Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
OutOfTheBox ::
Smili se mi tisti, ki misli da so te zahteve smiselne. 1,2 in 6 še grejo skozi ampak drugo je popolna norost.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: OutOfTheBox ()
gozdar1 ::
Dejansko rusi samo poskušajo ohranit imperij, ki je že 30 let v zatonu z metodami, ki so morda delovala v 19 stol. Po eni strani demolirajo ukrajino po drugi strani pa nimajo druge izbire kot , da mižijo na obe očesi, ko se jim v aziji v bivše dele počasi plazi kitajska. Dejansko so zapravili 30 let razvoja, ko je večina ostalega sveta šla naprej.
primoz4p ::
Akcija ene strani:
Nenad Glücks: This is a pro-Russian Slovenian journalist who worships Vladimir Putin and thereby spits on the victims of his regime
Reakcija druge:
Hvala za lepo rojstnodnevo darilo, @NenadGlucks
. Kot pravi džentelmen ste tudi v angleščini označil tarčo na ukrajinskem seznamu Mirotvorec. Zakaj tako sovražite Slovenijo in Slovenke?
Tretja stran pa ...
Nenad Glücks: This is a pro-Russian Slovenian journalist who worships Vladimir Putin and thereby spits on the victims of his regime
Reakcija druge:
Hvala za lepo rojstnodnevo darilo, @NenadGlucks
. Kot pravi džentelmen ste tudi v angleščini označil tarčo na ukrajinskem seznamu Mirotvorec. Zakaj tako sovražite Slovenijo in Slovenke?
Tretja stran pa ...
Matejjjjj ::
Dejansko rusi samo poskušajo ohranit imperij, ki je že 30 let v zatonu z metodami, ki so morda delovala v 19 stol. Po eni strani demolirajo ukrajino po drugi strani pa nimajo druge izbire kot , da mižijo na obe očesi, ko se jim v aziji v bivše dele počasi plazi kitajska. Dejansko so zapravili 30 let razvoja, ko je večina ostalega sveta šla naprej.
Bolj kot kitajska jih motijo muslimani iz ostalih držav bivše Sovjetske zveze. Pojdite v predmestja Moskve, vam bo hitro jasno.
Pac-Man ::
Akcija ene strani:
Nenad Glücks: This is a pro-Russian Slovenian journalist who worships Vladimir Putin and thereby spits on the victims of his regime
Reakcija druge:
Hvala za lepo rojstnodnevo darilo, @NenadGlucks
. Kot pravi džentelmen ste tudi v angleščini označil tarčo na ukrajinskem seznamu Mirotvorec. Zakaj tako sovražite Slovenijo in Slovenke?
Tretja stran pa ...
Lahko Polono vprašaš kje je 300-400 ubitih civilistov, o katerih je za Delo pisala l. 2015? Takrat v Rusiji niso poznali kamer in fotoaparatov?
23. oktobra so si strokovnjaki Organizacije za varnost in sodelovanje v Evropi (Ovse) blizu Donecka ogledali množični grobišči s posmrtnimi ostanki približno 400 ubitih civilistov. »Približala se nam je skupina žensk. Povedale so nam, da so najemniki iz bataljonov Azov in Donbas sodelovali v množičnem posilstvu vseh žensk iz vasi – tako 12-letnih deklic kot starejših žensk,« je za Ria Novosti povedal latvijski borec za človekove pravice Einārs Graudinš.
»Našli smo 286 trupel ljudi, ki so bili ubiti s strelom v zatilnik,« je zatrdil premier Doneške narodne republike Aleksander Zaharčenko in dodal, da so to po večini trupla mladih žensk iz Krasnoarmejska, kakih 45 kilometrov iz Donecka, za katerimi se je že zdavnaj izgubila vsaka sled. Po njegovih navedbah je bil na tem območju dejaven zlasti bataljon Dnepr 2. »Zakaj vsi pišejo o terorizmu v Parizu, o umorih naših mladih žensk pa nihče,« so se v zadnjih dneh spraševali ruski ter mediji na vzhodu Ukrajine. Posebna predstavnica Organizacije za varnost in sodelovanje v Evropi za preprečevanje trgovine z ljudmi Madina Jarbusinova je izrazila bojazen, da so bili številnim ubitim civilistom z namenom prodaje odvzeti notranji organi, kar je na območjih oboroženih konfliktov pogosta praksa. Primer Kosovo je samo eden od najbolj razvpitih.
Einārsa oklicat za "borca za človekove pravice" ter sodelavca OVSE je...zanimivo
Einārs Graudiņš is a leader of the Latvian anti-immigrant and openly pro-Russian "Action party" (Rīcības Partija), chaired by the head of the "Russian World of Latvia" organisation.
maj 2019:
The State Police (VP) has started an investigation into the statements of European Parliament (EP) deputy candidate Einars Graudiņš (Action Party) in the pre-election debate, in which he was encouraged to open fire against illegal immigrants.
Last week on Latvian Television in the EP pre-election discussion "Choose the future!" the question of how to protect Europe from threats was touched upon. Graudiņš, as one of the participants in the discussion, stated that it is absolutely necessary to create a unified armed forces of the EU as a federal state, which provides resource economy.
