Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Rambutan ::
Zgodba s skladiščem raketnega goriva ima dolgo brado, za nevarnost se ve že od razpada SZ, pa se ni naredilo dosti. Verjetno je kdo hotel kaj pokasirati s sanacijo, pa se mu ni mudilo nikamor. Denar za sanacijo so vlekli tudi od ZDA. Tako gre to v Ukrajini, najbolj koruptivni evropski državi...
The worst thing is that everyone who is supposed to be well aware of the impending danger is well aware. And they do absolutely nothing to prevent it. The shelf life of a substance, which in itself is a great danger, expired twenty years ago.
Theoretically, it should have been disposed of a long time ago. However, money is needed for this process, which the “non-fallow" simply does not have. On the other hand, perhaps they exist, but they are being spent on completely different things - like a civil war with their own people. The State Space Agency of Ukraine, under whose jurisdiction is the Pavlograd Chemical Plant (Dnepropetrovsk region), names the amount necessary to save its inhabitants from the horror hanging over them. This is 800 million hryvnia. However, in the cabinet of ministers, where representatives of the agency appealed more than once, trying to draw attention to the problem, they replied that no more than 31 million could be allocated this year.
This money is not enough even to ensure proper storage conditions for rocket engine housings, which, in fact, contain explosive fuel. The program for its disposal, in fact, has been discontinued. Among other things, this also means Kiev’s failure to comply with the relevant international obligations undertaken at one time. This, in particular, is openly stated by the Director General of the enterprise Leonid Shiman. Hypothetically, one could hope for the help of “Western partners” courting Ukraine over the past few years, but not in this case, given that the only, in fact, enterprise of the appropriate profile (capable of utilizing rocket fuel without problems) is located overseas, in the American Utah Yes, and only suicide will take to transport the terrible contents of the "bins" of the chemical plant to a distance exceeding a couple of kilometers. Over the past years, fuel containers have come into such a deplorable state that they literally crumble from decay.
But how wonderful it all began! Under a 1994 treaty, the United States pledged to fully fund the process of fuel utilization for ballistic missiles, which Ukraine refused. It was in this way that 5 thousand tons of it ended up at the Pavlograd Chemical Plant. The Americans gave money until 2004, when they left the contract without any explanation of the reasons. Further financing was forced to carry out exclusively by the Ukrainian side. She “carried it out” - at the essentially zero level. In 2011, Viktor Yanukovych managed to beg again for money from Washington. However, the Americans returned to the project only in 2015. On December 31, 2018, the program expired and the “non-fallow” one was left with nothing again. Rather, it was left with almost two thousand tons of deadly unused rocket fuel.
Contrary to the old promises, the United States allotting much larger sums to “confront Russian aggression” to Kiev does not intend to give a cent to ensure the safety of Pavlograd, which in the event of an explosion at a chemical plant will simply go underground with all the houses and residents. The city stands on old mine passages and workings, actually on the ground, full of holes like Swiss cheese. In which case the destruction and sacrifice there will be simply terrifying. Do not worry overseas “benefactors” and the fact that with a serious emergency with rocket fuel, almost a fifth of the territory “uncoupled” expects an environmental disaster, the consequences of which will be felt for decades. This proves once again that Ukraine is a testing ground for the United States, and Ukrainians are consumables ...
The worst thing is that everyone who is supposed to be well aware of the impending danger is well aware. And they do absolutely nothing to prevent it. The shelf life of a substance, which in itself is a great danger, expired twenty years ago.
Theoretically, it should have been disposed of a long time ago. However, money is needed for this process, which the “non-fallow" simply does not have. On the other hand, perhaps they exist, but they are being spent on completely different things - like a civil war with their own people. The State Space Agency of Ukraine, under whose jurisdiction is the Pavlograd Chemical Plant (Dnepropetrovsk region), names the amount necessary to save its inhabitants from the horror hanging over them. This is 800 million hryvnia. However, in the cabinet of ministers, where representatives of the agency appealed more than once, trying to draw attention to the problem, they replied that no more than 31 million could be allocated this year.
This money is not enough even to ensure proper storage conditions for rocket engine housings, which, in fact, contain explosive fuel. The program for its disposal, in fact, has been discontinued. Among other things, this also means Kiev’s failure to comply with the relevant international obligations undertaken at one time. This, in particular, is openly stated by the Director General of the enterprise Leonid Shiman. Hypothetically, one could hope for the help of “Western partners” courting Ukraine over the past few years, but not in this case, given that the only, in fact, enterprise of the appropriate profile (capable of utilizing rocket fuel without problems) is located overseas, in the American Utah Yes, and only suicide will take to transport the terrible contents of the "bins" of the chemical plant to a distance exceeding a couple of kilometers. Over the past years, fuel containers have come into such a deplorable state that they literally crumble from decay.
But how wonderful it all began! Under a 1994 treaty, the United States pledged to fully fund the process of fuel utilization for ballistic missiles, which Ukraine refused. It was in this way that 5 thousand tons of it ended up at the Pavlograd Chemical Plant. The Americans gave money until 2004, when they left the contract without any explanation of the reasons. Further financing was forced to carry out exclusively by the Ukrainian side. She “carried it out” - at the essentially zero level. In 2011, Viktor Yanukovych managed to beg again for money from Washington. However, the Americans returned to the project only in 2015. On December 31, 2018, the program expired and the “non-fallow” one was left with nothing again. Rather, it was left with almost two thousand tons of deadly unused rocket fuel.
Contrary to the old promises, the United States allotting much larger sums to “confront Russian aggression” to Kiev does not intend to give a cent to ensure the safety of Pavlograd, which in the event of an explosion at a chemical plant will simply go underground with all the houses and residents. The city stands on old mine passages and workings, actually on the ground, full of holes like Swiss cheese. In which case the destruction and sacrifice there will be simply terrifying. Do not worry overseas “benefactors” and the fact that with a serious emergency with rocket fuel, almost a fifth of the territory “uncoupled” expects an environmental disaster, the consequences of which will be felt for decades. This proves once again that Ukraine is a testing ground for the United States, and Ukrainians are consumables ...
mackilla ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Dovoljšni vojaški razlog za braniti Bakhmut tudi po tem ko ga glavnino nimaš več pod nadzorom je, če zračunaš da bo to enako ali bolj ugodno kot braniti iz naslednje linije.
In očitno so to zračunali. Če pa so zračunali prav ali narobe pa pač ne bomo zvedeli, vsaj ne do povojnih analiz.
Poleg razloga dvigovanja morale, je razlog, zakaj braniti Bakmut tudi ta, =pa saj to so poveljniki Ukrajine že večkrat rekli=, da ko se Ukrajinci eventuelno umaknejo, se začne boj za naslednje mesto, ki bo prav tako porušeno do tal. Podobno, kot je bil porušen Mariupol. Potem pridemo do tega, da dejansko Rusi oziroma orki ne "osvajajo" Ukrajine, pač pa povzročajo neizmerno škodo.
Zato je vedno bolje umakniti se do naslednje črte, 50m stran, ter se zopet upreti.
Povedal pa sem, da taktični umik ni nič nečastnega. Niti za Ukrajince, niti za Ruse. Niti za kogarkoli drugega.
Zakaj so Sovjeti branili Stalingrad kljub temu,da je bil v ruševinah in ga je bilo 90% že v nemških rokah. Rusi so morali voziti okrepitve preko Volge z čolni,ki so bili konstantno pod ognjem nemške artilerije in letalstva. Najlažje se je braniti v ruševinah,kjer ima topništvo najmanjši učinek. Ter seveda nekje se moraš braniti. Če ne tukaj pa nekje drugje. Bedaki bi trdili,da ga je Stalin branil,ker ga je provociral Goebbels. Izkazalo se je seveda,da je bilo pametno,ker je Stalingrad zaradi ruske trdovratne obrambe posrkal dober del 6 armade in ji odvzel možnost širše obrambe pred ruskim protinapadom.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
Rambutan ::
Remy Lind poroča na TG, nobenega pomanjkanja streliva na nobeni strani, obe strani z okrepitvami v Bakhmutu.
Just got a message from Bakhmut:
All hell broke out in Bakhmut about an hour ago. Heavy artillery hits from both sides. One has the impression that everything is being leveled to the ground. Several fires in the city.
Wagner tries to break through completely in the NW and South to encircle the area of the High Rise Buildings. UA tries to "erase" the massive attacks. As of now, they only succeed to a very limited extent.
It seems that both sides have pulled up reserves again.
UA tried something on the flanks but were also covered by artillery there. UA also fires tons of artillery.
So even if both sides complain about ammunition problems, there is definitely no lack of ammunition on either side.
One of them wants to lie to the other in order to attract the respective party.
S pravi spet popolni obrat v manj kot enem dnevu. Včeraj si pisal,da Ukrajinci nimajo granat danes pa,da jih očitno pravzaprav nikoli ni primanjkovalo. Karkoli ti napišejo ruski blogerji vzameš za suho zlato![]()
Nihče ni rekel, da Ukrajina nima granat, ampak da jim granat primanjkuje, in da jih dobivajo od Zahoda sproti in v majhnih količinah.
Bolj je smešno to, kako ste se pro ukrajinci napalili na Prigožinove izjave o pomanjkanju amunicije, notranjih sporih in o velikih žrtvah Wagnerja. Tragikomično pa je to, da ukrajinski generalštab še zmeraj naseda na Prigožinove pravljice in pošilja nove in nove okrepitve v Bakhmut in celo izvaja protiofenzive v samem Bakhmutu, ko je vsakomur jasno, da je v Bakhmutu situacija izgubljena.
