pounded with artillery.
Last week its commander and deputy commander were removed from their positions and replaced, a month after the unit's most high-profile senior NCO, Sergeant Major Valerii Markus, left having criticised the "incompetence" of senior officers.
Meanwhile, in the 15 weeks it took the 47th Brigade to advance eight miles to capture Robotyne, medics attached to the brigade say that the unit's casualties have run into four figures.
So severe has been the fighting that in some instances teams of medics with the 47th had their own numerical strength reduced to 50 per cent because of casualties suffered on missions to collect wounded on the Robotyne front, despite using US-made M-113 armoured personnel carriers to evacuate the wounded.
One team interviewed by The Times said that two of their M-113s had been destroyed while on missions near Robotyne and the numbers of wounded they were required to bring out on a single expedition sometimes exceeded all the armoured vehicles' capabilities.
"Technically, you can carry four wounded out in an M-113," "Taras", a doctor heading one of the medevac units attached to the 47th Brigade, said. "One day in July we piled 24 wounded into and on to a single vehicle. Those July days were the worst. We were just stacking casualties."
His eyes widening and limbs twitching as he described the daily missions to evacuate casualties, Taras went on to detail the continuing Russian bombardment in Robotyne days after its capture. Such is the intensity of fire on the ruined village that Ukrainian troops can move about it only in armoured vehicles in the hours of darkness. Even that is no guarantee of safety.
"Six nights ago we got a mission to get the dead and wounded out of a Bradley that had been hit there by some kind of new Russian shell," Taras said in an account of tumbling words and trauma. "I got as close as I could on foot and got the Bradley commander out. He had lost his leg but the flame had cauterised it so he wasn't bleeding much.
"We couldn't get the gunner out as his body was tangled up in the destroyed turret. The driver had his head blown off and we thought we could get his body back but then the shelling started and we had to abandon him there. Amid all this the engine of the Bradley was still running. Scenes like this are so regular in our lives I think we have lost the ability to feel afraid."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
fur80 ::
Sicer se pa nič več ne govori o ukrajinski ofenzivi. The Times poroča o usodi 47.brigade, urjene v Nemčiji in opremljene z zahodno opremo. Katastrofalne 75% izgube, napredek pa zelo majhen.
These were not the death-or-glory remarks of a soldierly narcissist: death is a daily companion to the assault troops. Boyets's unit has already been reduced by casualties to 25 per cent of its original strength since joining counteroffensive operations around the axis towards Robotyne in July, and the life expectancy of storm units is the shortest on the front.
"Ninety per cent of the guys here will die too," added the young fighter matter-of-factly, looking around his comrades as the Skala battalion's storm troops waited to receive orders for another night attack on Sunday. "We know that. Sure, we've breached the first line of the Russians but f***ing hell. What a cost."
On Sunday Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavskiy, Ukraine's top general commanding operations in the south of the country, said in an interview with The Observer that he believed the Russians had expended 60 per cent of their resources on their primary defensive position around Robotyne, suggesting that in the limited time before the arrival of the October rains the next phase of the Ukrainian counteroffensive towards the coast of the Sea of Azov, 55 miles to the south, may be smoother than the first. It was an optimistic beat in a day that later included the dismissal of Oleksii Reznikov, Ukraine's minister of defence, whose ministry had become submerged in a sea of corruption allegations.
Yet the Ukrainian soldiers in the vanguard of this offensive talk of the battle around Robotyne and beyond in different terms, describing levels of doctrinal confusion, attritional warfare and massed casualties that have exhausted the Ukrainian armoured units upon which hopes were first pinned to accelerate the progress of the three-month counteroffensive.
Early hopes that the operation could be carried by Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles to have a decisive impact by the end of the summer now appear forlorn.
Instead the conduct of the campaign has been thrown into the realm of men on their feet, the storm groups such as those of the Skala battalion, infiltrating through minefields under the cover of darkness and fighting desperate close-quarter struggles to clear Russian trenches by night before armoured vehicles can be brought forward.
"Bradleys and Leopards are great until they hit a mine and can't move and get smothered by Russian artillery," said Boyets, whose unit joined the counteroffensive after Ukrainian mechanised units became repeatedly bogged down in minefields along the Robotyne front. "Really, our big lesson of the summer is that mostly we go in on an attack at night carried by just our own legs. The armoured vehicles come up later."