He then turned to illegal immigration and expressed his opinion that illegal border crossers should be opened fire immediately.
"An issue that was not touched on here yet, but is included in the common risk factors, is illegal immigration. This issue should be addressed immediately and surgically. All those black mobs that are now rampaging through Europe unchecked are put on ships, taken to Malta, Sicily, and then taken back to where they came from. With all the others swimming towards us as a single country, we open fire immediately if they cross the border," Graudiņš said.
Responding to what Graudiņas said, the leader of the discussion, journalist Jānis Geste, pointed out that such statements border on a call to violence and LTV distances itself from such opinions.
Graudiņš is mentioned in the 2014 annual report of the VDD (then Security Police) as one of the supporters of the policy of compatriots of Russia.
"Einārs Graudiņš, who in the fall of 2014 went to the territories seized by illegal militant groups, has also become a mouthpiece for Russia's informational activities in the context of the Ukrainian conflict. After this visit, he was positioned in the Russian media as an "OSCE expert", although this organization denied any connection with Graudin. "After reporting in the Russian media about 'atrocities by Ukrainian forces:' and 'the US's destructive role in the Ukrainian conflict,' he became a regular guest on Russian TV programs and continued to spread Russian propaganda's myths about the situation in Ukraine," the review said.
In the report, the VDD stated that Graudiņš is a useful resource for Russian propaganda because, unlike other compatriot political activists in Latvia who passionately support Russian aggression in Ukraine, he is Latvian.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Durian ::
A to prav berem?
Ukrajinska zračna obramba, ki je je maja zmanjkalo raket je včeraj sestrelila 5 ruskih zrakoplovov?
Ukrajinska zračna obramba, ki je je maja zmanjkalo raket je včeraj sestrelila 5 ruskih zrakoplovov?
mojsterleo ::
Matejjjjj ::
letalstvo ali zračna obramba?
ne, ne bo jim zmanjkalo raket.. Nemci jim postavljajo večplastno protizračno kupolo. Rakete niso več problem. Prej bo zamnjkalo ciljev.
?? Diehl Multi-LAYERED Air Defense
IRIS-T SLS short-range GBAD system (range: 12 km)
IRIS-T SLM meduim-range GBAD (range: 40 km)
IRIS-T SLX long-range GBAD (+80 km)
IRIS-T HYDEF: First European Air Defense Missile destined against Hypersonic Targets (Estimated range: +100km)
ne, ne bo jim zmanjkalo raket.. Nemci jim postavljajo večplastno protizračno kupolo. Rakete niso več problem. Prej bo zamnjkalo ciljev.
?? Diehl Multi-LAYERED Air Defense
IRIS-T SLS short-range GBAD system (range: 12 km)
IRIS-T SLM meduim-range GBAD (range: 40 km)
IRIS-T SLX long-range GBAD (+80 km)
IRIS-T HYDEF: First European Air Defense Missile destined against Hypersonic Targets (Estimated range: +100km)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Matejjjjj ()
Durian ::
To se potem sliši kot dobro zdravilo proti odmetavanju fab bomb.
Tist morajo odvrect 50 km pred ciljem.
Me zanima kako bo v prihodnjih tednih s temi ruskimi wunderwaffe bombami.
Tist morajo odvrect 50 km pred ciljem.
Me zanima kako bo v prihodnjih tednih s temi ruskimi wunderwaffe bombami.
mojsterleo je izjavil:
A to prav berem?
Ukrajinska zračna obramba, ki je je maja zmanjkalo raket je včeraj sestrelila 5 ruskih zrakoplovov?
Ni čisto točno. Sesuti so bili z air to air raketami. Krivci : predvidoma Poljski migi z aim120 raketami, ustreljenimi iz varne razdalje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Durian ()
Comandante ::
A to prav berem?
Ukrajinska zračna obramba, ki je je maja zmanjkalo raket je včeraj sestrelila 5 ruskih zrakoplovov?
Meni je tole bolj zgledalo kot pasivni napad z AMRAAMi, tako imenovan maddog mode. Se pravi, lovec z izklopljenim radarjem na veliki visini z veliko hitrostjo leti proti cilju, katerega lokacijo dobi po datalinku. Spusti AIM-120D visoko in hitro, s cimer doseze maksimalen domet. Raketa odleti v generalno smer sovraznega letala, avtonomno poisce cilj in ga unici. RWR sovrazniku v tem primeru ne javi pravocasno, da leti raketa proti njemu, in jo skasira v faco, saj se ne umika.
Matejjjjj ::
Comandante je izjavil:
A to prav berem?
Ukrajinska zračna obramba, ki je je maja zmanjkalo raket je včeraj sestrelila 5 ruskih zrakoplovov?
Meni je tole bolj zgledalo kot pasivni napad z AMRAAMi, tako imenovan maddog mode. Se pravi, lovec z izklopljenim radarjem na veliki visini z veliko hitrostjo leti proti cilju, katerega lokacijo dobi po datalinku. Spusti AIM-120D visoko in hitro, s cimer doseze maksimalen domet. Raketa odleti v generalno smer sovraznega letala, avtonomno poisce cilj in ga unici. RWR sovrazniku v tem primeru ne javi pravocasno, da leti raketa proti njemu, in jo skasira v faco, saj se ne umika.
ali pa so emulirali ruske cilje v ukrajinske in jih je nato zrušila lastna obramba? to bi bla scena za sci-fi film
kajtimara ::
''Suočen s ogromnim gubicima od ljeta naovamo, Putin je još 21. rujna objavio djelomičnu mobilizaciju oko 300 tisuća ljudi, u strahu od reakcije građana na uvođenje opće vojne obveze..
