Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
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Nikec3 ::
"?Putin has been informed about the situation around Prigozhin, all the necessary measures are being taken" Peskov said.
CIA + $$$ + wagner = Putin-1: Prigožin presidente :D
Jaz sem že mesece nazaj pisal, da ne razumem zakaj zahod enostavno ne plača Wagnerja / Prighozina več, kot ga plačuje Putin. Najbolj miren način za končanje vojne v Ukrajini. In še nekaj - Prighozin bi tako ponudbo takoj sprejel. Zahod mu plača za mešanje štren, ko je Rusija poražena, pa Zahod Prighozinu ponudi nekaj v zameno (po mojem kak Krim) in konec sankcij v zameno, da se umakne iz Ukrajine, ter postane prijatelj z zahodom.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
bbbbbb2015 ::
Hkrati pa je vsaj navidezno blizu akcije in lahko vsem ostalim očita, da se skrivajo v bunkerjih "on se pa bori za državo". Trenutno mu vse gre v prid.
Počasi. Prigožin je, zaenkrat, izgubil vse. Nima več vojske, ker menda morajo prostovoljci oz. vojaki podpisati uradno pogodbo z ruskim ministrstvom za obrambo.
To je zdaj mogoče, prej ni bilo. Kriterije, da imaš pogodbo z rusko vojsko - so spustili. Delno sposobni, kriminalci, penzionisti - vse je to zdaj možno.
Prigožin bo ko Strelkof. Lapal bo in lapal, haska nobenega. Boj bo čas mineval, bolj bo odklopljen od realnosti. Kuhal za Putina več ne bo, tistih pogodb (menda) več ni. Imajo menda v St. Petrsburgu neko lepo poslovno stavo. Počasi prigožin niti za plačo več ne bo imel.
Za Putina je še vedno koristen. Udriha po vojski. Na FT je eden dal komentar, vedno ista zgodba: Tzar good, Boyars bad.
Prigožin je pasé.
Lesoto ::
Russian spetsnaz is raiding the Wagner Center in downtown Saint Petersburg right now. Local time is almost midnight.
"On the route Moscow - Voronezh - Rostov-on-Don, the FSB with the support of the SOBR set up roadblocks" -- BBC
Russian spetsnaz is raiding the Wagner Center in downtown Saint Petersburg right now. Local time is almost midnight.
"On the route Moscow - Voronezh - Rostov-on-Don, the FSB with the support of the SOBR set up roadblocks" -- BBC
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Pac-Man ::
Sicer je banan iz Rusije, ampak ima tam vire.
Prigozhin says he's got 25k strong army and he's going to take power and deal with the "traitors" at the top of before returning to the front line.
Am old enough to remember how Russia "pundits" said I was talking nonsense predicting a Prigozhin coup attempt this year.
Last December, @juliaioffe asked me what I thought Prigozhin would do. I said he'd try a coup within six months. (Julia even asked me if I was okay to commit to a timeline on the record). Anyhoo.. 🍿
Prigozhin says "this is not a military coup, this is a march of justice", claims MoD have hidden 2,000 dead bodies in a morgue in Rostov to hide Russian losses, claims Shoigu "ran away from Rostov like a woman" after ordering bombing of Wagner's base.
FSB have just launched a criminal investigation into Prigozhin's "public call for a coup", multiple Russian telegram channels report.
Midnight statement from Peskov: "Putin is aware of the situation around Prigozhin, all necessary measures are being taken".
Two credible Russian telegram channels report that the the "Citadel Protocol" has been implemented in Moscow and in Rostov tonight. The Citadel protocol entails full mobilization of the police and taking charge/guarding of the key communication and silovik/law enforcement centers
Putin reported to be arriving at the Kremlin now, "to decide what to do with the Prigozhin situation". [video]
Prigozhin says he's got 25k strong army and he's going to take power and deal with the "traitors" at the top of before returning to the front line.
Am old enough to remember how Russia "pundits" said I was talking nonsense predicting a Prigozhin coup attempt this year.
Last December, @juliaioffe asked me what I thought Prigozhin would do. I said he'd try a coup within six months. (Julia even asked me if I was okay to commit to a timeline on the record). Anyhoo.. 🍿
Prigozhin says "this is not a military coup, this is a march of justice", claims MoD have hidden 2,000 dead bodies in a morgue in Rostov to hide Russian losses, claims Shoigu "ran away from Rostov like a woman" after ordering bombing of Wagner's base.