LightBit ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
So častno eksperimentirali za vse nas in potrdili, da se še vedno ni pametno zadrževati tam.![]()
Generalno gledano, ni tako nevarno. Sicer je gozd še vedno na mestih rdeč, pa rastje en malček požgano. To predvsem tam, kamor so Sovjeti *ZAKOPALI* ostanke reaktorja #3. Naj pojasnim:
Vse, kar je eksplozija razmetala okrog, so Sovjeti z lopatami zmetali nazaj v brezno reakorja številka 3. Kar pa je popadalo 300+ m, predvsem kosi grafita, ter izolacijo in nekaj malega beton, pa so zakopali v zemljo. Razlog je bil, da se znebijo sevanja (predvsem alfa, beta), predvsem Cezija-137. Rusi so kopali točno tam in dejansko skopali odpadke. Tisti so dobili sevanje.
So pa, ko so delali sarkofag, sanirali nekaj tudi okolico Černobila. Kaj točno, ne vem.
Sicer, ha ha, bila je novica kakšno leto nazaj, da se je v tisti "slonovi nogi" tam spodaj začela spontana fisijska reakcija (zopet).
So pa imeli Ukrajinci turistične ture k jedrskim reaktorjem.Koikor sem razumel, k reaktorju #4, ki je bl identična kopija rektorja #3. Seveda brez goriva, to je ugasnjeno že 10+ let. In mende sevanje ni tako hudo.
Zamenjal si reaktor 3 in 4.
Seveda tam ni tako nevrano, če ne naletiš na kakšen košček grafita ali kaj takega. So morali res nekaj izkopati.
Rambutan ::
Remy Lind poroča na TG, nobenega pomanjkanja streliva na nobeni strani, obe strani z okrepitvami v Bakhmutu.
Just got a message from Bakhmut:
All hell broke out in Bakhmut about an hour ago. Heavy artillery hits from both sides. One has the impression that everything is being leveled to the ground. Several fires in the city.
Wagner tries to break through completely in the NW and South to encircle the area of the High Rise Buildings. UA tries to "erase" the massive attacks. As of now, they only succeed to a very limited extent.
It seems that both sides have pulled up reserves again.
UA tried something on the flanks but were also covered by artillery there. UA also fires tons of artillery.
So even if both sides complain about ammunition problems, there is definitely no lack of ammunition on either side.
One of them wants to lie to the other in order to attract the respective party.
S pravi spet popolni obrat v manj kot enem dnevu. Včeraj si pisal,da Ukrajinci nimajo granat danes pa,da jih očitno pravzaprav nikoli ni primanjkovalo. Karkoli ti napišejo ruski blogerji vzameš za suho zlato![]()
Spet si si izmislil, da sem rekel da Ukrajinci nimajo grant. Dokaz? Nihče ni rekel, da Ukrajina nima granat, ampak da jim granat primanjkuje, in da jih dobivajo od Zahoda sproti in v majhnih količinah.
Bolj je smešno to, kako ste se pro ukrajinci napalili na Prigožinove izjave o pomanjkanju amunicije, notranjih sporih in o velikih žrtvah Wagnerja. Tragikomično pa je to, da ukrajinski generalštab še zmeraj naseda na Prigožinove pravljice in pošilja nove in nove okrepitve v Bakhmut in celo izvaja protiofenzive v samem Bakhmutu, ko je vsakomur jasno, da je v Bakhmutu situacija izgubljena.
mackilla ::
Remy Lind poroča na TG, nobenega pomanjkanja streliva na nobeni strani, obe strani z okrepitvami v Bakhmutu.
Just got a message from Bakhmut:
All hell broke out in Bakhmut about an hour ago. Heavy artillery hits from both sides. One has the impression that everything is being leveled to the ground. Several fires in the city.
Wagner tries to break through completely in the NW and South to encircle the area of the High Rise Buildings. UA tries to "erase" the massive attacks. As of now, they only succeed to a very limited extent.
It seems that both sides have pulled up reserves again.
UA tried something on the flanks but were also covered by artillery there. UA also fires tons of artillery.
So even if both sides complain about ammunition problems, there is definitely no lack of ammunition on either side.
One of them wants to lie to the other in order to attract the respective party.
S pravi spet popolni obrat v manj kot enem dnevu. Včeraj si pisal,da Ukrajinci nimajo granat danes pa,da jih očitno pravzaprav nikoli ni primanjkovalo. Karkoli ti napišejo ruski blogerji vzameš za suho zlato![]()
Nihče ni rekel, da Ukrajina nima granat, ampak da jim granat primanjkuje, in da jih dobivajo od Zahoda sproti in v majhnih količinah.
Bolj je smešno to, kako ste se pro ukrajinci napalili na Prigožinove izjave o pomanjkanju amunicije, notranjih sporih in o velikih žrtvah Wagnerja. Tragikomično pa je to, da ukrajinski generalštab še zmeraj naseda na Prigožinove pravljice in pošilja nove in nove okrepitve v Bakhmut in celo izvaja protiofenzive v samem Bakhmutu, ko je vsakomur jasno, da je v Bakhmutu situacija izgubljena.
Prigožinu in ostalim nasedate predvsem rusofili. Nihče seveda ne verjame,da Ukrajinci vodijo obrambo na podlagi gobezdanja ruskih blogerjev. Razen seveda ruski blogerji in njihovih sledilci
Lesoto ::
Bolj je smešno to, kako ste se pro ukrajinci napalili na Prigožinove izjave o pomanjkanju amunicije, notranjih sporih in o velikih žrtvah Wagnerja.
Ti si čisto izgubljen. Seveda je res, da ima Wagner vse to. Od pomanjkanja municije, do notranjih sporov ter OGROMNIH žrtvah Wagnerja.
Za to ne rabiš poslušat Prigozhina, če si na fronti proti njemu (kar Ukrajinci so). Vidijo vse na svoje oči.
Ampak problem je seveda drugje. Izjave Prigozhina niso v skladu, kar nam ti tukaj prodajaš. Zato se pa taakoooooo strašno trudiš, da nam uturiš mnenje, da samo trola. Prigozhin prav nič ne trola. Javno napada ruske vrhovne generale, med tem ko jih Putin menja enega za drugim.
Vladimir Putin Sacks "Butcher Of Mariupol" General Mikhail Mizintsev In Military Purge
Nikogar tukaj ne boš prepričal v nič. To bi ti moralo že bit jasno.
mackilla ::
Remy Lind poroča na TG, nobenega pomanjkanja streliva na nobeni strani, obe strani z okrepitvami v Bakhmutu.
Just got a message from Bakhmut:
All hell broke out in Bakhmut about an hour ago. Heavy artillery hits from both sides. One has the impression that everything is being leveled to the ground. Several fires in the city.
Wagner tries to break through completely in the NW and South to encircle the area of the High Rise Buildings. UA tries to "erase" the massive attacks. As of now, they only succeed to a very limited extent.
It seems that both sides have pulled up reserves again.
UA tried something on the flanks but were also covered by artillery there. UA also fires tons of artillery.
So even if both sides complain about ammunition problems, there is definitely no lack of ammunition on either side.
One of them wants to lie to the other in order to attract the respective party.
S pravi spet popolni obrat v manj kot enem dnevu. Včeraj si pisal,da Ukrajinci nimajo granat danes pa,da jih očitno pravzaprav nikoli ni primanjkovalo. Karkoli ti napišejo ruski blogerji vzameš za suho zlato![]()
Spet si si izmislil, da sem rekel da Ukrajinci nimajo grant. Dokaz? Nihče ni rekel, da Ukrajina nima granat, ampak da jim granat primanjkuje, in da jih dobivajo od Zahoda sproti in v majhnih količinah.
Bolj je smešno to, kako ste se pro ukrajinci napalili na Prigožinove izjave o pomanjkanju amunicije, notranjih sporih in o velikih žrtvah Wagnerja. Tragikomično pa je to, da ukrajinski generalštab še zmeraj naseda na Prigožinove pravljice in pošilja nove in nove okrepitve v Bakhmut in celo izvaja protiofenzive v samem Bakhmutu, ko je vsakomur jasno, da je v Bakhmutu situacija izgubljena.
Tu zgoraj si prilepil,da Ukrajincem ne primanjkuje granat in da so samo zavajali z pomanjkanjem.
So even if both sides complain about ammunition problems, there is definitely no lack of ammunition on either side.
One of them wants to lie to the other in order to attract the respective party.
Daj se že enkrat odloči
Rambutan ::
S pravi spet popolni obrat v manj kot enem dnevu. Včeraj si pisal,da Ukrajinci nimajo granat danes pa,da jih očitno pravzaprav nikoli ni primanjkovalo. Karkoli ti napišejo ruski blogerji vzameš za suho zlato
Tu zgoraj si prilepil,da Ukrajincem ne primanjkuje granat in da so samo zavajali z pomanjkanjem.
So even if both sides complain about ammunition problems, there is definitely no lack of ammunition on either side.
One of them wants to lie to the other in order to attract the respective party.
Daj se že enkrat odloči![]()
Ne vem ali ne razumeš angleško kaj pomeni "lack" ali se samo sprenevedaš ko te dobim na laži da potvarjaš moje izjave?
mackilla ::
S pravi spet popolni obrat v manj kot enem dnevu. Včeraj si pisal,da Ukrajinci nimajo granat danes pa,da jih očitno pravzaprav nikoli ni primanjkovalo. Karkoli ti napišejo ruski blogerji vzameš za suho zlato
Tu zgoraj si prilepil,da Ukrajincem ne primanjkuje granat in da so samo zavajali z pomanjkanjem.
So even if both sides complain about ammunition problems, there is definitely no lack of ammunition on either side.
One of them wants to lie to the other in order to attract the respective party.
Daj se že enkrat odloči![]()
Ne vem ali ne razumeš angleško kaj pomeni "lack" ali se samo sprenevedaš ko te dobim na laži da potvarjaš moje izjave?
Očitno ti ne razumeš angleško. Trdil si,da Ukrajincem primanjkuje granat pred tem si pa prilepil trditev,ki te postavlja na laž. Pravzaprav to trdiš praktično vsakodnevno
fur80 ::
Remy Lind poroča na TG, nobenega pomanjkanja streliva na nobeni strani, obe strani z okrepitvami v Bakhmutu.