Zadnje objave za vojnički ugovor nude čak i do 450.000 rubalja (5.900 USD) u formi jednokratne isplatu, plus mjesečnu plaću od 400.000 rubalja (5.100 USD). Najunosnije ponude Putinove vlasti za ratovanje u Ukrajini dosežu i 500.000 rubalja (6.500 USD) mjesečno.''
Zadnje objave za vojnički ugovor nude čak i do 450.000 rubalja (5.900 USD) u formi jednokratne isplatu, plus mjesečnu plaću od 400.000 rubalja (5.100 USD). Najunosnije ponude Putinove vlasti za ratovanje u Ukrajini dosežu i 500.000 rubalja (6.500 USD) mjesečno.''
ripmork ::
ripmork ::
Btw: še vedno čakam, da zagovorniki dogovarjanje tule pojasnijo, kakšen smisel ima dogovarjanje z lažnivimi rusi, ki se svojega dela dogovora itak ne držijo (nenapadanje Ukrajine v zameno za predajo jedrskega orožja pred leti, kjer so se le Ukrajinci držali dogovora).
Stikalo ::
Btw: še vedno čakam, da zagovorniki dogovarjanje tule pojasnijo, kakšen smisel ima dogovarjanje z lažnivimi rusi, ki se svojega dela dogovora itak ne držijo (nenapadanje Ukrajine v zameno za predajo jedrskega orožja pred leti, kjer so se le Ukrajinci držali dogovora).
Ja lažnivi rusi jedersko razorožijo Ukrjaino, ji ukradejo Krimski polotok in se spravijo s polno invazijo na Ukrajino, a žrtev se pa naj pogaja. Eni res razmišljajo oslovsko. Tudi, da bi šla Ukrajina v NATO ne bi smel biti nikakršen problem, to je samo garancija za Ukrajino, da ima manjšo možnost napada in okupacije. Tukaj se točnov vidi, ko je Rusija napadla drugo državo se je NATO takoj zbudil, spet je dobil smisel in nov zagon.
krucymucy ::
Dve novi članici, še bližje rusiji. Meja z NATO članicami se je podvojila. Sedaj pa še Japonska želi sodelovanje z NATO.
T440 ::
V zgodovinskih učbenikih bo leto 2022 zapisano kot leto, v katerem se je Putin odločil za evtanazijo Ruske federacije. Postopek bo sicer trajal še v 2024, mnogo umrlih je bilo in bo še povsem po nepotrebnem.... ampak procesa ustaviti se pa ne da več.
Rambutan ::
Na SG pravijo, da so v Khmelnitsky skladišču uničili britanske izstrelke z osiromašenim uranom, kažejo grafe s povišano radiacijo.
Ilya Yansen reports with high of degree of certainty that the successful Russian strike on the military target in Khmelnitsky hit a very large stockpile of depleted uranium munitions delivered to Ukraine officially (by UK) and unofficially (by other Western actors).
#source (
From a scientific standpoint: the range of alpha particles (the primary radiation emission of depleted uranium) is only a few centimetres in the air.
All of an alpha particle’s energy is deposited along its travel path. Solid materials (including the human body) have a very high stopping power vis-a-vis alpha particles, such that a sheet of paper will stop most of them. Same with human skin.
However, once the alpha-particle-emitting material is ingested, the damage from this radiation can be severe, as the range is increased in fluids (gas or liquid), and the energy causes damage to cellular structures and the DNA/RNA molecules.
Further Khmelnitsky Depleted Uranium Update.
Excellent research by Gleb Georgievich Gerasimov.
A clear spike in gamma radiation was detected in Khmelnitsky on or about May 12th, with emission continuing to rise the following day and remaining at the elevated level thereafter.
Considering how little gamma radiation comes from depleted uranium, this clear spike in gamma radiation in Khmelnitsky indicates that there was very large stockpile of the DU munitions that was destroyed, raising the uranium dust into the air.
By comparison, the towns of Ternopol, Khmilnik, and Novaya Ushitsa (images 3, 4, and 5) remained at their apparent regular, base levels. This indicates that the Khmelnitsky anomaly is indeed a spike and corroborates the claim that the stockpile in Khmelnitsky contained DU munitions. The map viewed is attached as the sixth image.
This British gift will keep on giving.
Ilya Yansen reports with high of degree of certainty that the successful Russian strike on the military target in Khmelnitsky hit a very large stockpile of depleted uranium munitions delivered to Ukraine officially (by UK) and unofficially (by other Western actors).
#source (
From a scientific standpoint: the range of alpha particles (the primary radiation emission of depleted uranium) is only a few centimetres in the air.
All of an alpha particle’s energy is deposited along its travel path. Solid materials (including the human body) have a very high stopping power vis-a-vis alpha particles, such that a sheet of paper will stop most of them. Same with human skin.