FSB have just launched a criminal investigation into Prigozhin's "public call for a coup", multiple Russian telegram channels report.
Midnight statement from Peskov: "Putin is aware of the situation around Prigozhin, all necessary measures are being taken".
Two credible Russian telegram channels report that the the "Citadel Protocol" has been implemented in Moscow and in Rostov tonight. The Citadel protocol entails full mobilization of the police and taking charge/guarding of the key communication and silovik/law enforcement centers
Putin reported to be arriving at the Kremlin now, "to decide what to do with the Prigozhin situation". [video]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Nikec3 ::
Na Financial Times so poznavalci mnenja, da Prigožin sedaj opravlja umazano delo za Putina. Kritizira vojsko, namesto, da Putin pritiska za njih. Samo zato še ni padel skozi okno ali popil čajčka, pa se ga je polotil glavobol.
Meni ta teorija ne pije vode. Da bi Putin podpiral to, da Prighozin kot sovražnika Rusov slika cel političen Ruski vrh, ne pa NATO ali Ukrajine? Ni šans. Ker trenutno je zadeva šla veliko dlje od začetnih izjav, ki so v glavnem leteli na Šojguja.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
MadMen ::
Kar pa drži, da trenutno ni nobenega posnetka kakšnega spopada med Wagner-jem in policijo, FSB, RU vojsko... rybar sicer pravi da je mediski molk kot 22.02.2022(je pa tok kredibilen vir kot slovenske novice...)
Rambutan(al karkol je že), se že boji da ne bo več ruskih dinačkov za objavo propagande.
Rambutan(al karkol je že), se že boji da ne bo več ruskih dinačkov za objavo propagande.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: MadMen ()
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
gozdar1 ::
Sedaj bi morali ukrajinci par insciniranih napadov po rusiji izvest, da malo zakuhajo situacijo.
MadMen ::
"On June 23, 2023, the Investigation Department of the FSB of Russia lawfully and reasonably initiated a criminal case against Prigozhin E.V. under Article 279 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the fact of organizing an armed rebellion. His actions will be given a proper legal assessment. For this crime is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 12 to 20 years.
fur80 ::
"?Putin has been informed about the situation around Prigozhin, all the necessary measures are being taken" Peskov said.
CIA + $$$ + wagner = Putin-1: Prigožin presidente :D
Jaz sem že mesece nazaj pisal, da ne razumem zakaj zahod enostavno ne plača Wagnerja / Prighozina več, kot ga plačuje Putin. Najbolj miren način za končanje vojne v Ukrajini. In še nekaj - Prighozin bi tako ponudbo takoj sprejel. Zahod mu plača za mešanje štren, ko je Rusija poražena, pa Zahod Prighozinu ponudi nekaj v zameno (po mojem kak Krim) in konec sankcij v zameno, da se umakne iz Ukrajine, ter postane prijatelj z zahodom.
Plačali bi lahko, samo Prigozhin ve, da ga bo Zahod iz prve stisnil na tiho tja v pekel, ko bo najmanjša možnost, da se to naredi na lep način. Takega norca nočeš imeti za sovražnika, še manj pa za prijatelja.
Pac-Man ::
Kot kaže bo Prigožin s somišljeniki eliminiran, upam pa, da Rusiji pripravijo lep in dolg poslovilni koncert
I just spoke to someone with contacts inside Wagner - he confirmed that this wasn't theatre, and that Prigozhin is making a move. "It's not clear exactly what's happening right now, but it's not nothing."
More proof in this thread that Wagner had planned something today - their fighters had been calling their loved ones and saying goodbye over the last 24 hours... [citirana nit]
Russian State media -
"The allegations circulated on behalf of Yevgeny Prigozhin have no basis:
In connection with these statements, the FSB of Russia has initiated a criminal case into the call for an armed rebellion. We demand that illegal actions be stopped immediately." BBC Russia reporting that the FSB and SOBR - National Guard spetsnaz - are setting up roadblocks around Moscow.
Security forces in Moscow put on "high alert", and the "fortress plan" to protect government buildings in the city has been activated. Alarm is spreading in the city. More confirmation that the "fortress plan" has indeed been enacted in Moscow. [citirana nit]
I just spoke to someone with contacts inside Wagner - he confirmed that this wasn't theatre, and that Prigozhin is making a move. "It's not clear exactly what's happening right now, but it's not nothing."