Just got a message from Bakhmut:
All hell broke out in Bakhmut about an hour ago. Heavy artillery hits from both sides. One has the impression that everything is being leveled to the ground. Several fires in the city.
Wagner tries to break through completely in the NW and South to encircle the area of the High Rise Buildings. UA tries to "erase" the massive attacks. As of now, they only succeed to a very limited extent.
It seems that both sides have pulled up reserves again.
UA tried something on the flanks but were also covered by artillery there. UA also fires tons of artillery.
So even if both sides complain about ammunition problems, there is definitely no lack of ammunition on either side.
One of them wants to lie to the other in order to attract the respective party.
S pravi spet popolni obrat v manj kot enem dnevu. Včeraj si pisal,da Ukrajinci nimajo granat danes pa,da jih očitno pravzaprav nikoli ni primanjkovalo. Karkoli ti napišejo ruski blogerji vzameš za suho zlato![]()
Nihče ni rekel, da Ukrajina nima granat, ampak da jim granat primanjkuje, in da jih dobivajo od Zahoda sproti in v majhnih količinah.
Bolj je smešno to, kako ste se pro ukrajinci napalili na Prigožinove izjave o pomanjkanju amunicije, notranjih sporih in o velikih žrtvah Wagnerja. Tragikomično pa je to, da ukrajinski generalštab še zmeraj naseda na Prigožinove pravljice in pošilja nove in nove okrepitve v Bakhmut in celo izvaja protiofenzive v samem Bakhmutu, ko je vsakomur jasno, da je v Bakhmutu situacija izgubljena.
Pa alo, a ti res misliš, da ukrajinsko vodstvo posluša in verjame kaj Prigozhin pravi po twiterju?
primoz4p ::
Kdo sploh kaj verjame?
'Boris Johnson' arrested by Dutch police for drink-driving after crash
The fake Ukrainian document - complete with an official portrait of the former prime minister along with his correct date of birth - was 'issued' in 2019 and is valid until the year 3000.
Police could not say where the forged document was made but NOS journalist and former Russia correspondent Kysia Hekster said in a tweet published by the broadcaster that fake driver's licences could easy be bought in tourist shops in Ukraine.
'Boris Johnson' arrested by Dutch police for drink-driving after crash
The fake Ukrainian document - complete with an official portrait of the former prime minister along with his correct date of birth - was 'issued' in 2019 and is valid until the year 3000.
Police could not say where the forged document was made but NOS journalist and former Russia correspondent Kysia Hekster said in a tweet published by the broadcaster that fake driver's licences could easy be bought in tourist shops in Ukraine.
bbbbbb2015 ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
So častno eksperimentirali za vse nas in potrdili, da se še vedno ni pametno zadrževati tam.![]()
Generalno gledano, ni tako nevarno. Sicer je gozd še vedno na mestih rdeč, pa rastje en malček požgano. To predvsem tam, kamor so Sovjeti *ZAKOPALI* ostanke reaktorja #3. Naj pojasnim:
Vse, kar je eksplozija razmetala okrog, so Sovjeti z lopatami zmetali nazaj v brezno reakorja številka 3. Kar pa je popadalo 300+ m, predvsem kosi grafita, ter izolacijo in nekaj malega beton, pa so zakopali v zemljo. Razlog je bil, da se znebijo sevanja (predvsem alfa, beta), predvsem Cezija-137. Rusi so kopali točno tam in dejansko skopali odpadke. Tisti so dobili sevanje.
So pa, ko so delali sarkofag, sanirali nekaj tudi okolico Černobila. Kaj točno, ne vem.
Sicer, ha ha, bila je novica kakšno leto nazaj, da se je v tisti "slonovi nogi" tam spodaj začela spontana fisijska reakcija (zopet).
So pa imeli Ukrajinci turistične ture k jedrskim reaktorjem.Koikor sem razumel, k reaktorju #4, ki je bl identična kopija rektorja #3. Seveda brez goriva, to je ugasnjeno že 10+ let. In mende sevanje ni tako hudo.
Zamenjal si reaktor 3 in 4.
Seveda tam ni tako nevrano, če ne naletiš na kakšen košček grafita ali kaj takega. So morali res nekaj izkopati.
Res, eksplodiral je #4, #3 pa je bil še nekaj časa v rabi, potem pa so zaprli tudi tega. My bad.
Rambutan ::
Kdo sploh kaj verjame?
'Boris Johnson' arrested by Dutch police for drink-driving after crash
The fake Ukrainian document - complete with an official portrait of the former prime minister along with his correct date of birth - was 'issued' in 2019 and is valid until the year 3000.
Police could not say where the forged document was made but NOS journalist and former Russia correspondent Kysia Hekster said in a tweet published by the broadcaster that fake driver's licences could easy be bought in tourist shops in Ukraine.
Ne verjameš da je možno kupiti ponarejeno vozniško?
bbbbbb2015 ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Dovoljšni vojaški razlog za braniti Bakhmut tudi po tem ko ga glavnino nimaš več pod nadzorom je, če zračunaš da bo to enako ali bolj ugodno kot braniti iz naslednje linije.
In očitno so to zračunali. Če pa so zračunali prav ali narobe pa pač ne bomo zvedeli, vsaj ne do povojnih analiz.
Poleg razloga dvigovanja morale, je razlog, zakaj braniti Bakmut tudi ta, =pa saj to so poveljniki Ukrajine že večkrat rekli=, da ko se Ukrajinci eventuelno umaknejo, se začne boj za naslednje mesto, ki bo prav tako porušeno do tal. Podobno, kot je bil porušen Mariupol. Potem pridemo do tega, da dejansko Rusi oziroma orki ne "osvajajo" Ukrajine, pač pa povzročajo neizmerno škodo.
Zato je vedno bolje umakniti se do naslednje črte, 50m stran, ter se zopet upreti.
Povedal pa sem, da taktični umik ni nič nečastnega. Niti za Ukrajince, niti za Ruse. Niti za kogarkoli drugega.
Zakaj so Sovjeti branili Stalingrad kljub temu,da je bil v ruševinah in ga je bilo 90% že v nemških rokah. Rusi so morali voziti okrepitve preko Volge z čolni,ki so bili konstantno pod ognjem nemške artilerije in letalstva. Najlažje se je braniti v ruševinah,kjer ima topništvo najmanjši učinek. Ter seveda nekje se moraš braniti. Če ne tukaj pa nekje drugje. Bedaki bi trdili,da ga je Stalin branil,ker ga je provociral Goebbels. Izkazalo se je seveda,da je bilo pametno,ker je Stalingrad zaradi ruske trdovratne obrambe posrkal dober del 6 armade in ji odvzel možnost širše obrambe pred ruskim protinapadom.
Vseeno je razlika. Takratni Stalingrad, (današnji Volgograd) je bilo pomembno prometno središče, Nemci so ga mislili porabiti, da transportirajo nafto iz Bakuja. Ali pač tam doli na jugu so bila naftna polja. 6. armada se je odpravila ravno po te zaloge. Eni pravijo, da bi se Stalingradu lahko izognila, kar je res - prišli bi do Bakuja, nabasali nafto, ki je ne bi mogli prepeljati nikamor - ne po reki, ne po železnici. Zavzetje Stalingrada je odklepalo pomemben strateški cilj.
Bakmut ne odklepa nič takega. Razen pač, bom rekel, orki bi potem s topovi delali škodo drugemu mestu. In pač drži moralo Ukrajincev gor.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()
Rambutan ::
Guardian o revščini v Ukrajini pri vseh miljardah, ki jih pošiljamo v Ukrajino. Tistim, ki so blizu korita, se pa še zmeraj lepo godi, v Kijevu so restavracije in bari polni. Podobne zgodbe so se odvijale tudi v Vietnamu in v Afganistanu...
In the Treasure pawn shop in Kyiv, Oleksandra, 40, a well turned out woman in a hooded wool coat and Nike trainers, has come to redeem her sewing machines. Like all those visiting the store, she does not want to give her family name.
She says that when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, she was working as an accountant for a firm that employed 14 people, who were all laid off because of the conflict. Since then she has struggled to find regular work. With savings running out, like many others in Kyiv, she turned to pawning her possessions to get by, only finding a job a year later that allowed her to claim back her machines.
As Oleksandra leaves clutching her belongings, save for a mobile phone she has decided not to redeem, the cashier, Oleksandr Stepanov, remarks from behind his hardened glass window that on a busy day the shop can get 50 people coming in to surrender mobile phones and household appliances.
Those who can afford it, he says, will come back to get their goods within two weeks. Almost half, he adds, will not, leaving Treasure to sell on the items from a back room with displays of phones and watches. “People are struggling because of the war. They don’t have money.” Many have lost their jobs, he says, while prices have skyrocketed even for those who have jobs.
The scene in the pawn shop illustrates the crisis of growing poverty in Ukraine, the reality of which stands in contrast to the surface bustle of Kyiv’s busy restaurants and bars where it is often hard to get a table, with many living a precarious existence.
Poverty increased from 5.5% to 24.2% in Ukraine in 2022, pushing 7.1 million more people into poverty with the worst impact out of sight in rural villages, according to a recent report by the World Bank. With unemployment unofficially at 36% and inflation hitting 26.6% at the end of 2022, the institution’s regional country director for eastern Europe, Arup Banerji, had warned that poverty could soar.
Behind his window in Treasure, Stepanov describes the hardships experienced even by those who have work. “The price of everything has gone up. Food is the most expensive and then it is fuel for the car. Some things have gone up by 40-50%. Before the war my wife would go to the supermarket to shop and it would cost 200 hryvnia, now the same shop costs 400-500.”
The most visible sign of the poverty crisis can be found at a protestant church in the town where priests have set up six distribution centres for free bread across the area, the busiest in Irpin itself. There, on most days, about 500 people can be found queuing for a free loaf, with tables and a tent also set up outside the centre on the day the Guardian visits, offering free secondhand shoes, clothes and children’s toys.
In the Treasure pawn shop in Kyiv, Oleksandra, 40, a well turned out woman in a hooded wool coat and Nike trainers, has come to redeem her sewing machines. Like all those visiting the store, she does not want to give her family name.