The 47th Brigade, trained in Germany and equipped with Bradley armoured personnel carriers and Leopard tanks, was eulogised by Ukrainian and western media even before the offensive began, despite it lacking the air support that is crucial to Nato's doctrine of warfare.
No sooner had the 47th Brigade spearheaded the main attack on the southern front in early June than it suffered heavy losses. Without air support and with limited mine-clearing abilities the brigade found that its armoured vehicles were frequently immobilised in Russian minefields and then pounded with artillery.
Last week its commander and deputy commander were removed from their positions and replaced, a month after the unit's most high-profile senior NCO, Sergeant Major Valerii Markus, left having criticised the "incompetence" of senior officers.
Meanwhile, in the 15 weeks it took the 47th Brigade to advance eight miles to capture Robotyne, medics attached to the brigade say that the unit's casualties have run into four figures.
So severe has been the fighting that in some instances teams of medics with the 47th had their own numerical strength reduced to 50 per cent because of casualties suffered on missions to collect wounded on the Robotyne front, despite using US-made M-113 armoured personnel carriers to evacuate the wounded.
One team interviewed by The Times said that two of their M-113s had been destroyed while on missions near Robotyne and the numbers of wounded they were required to bring out on a single expedition sometimes exceeded all the armoured vehicles' capabilities.
"Technically, you can carry four wounded out in an M-113," "Taras", a doctor heading one of the medevac units attached to the 47th Brigade, said. "One day in July we piled 24 wounded into and on to a single vehicle. Those July days were the worst. We were just stacking casualties."
His eyes widening and limbs twitching as he described the daily missions to evacuate casualties, Taras went on to detail the continuing Russian bombardment in Robotyne days after its capture. Such is the intensity of fire on the ruined village that Ukrainian troops can move about it only in armoured vehicles in the hours of darkness. Even that is no guarantee of safety.
"Six nights ago we got a mission to get the dead and wounded out of a Bradley that had been hit there by some kind of new Russian shell," Taras said in an account of tumbling words and trauma. "I got as close as I could on foot and got the Bradley commander out. He had lost his leg but the flame had cauterised it so he wasn't bleeding much.
"We couldn't get the gunner out as his body was tangled up in the destroyed turret. The driver had his head blown off and we thought we could get his body back but then the shelling started and we had to abandon him there. Amid all this the engine of the Bradley was still running. Scenes like this are so regular in our lives I think we have lost the ability to feel afraid."
Računa se na zimo. Rusi niti novih zimskih gum naj ne bi mogli pravočasno dostaviti. Tudi druga zimska oprema naj bi jim pešala.
Bomo videli, mi je pa nekako logično kot pravijo nekateri analitiki. Plus naj bi prišla letala.
Verjetno sedaj raje uničujejo Rusom opremo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Fangolin7 ::
Javno mnenje v Evropi se obrača, zmeraj več ljudi nasprotuje uničevanju EU gospodarstva in podpori vojni v Ukrajini, kjer je ob polomu ofenzive zmeraj bolj jasno, da Ukrajina v tej vojni ne more zmagati.
Podporniki nadaljevanja vojne v Ukrajine boste kmalu v manjsini...
Wishful thinking.
Ruskiji ste že ugotovili da ste vojno izgubili in sedaj preko fašisticnih strank hočete vplivat na javno mnenje.
Sheteentz ::
Zakaj bi kdo sploh resno jemal nebuloze enega kekca, ki se je šele pred kratkim registriral na forumu? Fantje, da ne bo preveč smetenja, dajte raje ignorirajte take padalske vpade, da ta tema po nepotrebnem ne tone še globlje v greznico neumnosti.
Ganon ::
Ni fakt, da je treba Rusijo spravit na kolena. Če pa tako misliš, pa izvoli vzeti puško v roke in na fronto. Jaz mislim, da se je potrebno izogniti žrtvam in nuklearni vojni in da ima to prioriteto pred izganjanjem Rusije iz Ukrajine. Ukrajina je bila še 2014ga tako proruska, da je izvolila pro-ruskega predsednika.