More proof in this thread that Wagner had planned something today - their fighters had been calling their loved ones and saying goodbye over the last 24 hours... [citirana nit]
Russian State media -
"The allegations circulated on behalf of Yevgeny Prigozhin have no basis:
In connection with these statements, the FSB of Russia has initiated a criminal case into the call for an armed rebellion. We demand that illegal actions be stopped immediately." BBC Russia reporting that the FSB and SOBR - National Guard spetsnaz - are setting up roadblocks around Moscow.
Security forces in Moscow put on "high alert", and the "fortress plan" to protect government buildings in the city has been activated. Alarm is spreading in the city. More confirmation that the "fortress plan" has indeed been enacted in Moscow. [citirana nit]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Nikec3 ::
"The leftovers of Wagners on the outskirts of Bakhmut opened fire on the regular roads of the Russian Federation.
Our assault brigades see everything, systematic strikes are now being carried out on the positions of the Russians.
You would hear the radio broadcast of these *** now.
The impression is that part of the Russian regular troops are killing their own, and it seems that part of the military is supporting Prigozhin. While it is not clear what is finally happening, it is a bloodbath"
Če to drži, je Rusija re-facto v državljanski vojni. Vse po zahodnem planu:
1. Poovzroči Rusiji dovolj bolečine
2. Glej kako jim država implodira.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
fur80 ::
Jaz mislim, da so ruske hijene videle, da je Putler ranljiv. Začel se bo rock'n roll, tako kot so tukaj nekateri že napovedovali, med centri moči v Rusiji, nagrada je velika, pomislite samo na zaloge nafte in plina in denarja in moči.
Če pa postaneš še prijatelj z Zahodom, ti pa mega ultra bogastvo ne izpuhti, katarza.
Če pa postaneš še prijatelj z Zahodom, ti pa mega ultra bogastvo ne izpuhti, katarza.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
DarkSite ::
Russian channel DONTSTOPWAR reports that a 50km long Wagner-column has crossed the Novoshakhtinskaya border checkpoint into Russia reportedly heading for Novocherkassk (towards Rostov-on-Don).
The column itself has not yet been visually confirmed.
fur80 ::
Ne pozabit, da je Prigozhin poslal Macronu macolo s katero so zdrobili glavo Wagner vojaku. Grozil je Zelenskemu, Bidnu,...
tak človek si je napisal na grob že svojo letnico, na Zahod ne more.
tak človek si je napisal na grob že svojo letnico, na Zahod ne more.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Nikec3 ::
Plačali bi lahko, samo Prigozhin ve, da ga bo Zahod iz prve stisnil na tiho tja v pekel, ko bo najmanjša možnost, da se to naredi na lep način. Takega norca nočeš imeti za sovražnika, še manj pa za prijatelja.
Zato je zaradi lastne varnosti raje na plačilni listi Putina? Kako točno to deluje zadnje dneve?
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
DarkSite ::
#Russian soldiers in #Bakhmut report being shelled from the rear. Situation unclear. Looks like Russian regular elements in the area find themselves sandwiched between the Armed Forces of #Ukraine and the #WagnerGroup.
#Russian soldiers in #Bakhmut report being shelled from the rear. Situation unclear. Looks like Russian regular elements in the area find themselves sandwiched between the Armed Forces of #Ukraine and the #WagnerGroup.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: DarkSite ()
Nikec3 ::
Ne glede na to, kako se to konča, je to dobro za Ukrajino. Več se Rusi ukvarjajo sami s sabo, manj imajo časa da raketirajo Ukrajino. Pa še konkretno število njihovih vojakov bo šlo k devicam.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
fur80 ::
Naj se vmeša še Kadirov z svojim kozjejebci, pa imamo mineštro, Ukrajinci pa naj lepo poradirajo vse. A je sedaj vsaj rusofilom malo jasno, kaka horda so Rusi?
MadMen ::
#Russian soldiers in #Bakhmut report being shelled from the rear. Situation unclear. Looks like Russian regular elements in the area find themselves sandwiched between the Armed Forces of #Ukraine and the #WagnerGroup.
To men zgleda AI, lah bi se držal mal kredibilnosti in postal kredibilne vire!
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Nikec3 ::
Naj se vmeša še Kadirov z svojim kozjejebci, pa imamo mineštro, Ukrajinci pa naj lepo poradirajo vse. A je sedaj vsaj rusofilom malo jasno, kaka horda so Rusi?