She says that when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, she was working as an accountant for a firm that employed 14 people, who were all laid off because of the conflict. Since then she has struggled to find regular work. With savings running out, like many others in Kyiv, she turned to pawning her possessions to get by, only finding a job a year later that allowed her to claim back her machines.
As Oleksandra leaves clutching her belongings, save for a mobile phone she has decided not to redeem, the cashier, Oleksandr Stepanov, remarks from behind his hardened glass window that on a busy day the shop can get 50 people coming in to surrender mobile phones and household appliances.
Those who can afford it, he says, will come back to get their goods within two weeks. Almost half, he adds, will not, leaving Treasure to sell on the items from a back room with displays of phones and watches. “People are struggling because of the war. They don’t have money.” Many have lost their jobs, he says, while prices have skyrocketed even for those who have jobs.
The scene in the pawn shop illustrates the crisis of growing poverty in Ukraine, the reality of which stands in contrast to the surface bustle of Kyiv’s busy restaurants and bars where it is often hard to get a table, with many living a precarious existence.
Poverty increased from 5.5% to 24.2% in Ukraine in 2022, pushing 7.1 million more people into poverty with the worst impact out of sight in rural villages, according to a recent report by the World Bank. With unemployment unofficially at 36% and inflation hitting 26.6% at the end of 2022, the institution’s regional country director for eastern Europe, Arup Banerji, had warned that poverty could soar.
Behind his window in Treasure, Stepanov describes the hardships experienced even by those who have work. “The price of everything has gone up. Food is the most expensive and then it is fuel for the car. Some things have gone up by 40-50%. Before the war my wife would go to the supermarket to shop and it would cost 200 hryvnia, now the same shop costs 400-500.”
The most visible sign of the poverty crisis can be found at a protestant church in the town where priests have set up six distribution centres for free bread across the area, the busiest in Irpin itself. There, on most days, about 500 people can be found queuing for a free loaf, with tables and a tent also set up outside the centre on the day the Guardian visits, offering free secondhand shoes, clothes and children’s toys.
mackilla ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Dovoljšni vojaški razlog za braniti Bakhmut tudi po tem ko ga glavnino nimaš več pod nadzorom je, če zračunaš da bo to enako ali bolj ugodno kot braniti iz naslednje linije.
In očitno so to zračunali. Če pa so zračunali prav ali narobe pa pač ne bomo zvedeli, vsaj ne do povojnih analiz.
Poleg razloga dvigovanja morale, je razlog, zakaj braniti Bakmut tudi ta, =pa saj to so poveljniki Ukrajine že večkrat rekli=, da ko se Ukrajinci eventuelno umaknejo, se začne boj za naslednje mesto, ki bo prav tako porušeno do tal. Podobno, kot je bil porušen Mariupol. Potem pridemo do tega, da dejansko Rusi oziroma orki ne "osvajajo" Ukrajine, pač pa povzročajo neizmerno škodo.
Zato je vedno bolje umakniti se do naslednje črte, 50m stran, ter se zopet upreti.
Povedal pa sem, da taktični umik ni nič nečastnega. Niti za Ukrajince, niti za Ruse. Niti za kogarkoli drugega.
Zakaj so Sovjeti branili Stalingrad kljub temu,da je bil v ruševinah in ga je bilo 90% že v nemških rokah. Rusi so morali voziti okrepitve preko Volge z čolni,ki so bili konstantno pod ognjem nemške artilerije in letalstva. Najlažje se je braniti v ruševinah,kjer ima topništvo najmanjši učinek. Ter seveda nekje se moraš braniti. Če ne tukaj pa nekje drugje. Bedaki bi trdili,da ga je Stalin branil,ker ga je provociral Goebbels. Izkazalo se je seveda,da je bilo pametno,ker je Stalingrad zaradi ruske trdovratne obrambe posrkal dober del 6 armade in ji odvzel možnost širše obrambe pred ruskim protinapadom.
Vseeno je razlika. Takratni Stalingrad, (današnji Volgograd) je bilo pomembno prometno središče, Nemci so ga mislili porabiti, da transportirajo nafto iz Bakuja. Ali pač tam doli na jugu so bila naftna polja. 6. armada se je odpravila ravno po te zaloge. Eni pravijo, da bi se Stalingradu lahko izognila, kar je res - prišli bi do Bakuja, nabasali nafto, ki je ne bi mogli prepeljati nikamor - ne po reki, ne po železnici. Zavzetje Stalingrada je odklepalo pomemben strateški cilj.
Bakmut ne odklepa nič takega. Razen pač, bom rekel, orki bi potem s topovi delali škodo drugemu mestu. In pač drži moralo Ukrajincev gor.
Pravzaprav zavzetje Stalingrada niti ni bilo predvideno v začetni nemški operaciji. Nafta iz Bakuja ne bi šla preko njega.
Guardian o revščini v Ukrajini pri vseh miljardah, ki jih pošiljamo v Ukrajino. Tistim, ki so blizu korita, se pa še zmeraj lepo godi, v Kijevu so restavracije in bari polni. Podobne zgodbe so se odvijale tudi v Vietnamu in v Afganistanu...
In the Treasure pawn shop in Kyiv, Oleksandra, 40, a well turned out woman in a hooded wool coat and Nike trainers, has come to redeem her sewing machines. Like all those visiting the store, she does not want to give her family name.
She says that when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, she was working as an accountant for a firm that employed 14 people, who were all laid off because of the conflict. Since then she has struggled to find regular work. With savings running out, like many others in Kyiv, she turned to pawning her possessions to get by, only finding a job a year later that allowed her to claim back her machines.
As Oleksandra leaves clutching her belongings, save for a mobile phone she has decided not to redeem, the cashier, Oleksandr Stepanov, remarks from behind his hardened glass window that on a busy day the shop can get 50 people coming in to surrender mobile phones and household appliances.
Those who can afford it, he says, will come back to get their goods within two weeks. Almost half, he adds, will not, leaving Treasure to sell on the items from a back room with displays of phones and watches. “People are struggling because of the war. They don’t have money.” Many have lost their jobs, he says, while prices have skyrocketed even for those who have jobs.
The scene in the pawn shop illustrates the crisis of growing poverty in Ukraine, the reality of which stands in contrast to the surface bustle of Kyiv’s busy restaurants and bars where it is often hard to get a table, with many living a precarious existence.
Poverty increased from 5.5% to 24.2% in Ukraine in 2022, pushing 7.1 million more people into poverty with the worst impact out of sight in rural villages, according to a recent report by the World Bank. With unemployment unofficially at 36% and inflation hitting 26.6% at the end of 2022, the institution’s regional country director for eastern Europe, Arup Banerji, had warned that poverty could soar.
Behind his window in Treasure, Stepanov describes the hardships experienced even by those who have work. “The price of everything has gone up. Food is the most expensive and then it is fuel for the car. Some things have gone up by 40-50%. Before the war my wife would go to the supermarket to shop and it would cost 200 hryvnia, now the same shop costs 400-500.”
The most visible sign of the poverty crisis can be found at a protestant church in the town where priests have set up six distribution centres for free bread across the area, the busiest in Irpin itself. There, on most days, about 500 people can be found queuing for a free loaf, with tables and a tent also set up outside the centre on the day the Guardian visits, offering free secondhand shoes, clothes and children’s toys.
Skoraj kot bi bili v vojni. Rusi uradno niti niso v vojni pa so bile razmere med večjimi mesti in periferijo podobne že pred vojno. Na eni strani luksuz brez primere na drugi pa blatne ceste,sekreti na štrbunk in beda.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
Lesoto ::
Guardian o revščini v Ukrajini pri vseh miljardah, ki jih pošiljamo v Ukrajino. Tistim, ki so blizu korita, se pa še zmeraj lepo godi, v Kijevu so restavracije in bari polni. Podobne zgodbe so se odvijale tudi v Vietnamu in v Afganistanu...
Vedno nižje in nižje se spuščaš in vedno bolj nizkotno pateričen si, ker nisi sposoben vplivat na naše mnenje.
Tole je Marinka:
Da niso tile ljudje, ki so tukaj živeli, postali reveži, ker jim je vse uničeno!?
A nove slike Mariupola si že videl? Ziher si, ker sem jih jaz prilimal.
Kot po Hirošimi, celi kvadratni kilometri mesta so zbrisani.
Rambutan ::
Guardian o revščini v Ukrajini pri vseh miljardah, ki jih pošiljamo v Ukrajino. Tistim, ki so blizu korita, se pa še zmeraj lepo godi, v Kijevu so restavracije in bari polni. Podobne zgodbe so se odvijale tudi v Vietnamu in v Afganistanu...
Vedno nižje in nižje se spuščaš in vedno bolj nizkotno pateričen si, ker nisi sposoben vplivat na naše mnenje.
Tole je Marinka:
Da niso tile ljudje, ki so tukaj živeli, postali reveži, ker jim je vse uničeno!?
A nove slike Mariupola si že videl? Ziher si, ker sem jih jaz prilimal.
Kot po Hirošimi, celi kvadratni kilometri mesta so zbrisani.
Saj smo že govorili o tem, če Ukrajinci postavljajo obrambo po mestih, so posledica uničena mesta. Razen tega tudi Ukiji sami razstreljujejo zgradbe v Bakhmutu, da preprečijo Rusom boljše položaje. Če bi ravnali podobno kot so Rusi, ki so postavili obrambo izven Khersona in so se sami umaknili iz Khersona, bi mesta ostala cela. Poleg tega ukrajinska vojska skriva oklepna vozila po mestih.
Tukaj ti še Sky news poroča o tem, kako Ukiji skrivajo svoje tanke za zgradbami.
Časov Jar, isto vojaško vozila za zgradbami.
Havbice na otroških igriščih. To nastane lepa propagandna zgodba, ko Rusi vrnejo izstrelke.