However, once the alpha-particle-emitting material is ingested, the damage from this radiation can be severe, as the range is increased in fluids (gas or liquid), and the energy causes damage to cellular structures and the DNA/RNA molecules.
Further Khmelnitsky Depleted Uranium Update.
Excellent research by Gleb Georgievich Gerasimov.
A clear spike in gamma radiation was detected in Khmelnitsky on or about May 12th, with emission continuing to rise the following day and remaining at the elevated level thereafter.
Considering how little gamma radiation comes from depleted uranium, this clear spike in gamma radiation in Khmelnitsky indicates that there was very large stockpile of the DU munitions that was destroyed, raising the uranium dust into the air.
By comparison, the towns of Ternopol, Khmilnik, and Novaya Ushitsa (images 3, 4, and 5) remained at their apparent regular, base levels. This indicates that the Khmelnitsky anomaly is indeed a spike and corroborates the claim that the stockpile in Khmelnitsky contained DU munitions. The map viewed is attached as the sixth image.
This British gift will keep on giving.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Rambutan ()
Anney ::
V zgodovinskih učbenikih bo leto 2022 zapisano kot leto, v katerem se je Putin odločil za evtanazijo Ruske federacije. Postopek bo sicer trajal še v 2024, mnogo umrlih je bilo in bo še povsem po nepotrebnem.... ampak procesa ustaviti se pa ne da več.
Se strinjam, back to Flintstones. Dvomim, da je mogoč konkreten zasuk, razen z....
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
gozdar1 ::
Izstrelkiz iz osiromašenega urana ne eksplodirajo. Očitno boruska propaganda molzla to zgodbo dokler se bo dalo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
Rambutan ::
scythe ::
Na SG pravijo, da so v Khmelnitsky skladišču uničili britanske izstrelke z osiromašenim uranom, kažejo grafe s povišano radiacijo.
Ilya Yansen reports with high of degree of certainty that the successful Russian strike on the military target in Khmelnitsky hit a very large stockpile of depleted uranium munitions delivered to Ukraine officially (by UK) and unofficially (by other Western actors).
#source (
From a scientific standpoint: the range of alpha particles (the primary radiation emission of depleted uranium) is only a few centimetres in the air.
All of an alpha particle’s energy is deposited along its travel path. Solid materials (including the human body) have a very high stopping power vis-a-vis alpha particles, such that a sheet of paper will stop most of them. Same with human skin.
However, once the alpha-particle-emitting material is ingested, the damage from this radiation can be severe, as the range is increased in fluids (gas or liquid), and the energy causes damage to cellular structures and the DNA/RNA molecules.
Further Khmelnitsky Depleted Uranium Update.
Excellent research by Gleb Georgievich Gerasimov.
A clear spike in gamma radiation was detected in Khmelnitsky on or about May 12th, with emission continuing to rise the following day and remaining at the elevated level thereafter.
Considering how little gamma radiation comes from depleted uranium, this clear spike in gamma radiation in Khmelnitsky indicates that there was very large stockpile of the DU munitions that was destroyed, raising the uranium dust into the air.
By comparison, the towns of Ternopol, Khmilnik, and Novaya Ushitsa (images 3, 4, and 5) remained at their apparent regular, base levels. This indicates that the Khmelnitsky anomaly is indeed a spike and corroborates the claim that the stockpile in Khmelnitsky contained DU munitions. The map viewed is attached as the sixth image.
This British gift will keep on giving.
Proizvodnja umetnega gnoja in skladiščenje goriva. Malo pobrskaj na Googlu, kaj je na tej lokaciji. Ni težko, če hočeš.
Tako da nehaj trollat, prejšna eksplozija na železniški postaviji, se je izkazala za eno veliko LAŽ. Ni bilo raket na vagonih, ker ni bilo nikjer želeniške postaje. Ni bilo NATOvo skladišče orožja, ker je bilo skladišče za raketno gorivo.
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
gozdar1 ::
Dejansko smo samo v enemdnevu šli od radijskih postaj,prek raket za patriote, do osiromašenega urana. Vesekdo je publika,ki soji te zgodbice namenjene.
Lesoto ::
Dejansko smo samo v enemdnevu šli od radijskih postaj,prek raket za patriote, do osiromašenega urana. Vesekdo je publika,ki soji te zgodbice namenjene.
A si predstavljate samo količino sekundarnih eksplozij, če bi bile tam res neke granate.
Ampak ejga, tukaj so vse granate naenkrat ekplodirale.
Aston_11 ::
Za ruse, ki so tradicionalno glupi, se zgodba o osiromašenem uranu dobro prodaja. In pri podpornikih tudi.
mackilla ::
Dejansko smo samo v enemdnevu šli od radijskih postaj,prek raket za patriote, do osiromašenega urana. Vesekdo je publika,ki soji te zgodbice namenjene.
To je Rambutan. Ko so Rusi zadeli stolpnico so bili po prvi varianti krivi ukrajinci,ki so sestrelili rusko raketo in je zaradi njih padla na stolpnico. Po drugi zgodbi je bila kriva Ukrajinska protiletalska raketa,ko je zgrešila rusko raketo. Na koncu pa prebivalci stopnice,ki so se razstrelili sami,ker so šarili po plinski inštalaciji. Pač serviraš čim več pravljic,da zajameš čim širši krog bedakov.