V glavnem, kar pojdite na fronto, če ste takega mnenja. Jaz bi rad še živel nekaj časa.
Pa preden ste ful pametni, okoli 75% Nemcev bi se na tak ali drugačen način poskušalo izogniti vpoklicu v vojno, ko bodo šle stvari predaleč. Se pravi smo pusiji v demokratični večini :D
Nuklearni vojni? Je tudi tebe oprala ruska propaganda?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ganon ()
fur80 ::
Kaj ni Medvedjev rekel, da če to naredijo, da bo nukal London. Sedaj je pa to kaznivo dejanje?
Moskva ameriško dobavo streliva z osiromašenim uranom Ukrajini označila za kaznivo dejanje
Namestnik ruskega obrambnega ministrstva Sergej Rjabkov je dejal, da je dobava streliva z osiromašenim uranom "kaznivo dejanje".
"To ni samo stopnjevalni korak, ampak je odraz nezaslišanega neupoštevanja okoljskih posledic uporabe tovrstnega streliva na območju spopadov. To je pravzaprav kaznivo dejanje, ne morem dati nobene druge ocene," je dejal in ponovil prejšnja ruska opozorila o nevarnosti jedrske vojne zaradi po njegovih besedah pritiska Zahoda na Rusijo.
Moskva ameriško dobavo streliva z osiromašenim uranom Ukrajini označila za kaznivo dejanje
Namestnik ruskega obrambnega ministrstva Sergej Rjabkov je dejal, da je dobava streliva z osiromašenim uranom "kaznivo dejanje".
"To ni samo stopnjevalni korak, ampak je odraz nezaslišanega neupoštevanja okoljskih posledic uporabe tovrstnega streliva na območju spopadov. To je pravzaprav kaznivo dejanje, ne morem dati nobene druge ocene," je dejal in ponovil prejšnja ruska opozorila o nevarnosti jedrske vojne zaradi po njegovih besedah pritiska Zahoda na Rusijo.
Lesoto ::
Wagner mercenaries who escaped from the frontline on January 1st 2023, both convicts & former police officers recruited by Prigozhin from prison, provided details of how they massacred over 40 Ukrainian civilians in just one day near Soledar last year.
o, bože...
Rusi so imeli v okolici Robotyna preko 110 tisoč vojakov, Ukrajinci okoli 47 tisoč (je dal nekdo link kakšen teden nazaj). In Robotyne je padlo v ukrajinske roke.
Kalkuliraj izgube.
Wagner mercenaries who escaped from the frontline on January 1st 2023, both convicts & former police officers recruited by Prigozhin from prison, provided details of how they massacred over 40 Ukrainian civilians in just one day near Soledar last year.
Sicer se pa nič več ne govori o ukrajinski ofenzivi. The Times poroča o usodi 47.brigade, urjene v Nemčiji in opremljene z zahodno opremo. Katastrofalne 75% izgube, napredek pa zelo majhen.
o, bože...
Rusi so imeli v okolici Robotyna preko 110 tisoč vojakov, Ukrajinci okoli 47 tisoč (je dal nekdo link kakšen teden nazaj). In Robotyne je padlo v ukrajinske roke.
Kalkuliraj izgube.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
fikus_ ::
Računa se na zimo. Rusi niti novih zimskih gum naj ne bi mogli pravočasno dostaviti. Tudi druga zimska oprema naj bi jim pešala.
Bomo videli, mi je pa nekako logično kot pravijo nekateri analitiki. Plus naj bi prišla letala.
Kot pišeš, še 14 dni je ključnih, ker bo RU zmanjkalo vsega + prišlo bo novo "vundervafe" F16.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Hej, vsak 'wundervaffe' je naredil razliko v korist ukrajine. Tudi z f16 bo tako, samo tam bo bolj problem v pilotih, tank vozit že naučiš vsakega idiota, avion je pa druga zgodba...
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
Fangolin7 ::
Računa se na zimo. Rusi niti novih zimskih gum naj ne bi mogli pravočasno dostaviti. Tudi druga zimska oprema naj bi jim pešala.