“At the children’s playground they deployed howitzers” … he shows what the Ukrainian army does
-> It looks like the Ukrainian army deliberately does this, to ensure the total destruction of the Donbass …
Lesoto ::
Saj smo že govorili o tem
O tem, da so krivi Rusi in njihova invazija, da so Ukrajinci postali večji reveži, smo že velikokrat govorili.
A zopet insunuiraš, da bi se morali Ukrajinci predat, ker potem bi bilo pa vse v redu.
Kaj pa če ti jaz zagrozim, da te fentam, mi boš takoj prepisal, vse kar imaš, otroček!? Treba bo odrast.
Še enkrat. Zamanj se trudiš s temi plitkimi štosi. Nič ne bo.
Rambutan ::
Saj smo že govorili o tem
O tem, da so krivi Rusi in njihova invazija, da so Ukrajinci postali večji reveži, smo že velikokrat govorili.
A zopet insunuiraš, da bi se morali Ukrajinci predat, ker potem bi bilo pa vse v redu.
Kaj pa če ti jaz zagrozim, da te fentam, mi boš takoj prepisal, vse kar imaš, otroček!? Treba bo odrast.
Še enkrat. Zamanj se trudiš s temi plitkimi štosi. Nič ne bo.
Moje mnenje je, da bi se Ukrajina morala pogajati, ne pa vztrajati na vojaški razrešitvi spora. Saj je očitno, da proti Rusom nimajo šans. Še zahodni mediji so nas začeli pripravljati na to. Dlje kot bodo vztrajali, slabša pogajalska izhodišča bodo imeli. Po propadli ofenzivi se bodo lahko res samo še brezpogojno predali Rusom.
s1m0n ::
Moje mnenje je, da ne bo mira dokler na UKR ozemlju ne pospravimo vsakega ruskega udeleženca specialne vojaške operacije...
Geho ::
Saj smo že govorili o tem
O tem, da so krivi Rusi in njihova invazija, da so Ukrajinci postali večji reveži, smo že velikokrat govorili.
A zopet insunuiraš, da bi se morali Ukrajinci predat, ker potem bi bilo pa vse v redu.
Kaj pa če ti jaz zagrozim, da te fentam, mi boš takoj prepisal, vse kar imaš, otroček!? Treba bo odrast.
Še enkrat. Zamanj se trudiš s temi plitkimi štosi. Nič ne bo.
Moje mnenje je, da bi se Ukrajina morala pogajati, ne pa vztrajati na vojaški razrešitvi spora. Saj je očitno, da proti Rusom nimajo šans. Še zahodni mediji so nas začeli pripravljati na to. Dlje kot bodo vztrajali, slabša pogajalska izhodišča bodo imeli. Po propadli ofenzivi se bodo lahko res samo še brezpogojno predali Rusom.
Moje mnenje pa je, da bi ti mogu začepit in bi te morali zbrisati iz tega foruma ali te zakleniti na ločeno temo, kjer lahko stresaš svoje nebuloZe sam sebi... Ok? GFO please. Naredi svojo temo in tam seri svoje neumnosti sebi po glavi.
ripmork ::
Moje mnenje je, da bi se Ukrajina morala pogajati, ne pa vztrajati na vojaški razrešitvi spora. Saj je očitno, da proti Rusom nimajo šans. Še zahodni mediji so nas začeli pripravljati na to. Dlje kot bodo vztrajali, slabša pogajalska izhodišča bodo imeli. Po propadli ofenzivi se bodo lahko res samo še brezpogojno predali Rusom.
Glede na to, da tridnevna specialna operacijaTM traja že več kot leto dni, bi prej rekel obratno: da rusi nimajo šans tole dejansko zmagat. Kakorkoli se bo razpletlo, so izgube na obeh straneh ogromne. Morda imajo rusi več kanonfutra, orožje in ostalo pa vprašanje.
Moje mnenje je, da bi morali vsi že zdavnaj bistveno bolj privit sankcije proti rusom (tudi konkretno kaznovanje za kogarkoli, ki tako ali drugače sodeluje z njimi), ker je udarec po denarnicah ljudi žal še vedno najbolj učinkovito sredstvo za prebuditev naroda (ki sicer živi v totalni propagandi).
Se ruska opozicija (kolikor jih še ni pobitih, zastrupljenih in zaprtih v gulagih) prebuja?
Declaration by Russian Democratic Forces
mackilla ::
Saj smo že govorili o tem
O tem, da so krivi Rusi in njihova invazija, da so Ukrajinci postali večji reveži, smo že velikokrat govorili.
A zopet insunuiraš, da bi se morali Ukrajinci predat, ker potem bi bilo pa vse v redu.
Kaj pa če ti jaz zagrozim, da te fentam, mi boš takoj prepisal, vse kar imaš, otroček!? Treba bo odrast.
Še enkrat. Zamanj se trudiš s temi plitkimi štosi. Nič ne bo.
Moje mnenje je, da bi se Ukrajina morala pogajati, ne pa vztrajati na vojaški razrešitvi spora. Saj je očitno, da proti Rusom nimajo šans. Še zahodni mediji so nas začeli pripravljati na to. Dlje kot bodo vztrajali, slabša pogajalska izhodišča bodo imeli. Po propadli ofenzivi se bodo lahko res samo še brezpogojno predali Rusom.
V čem je pa potem problem? Počakajmo na ofenzivo in posledično brezpogojno kapitulacijo Ukrajine
fur80 ::
Saj smo že govorili o tem
O tem, da so krivi Rusi in njihova invazija, da so Ukrajinci postali večji reveži, smo že velikokrat govorili.
A zopet insunuiraš, da bi se morali Ukrajinci predat, ker potem bi bilo pa vse v redu.
Kaj pa če ti jaz zagrozim, da te fentam, mi boš takoj prepisal, vse kar imaš, otroček!? Treba bo odrast.
Še enkrat. Zamanj se trudiš s temi plitkimi štosi. Nič ne bo.
Moje mnenje je, da bi se Ukrajina morala pogajati, ne pa vztrajati na vojaški razrešitvi spora. Saj je očitno, da proti Rusom nimajo šans. Še zahodni mediji so nas začeli pripravljati na to. Dlje kot bodo vztrajali, slabša pogajalska izhodišča bodo imeli. Po propadli ofenzivi se bodo lahko res samo še brezpogojno predali Rusom.
In ti si nek ruski junak in fen? A so se Rusi predali nacistom? Govoriš, da se Ukrajinci na svojem teritoriju nimajo pravice brant? Da naj spustijo Wagner, Čečene, psihopate,.. v svoje domove. Napisal si par zblojenih že, tota pa zmaga!
Z tvojo tezo in teorijo ne bilo Slovencev in našega naroda, tako da nam vsaj tukaj je nekaj takih, ne prodajaj svojih bučk, ker si smešen.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Lesoto ::
Moje mnenje je, da bi se Ukrajina morala pogajati, ne pa vztrajati na vojaški razrešitvi spora. Saj je očitno, da proti Rusom nimajo šans. Še zahodni mediji so nas začeli pripravljati na to. Dlje kot bodo vztrajali, slabša pogajalska izhodišča bodo imeli. Po propadli ofenzivi se bodo lahko res samo še brezpogojno predali Rusom.
Tvoje mnenje je kup dreka. Tudi ti meni ne bi dal polovico ali četrtino, če ti zagrozim.
Rambutan ::
Saj smo že govorili o tem
O tem, da so krivi Rusi in njihova invazija, da so Ukrajinci postali večji reveži, smo že velikokrat govorili.
A zopet insunuiraš, da bi se morali Ukrajinci predat, ker potem bi bilo pa vse v redu.
Kaj pa če ti jaz zagrozim, da te fentam, mi boš takoj prepisal, vse kar imaš, otroček!? Treba bo odrast.
Še enkrat. Zamanj se trudiš s temi plitkimi štosi. Nič ne bo.
Moje mnenje je, da bi se Ukrajina morala pogajati, ne pa vztrajati na vojaški razrešitvi spora. Saj je očitno, da proti Rusom nimajo šans. Še zahodni mediji so nas začeli pripravljati na to. Dlje kot bodo vztrajali, slabša pogajalska izhodišča bodo imeli. Po propadli ofenzivi se bodo lahko res samo še brezpogojno predali Rusom.
In ti si nek ruski junak in fen? A so se Rusi predali nacistom? Govoriš, da se Ukrajinci na svojem teritoriju nimajo pravice brant? Da naj spustijo Wagner, Čečene, psihopate,.. v svoje domove. Napisal si par zblojenih že, tota pa zmaga!
Jest pravim, da bi se za vse, predvsem pa za Ukrajino, boljše končalo s pogajanji, kot pa da Ukrajinci vztrajajo pri vojaški rešitvi problema. Seveda se pa ve, od čigave vojaške in finančne pomoči je odvisna Ukrajina, in ta država tudi odloča o tem, kdaj se bo ta vojna končala.
fur80 ::
Saj smo že govorili o tem
O tem, da so krivi Rusi in njihova invazija, da so Ukrajinci postali večji reveži, smo že velikokrat govorili.
A zopet insunuiraš, da bi se morali Ukrajinci predat, ker potem bi bilo pa vse v redu.
Kaj pa če ti jaz zagrozim, da te fentam, mi boš takoj prepisal, vse kar imaš, otroček!? Treba bo odrast.
Še enkrat. Zamanj se trudiš s temi plitkimi štosi. Nič ne bo.
Moje mnenje je, da bi se Ukrajina morala pogajati, ne pa vztrajati na vojaški razrešitvi spora. Saj je očitno, da proti Rusom nimajo šans. Še zahodni mediji so nas začeli pripravljati na to. Dlje kot bodo vztrajali, slabša pogajalska izhodišča bodo imeli. Po propadli ofenzivi se bodo lahko res samo še brezpogojno predali Rusom.
In ti si nek ruski junak in fen? A so se Rusi predali nacistom? Govoriš, da se Ukrajinci na svojem teritoriju nimajo pravice brant? Da naj spustijo Wagner, Čečene, psihopate,.. v svoje domove. Napisal si par zblojenih že, tota pa zmaga!