Rambutan ::
Dejansko smo samo v enemdnevu šli od radijskih postaj,prek raket za patriote, do osiromašenega urana. Vesekdo je publika,ki soji te zgodbice namenjene.
A si predstavljate samo količino sekundarnih eksplozij, če bi bile tam res neke granate.
Ampak ejga, tukaj so vse granate naenkrat ekplodirale.![]()
Ni se ti treba predstavljati, sekundarne eksplozije si lahko pogledaš kar na posnetku.
Pac-Man ::
Na SG pravijo, da so v Khmelnitsky skladišču uničili britanske izstrelke z osiromašenim uranom, kažejo grafe s povišano radiacijo.
Da ni bilo samo malo dežja? Greenpis je storil podoben kiks ob okvari v Krškem par let nazaj.
Radiacija se je dvignila v noči z 10. na 11. maj. Napad se je zgodil 13. maja. Koledar, kako deluje?
Sicer so zadeli center za razgradnjo orožja v Hrečaniju blizu Hmelnitskega
PM/WRA reps visit Hrechany de-mil site where programs have disposed of excess, obsolete, and unstable munitions.
The Hrechany demilitarization facility and/or the adjoining ammunition storage area seem to be a good candidate for the source of this explosion.
Maga/vatnik lied about Leopard ammo etc.
Taki centri so bili financirani iz tistih 5 mrd $, ki so jih ZDA vložile v Ukrajino skozi 20 let samostojnosti do Euromaidana, str. 35:
Ni se ti treba predstavljati, sekundarne eksplozije si lahko pogledaš kar na posnetku.
Ti sploh veš kaj so sekundarne ekplozije? Mimogrede, podpisan je Eduard Basurin. Tip si je pred leti izmislil ubito deklico, ki ni nikoli obstajala.
Eduard Basurin @ Wikipedia
Girl killed in Ukraine 'never existed' - BBC News
Natalia Antelava investigates the story of a 10-year-old girl reported killed in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine - and is reminded that truth is the first casualty of war.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Lesoto ::
Ni se ti treba predstavljati, sekundarne eksplozije si lahko pogledaš kar na posnetku.
To vse skupaj ni nič. Komot gre za gnojila.
Sicer si pa zopet lagal, da je snemanje prepovedano in da zaradi tega ni nobenih posnetkov. Nov dan, nove laži s tvoje strani.
gozdar1 ::
Baje so sinoči ukrajinci ruskim botom podtaknili slike starih eksplozij,ti so jih nato veselo širili po spletu.
Sicer pa so izgleda vsaj delno obupali nad dobro branjenimi kraji in se sedaj raje koncentrirajona na manjše z protiletalsko obrambo slabše pokrite kraje. Po možnost tam, kjerlahko napravijo veliko materjalno škodo ali pa pride do spektakularnih eksplozij, ki so uporabne v propagandne namene.
Sicer pa so izgleda vsaj delno obupali nad dobro branjenimi kraji in se sedaj raje koncentrirajona na manjše z protiletalsko obrambo slabše pokrite kraje. Po možnost tam, kjerlahko napravijo veliko materjalno škodo ali pa pride do spektakularnih eksplozij, ki so uporabne v propagandne namene.
Lesoto ::
Sicer so zadeli center za razgradnjo orožja v Hrečaniju blizu Hmelnitskega
Ok, potem pa center za razgradnjo orožja.
Vemo to, da se je folk pogovarjal, da vsi vejo, da je ta objekt tam.
To je ruska avijacija "vrnla" za one dve ekploziji v Lugansku. Saj vemo, kako Rusi funkcionirajo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
luli ::
Očitno je bil čaj smrtonosen. Nekaj se kuha v Belorusiji. Se obeta marinoeta Moskve, vstop v vojno in posledično novo žarišče v Belorusiji. Vse po planu, dokler Moskovija ne postane nova država.
fur80 ::
Rambutanu je treba najprej razložit, zakaj imajo Ukrajinci umetna gnojila, zakaj se uporabljajo in zakaj jih imajo enormne količine. Kako to, da Rusi vedo kje so ta skladišča in zakaj vedo, kje imajo raketna goriva.
Ostala NATO skladišča in skladišča orožja so varovana in zaščitena. Treba je spet Rambutanu razložit zakaj.
Ostala NATO skladišča in skladišča orožja so varovana in zaščitena. Treba je spet Rambutanu razložit zakaj.
Lesoto ::
Rambutanu bi bilo predvsem razložiti to, da ima Ukrajina veliko podzemnih bunkerjev zgrajenih za časa SZ. To pa zato, ker se je pričakoval napad NATO pakta preko Ukrajine proti Moskvi.
gozdar1 ::
Če so bili pametni so skladišča tako razpršili in niso nikjer shranjene velike količine. Podobno kot letalstvo, ki so ga sicer rusi unićili že večkrat.
fur80 ::
Rambutanu bi bilo predvsem razložiti to, da ima Ukrajina veliko podzemnih bunkerjev zgrajenih za časa SZ. To pa zato, ker se je pričakoval napad NATO pakta preko Ukrajine proti Moskvi.
