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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Temo vidijo: vsi
13 / 890

Pac-Man ::

Sergei Guriev @ Wikipedia o ruski ekonomiji & sankcijah:



This apparent prosperity relies mostly on a single commodity: oil. A plan to embargo 90 per cent of Russian oil imports to the EU by the end of the year will be significant, Guriev says, but it is still months away and until it is implemented, “it’s actually good for Putin, because an oil embargo in December raises oil prices today”.

This is why a price cap on Russian oil and gas, agreed by G7 leaders on 27 July, is vital: not only because it would reduce the market value of Russian oil before the embargo, but because it would affect how much India and China will pay for Russian energy.

“You can see how a country like India, which is now buying much more Russian oil than before, can say to Putin, ‘Look, we would love to pay you a lot of money. But if we pay you more than the price cap, the US will impose sanctions against us. So, sorry Vladimir, we’ll pay you $50 per barrel.’ And of course within India that will be popular.”


Putin is also taking a huge economic risk with his policy of “gas blackmail”. In June and July, Russia sharply reduced the flow of gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Europe, forcing up energy prices and therefore inflation in the West. Putin’s goal is clear – to bring about recession and political turbulence in the West – but less has been written about the cost. “While in May and June Russia ran a fiscal surplus, in July 2022 it ran a huge fiscal deficit of 0.9 trillion roubles – 8 per cent of GDP,” Guriev points out. “It is a gamble.”

More revealing numbers are also to be found in Russia’s output. “The number of cars produced in May 2022 was 30 times lower than the number of cars produced in May 2021. This is something which you can tell much more than a default. A friend of mine has joked that we are going back to the 1980s, where you wait for your Lada for decades.”


As Western economies face their own impending recessions, Guriev says it is imperative they do not attempt to preserve their own economic fictions. Inflation – accelerated dramatically by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – is causing widespread discontent, but this is probably part of Putin’s calculations. The leaders of Western countries are currently united in their opposition to Putin, but in the United States, France and other countries, economic hardship may clear the way for politicians much more accommodating to the Kremlin.

“It’s a bit like 1938. We know that Vladimir Putin, if he is pacified, is pacified only temporarily. So if he wins this war, that means that there’ll be a new war. And in that sense, if you don’t agree to pay this cost now, you will have to pay a much higher cost in the future.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

p0f ::

tomlin je izjavil:

Evropska Unija ne more upati na razcvet, če ne bo podprla potencialne bodoče države članice, ki se je znašla pod genocidnim napadom diktatorja Putina.

Pozabi na ta film, Ukrajina ne bo naslednjih 20-30 let v EU, dokler se ne sestavijo nazaj.

Voss ::

P0f, ZDA ni v interesu šibka Evropa. Vse vidiš črno-belo. So se pa očitno Ukrajinci odločili zdemolirati pomembne vojaške cilje na Krimu. To je res ogromen udarec za Putina.


Huh? Tole mora biti pa res ruska krivda. Neverjamem, da Ukrajinci že po Sočiju tolčejo.
Yesterday, Joe Biden signed a new 800 million dollar military aid package for Ukraine containing:

- Additional HIMARS ammunition
- 16 105mm Howitzers & 36,000 artillery rounds
- 15 Scan Eagle Unmanned Aerial Systems
- 1000 Javelins
- Additional High-speed Anti-radiation missiles;
- 50 Armored High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV);
- 1,500 Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
- 2,000 anti-armor rounds;
- Mine clearing equipment and systems;
- Demolition munitions;
- Tactical secure communications systems;
- Night vision devices, thermal imagery systems, optics, and laser rangefinders.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Voss ()

scythe ::

p0f je izjavil:

tomlin je izjavil:

Evropska Unija ne more upati na razcvet, če ne bo podprla potencialne bodoče države članice, ki se je znašla pod genocidnim napadom diktatorja Putina.

Pozabi na ta film, Ukrajina ne bo naslednjih 20-30 let v EU, dokler se ne sestavijo nazaj.