Jest pravim, da bi se za vse, predvsem pa za Ukrajino, boljše končalo s pogajanji, kot pa da Ukrajinci vztrajajo pri vojaški rešitvi problema. Seveda se pa ve, od čigave vojaške in finančne pomoči je odvisna Ukrajina, in ta država tudi odloča o tem, kdaj se bo ta vojna končala.
Dosti imajo Ukrajinci Rusov, kaj ne vidiš tega. Zatirajo jih že stoletja. Enkrat je tega konec, meni so junaki že tako ali tako, zmagajo ali zgubijo, postavili so se po robu buliju, ki jih je pobijal skozi zgodovino. Tukaj pa se konča, verjetno jih nikoli več v prihodnosti ne bodo mogli tako napast in ne bodo niti poizkušali več.
Za državo so Ukrajinci pripravljeni dati življenje, mislim, da so Putinove zahteve samo prazne črke na papirju.
To je kot, da bi nam JLA leta 91 razbila 1/4 Slovenije, pa bi potem se morali predati in živeti naprej pod Miloševičem. Meni sploh ni jasno kako si eni predstavljate ruska pogajanja in pogoje. Še bolj nazorno vidiš, da se to ne bi zgodilo leta 91, ampak nas bi napadli Srbi lani.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
ripmork ::
Dosti imajo Ukrajinci Rusov, kaj ne vidiš tega. Zatirajo jih že stoletja. Enkrat je tega konec, meni so junaki že tako ali tako, zmagajo ali zgubijo, postavili so se po robu buliju, ki jih je pobijal skozi zgodovino. Tukaj pa se konča, verjetno jih nikoli več v prihodnosti ne bodo mogli tako napast in ne bodo niti poizkušali več.
Za državo so Ukrajinci pripravljeni dati življenje, mislim, da so Putinove zahteve samo prazne črke na papirju.
Točno to.
Če bi Ukrajinci hoteli nadaljnje podrejanje bulliju, bi že zdavnaj sprevrgli Zelenskega in kapitulirali - več kot očitno narod tega ne želi. Niti ni prav, da jih bilokdo sili v to.
Sploh pa, Putlerjeve zahteve za mir so točno en klinc vredne. Ukrajina se je pred leti losala jedrskega orožja v zameno za obljubo miru - pa zdej vidimo, da je bila ta obljuba vredna točno nič. Ukrajinci bi bolje naredili, če bi se že takrat uprli. Ker pri teh imperialistih je samo vprašanje časa, kdaj bi spet kak razlog našli za ponoven napad.
fernandogago ::
Smrt Putinu, idolu skrajnega desničarstva in skrajnega levičarstva, ki ga vzpodbuja v svetu z informacijsko vojno (Internet Research Agency, Cambridge Analytica, WikiLeaks, itd.). Težki fašist in hkrati KGBjev komunist. Manjša je stopnja izobrazbe, bolj mu država/narod naseda (Afrika, južna in srednja Amerika). Jezni se vžigajo, tako kot na butaste zlagane trditve Stevanovića.
mackilla ::
Saj smo že govorili o tem
O tem, da so krivi Rusi in njihova invazija, da so Ukrajinci postali večji reveži, smo že velikokrat govorili.
A zopet insunuiraš, da bi se morali Ukrajinci predat, ker potem bi bilo pa vse v redu.
Kaj pa če ti jaz zagrozim, da te fentam, mi boš takoj prepisal, vse kar imaš, otroček!? Treba bo odrast.
Še enkrat. Zamanj se trudiš s temi plitkimi štosi. Nič ne bo.
Moje mnenje je, da bi se Ukrajina morala pogajati, ne pa vztrajati na vojaški razrešitvi spora. Saj je očitno, da proti Rusom nimajo šans. Še zahodni mediji so nas začeli pripravljati na to. Dlje kot bodo vztrajali, slabša pogajalska izhodišča bodo imeli. Po propadli ofenzivi se bodo lahko res samo še brezpogojno predali Rusom.
In ti si nek ruski junak in fen? A so se Rusi predali nacistom? Govoriš, da se Ukrajinci na svojem teritoriju nimajo pravice brant? Da naj spustijo Wagner, Čečene, psihopate,.. v svoje domove. Napisal si par zblojenih že, tota pa zmaga!
Jest pravim, da bi se za vse, predvsem pa za Ukrajino, boljše končalo s pogajanji, kot pa da Ukrajinci vztrajajo pri vojaški rešitvi problema. Seveda se pa ve, od čigave vojaške in finančne pomoči je odvisna Ukrajina, in ta država tudi odloča o tem, kdaj se bo ta vojna končala.
Se pravi Ukrajinci se morajo odpovedati vojski in se prepustiti na milost in nemilost lažnivih Rusov,ki so še par dni pred invazijo trdili,da ne bodo napadli. Vsak dogovor z njimi ni vreden popolnoma nič.
bbbbbb2015 ::
Že 100x je bilo rečeno, zakaj se Ukrajina mora upreti. Rusi vlečejo neke paralele iz 19. in ranega 20. stoletja (marec 1917) Carske Rusije, ki je doživela revolucijo, ker je bila večina folka lačna, ter izčrpana od 1. sv. vojne. Ta master plan že takrat ni deloval, zdaj bo pa deloval v 21. stoletju? Ne bo.
Spreminjanje mej z invazijo (tudi Krim) daje neprav signal bullyjem, katerih je povsod dosti. Zato je treba Rusijo postaviti nazaj v meje januarja 2014, torej pred aneksijo Krima:
Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation @ Wikipedia
Sicer pa sem rekel... Rusija nima kaj pokazati, ne ekonomsko, ne znanstveno, ne socialno, ne kulturno. Kup nekih vsegliharskih starčkastih silovikov, skupaj z grabežljivimi oligarhi.
Spreminjanje mej z invazijo (tudi Krim) daje neprav signal bullyjem, katerih je povsod dosti. Zato je treba Rusijo postaviti nazaj v meje januarja 2014, torej pred aneksijo Krima:
Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation @ Wikipedia
Sicer pa sem rekel... Rusija nima kaj pokazati, ne ekonomsko, ne znanstveno, ne socialno, ne kulturno. Kup nekih vsegliharskih starčkastih silovikov, skupaj z grabežljivimi oligarhi.
BorutO ::
To so tisti rusofili, ki sedijo doma na kavču in postajo videe in slike, kako se nahajajo v neposredni bližini prve bojne črte. :) Že več takih smo našli tu gor. In Rusofili takim verjamejo, ker pač stojijo na Ruski strani ...
Sicer pa, o kakšnih pogajanjih rosofili sanjajo, ka pa je putin že večkrat povedal, da se bo pogajal, ko bo dosegel vse zadane cilje? V vsakem primeru je kriv Ukrajinec za njih ... tako kot američani v afganistanu ... vsa ta leta so pljuvali po američanih, da nimajo v Afganistanu kaj delati in da se naj spokajo nazaj domov ... ko se jim so te mokre sanje le uresničile, pa so začeli govoriti, da so američani prpe, ker so zbežali nazaj domov ... Pol pa vedi kaj bi moglo biti ... Polovico američana v afganistanu, polovico v ameriki?
Sicer pa, o kakšnih pogajanjih rosofili sanjajo, ka pa je putin že večkrat povedal, da se bo pogajal, ko bo dosegel vse zadane cilje? V vsakem primeru je kriv Ukrajinec za njih ... tako kot američani v afganistanu ... vsa ta leta so pljuvali po američanih, da nimajo v Afganistanu kaj delati in da se naj spokajo nazaj domov ... ko se jim so te mokre sanje le uresničile, pa so začeli govoriti, da so američani prpe, ker so zbežali nazaj domov ... Pol pa vedi kaj bi moglo biti ... Polovico američana v afganistanu, polovico v ameriki?
jernejl ::
Jest pravim, da bi se za vse, predvsem pa za Ukrajino, boljše končalo s pogajanjiPogajanje zahoda z rusi je za ruse zelo smiselno, pravzaprav bi si morali oni prizadevati, da do tega pride čimpreje. Pogajanja namreč lahko tečejo le o tem, koliko odškodnine nam bodo rusi morali plačati, da bomo spet začeli trgovati z njimi in opustili sankcije. In bolj kot bodo zavlačevali, višji račun jim moramo izstaviti.
Pac-Man ::
O glasovanju v ZN par dni nazaj, nit:
Here's an interesting development. China (but also Armenia, Kazakhstan, and many others) vote "yes" to a UN General Assembly resolution (A77/L65) that terms Russian actions against Georgia and Ukraine as "aggression". Let's take a closer look at what this could possibly mean. ...
It's worth noting that during the debate on the resolution, there were actually two votes. The first was whether to include paragraph 9 in the resolution. China (and Armenia & Kazakhstan) abstained. But since para 9 passed, the whole resolution was voted on as above. ...
As to what this could mean. First, the context. We have: Xi's recent visit to Moscow and his promise to Putin, on parting, "to push forward together." Significant. But it's also significant that the wording about "partnership without limits" evaporated from the joint doc.
We also have Defense Minister Li Shangfu's later visit to Moscow and indications of increasingly close Sino-Russian military cooperation. But - also - we have the recent phone conversation between Zelensky & Xi, where Xi reiterated support for Ukraine's territorial integrity.
So what we are seeing are in fact three things:
First, Beijing is ticking some boxes to appear more neutral in the conflict than it actually is (Xi/Ze phone call & this resolution are thus part of the same pattern).
Second, this is a clear reminder to Moscow that it has very little leverage with China, and basically has to swallow what it's fed. It's an expected outcome of Putin's disastrous one-sided embrace of Beijing (and it's likely just the beginning).
Third, China continues to lean to one side, but with reservations. It seeks to freeze the conflict, rather than see it drag on indefinitely or escalate. A weakened / isolated Russia beholden to Beijing post-war objectively serves China's interests.