Točno tako, Rambutan misli, da imajo Ukrajinci Storm Shadow-e sedaj shranjene v vrtni lopi za hišo.
mackilla ::
Če Ruse zadanejo letala jih še isti dan sestrelijo. Če jih himarsi so prav tako uničeni isti dan. Ko jih razfuka Storm Shadow je isti dan uničeno ukrajinsko skladišče raket. Itd. Slabše kot otroci
Pac-Man ::
V prejšnjih dneh so ubili več ukrajinskih generalov, so rekli...
Ukrainian military reporter Butusov on demilitarisation of the 4th Brigade commander, Vyacheslav Makarov: "he was an extremely dangerous important achievement for the [Ukrainian] artillery or assault brigade".
Colonel Vyacheslav Makarov, the commander of the 4th motorized infantry brigade, was killed in the fighting in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said on Sunday.
Konashenkov also informed of the death of the deputy commander of the army corps for military-political work, Colonel Yevgeny Brovko, who led the efforts of the personnel.
Ukrainian military reporter Butusov on demilitarisation of the 4th Brigade commander, Vyacheslav Makarov: "he was an extremely dangerous important achievement for the [Ukrainian] artillery or assault brigade".
Colonel Vyacheslav Makarov, the commander of the 4th motorized infantry brigade, was killed in the fighting in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said on Sunday.
Konashenkov also informed of the death of the deputy commander of the army corps for military-political work, Colonel Yevgeny Brovko, who led the efforts of the personnel.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
Russia is purposefully hitting Soviet-era spent rocket fuel storage facilities (like Pavlohrad, Dnipro Yushmesh, and Khemil) across Ukraine. I've visited these facilities and they are NOT ammo dumps or legitimate targets. Russian disinfolklorists and their useful idiots blame Ukraine for "storing ammo where Russia can hit it." This is an amnesty-esque blame the victim troll. Hitting these facilities is a war crime. Ukraine supporters should not be promoting trolls by War Criminals. The whole purpose of Russia hitting these sites is a. to cause environmental catastrophe and b. to provide content for social media posts.
Russia is purposefully hitting Soviet-era spent rocket fuel storage facilities (like Pavlohrad, Dnipro Yushmesh, and Khemil) across Ukraine. I've visited these facilities and they are NOT ammo dumps or legitimate targets. Russian disinfolklorists and their useful idiots blame Ukraine for "storing ammo where Russia can hit it." This is an amnesty-esque blame the victim troll. Hitting these facilities is a war crime. Ukraine supporters should not be promoting trolls by War Criminals. The whole purpose of Russia hitting these sites is a. to cause environmental catastrophe and b. to provide content for social media posts.
mojsterleo ::
Putinu gre zunanja politika super od rok:
Irska vse bliže Natu:
Japonska namerava bistveno okrepiti sodelovanje z Natom:
Irska vse bliže Natu:
Japonska namerava bistveno okrepiti sodelovanje z Natom:
Pac-Man ::
Zalužni je mrtev, so rekli
What Valery Zaluzhny talked about in his first video interview since the full-scale invasion - key quotes. Part 1/2:
- These 8 years of war hardened us and taught us how to fight. The Russians did not expect this from us.
- The strategic goal of the Russian Federation is to destroy the Ukrainian statehood, as such. Russians deliberately travel from the Russian Federation to Ukraine in order to absolutely deliberately kill Ukrainians, namely to kill.
- The essence of this war is that if we do not destroy the enemy now, we will be destroyed.
- Russia is a country where military science is developed at a fairly high level. And she planned this invasion comprehensively, carefully and thoughtfully. Even the groupings of troops that were preparing for the "operation" changed several times.
- We analyzed all possible options, how to act when it is a superior enemy, and when the offensive will be simultaneously from almost all directions, and it will be powerful and swift enough.
- Before the onset of the Russian Federation, our military units and brigades could move from Transcarpathia to the Kyiv region, from Kyiv to the Kherson region, and, in the end, end up in the Odessa region. We conducted a large-scale complex of exercises, and more than one, which allowed us to completely change the configuration of our air defense, and, as a result, preserve its potential.
- When it all started, I called every commander who was responsible for a particular area, and talked to him.
- No need to be superficial about the activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. After all, they have caused us significant damage and continue to do so, and our people are dying every day.
- We had the only viable option that could work in this situation - to inflict maximum losses on the enemy in the shortest possible time, to bleed the enemy so that he refused to continue his actions on the greater territory of Ukraine. And it worked.
- We were forced, even at the expense of leaving part of the territory, to "pull out" the enemy, pull back his rear, his reserves, and simply burn him in those cities where the equipment stopped in order to wait for refueling.
- We count every projectile, every mine and every human life. They act like a horde. This is true.
- Such losses, which the Russian Federation bears on the battlefield, would stop any country from further actions. 15 thousand losses in Afghanistan actually brought the Soviet Union to its knees. Now the number of Russian casualties is much, much higher - and this does not stop them.
- The fact that we are holding on so far is the merit of Ukrainian people, Ukrainian soldiers, sergeants, officers who die and are maimed every day, but hold their combat positions. And today they are making this victory. And this is the only phenomenon that allows us to fight so far - this is our Ukrainian people.