Ne trudi se. Da napišem, preden napišejo Rusofili: "Zahod je povzročil kaos v urejeni Ruski državi."
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
fur80 ::
Naj se vmeša še Kadirov z svojim kozjejebci, pa imamo mineštro, Ukrajinci pa naj lepo poradirajo vse. A je sedaj vsaj rusofilom malo jasno, kaka horda so Rusi?
Ne trudi se. Da napišem, preden napišejo Rusofili: "Zahod je povzročil kaos v urejeni Ruski državi."
Kolikor sem prebral je bila največja napaka Prigozhina, da je direktno nagovoril Zelenskega, torej glavnega povelnika druge strani, to v dvoboju lahko napove in nagovori samo drugi glavni poveljnik in to je Putler in s tem mu je povzročil veliko sramoto Putlerju. Vsaj taka naj bi bila pravila vojne. In Putler kot zblojeni novi cesar je to verjetno razumel.
Verjetno se spomnite posnetkov iz letala, kjer pijani Prigozhin poziva Zelenskega na dvoboj, tega se ne dela po pravilih, to lahko stori samo Putler.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
BorutO ::
Naj se vmeša še Kadirov z svojim kozjejebci, pa imamo mineštro, Ukrajinci pa naj lepo poradirajo vse. A je sedaj vsaj rusofilom malo jasno, kaka horda so Rusi?
Ne trudi se. Da napišem, preden napišejo Rusofili: "Zahod je povzročil kaos v urejeni Ruski državi."
Hehe, tudi jaz sem imel to v mislih, da bodo hitro izvlekli teorije, da bo za ves kaos v Rusiji kriv samo zahod, oz natančneje, ZDA. In potem bodo pravili, da je ta Drekožin podkupljen s strani CIA in hoče zakuhati državljansko vojno v Rusiji in se boriti proti Putlerju, v isti sapi pa že cel čas govorijo, da je Putler baje podkupljen s strani CIA ... :) To bo zanimivo spremljati. :)
Pac-Man ::
Abu Surov je posnel poziv. Lep trebušček, avtomat pod mizo je zanimiva poteza. Sicer zgleda, kot da mu bi bilo težko štet do pet.
Breaking Russian General Surovikin issues an appeal to Wagner fighters:
“We are of the same blood, we are warriors, the enemy is waiting for the internal political situation in the country to worsen, you can’t play into the hands of the enemy” [video]
Breaking Russian General Surovikin issues an appeal to Wagner fighters:
“We are of the same blood, we are warriors, the enemy is waiting for the internal political situation in the country to worsen, you can’t play into the hands of the enemy” [video]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
wcpapir ::
Govori se o neki koloni vozil ki vstopa v rusijo menda 50km ceprav to stevilcno z Wagnerjem ne gre skupaj...neki posnetki sicer iz Rostova ampak...
Če so Wagnerjevci res tako zabiti delajo samomor, Putler ima še vedno aviacijo če že vojske ni nevem kaj v RU.
Če so Wagnerjevci res tako zabiti delajo samomor, Putler ima še vedno aviacijo če že vojske ni nevem kaj v RU.
Chalky ::
Ali ni nekaj dni nazaj Prigozin prosil Američane naj mu pošljejo F-35 bojna letala? Vem da se je spet norca delal vendar vseeno. Drugače pa upam da Rusi res niso tako nori da bi šli voliti Prigozina, ali res niso sposobni nekega normalnega človeka? Tale Prigozin ni nič boljši od Putina in bi bila enaka zgodba z njim.
Drugače pa morajo tole danes v ZDA spremljati z navdušenjem, pa še petek je. ZDA imajo kar nekaj notranjih problemov vendar ko vse skupaj primerjaš s tem kar se dogaja v Rusiji hitro ugotoviš da je vse skupaj neprimerljivo. Putin si sam koplje jamo. Nekateri so govorili da je izjemen strateg (no vsaj pred vojno so tako govorili). Zame je pa ta vojna ena velika amaterska napaka preko katere bo uničil celotno državo. Dober strateg bi bil če bi se 30 let nazaj povezal z Zahodom, tako bi imel danes daleč najmočnejše gospodarstvo v Evropi in Rusi bi živeli v miru in normalnem okolju, tako pa drvijo v propad medtem ko bodo tiste prave posledice šele po vojni.