On Armenia / Kazakhstan. Each obviously has their own axe to grind with the Russians. Armenia can't be happy about Russia's reliability as a treaty ally in view of what's happening in Nagorno-Karabakh. Kazakhstan won't miss a chance to carefully stab Putin in the back.
I would, if I were them. Just a reminder: UNGA resolutions are non-binding, but good lord has this drawn a lot of attention. Rightly.
Here's an interesting development. China (but also Armenia, Kazakhstan, and many others) vote "yes" to a UN General Assembly resolution (A77/L65) that terms Russian actions against Georgia and Ukraine as "aggression". Let's take a closer look at what this could possibly mean. ...
It's worth noting that during the debate on the resolution, there were actually two votes. The first was whether to include paragraph 9 in the resolution. China (and Armenia & Kazakhstan) abstained. But since para 9 passed, the whole resolution was voted on as above. ...
As to what this could mean. First, the context. We have: Xi's recent visit to Moscow and his promise to Putin, on parting, "to push forward together." Significant. But it's also significant that the wording about "partnership without limits" evaporated from the joint doc.
We also have Defense Minister Li Shangfu's later visit to Moscow and indications of increasingly close Sino-Russian military cooperation. But - also - we have the recent phone conversation between Zelensky & Xi, where Xi reiterated support for Ukraine's territorial integrity.
So what we are seeing are in fact three things:
First, Beijing is ticking some boxes to appear more neutral in the conflict than it actually is (Xi/Ze phone call & this resolution are thus part of the same pattern).
Second, this is a clear reminder to Moscow that it has very little leverage with China, and basically has to swallow what it's fed. It's an expected outcome of Putin's disastrous one-sided embrace of Beijing (and it's likely just the beginning).
Third, China continues to lean to one side, but with reservations. It seeks to freeze the conflict, rather than see it drag on indefinitely or escalate. A weakened / isolated Russia beholden to Beijing post-war objectively serves China's interests.
On Armenia / Kazakhstan. Each obviously has their own axe to grind with the Russians. Armenia can't be happy about Russia's reliability as a treaty ally in view of what's happening in Nagorno-Karabakh. Kazakhstan won't miss a chance to carefully stab Putin in the back.
I would, if I were them. Just a reminder: UNGA resolutions are non-binding, but good lord has this drawn a lot of attention. Rightly.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
Jest pravim, da bi se za vse, predvsem pa za Ukrajino, boljše končalo s pogajanjiPogajanje zahoda z rusi je za ruse zelo smiselno, pravzaprav bi si morali oni prizadevati, da do tega pride čimpreje. Pogajanja namreč lahko tečejo le o tem, koliko odškodnine nam bodo rusi morali plačati, da bomo spet začeli trgovati z njimi in opustili sankcije. In bolj kot bodo zavlačevali, višji račun jim moramo izstaviti.
Rusofili tule gor zagovarjajo pogajanja in razorožitev Ukrajine. Ko bi putana čez par mesecev po koncu sporazuma z nekim namišljenim razlogom ponovno napadel razoroženo Ukrajino bi pa spet tu gor pisali,da je speljal največjo mojstrovino. In za to napovedjo stojim 100%
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
jernejl ::
Rusofili tule gor zagovarjajo pogajanja in razorožitev Ukrajine.Rusi so tja pripeljali največ orožja, naj ga odpeljejo, pa bo Ukrajina v veliki meri razorožena.
Dokler ga pa ne, je najboljši recept za razorožitev ta, da zaveznikom pošljemo dovolj orožja, da pobijejo čimveč ruskih vojakov in uničijo čimveč ruske vojaške opreme.
Ko bi putana čez par mesecev po koncu sporazuma z nekim namišljenim razlogom ponovno napadel razoroženo Ukrajino bi pa spet tu gor pisali,da je speljal največjo mojstrovino. In za to napovedjo stojim 100%To je tako ali tako jasno, se je že nekajkrat zgodilo.
Dobro bi bilo ta konflikt izkoristiti tudi za to, da se rusko orožje in vojsko izžene iz Moldavije in Belorusije in se tako razoroži še večji del evropskega prostora.
Rambutan ::
Evo, ko ste delali tako paniko januarja in februarja zaradi deficita v ruskem proračunu in padca rublja. Bloomberg poroča, da je Rusija stabilizirala finance in bo spet začela večati devizne rezerve. Rubelj pa se je tudi stabiliziral pri 80 rubljev za USD.
Medtem pa iz Nemčije poročajo o največjem padcu prodaje na drobno v 30 letih. Zgleda, da sankcije delujejo v obratni smeri![8-)](
Russia is likely to resume buying foreign currency for its reserves as soon as this month as rising oil earnings stabilize public finances despite US and European efforts to squeeze Kremlin income.
With energy revenues now close to exceeding their target level, purchases are possible already in May, according to Bloomberg Economics, which estimates initial volumes could amount to the equivalent of around $200 million in yuan per month. The Chinese currency is the main asset Russia can still use to conduct transactions for its $154 billion wealth fund because of sanctions.
“It will be important for the market that the state is starting to accumulate reserves again instead of spending them,”said Natalia Milchakova, an analyst at Freedom Holding Corp. “This may even positively affect the ruble.”
A turnaround now would underscore Russia’s ability to keep up the flow of petrodollars in the face of sanctions and the price cap imposed for buyers by Group of Seven industrialized nations and their partners in the European Union. Though strained by military spending and still running an unprecedented deficit, the budget is on the mend thanks in part to changes in the way the government calculates some oil taxes.
Although the price cap reduced the price of the nation’s oil, Russia has managed to cope by implementing the Urals discount to Brent and forcing producers to pay more taxes. A weaker ruble this year has also benefited a government that collects much of its revenue from energy taxes denominated in foreign currency but spends in rubles.
The annual downturn was led by a 10.3 percent plunge in food sales. This was the biggest decline since the time series started in 1994. Non-food sales also contracted, notably by 7.2 percent
Medtem pa iz Nemčije poročajo o največjem padcu prodaje na drobno v 30 letih. Zgleda, da sankcije delujejo v obratni smeri
Russia is likely to resume buying foreign currency for its reserves as soon as this month as rising oil earnings stabilize public finances despite US and European efforts to squeeze Kremlin income.
With energy revenues now close to exceeding their target level, purchases are possible already in May, according to Bloomberg Economics, which estimates initial volumes could amount to the equivalent of around $200 million in yuan per month. The Chinese currency is the main asset Russia can still use to conduct transactions for its $154 billion wealth fund because of sanctions.
“It will be important for the market that the state is starting to accumulate reserves again instead of spending them,”said Natalia Milchakova, an analyst at Freedom Holding Corp. “This may even positively affect the ruble.”
A turnaround now would underscore Russia’s ability to keep up the flow of petrodollars in the face of sanctions and the price cap imposed for buyers by Group of Seven industrialized nations and their partners in the European Union. Though strained by military spending and still running an unprecedented deficit, the budget is on the mend thanks in part to changes in the way the government calculates some oil taxes.
Although the price cap reduced the price of the nation’s oil, Russia has managed to cope by implementing the Urals discount to Brent and forcing producers to pay more taxes. A weaker ruble this year has also benefited a government that collects much of its revenue from energy taxes denominated in foreign currency but spends in rubles.
The annual downturn was led by a 10.3 percent plunge in food sales. This was the biggest decline since the time series started in 1994. Non-food sales also contracted, notably by 7.2 percent
fur80 ::
Evo, ko ste delali tako paniko januarja in februarja zaradi deficita v ruskem proračunu in padca rublja. Bloomberg poroča, da je Rusija stabilizirala finance in bo spet začela večati devizne rezerve. Rubelj pa se je tudi stabiliziral pri 80 rubljev za USD.
Medtem pa iz Nemčije poročajo o največjem padcu prodaje na drobno v 30 letih. Zgleda, da sankcije delujejo v obratni smeri
Russia is likely to resume buying foreign currency for its reserves as soon as this month as rising oil earnings stabilize public finances despite US and European efforts to squeeze Kremlin income.
With energy revenues now close to exceeding their target level, purchases are possible already in May, according to Bloomberg Economics, which estimates initial volumes could amount to the equivalent of around $200 million in yuan per month. The Chinese currency is the main asset Russia can still use to conduct transactions for its $154 billion wealth fund because of sanctions.
“It will be important for the market that the state is starting to accumulate reserves again instead of spending them,”said Natalia Milchakova, an analyst at Freedom Holding Corp. “This may even positively affect the ruble.”
A turnaround now would underscore Russia’s ability to keep up the flow of petrodollars in the face of sanctions and the price cap imposed for buyers by Group of Seven industrialized nations and their partners in the European Union. Though strained by military spending and still running an unprecedented deficit, the budget is on the mend thanks in part to changes in the way the government calculates some oil taxes.
Although the price cap reduced the price of the nation’s oil, Russia has managed to cope by implementing the Urals discount to Brent and forcing producers to pay more taxes. A weaker ruble this year has also benefited a government that collects much of its revenue from energy taxes denominated in foreign currency but spends in rubles.
The annual downturn was led by a 10.3 percent plunge in food sales. This was the biggest decline since the time series started in 1994. Non-food sales also contracted, notably by 7.2 percent
Pa daj Rambutan a boš nehal lepo te prosim. A Rusa pa Nemca boš primerjal in kaj si kdo lahko privošči? Da ne boš slučajno rekel, da se je v Švici bučno olje podražilo za 1EUR.
Pa ti veš koliko biznisa je v Nemčiji in koliko ima povprečen Nemec premoženja. Da ima Nemčija toliko plina ko Rusija bi bili veš kje. Kaj boš primerjal rusko avto industrijo z nemško.
Pojdi v blok enkrat enemu povprečnemu Nemcu na obisk in potem enemu Rusu.
Daj naravne vire države na stran pa primerjaj koliko kdo kaj proizvede.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Rambutan ::
Pa daj Rambutan a boš nehal lepo te prosim. A Rusa pa Nemca boš primerjal in kaj si kdo lahko privošči? Da ne boš slučajno rekel, da se je v Švici bučno olje podražilo za 1€.