Bomo videli, mi je pa nekako logično kot pravijo nekateri analitiki. Plus naj bi prišla letala.
Kot pišeš, še 14 dni je ključnih, ker bo RU zmanjkalo vsega + prišlo bo novo "vundervafe" F16.
O wunderwaffe, pišete samo ruski propagandisti z namen omalovaževati pomoč ukraijini. Normalni ljudje vemo, da nobena zadeva ni wuderwaffe ampak je košček sestavljanke, ki naslovi trenutno aktualne izzive ukrajinske vojske.
Recimo javelini so na začetku lepo ustavili ruske tankovske kolone in načenjali logistiko, ni pa to orožje za ofenzivo.
Himars je uspešno radiral rusko logistiko v ozadju, da so rusi izvedli "taktični" umik
Storm shadow uspešno uničuje razne cilje dlje v zaledju
Patrioti, nasams, iris-t skrbijo da so ruska raketiranja minimalno učinkovita (z izjemo raketiranja random tržnic)
... in tako dalje in tako naprej...
Lesoto ::
Smrekar1 ::
Obstaja še ena (teoretična) možnost, da se za Krim razglasi kondominij. Se pravi, da je tako od Ukrajine kot od Rusije.
Obstaja nekaj primerov, recimo Andora (ki sicer ni čisto pravi kondominij), ki ima dva šefa države - francoskega predsednika in španskega škofa.
Condominium (international law) @ Wikipedia
Nekaj podobnega so recimo razmišljali tudi za Trst z okolica po drugi svetovni vojni, ko sta ga hotela dobiti tako Italija kot Jugoslavija. Temu se je reklo Svobodno tržaško ozemlje.
Free Territory of Trieste @ Wikipedia
Za Krim bi potem lahko uvedli še brezcarinsko območje, da bi imeli obe državi od takšne ureditve tudi kakšno gospodarsko korist.
Na tako rešitev bi po mojem pristala tudi Ukrajina (ob tem, da bi NATO dal varnostna zagotovila, v primeru, da bi se Rusi enkrat kasneje premislili).
Predpogoj za kodominij je, da nima večje vojske kot jo ima Andorra. Rusi Krim hočejo zaradi Sevastopola, brez Krima so omejeni na Novorossysk, kjer je pristanišče primerno predvsem za jurišne gumenjake. Brez pomorske baze na Krimu Rusi nimajo Črnomorske flote. Kar se mene tiče je v redu, kar se Ukrajincev tiče tudi, ampak dvomim, da bi se Rusi s tem strinjali. Sploh glede na to, da že skoraj deset let flancajo kako je Krim "njihov".
fikus_ ::
Lesoto lepše se obnašaj!
Za UA je vsako orožje, ki ga dobijo novo! In o teh novih "vundervafe" orožjih ste sanjali, da bo preobrnilo tok vojne.
Po več 10 mesecih je frontna linija še vedno tam tam, kot je bila prej.
Ob današnji tehnologiji je težko skriti težko mašinerijo, sploh več kot nekaj kosov. Za uspešen prodor UA potrebuje nekaj 10 kosov oklepnikov s topniško in zračno podporo.
Toliko oklepa na nekem območju ne morejo skriti celo pred RU ne, topništva in streliva zanj imajo premalo, zračne podpore pa praktično nimajo.
Za UA je vsako orožje, ki ga dobijo novo! In o teh novih "vundervafe" orožjih ste sanjali, da bo preobrnilo tok vojne.
Po več 10 mesecih je frontna linija še vedno tam tam, kot je bila prej.
Ob današnji tehnologiji je težko skriti težko mašinerijo, sploh več kot nekaj kosov. Za uspešen prodor UA potrebuje nekaj 10 kosov oklepnikov s topniško in zračno podporo.
Toliko oklepa na nekem območju ne morejo skriti celo pred RU ne, topništva in streliva zanj imajo premalo, zračne podpore pa praktično nimajo.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()
Fangolin7 ::
... as the ruble turned to rubble, a bamboo curtain descended over Russia...
To orožje je preobrnilo tok vojne!
Namesto ruske zmage, gledamo crkovanje rusije na obroke. Poglej malo više vaše rusofilske napovedi o tem kako bo UA razkosana na polovico, kjer bo polovica po Rusi. Nič od tega ni. fail od faila.