Drugače pa morajo tole danes v ZDA spremljati z navdušenjem, pa še petek je. ZDA imajo kar nekaj notranjih problemov vendar ko vse skupaj primerjaš s tem kar se dogaja v Rusiji hitro ugotoviš da je vse skupaj neprimerljivo. Putin si sam koplje jamo. Nekateri so govorili da je izjemen strateg (no vsaj pred vojno so tako govorili). Zame je pa ta vojna ena velika amaterska napaka preko katere bo uničil celotno državo. Dober strateg bi bil če bi se 30 let nazaj povezal z Zahodom, tako bi imel danes daleč najmočnejše gospodarstvo v Evropi in Rusi bi živeli v miru in normalnem okolju, tako pa drvijo v propad medtem ko bodo tiste prave posledice šele po vojni.
BorutO ::
O ja ... če bo upor v Rusiji, bom končno začel uživati v tej vojni. :) Na srečo sem par dni nazaj kupil 3 velike pakle kokic, samo nisem mislil, da bodo porabljene za to. :)
bbbbbb2015 ::
Naj se vmeša še Kadirov z svojim kozjejebci, pa imamo mineštro, Ukrajinci pa naj lepo poradirajo vse. A je sedaj vsaj rusofilom malo jasno, kaka horda so Rusi?
Ne trudi se. Da napišem, preden napišejo Rusofili: "Zahod je povzročil kaos v urejeni Ruski državi."
Kolikor sem prebral je bila največja napaka Prigozhina, da je direktno nagovoril Zelenskega, torej glavnega povelnika druge strani, to v dvoboju lahko napove in nagovori samo drugi glavni poveljnik in to je Putler in s tem mu je povzročil veliko sramoto Putlerju. Vsaj taka naj bi bila pravila vojne. In Putler kot zblojeni novi cesar je to verjetno razumel
Mah, to je iskanje dlake v jajcu, brez jajca. In Putin in Prigožin in Surovikin in kar je še teh orkov, to so prekršili vsa pravila vojne. Od tega, da so porušili civilna mesta, do tega, da so pohabljali in ubijali ujetnike. To sploh ni kaj za razglabljati. Ko Prigožin ranta, to je najbolje vzet kokice pa se zabavat, kolikor se pač lahko.
Prej ti ljudje crknejo, bolje bo. Pa Dugina in ostale bradonje naj s sabo vzamejo.
Bila je ena analiza DW. V grobem, v Gruziji in Kazastanu so ugotovili, da Rusija ne ponuja nič: ne inovacij, ne tehnološkega napredka, ne kulture, ne bogastva, nič. Rusija preko korupcijskih shem vpliva na tuje politike. Od direktnega (pod)kupovanja, do preferenčnih poslov, kjer posrednik daje debelo provizijo v žep (ostali pa prst v rito). Zdaj so že tam ugotovili, da jih ena taka skorumpirana kobajagi elita ne bo pripeljala do blagostanja.
BorutO ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Naj se vmeša še Kadirov z svojim kozjejebci, pa imamo mineštro, Ukrajinci pa naj lepo poradirajo vse. A je sedaj vsaj rusofilom malo jasno, kaka horda so Rusi?
Ne trudi se. Da napišem, preden napišejo Rusofili: "Zahod je povzročil kaos v urejeni Ruski državi."
Kolikor sem prebral je bila največja napaka Prigozhina, da je direktno nagovoril Zelenskega, torej glavnega povelnika druge strani, to v dvoboju lahko napove in nagovori samo drugi glavni poveljnik in to je Putler in s tem mu je povzročil veliko sramoto Putlerju. Vsaj taka naj bi bila pravila vojne. In Putler kot zblojeni novi cesar je to verjetno razumel
Mah, to je iskanje dlake v jajcu, brez jajca. In Putin in Prigožin in Surovikin in kar je še teh orkov, to so prekršili vsa pravila vojne. Od tega, da so porušili civilna mesta, do tega, da so pohabljali in ubijali ujetnike. To sploh ni kaj za razglabljati. Ko Prigožin ranta, to je najbolje vzet kokice pa se zabavat, kolikor se pač lahko.
Prej ti ljudje crknejo, bolje bo. Pa Dugina in ostale bradonje naj s sabo vzamejo.