Pa ti veš koliko biznisa je v Nemčiji in koliko ima povprečen Nemec premoženja.
Hja, ekonomski kazalci ne funkcionirajo tako ti misliš. Primerjajo pač gospodarske podatke in iz njih izpeljujejo trende. Tej trendi pač kažejo boljšo sliko za Rusijo kot za Nemčijo in V. Britanijo na primer. Verjamem pa, da v teh podatkih ni upoštevana cena bučnega olja v Švici ter ljudske ocene, koliko biznisa je v Nemčiji
Da te malo potolažim, V. Britaniji kaže še slabše kot Sloveniji
"At current levels, the UK will be poorer than Poland in a decade, and will have a lower median real income than Slovenia by 2024. Many provincial areas already have lower GDPs than Eastern Europe."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Rambutan ()
jernejl ::
Hja, ekonomski kazalci ne funkcionirajo tako ti misliš. Primerjajo pač gospodarske podatke in iz njih izpeljujejo trende. Tej trendi pač kažejo boljšo sliko za Rusijo kot za Nemčijo in V. Britanijo na primer.
Ampak tebe vse to vseeno ne ustavi, da se še nisi preselil v rusijo, temveč raje tukaj plačuješ davke za to, da ukrajincem dobavljamo orožje, ki ruse pobija.
Iz tega lahko sklepamo na to, da še samemu sebi ne verjameš vseh teh izjemnih neumnosti, ki jih produciraš tukaj gor.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jernejl ()
Rambutan ::
Hja, ekonomski kazalci ne funkcionirajo tako ti misliš. Primerjajo pač gospodarske podatke in iz njih izpeljujejo trende. Tej trendi pač kažejo boljšo sliko za Rusijo kot za Nemčijo in V. Britanijo na primer.
Ampak tebe vse to vseeno ne ustavi, da se še nisi preselil v rusijo, temveč raje tukaj plačuješ davke za to, da ukrajincem dobavljamo orožje, ki ruse pobija.
Res je. Enako tudi ti verjetno tankaš rusko nafto, ki nam jo rafinirajo Indijci, in se verjetno greješ z ruskim plinom. Se ne bi raje preselil v ZDA, da ne boš podpiral Rusije?
primoz4p ::
Hja, ekonomski kazalci ne funkcionirajo tako ti misliš. Primerjajo pač gospodarske podatke in iz njih izpeljujejo trende. Tej trendi pač kažejo boljšo sliko za Rusijo kot za Nemčijo in V. Britanijo na primer.
Ampak tebe vse to vseeno ne ustavi, da se še nisi preselil v rusijo, temveč raje tukaj plačuješ davke za to, da ukrajincem dobavljamo orožje, ki ruse pobija.
Iz tega lahko sklepamo na to, da še samemu sebi ne verjameš vseh teh izjemnih neumnosti, ki jih produciraš tukaj gor.
Orožje ... Ukrainian Soldiers Talks About Frontlines
Pac-Man ::
A Look at Chornobyl After the Russian Occupation. What Happened there? UNITED24 media
Fun fact: ekskluzijska cona je večja od Slovenije, 26k km2. Tako za primerjavo, kako huge je Ukrajina.
A Look at Chornobyl After the Russian Occupation. What Happened there? UNITED24 media
Fun fact: ekskluzijska cona je večja od Slovenije, 26k km2. Tako za primerjavo, kako huge je Ukrajina.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Pa daj Rambutan a boš nehal lepo te prosim. A Rusa pa Nemca boš primerjal in kaj si kdo lahko privošči? Da ne boš slučajno rekel, da se je v Švici bučno olje podražilo za 1€.
Pa ti veš koliko biznisa je v Nemčiji in koliko ima povprečen Nemec premoženja.
Hja, ekonomski kazalci ne funkcionirajo tako ti misliš. Primerjajo pač gospodarske podatke in iz njih izpeljujejo trende. Tej trendi pač kažejo boljšo sliko za Rusijo kot za Nemčijo in V. Britanijo na primer. Verjamem pa, da v teh podatkih ni upoštevana cena bučnega olja v Švici ter ljudske ocene, koliko biznisa je v Nemčiji
Da te malo potolažim, V. Britaniji kaže še slabše kot Sloveniji
"At current levels, the UK will be poorer than Poland in a decade, and will have a lower median real income than Slovenia by 2024. Many provincial areas already have lower GDPs than Eastern Europe."
Pa ja lahko ti govoriš kaj hočeš, sem delal v Nemčiji, Rusiji, UK, USA,... na terenu, živel v hotelih, hišah, motelih... pa mi lahko ti kažeš kazalce kake češ, Rusija je ena velika vukojebina, revščina. Nizozemska vas proti ruski, je tako kot da imaš novega BMW-ja proti 25 let staremu Opel Kadetu, da se o delovnih pogojih in varnosti sploh ne pogovarjamo.
mackilla ::
Evo, ko ste delali tako paniko januarja in februarja zaradi deficita v ruskem proračunu in padca rublja. Bloomberg poroča, da je Rusija stabilizirala finance in bo spet začela večati devizne rezerve. Rubelj pa se je tudi stabiliziral pri 80 rubljev za USD.
Medtem pa iz Nemčije poročajo o največjem padcu prodaje na drobno v 30 letih. Zgleda, da sankcije delujejo v obratni smeri
Russia is likely to resume buying foreign currency for its reserves as soon as this month as rising oil earnings stabilize public finances despite US and European efforts to squeeze Kremlin income.
With energy revenues now close to exceeding their target level, purchases are possible already in May, according to Bloomberg Economics, which estimates initial volumes could amount to the equivalent of around $200 million in yuan per month. The Chinese currency is the main asset Russia can still use to conduct transactions for its $154 billion wealth fund because of sanctions.
“It will be important for the market that the state is starting to accumulate reserves again instead of spending them,”said Natalia Milchakova, an analyst at Freedom Holding Corp. “This may even positively affect the ruble.”
A turnaround now would underscore Russia’s ability to keep up the flow of petrodollars in the face of sanctions and the price cap imposed for buyers by Group of Seven industrialized nations and their partners in the European Union. Though strained by military spending and still running an unprecedented deficit, the budget is on the mend thanks in part to changes in the way the government calculates some oil taxes.
Although the price cap reduced the price of the nation’s oil, Russia has managed to cope by implementing the Urals discount to Brent and forcing producers to pay more taxes. A weaker ruble this year has also benefited a government that collects much of its revenue from energy taxes denominated in foreign currency but spends in rubles.
The annual downturn was led by a 10.3 percent plunge in food sales. This was the biggest decline since the time series started in 1994. Non-food sales also contracted, notably by 7.2 percent
Denar bodo dobili z dvigom davkov. Ko šef Rambutanu zmanjša plačo,da si kupi jahto Rambutan vriska od navdušenja na šefovo genialnostjo. Direkt za Rusijo
fernandogago ::
Hja, ekonomski kazalci ne funkcionirajo tako ti misliš. Primerjajo pač gospodarske podatke in iz njih izpeljujejo trende. Tej trendi pač kažejo boljšo sliko za Rusijo kot za Nemčijo in V. Britanijo na primer.
Ampak tebe vse to vseeno ne ustavi, da se še nisi preselil v rusijo, temveč raje tukaj plačuješ davke za to, da ukrajincem dobavljamo orožje, ki ruse pobija.
Iz tega lahko sklepamo na to, da še samemu sebi ne verjameš vseh teh izjemnih neumnosti, ki jih produciraš tukaj gor.
Orožje ... Ukrainian Soldiers Talks About Frontlines
Recimo, da je ta film avtentičen, za kar obstajajo dvomi, a želiš da ti postam vsaj 30x toliko filmčkov ruskih vojakov?
Pac-Man ::
Spet fehtajo Vsemogočnega, video+podnapisi
RU Mobilization Apr. 30 — May 1: mobilized soldiers became subordinate to the "DPR" People's Militia; the MoD ignores requests to clarify the fate of those missing in action; the Prosecutor's Office sued a school for not instructing children how to shoot.
RU Mobilization Apr. 30 — May 1: mobilized soldiers became subordinate to the "DPR" People's Militia; the MoD ignores requests to clarify the fate of those missing in action; the Prosecutor's Office sued a school for not instructing children how to shoot.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Rambutan ::
Nova anketa o vojni v Ukrajini, samo 26% Američanov še verjame, da Ukrajina zmaguje v vojni. Bi se dalo reči, da ste tukaj na ST zelo optimistični glede ukrajinskih možnosti![8-)](
Tudi glede trajanja vojne so in pošiljanja vojaške pomoči Američanom že zmanjkuje potrpežljivosti. Ni potrebno biti znanstvenik za ugotovitev, da bo Bidnu v volilnem letu nadaljna podpora Ukrajini škodovala in da bo moral zaključiti ukrajinsko zgodbo še letos.
In the newest poll, there is a marked drop in the assessment that Ukraine is winning, and Russia is losing — a drop that echoes the decline in the public’s preparedness to pay a price for supporting Ukraine: Overall, the assessment that Russia is losing fell from 48% in October to 37% in April, and the assessment that Ukraine is succeeding went from 43% in October to 26% in April. It is also notable that there were parallel drops in the assessments of both Republicans and Democrats.
Tudi glede trajanja vojne so in pošiljanja vojaške pomoči Američanom že zmanjkuje potrpežljivosti. Ni potrebno biti znanstvenik za ugotovitev, da bo Bidnu v volilnem letu nadaljna podpora Ukrajini škodovala in da bo moral zaključiti ukrajinsko zgodbo še letos.
In the newest poll, there is a marked drop in the assessment that Ukraine is winning, and Russia is losing — a drop that echoes the decline in the public’s preparedness to pay a price for supporting Ukraine: Overall, the assessment that Russia is losing fell from 48% in October to 37% in April, and the assessment that Ukraine is succeeding went from 43% in October to 26% in April. It is also notable that there were parallel drops in the assessments of both Republicans and Democrats.