Namesto bliskovite in osupljive ruske zmage, gledamo trainwreck v počasnem posnetku.
Afganistan je rabil 10 let, da se je sesula SZ.
UA bo pa rabila koliko rel da razpade RF ?
Lesoto lepše se obnašaj!
Za UA je vsako orožje, ki ga dobijo novo! In o teh novih "vundervafe" orožjih ste sanjali, da bo preobrnilo tok vojne.
Po več 10 mesecih je frontna linija še vedno tam tam, kot je bila prej.
To orožje je preobrnilo tok vojne!
Namesto ruske zmage, gledamo crkovanje rusije na obroke. Poglej malo više vaše rusofilske napovedi o tem kako bo UA razkosana na polovico, kjer bo polovica po Rusi. Nič od tega ni. fail od faila.
Namesto bliskovite in osupljive ruske zmage, gledamo trainwreck v počasnem posnetku.
Afganistan je rabil 10 let, da se je sesula SZ.
UA bo pa rabila koliko rel da razpade RF ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fangolin7 ()
Lesoto ::
Lesoto lepše se obnašaj!
Za UA je vsako orožje, ki ga dobijo novo! In o teh novih "vundervafe" orožjih ste sanjali, da bo preobrnilo tok vojne.
Saj je preobrnilo tok vojne. Rusi ne morejo nikamor.
Po več 10 mesecih je frontna linija še vedno tam tam, kot je bila prej.
Kar je silovit uspeh za ukrajinsko stran.
Za uspešen prodor UA potrebuje nekaj 10 kosov oklepnikov s topniško in zračno podporo.
Nič nisi na tekočem. Kje živiš? V katari jami? Tole kar se dogaja na jugu premikajo enote 8-10 vojakov, ki počasi pucajo minska polja. Večje ukrajinske izgube so bile le v prvem tednu, pa še to tehnike, ne vojaštva.
Počasno napredovanje, minimalne izgube.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Fangolin7 ::
Za UA je vsako orožje, ki ga dobijo novo! In o teh novih "vundervafe" orožjih ste sanjali, da bo preobrnilo tok vojne.
Saj je preobrnilo tok vojne. Rusi ne morejo nikamor.
Po več 10 mesecih je frontna linija še vedno tam tam, kot je bila prej.
Kar je silovit uspeh za ukrajinsko stran.
Rusi zmagujejo, ne zato ker napredujejo ampak ker jih ukrajinci prepočasi potiskajo nazaj.
Nekako takole?
-kekec- ::
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Russia is already creating the conditions for launching its own offensive in Ukraine, declared Russian General Kartapolov Of course, he did not specify the timing of the start of the offensive operations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as everyone will be very surprised 300,000 Russian soldiers are waiting to be ordered to attack at any moment, but the conditions must be created, the work has already begun
Russia is already creating the conditions for launching its own offensive in Ukraine, declared Russian General Kartapolov Of course, he did not specify the timing of the start of the offensive operations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as everyone will be very surprised 300,000 Russian soldiers are waiting to be ordered to attack at any moment, but the conditions must be created, the work has already begun
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
Kayzon ::
Javno mnenje v Evropi se obrača, zmeraj več ljudi nasprotuje uničevanju EU gospodarstva in podpori vojni v Ukrajini, kjer je ob polomu ofenzive zmeraj bolj jasno, da Ukrajina v tej vojni ne more zmagati.
Podporniki nadaljevanja vojne v Ukrajine boste kmalu v manjsini...
With another winter approaching and energy prices climbing anew, the cracks are once more beginning to show. In Germany, there is growing concern over the damage the conflict is doing to the country's once well oiled economic model, partly dependent as it has been on the supply of cheap Russian energy.
"What is to become of our economy", exclaimed one German participant at last week's Ambrosetti Forum of business leaders and economists on the shores of Italy's Lake Como. "Are we to stop making things, and like Britain become an economy based almost entirely on services and the manipulation of money? That is no way forward for Germany".
But at the same time the standoff has created a cost of living crisis across Europe, with rampant inflation and a stagnating economy, and is proving an increasingly divisive force politically.