- We lost a lot of our people: many soldiers, sergeants, professional military leaders - those who had skills and experience. All the victories that we had - they were all won at the cost of human lives. But this is a war, and we will definitely win.
- The sinking of the cruiser Moskva is, of course, of strategic importance to us. But we will definitely get to Grigorovich, and to Admiral Essen, and other ships.
- These massive columns that were moving towards the Kyiv region - they had no fear of resistance, they could not even imagine that the "second army of the world" could be defeated.
- Regarding Serpent's Island: the Russians made a huge mistake when they brought people, artillery and rockets there, and thought that they would organize a military garrison there and that it would exist there.
- We, without a doubt, will return the Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. We will return everything. And we know what needs to be done for this, and we are doing it.
- It is impossible to forgive and do some kind of indulgence to the enemy, because those who cannot defend themselves suffer: suffering Ukrainian children are pushing them to do their best and kill the enemy.
- What Russia is doing in Ukraine is genocide.
- I could not imagine that the Russians would turn our cities into a stone desert. Yes, I saw what was happening in Syria, I saw what happened to Chechnya, but I could not imagine that this would happen in Ukraine.
- I tried to do the main thing - I tried to change the culture in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: so that each commander listens to the opinion of his subordinate, treats his subordinate as a person, so that normal relations are built between people in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
- I did not serve in the Soviet army, but the Soviet army lived in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a very long time, and in some places has not yet completed its existence. If I find a representative of the Soviet army somewhere among us, I won't investigate for a long time.
- There were cases when a sergeant who is on the front line called the commander in chief and said that it was necessary to deliver a fire strike at one point or another.
My family has hardly seen me since 2014.
- In Russia there is one military leader whom I read all the time. Now he does not publish anything fresh, but I am interested in his opinion, as a military man. This is General Gerasimov. He is cunning, he is unpredictable. This is a strong enemy that we, the military, must respect.
- The Russian army had a good potential, and we must deprive them of this potential as soon as possible in order to destroy them as soon as possible.
- The scale of this war is quite consistent with the First and Second World Wars. The front line for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is 3750 km and this is a lot. The amount of ammunition used by us and the enemy corresponds to those wars. I was sure that a war of this magnitude was impossible in the 21st century. And our Western colleagues did not believe that this was possible.
- Our victory is, of course, the liberation of the entire occupied territory of Ukraine. And also - a powerful, ultra-modern, and perhaps huge, combat-ready Armed Forces that will not allow Russia to repeat what is happening now. And this must be implemented now, while we are still at war.
- I would like to thank the Ukrainians. I am grateful that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are staffed with such people. These are wonderful people who deserve great respect.
What Valery Zaluzhny talked about in his first video interview since the full-scale invasion - key quotes. Part 1/2:
- These 8 years of war hardened us and taught us how to fight. The Russians did not expect this from us.
- The strategic goal of the Russian Federation is to destroy the Ukrainian statehood, as such. Russians deliberately travel from the Russian Federation to Ukraine in order to absolutely deliberately kill Ukrainians, namely to kill.
- The essence of this war is that if we do not destroy the enemy now, we will be destroyed.
- Russia is a country where military science is developed at a fairly high level. And she planned this invasion comprehensively, carefully and thoughtfully. Even the groupings of troops that were preparing for the "operation" changed several times.
- We analyzed all possible options, how to act when it is a superior enemy, and when the offensive will be simultaneously from almost all directions, and it will be powerful and swift enough.
- Before the onset of the Russian Federation, our military units and brigades could move from Transcarpathia to the Kyiv region, from Kyiv to the Kherson region, and, in the end, end up in the Odessa region. We conducted a large-scale complex of exercises, and more than one, which allowed us to completely change the configuration of our air defense, and, as a result, preserve its potential.
- When it all started, I called every commander who was responsible for a particular area, and talked to him.
- No need to be superficial about the activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. After all, they have caused us significant damage and continue to do so, and our people are dying every day.
- We had the only viable option that could work in this situation - to inflict maximum losses on the enemy in the shortest possible time, to bleed the enemy so that he refused to continue his actions on the greater territory of Ukraine. And it worked.
- We were forced, even at the expense of leaving part of the territory, to "pull out" the enemy, pull back his rear, his reserves, and simply burn him in those cities where the equipment stopped in order to wait for refueling.
- We count every projectile, every mine and every human life. They act like a horde. This is true.
- Such losses, which the Russian Federation bears on the battlefield, would stop any country from further actions. 15 thousand losses in Afghanistan actually brought the Soviet Union to its knees. Now the number of Russian casualties is much, much higher - and this does not stop them.
- The fact that we are holding on so far is the merit of Ukrainian people, Ukrainian soldiers, sergeants, officers who die and are maimed every day, but hold their combat positions. And today they are making this victory. And this is the only phenomenon that allows us to fight so far - this is our Ukrainian people.
- We lost a lot of our people: many soldiers, sergeants, professional military leaders - those who had skills and experience. All the victories that we had - they were all won at the cost of human lives. But this is a war, and we will definitely win.
- The sinking of the cruiser Moskva is, of course, of strategic importance to us. But we will definitely get to Grigorovich, and to Admiral Essen, and other ships.
- These massive columns that were moving towards the Kyiv region - they had no fear of resistance, they could not even imagine that the "second army of the world" could be defeated.