Bila je ena analiza DW. V grobem, v Gruziji in Kazastanu so ugotovili, da Rusija ne ponuja nič: ne inovacij, ne tehnološkega napredka, ne kulture, ne bogastva, nič. Rusija preko korupcijskih shem vpliva na tuje politike. Od direktnega (pod)kupovanja, do preferenčnih poslov, kjer posrednik daje debelo provizijo v žep (ostali pa prst v rito). Zdaj so že tam ugotovili, da jih ena taka skorumpirana kobajagi elita ne bo pripeljala do blagostanja.
Tako je, zato pa so v Sudanu Rusi zakuhali državljansko vojno s pomočjo Wagnerjevcev, ki tam pomagajo paravojaški skupini, ki se bori proti aktualni vladi in proti Sudanski vojski ... Wagner in Rusi jih odkrito podpirajo in jih vojaško zalagajo z vsem, kar rabijo. Wagner ima ogromno firm tam, kjer na veliko kopljejo zlato.
fur80 ::
Abu Surov je posnel poziv. Lep trebušček, avtomat pod mizo je zanimiva poteza. Sicer zgleda, kot da mu bi bilo težko štet do pet.
Breaking Russian General Surovikin issues an appeal to Wagner fighters:
“We are of the same blood, we are warriors, the enemy is waiting for the internal political situation in the country to worsen, you can’t play into the hands of the enemy” [video]
Še totega Jožeka so posedli na isti stol:
vojska se premika v centru Moskve, zgleda je res neka panika. Jao... horda.
MadMen ::
Govori se o neki koloni vozil ki vstopa v rusijo menda 50km ceprav to stevilcno z Wagnerjem ne gre skupaj...neki posnetki sicer iz Rostova ampak...
Če so Wagnerjevci res tako zabiti delajo samomor, Putler ima še vedno aviacijo če že vojske ni nevem kaj v RU.
Eh, vse skupaj malo smrdi, me pa res zanima kakšen je cilj te gledališke predstave.
Uradni kanal od Wagnerja je objavil posnetek Surovikina...
Slik famozne kolone ni...
fur80 ::
Govori se o neki koloni vozil ki vstopa v rusijo menda 50km ceprav to stevilcno z Wagnerjem ne gre skupaj...neki posnetki sicer iz Rostova ampak...
Če so Wagnerjevci res tako zabiti delajo samomor, Putler ima še vedno aviacijo če že vojske ni nevem kaj v RU.
Eh, vse skupaj malo smrdi, me pa res zanima kakšen je cilj te gledališke predstave.
Uradni kanal od Wagnerja je objavil posnetek Surovikina...
Slik famozne kolone ni...
Zlobni jeziki bi reli, da je to preusmerjanje pozornosti ruske javnosti od morda uspešne ukrajinske ofenzive in trpljenje ruske vojske, ampak Rambutana ni več tukaj.
DarkSite ::
It is reported that Wagner's column has passed the first checkpoints.
They say they are on their way to Novocherkassk, where the army headquarters are. It is also known that a column of 400 vehicles left Millerovo in the direction of Moscow.
DarkSite ::
Jst tud nocem it spat ker je tole the best, koncno se neki dogaja :d
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: DarkSite ()
fur80 ::
Russian sources claim that Ukrainian forces are only 1.5km from Robotyne and have advanced.
"Our aviation practically did not work."
Is Russia starting to feel the pain of the downed Ka-52 helicopters?
"Our aviation practically did not work."
Is Russia starting to feel the pain of the downed Ka-52 helicopters?
DarkSite ::
On the Rostov-Moscow road in the area of Kozachi Tabory, the first clash occurred between the advanced groups of the "Wagner" PMC, moving towards Moscow, and the units of the "Rosgvardiya".
Chalky ::
US officials closely watching situation in Russia. "This is real," one US official said. - CNN
Putin bi lahko izvedel kakšno hudo provokacijo, upam da ZDA spremljajo vse skupaj sploh okoli jedrskega orožja in tiste elektrarne.
Putin bi lahko izvedel kakšno hudo provokacijo, upam da ZDA spremljajo vse skupaj sploh okoli jedrskega orožja in tiste elektrarne.
fur80 ::
On the Rostov-Moscow road in the area of Kozachi Tabory, the first clash occurred between the advanced groups of the "Wagner" PMC, moving towards Moscow, and the units of the "Rosgvardiya".