Just to be clear, I'm not, like Viktor Orbán, arguing that we should settle with Putin by giving him much of what he wants, and then get back to business as usual.
But belief that Europe could somehow emerge from war in Ukraine relatively unscathed was always a case of wishful thinking.
Growing numbers of Germans seems to agree. According to Politico's most recent poll of polls, support for Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), parts of which favour an immediate settlement with Putin, has surged all the way from 10pc since the start of the war to 21pc today. . It was also delusional to think sanctions would bring Putin down. Continued anticipation of that moment is, I fear, a bit like waiting for Godot. He's probably going nowhere.
And in the meantime, the European economy grows ever weaker. Who will sanctions destroy first? Putin or Europe? It may be a close run thing.
Sej so ze sedaj v manjsini,tukaj v temi jih ene 5-6 istih masturbira med sabo ,to je pa to.
Bauc ::
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Russia is already creating the conditions for launching its own offensive in Ukraine, declared Russian General Kartapolov Of course, he did not specify the timing of the start of the offensive operations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as everyone will be very surprised 300,000 Russian soldiers are waiting to be ordered to attack at any moment, but the conditions must be created, the work has already begun
Spet nove napovedi. Podobno kot padec Kramatroska in Slavjanska do lanske jeseni in nato letošnjega poletja. Pol pa nov nick. Pa jovo na novo.
Fangolin7 ::
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Russia is already creating the conditions for launching its own offensive in Ukraine, declared Russian General Kartapolov Of course, he did not specify the timing of the start of the offensive operations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as everyone will be very surprised 300,000 Russian soldiers are waiting to be ordered to attack at any moment, but the conditions must be created, the work has already begun
Torej, samo što nije.
Če pa ne bo nič pa oni niso krivi. Samo nekdo, bog?, ni naredil pravih razmer.
P.S. Kje skrivajo teh 300k vojakov + vso orožje in opremo za njih ?
TheBlueOne ::
mikhaair ::
Jaz pa vidim kar precej wunderwaffe v UA. Javelin, ki je ustavil 3 dnevno specialno operacijo, Patrioti in ostali sistemi zračne obrambe, ki ščitijo mesta pred norimi ruskimi napadi na civiliste. Himars je legendaren, kaj je 12 vozil naredilo z nekoč najmočnejšo armado, noro. F16 bo pa stopil v dimenzijo, ki jo UA ne pokriva oz. izjemno slabo. Ne dvomim v izjemen doprinos.
Malidelničar ::
S tem, da Javelin je res breakthrough orožje, ki je omogočilo uničevanje tankov, ker eksplodira nad kupolo (stare verzije RPG-jev tega niso zmogle), medtem ko je HIMARS star več kot 30 let, Patriot pa tudi najmanj 30 let :) F-16 so pa tudi stari :):)
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Russia is already creating the conditions for launching its own offensive in Ukraine, declared Russian General Kartapolov Of course, he did not specify the timing of the start of the offensive operations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as everyone will be very surprised 300,000 Russian soldiers are waiting to be ordered to attack at any moment, but the conditions must be created, the work has already begun
The great winter offensive redux?
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
Tidule ::
Lesoto lepše se obnašaj!
Za UA je vsako orožje, ki ga dobijo novo! In o teh novih "vundervafe" orožjih ste sanjali, da bo preobrnilo tok vojne.
Po več 10 mesecih je frontna linija še vedno tam tam, kot je bila prej.
Ob današnji tehnologiji je težko skriti težko mašinerijo, sploh več kot nekaj kosov. Za uspešen prodor UA potrebuje nekaj 10 kosov oklepnikov s topniško in zračno podporo.
Toliko oklepa na nekem območju ne morejo skriti celo pred RU ne, topništva in streliva zanj imajo premalo, zračne podpore pa praktično nimajo.