- Regarding Serpent's Island: the Russians made a huge mistake when they brought people, artillery and rockets there, and thought that they would organize a military garrison there and that it would exist there.
- We, without a doubt, will return the Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. We will return everything. And we know what needs to be done for this, and we are doing it.
- It is impossible to forgive and do some kind of indulgence to the enemy, because those who cannot defend themselves suffer: suffering Ukrainian children are pushing them to do their best and kill the enemy.
- What Russia is doing in Ukraine is genocide.
- I could not imagine that the Russians would turn our cities into a stone desert. Yes, I saw what was happening in Syria, I saw what happened to Chechnya, but I could not imagine that this would happen in Ukraine.
- I tried to do the main thing - I tried to change the culture in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: so that each commander listens to the opinion of his subordinate, treats his subordinate as a person, so that normal relations are built between people in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
- I did not serve in the Soviet army, but the Soviet army lived in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a very long time, and in some places has not yet completed its existence. If I find a representative of the Soviet army somewhere among us, I won't investigate for a long time.
- There were cases when a sergeant who is on the front line called the commander in chief and said that it was necessary to deliver a fire strike at one point or another.
My family has hardly seen me since 2014.
- In Russia there is one military leader whom I read all the time. Now he does not publish anything fresh, but I am interested in his opinion, as a military man. This is General Gerasimov. He is cunning, he is unpredictable. This is a strong enemy that we, the military, must respect.
- The Russian army had a good potential, and we must deprive them of this potential as soon as possible in order to destroy them as soon as possible.
- The scale of this war is quite consistent with the First and Second World Wars. The front line for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is 3750 km and this is a lot. The amount of ammunition used by us and the enemy corresponds to those wars. I was sure that a war of this magnitude was impossible in the 21st century. And our Western colleagues did not believe that this was possible.
- Our victory is, of course, the liberation of the entire occupied territory of Ukraine. And also - a powerful, ultra-modern, and perhaps huge, combat-ready Armed Forces that will not allow Russia to repeat what is happening now. And this must be implemented now, while we are still at war.
- I would like to thank the Ukrainians. I am grateful that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are staffed with such people. These are wonderful people who deserve great respect.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
gozdar1 ::
Baje da je šlo v luft 50 su57 in 300 kalibrov, skupaj z celotno proizvodnjo iranskib bpljev.
Matejjjjj ::
lahko, da je bil naš bivši, posnetki so nizke resolucije, nisem prepričan. gre pa za nekaj podobnega, ali M55S ali nek drug T model z dodatnim oklepom okoli kupole, kar tudi ni redkost dandanes.
luli ::
Baje da je šlo v luft 50 su57 in 300 kalibrov, skupaj z celotno proizvodnjo iranskib bpljev.
Mislim, da bi se Rusija morala predati in na pogajanjih prepustiti Belgorod Ukrajini. Škoda žrtev. Itaq nimaji šans proti močni Ukrajinski vojski.
mojsterleo ::
lahko, da je bil naš bivši, posnetki so nizke resolucije, nisem prepričan. gre pa za nekaj podobnega, ali M55S ali nek drug T model z dodatnim oklepom okoli kupole, kar tudi ni redkost dandanes.
M55S so del 47 mehanizirane brigade, ki se trenutno nahaja v okolici Harkova.
Sicer pa mislim da novih tankov Ukrajinci še niso poslali na fronto, tako da tole ni naš tank.
FireSnake ::
Kolikor laži je bilo postanih tukaj iz ene in druge strani je težko prešteti.
Pa, da ne bo kake pomote in nerazumevanje, ne govorim samo o nekih brezveznih youtuberjih, ali nekih "zanesljivih dobro obveščenih" virih, govorim tudi o, več ali manj do sedaj kredbilnih časnikih, televizijskih kanalih itd.
Praktično lažejo vsi od ruske televizije, do Zelenskeega, Pirgožina, Macrona, Bidena, do takih in drugačnih aktivnih in neaktivnih generalih v ameriški, ukrajinski in ruski vojski!
Najbolj žalostno pa je, da praktično nihče v zahodnem svetu, pa tudi vzhodnem svetu, z redkimi izjemami, sploh ne omenja več nekega premirja, ampak samo več pomoči, več orožja in še več eskalacije.
Ves čas se omenja samo neko novo wunderwaffe, ki bo zdaj, zdaj, spremeilo situacijo na terenu, potem pa spet o tega praktično nič ni in še več bogih ukrajincev in rusov umre za 5 metrov premikov na eni ali drugi strani...
Kaj so vsi res totalno prizadeti v glavo in si res želijo nuklearnega spopada!?
Eden redkih pametnih tukaj.
Poglej in se nasmej:
gozdar1 ::
Na žalost je mir v ukrajini je mogoč samo s takim ali drugačnim vojaškim ravnotežjem oz. porazeom ene od strani. Porobno je bilo že na balkanu, kjer so predhodno podpisani mirovni sporazumi držali manj kot se je sušilo črnilo na podpisih. Resnapogajanja so se zgodila šele po hrvaški nevihti in srbskih porazih v bosni. Namen pomoči je rvno ustvarjanje ravnotežja, kjer bi rusija razumela, da so pogajanja edina pot.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()