Meni je to skoraj nepredstavljivo. Skoraj bi rekel nemogoče! Kot je nekdo rekel, Rusi bi jih poradirali že z aviacijo na svoji zemlji in nima šans Wagner, taki samomorilci pa spet niso.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
MadMen ::
On the Rostov-Moscow road in the area of Kozachi Tabory, the first clash occurred between the advanced groups of the "Wagner" PMC, moving towards Moscow, and the units of the "Rosgvardiya".
Meni je to skoraj nepredstavljivo. Skoraj bi rekel nemogoče! Kot je nekdo rekel, Rusi bi jih poradirali že z aviacijo na svoji zemlji in nima šans Wagner, taki samomorilci pa spet niso.
In čudežno ni slikovnega gradiva...
Pac-Man ::
Interesting historical fact. The last time there was a coup in Moscow, in 1991, Surovikin led an armored column that killed three protestors in the city and was put in jail for several months. He was released by Boris Yeltsin.
Simpatičen model
Sergey Surovikin @ Wikipedia
Interesting historical fact. The last time there was a coup in Moscow, in 1991, Surovikin led an armored column that killed three protestors in the city and was put in jail for several months. He was released by Boris Yeltsin.
Simpatičen model
Sergey Surovikin @ Wikipedia
By August 1991, he was a captain and commander of the 1st Motor Rifle Battalion of the 15th Guards Motor Rifle Regiment, part of the 2nd Guards Tamanskaya Motor Rifle Division. During the 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt in Moscow, Surovikin was ordered to send his battalion into the tunnel on the Garden Ring, where three anti-coup demonstrators were killed. After the defeat of the coup, Surovikin was arrested and held under investigation for seven months. The charges were dropped on 10 December because Boris Yeltsin[11] concluded that Surovikin was only following orders. He was promoted to the rank of major afterwards.[12]
Surovikin attended the Frunze Military Academy. In September 1995, he was sentenced to a year of probation by the Moscow garrison's military court for illegally selling weapons. The conviction was overturned after the investigation concluded that Surovikin had agreed to give a fellow student a pistol for use in a competition, unaware of its intended purpose.[13]
In March 2004, Surovikin was accused by Lieutenant Colonel Viktor Chibizov of beating him up for leaving his post to participate in elections as an observer. In April, division deputy commander for armaments Colonel Andrei Shtakal shot himself in the presence of Surovikin and the district deputy commander after being criticized by Surovikin.[10] In both cases, a military prosecutor found no evidence of guilt.[13]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Matejjjjj ::
Prvi vikend te vojne sem napisal, imam shranjeno, da bo to najhujši ruski poraz v zgodovini
potem sem napisal, da bo RF razpadla. ampak sem ciljal na druge narodnosti in vere, ne pa na lastne ljudi. tu priznam zmoto.
potem sem napisal, da bo RF razpadla. ampak sem ciljal na druge narodnosti in vere, ne pa na lastne ljudi. tu priznam zmoto.
Pac-Man ::
Don't wonder what will happen if Russia collapses. It already did! Years ago. It's not a state, it's a mafia front with factions fighting each other for money, resources, and power.
Whatever is happening now, it was already clear Putin wasn't able to control every faction or to keep the infighting quiet or at least non-violent the way he mostly could before.
The pointing fingers among Russian factions will increasingly be on triggers as Ukrainian victories multiply. The towers of lies will collapse and new, smaller ones built. Defeat will be denied, then blamed on rivals, then fake victory declared by the survivors.
Whoever keeps control, Putin or anyone else, will be faced with threats & instability. It is vital for the free world not to offer any lifelines to murderers. We do not expect democracy and liberty to suddenly flourish, but there can be no deals with Russian war criminals.
There will be attempts to use internal conflict as pretext for ceasefires, sanctions relief, and other charades to give Russia time to regroup and reload while occupying Ukrainian territory & continuing the terror. No.
Do not let whatever mafia show that is now out in the open in Russia distract from the goal of Ukrainian victory. It is time to accelerate, not hesitate. If you agree that "let them all lose" in Russia is ideal, the road to that is victory. Glory to Ukraine.
PS Please keep in mind that even more than usual, everything coming out of the Kremlin, and Russian generally, will be lies. It's instinctive and about control. Such people would not admit they were drowning to a lifeguard.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
DarkSite ::
? Several units, including the 45th airborne brigade, refused to leave the barracks against the Wagnerites , reports the Cheka-OGPU.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: DarkSite ()