Zakaj spet lažeš? Rusi so najprej spušili napad na Kijev, potem so jih pa zrinili na ta košček, ki ga za enkrat še okupirajo. Tako, da tok vojne je kar konkretno preobrnjen. Iz velikega okupatoja so Rusi zredicirani na impotentne psihopate, ki z zadnjimi mukami še držijo majhen delček tega, kar so sanjali da bodo okupirali.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tidule ()
Smrekar1 ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
S tem, da Javelin je res breakthrough orožje, ki je omogočilo uničevanje tankov, ker eksplodira nad kupolo (stare verzije RPG-jev tega niso zmogle), medtem ko je HIMARS star več kot 30 let, Patriot pa tudi najmanj 30 let :) F-16 so pa tudi stari :):)
Javelin ima letos tridesetico. V redni sestav ameriške vojske je prišel leta 1996.
TheBlueOne ::
Kaksen wunderwaffe je stara roba zahoda se vidi tudi skozi prodajo orozja. Kupci ocitno na rusko orozje ne gledajo tako optimisticno kot pa ruski troli.
Machete ::
Javelin ima letos tridesetico. V redni sestav ameriške vojske je prišel leta 1996.
2007 se je v moderni pop zavesti proslavil s pomočjo Call of Duty 4. Legendaren SP.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Machete ()
Lesoto ::
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Ja itak ane, tako kot napad Wagnerja iz Belorusije, ki se bo zgodil v začetku julija.
-kekec- ::
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Ja itak ane, tako kot napad Wagnerja iz Belorusije, ki se bo zgodil v začetku julija.
Poišči mi uradni ruski vir za te napovedi. Zimska ofenziva, Kijev v 3 dneh, Wagner iz Belorusije, to so zahodna propagandna podtikanja.
Z ukrajinskimi napovedmi je pa takole:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
Tidule ::
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Ja itak ane, tako kot napad Wagnerja iz Belorusije, ki se bo zgodil v začetku julija.
Poišči mi uradni ruski vir za te napovedi. Zimska ofenziva, Kijev v 3 dneh, Wagner iz Belorusije, to so zahodna propagandna podtikanja.
ja ja, saj vemo. Rusi sploh niso napadli Ukrajine. To je samo zahodna propaganda.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tidule ()
Fangolin7 ::
Rusija postaja Kitajska kolonija.
Pozorni bodo opazili da so napisi v kitajščini in angleščini. Ruščina je na tretjem mestu ali pa je ni.
Rusi se bodo šli vojno do zadnjega Rusa ? Oz. dokler se nekega dne Putin ne zbudi in ugotovi, da vsi okoli njega govorijo Kitajsko ?
Pozorni bodo opazili da so napisi v kitajščini in angleščini. Ruščina je na tretjem mestu ali pa je ni.
Rusi se bodo šli vojno do zadnjega Rusa ? Oz. dokler se nekega dne Putin ne zbudi in ugotovi, da vsi okoli njega govorijo Kitajsko ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fangolin7 ()
Bauc ::
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Ja itak ane, tako kot napad Wagnerja iz Belorusije, ki se bo zgodil v začetku julija.
Poišči mi uradni ruski vir za te napovedi. Zimska ofenziva, Kijev v 3 dneh, Wagner iz Belorusije, to so zahodna propagandna podtikanja.
Z ukrajinskimi napovedmi je pa takole:
A to je uradni ukrajinski vir?
Nikec3 ::
Na koncu je vseeno. Fakt je, da je treba Rusijo spravit na kolena, da se odplazi iz UKR in propade v okviru svojih meja, kot so bile l. 91.
To. Ne glede na to kake svinjarije delajo Rusi ali Ukrajinci je jasno, kdo je agresor z nemenom kraje ozemlja. Rusija. In Rusija mora to vojno izgubit. Pa lahko zaradi mene Ukrajinci sami sebi na Kijev mečejo rakete, še vedno mora na koncu Rusija izgubit.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
-kekec- ::
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Ja itak ane, tako kot napad Wagnerja iz Belorusije, ki se bo zgodil v začetku julija.
Poišči mi uradni ruski vir za te napovedi. Zimska ofenziva, Kijev v 3 dneh, Wagner iz Belorusije, to so zahodna propagandna podtikanja.
Z ukrajinskimi napovedmi je pa takole:
A to je uradni ukrajinski vir?
Tukaj imaš vodjo ukrajinske obveščevalne službe, ki je lani napovedal zavzetje Krima spomladi 2023.