Res je, prej bo Finska in Švedska v Natu, kot pa Ukrajina v EU. Edino če se kej drastično spremeni....;((
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

cias ::

Kaj bo sploh sedaj z EU ko se gre Nemčija deindustrializacijo? Kdo bo vse plačal :))

Voss ::

Takšna sovražnost do Evrope, žena Peskova pa na počitnicah v Grčiji :D Logično, tam v tisti Rusiji ni kaj za početi.

cias ::

Kje vidiš da Rusi sovražijo Evropo? Projiciraš?

BBB ::

Katere od naslednjih navedb so neresnične?

UkrFTW! ::

BBB je izjavil:

Katere od naslednjih navedb so neresnične?

Brez gledat, vse in tudi tiste, ki jih je zamolčal. Tudi čuk noriss ne bi mogel tako lagati, kot to zna običan ruski kozjejebec.

Voss je izjavil:

Yesterday, Joe Biden signed a new 800 million dollar military aid package for Ukraine containing:


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: UkrFTW! ()

Vanich ::

Vanich ::

Podtaknjena bomba v avto Aleksandra Dugina, njegova hčerka ubita.

TezkoDihanje ::

oh, kdo bi si mislil

Ubijena kćer bliskog Putinovog saveznika, eksplodirao joj auto kod Moskve

SAD je 2015. sankcionirao Aleksandra Dugina zbog njegove navodne umiješanosti u rusku aneksiju Krima. Njegovim se djelima pripisuje dubok utjecaj na svjetonazor Vladimira Putina i smatra se glavnim intelektualnim arhitektom ultranacionalističke ideologije kojoj se priklanjaju mnogi u Kremlju. Dugin je godinama pozivao Moskvu da se agresivnije nametne na globalnoj sceni i podupirao je rusku vojnu akciju u Ukrajini.

Russian fascist Dugin: 'as a professor I am urging to kill, kill, kill all Ukrainians'. So, Karma found him.

Zgodovina sprememb…

PacificBlue ::

Today, Europe is a political field subordinated to the dictatorship of American hegemony. Unfortunately, the European elites blindly follow the orders of the United States. But the crisis, which has already had a major impact on Europe, sufficiently shows the negative consequences of these policies - and that only on the economic side. There are many signs, voices and political manifestations of the alternative approach emerging before our eyes - there are forces in Europe that want multipolarity. These are the anti-globalist movements. They are the future of Europe, globalism and the EU elites are its past.

I’m out.

Pac-Man ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Today, Europe is a political field subordinated to the dictatorship of American hegemony. Unfortunately, the European elites blindly follow the orders of the United States. But the crisis, which has already had a major impact on Europe, sufficiently shows the negative consequences of these policies - and that only on the economic side. There are many signs, voices and political manifestations of the alternative approach emerging before our eyes - there are forces in Europe that want multipolarity. These are the anti-globalist movements. They are the future of Europe, globalism and the EU elites are its past.


Dugin je v Angleščini en tak simpatičen antiimperialist, ki piha na duše vseh kriptofašistov tu okrog. Ko začneš brat njegova ruska izvajanja pa...


In 2014, Aleksandr Dugin called modern Ukrainians the race of degenerates, that crept up from a sewage and is deserving of genocide. Just to remind what drives RU “anti-fascists”.

Hčerka tudi ni bila daleč stran, čeprav jo na MMC prodajajo kot "novinarko".


Daughter of the prominent #Russia|n Nazi ideologist Alexander Dugin, Darya Platonova (Dugina) publicly described Ukrainians as “subhumans” and called for the Russian occupation of #Ukraine and extermination of Ukrainian identity. I am sorry if I am not sorry about her death.


Darya Dugina, the daughter of Alexander Dugin, was killed today

Dugina's views on the Ukraine War mirrored her father's, as she supported the annexation of Donbas, backed his views on "liberal totalitarianism" and total national mobilization in support of the war

This video of Darya Dugina provides useful insight into her political views. Dugina also talks about the self-cleansing of Russian society, which is a totalitarian concept that aligns with Dugin's vision of an illiberal order that shuns Western values

This interview on the Dugin-linked Geopolitika website provides more insight into her views on Russia's clash with globalism, the multipolar world order, sanctions and censorship of Russian media. All doctrinaire Kremlin views with a Eurasianist spin.