Head of Ukrainian Intelligence predicts Ukraine to come back to Crimea by late spring
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
Lesoto ::
Vmes so Rusi mobilizirali (ali pa prostovoljci) 700 tisoč vojakov, pa še jih bodo... ker deset tisoči izginejo vsak mesec.
fur80 ::
Rusi so medtem prvič uradno objavili namero o svoji ofenzivi, verjetno bodo počakali da Ukrajinci obupajo s svojo ofenzivo in nato bodo oni začeli s svojo ofenzivo. Nič pa niso povedali ne kje in ne kdaj, verjetno se jim nič kaj preveč ne mudi, čas je na njihovi strani.
Ja itak ane, tako kot napad Wagnerja iz Belorusije, ki se bo zgodil v začetku julija.
Poišči mi uradni ruski vir za te napovedi. Zimska ofenziva, Kijev v 3 dneh, Wagner iz Belorusije, to so zahodna propagandna podtikanja.
Z ukrajinskimi napovedmi je pa takole:
A to je uradni ukrajinski vir?
Tukaj imaš vodjo ukrajinske obveščevalne službe, ki je lani napovedal zavzetje Krima spomladi 2023.
Head of Ukrainian Intelligence predicts Ukraine to come back to Crimea by late spring
Putin je rekel, da sploh ne bo napadelj Ukrajine!!! Najdi si dokaz na internetu jih imaš več kot dovolj!
Pa vseeno zate, verjetno stari še sedaj ni nehal lagati:
During an interview on the BBC's Newsnight, Sergei Markov said Putin had "stopped telling the truth" on the issue of Ukraine because the decision had already been made to invade.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Hec bo na koncu, če bodo šli kitajci v rusijo s svojo SMO in bodo današnji apologeti vriskali kako je treba pomagat rusiji...
Sel so bili tam, res bolj na obisku, ma vseeno .
Tukaj imaš vodjo ukrajinske obveščevalne službe, ki je lani napovedal zavzetje Krima spomladi 2023.
Head of Ukrainian Intelligence predicts Ukraine to come back to Crimea by late spring
Sel so bili tam, res bolj na obisku, ma vseeno .
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
Lesoto ::
Ukrainian partisans continue to report a decrease in the number of Russian checkpoints in the south
"Previously, there were 18 orc checkpoints on the way from Dneprorudny to Melitopol via Mikhailovka. However, now there are only 3 left. At the exit from Dneprorudny, at the exit from Mikhailovka and at the entrance to Melitopol. Check selectively, not all. Apparently tired. Looks like they're getting ready to leave."
Ukrainian partisans continue to report a decrease in the number of Russian checkpoints in the south
"Previously, there were 18 orc checkpoints on the way from Dneprorudny to Melitopol via Mikhailovka. However, now there are only 3 left. At the exit from Dneprorudny, at the exit from Mikhailovka and at the entrance to Melitopol. Check selectively, not all. Apparently tired. Looks like they're getting ready to leave."
tikitoki ::
Ni fakt, da je treba Rusijo spravit na kolena. Če pa tako misliš, pa izvoli vzeti puško v roke in na fronto. Jaz mislim, da se je potrebno izogniti žrtvam in nuklearni vojni in da ima to prioriteto pred izganjanjem Rusije iz Ukrajine. Ukrajina je bila še 2014ga tako proruska, da je izvolila pro-ruskega predsednika.
V glavnem, kar pojdite na fronto, če ste takega mnenja. Jaz bi rad še živel nekaj časa.
Pa preden ste ful pametni, okoli 75% Nemcev bi se na tak ali drugačen način poskušalo izogniti vpoklicu v vojno, ko bodo šle stvari predaleč. Se pravi smo pusiji v demokratični večini :D
Lepo slisati, da nemci niso tolk neumni, da bi sli na fronto. Vsaj ne ob pogojih, ki vladajo.
Lesoto ::
The photo shows a destroyed experimental radar complex (the name is unknown or missing)
This type of technology is a relatively modern development aimed at detecting small vessels and unmanned surface vehicles.
The photo shows a destroyed experimental radar complex (the name is unknown or missing)
This type of technology is a relatively modern development aimed at detecting small vessels and unmanned surface vehicles.