En komentar:


As a result of this obvious FSB assassination of the Russian fascist activist Darya Dugina, her father, Aleksandr Dugin, has been propelled to national prominence inside Russia and even martyrdom.

Pictured is a symbol he used in his 1997 Russian red fascism manifesto.

He is a prominent ideologue of Russian fascism, calling for a “blinding star of a new Russian Revolution, a fascism as boundless as our lands, and as red as our blood” as early as 1997.


My guess is, this will now become a military recruitment tool.

In other words, don’t spend too much energy on this. It’s just another example of the FSB doing FSB things.

They naturally blamed it on some dude allegedly from Azov because of course. Russia doesn’t have a criminal justice system, courts, or journalists, so we’ll never know.

The FSB will keep doing FSB things inside Russia. Russians will keep enlisting in the Russian army to exterminate Ukrainians, conquer Europe, recapture Alaska, etc.

Ok, one final point: expect Western journalists reporting this as “Moscow police is blaming this Azov guy” in the coming days.

You know what that’s called, if not qualified with “Russia doesn’t have a criminal justice system, courts, or journalists?” Amplification of propaganda.

Teorija je tudi, da so jo eliminirali, ker je bila konkurenca podmladku etablirane elite:


Seems she’s been a serious competitor to children of Patrushev & Putin as a new face of the post-Putin Kremlin’s regime; enough pretty & smart, well-skilled in politics and demagoguery - definitely a new star of Russia’s TV. So, the rat is inside the Kremlin. Not the last death.

Kdor ve, ve:

Bomo videli, kako bodo spinali celo zgodbo. Zna povedat veliko o vzrokih & odgovornih.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

cias ::

Na telegramu Rusi sprasujejo po kakšnem Ukrajinskem intelektualcu da ga lahko assasinirajo, pa noben ne ve nobenega odgovora.

Aleksander pa je ravno toliko fašista kot Trump. Oba najbolj skrbi da imajo črnci čim bolj olajšan in zagotovljen obstoj. Pa Lukašenko je isto fašističen, se hvali kako so otroci arabskih moških z Belarusinjami najboljši.

Jaz ne vidim niti enega intelektualca/voditelja ki ni antifovec.

Pac-Man ::

V drugih novicah, žena putinovega tiskovnega predstavnika po Grčiji razbija krožnike, video


The wife of Dmitri Peskov, Putin’s spokesperson and warmonger, is in Greece right now, enjoying her European summer vacation.

This isn’t right.

4 minute, angleški podnapisi

Atmosphere of total intolerance to corruption

The Kremlin announced (you will die of laughter) the creation of an atmosphere of total intolerance to corruption. And bees, apparently, tomorrow will announce a month of total intolerance to honey. But why don't we use the Kremlin's official slogans for the all-Russian anti-corruption action on June 12? Perhaps this is a good idea.

(We will immediately answer the question: why does Navalny have normal eyes? Because the video was recorded on the morning of the attack on him).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Recenzija/komentar ruskega propagandnega koncerta s strani NFKRZ. Teater absurda.

Russian propaganda has gone full 1984

Hey everyone! I'm back and I'm coming at you hot with a brand new RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA REVIEW. In today's video we'll react to a "patriotic" pro-Kremlin Z concert that was thrown in St Petersburg not too long ago after the start of Russia's special operation in Ukraine, and it's one of the craziest things I've ever seen. It's an example of how Russia's propaganda talking points and aesthetic can go full 1984. George Orwell... wouldn't be that proud. Smash like and subscribe for more thx xoxo

Vse skupaj ima precej podobnosti s Starship Troopers

Starship Troopers: The Big Dumb Movie That's Actually Smart

It was a film ahead of its time- made to look like a big dumb blockbuster but actually a satirical look at fascism, militarism, and the relationship between the two.

Kdo je fašist?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

gazibo ::

Ciljajo na fotra in ubijejo hčerko. Keri retardi nesposobni :))
Ni čudn da jim država polzi iz rok z vsakim dnem več in več

pangro ::

zdaj se bo pa rusom čist odfukalo, pričakujem supersonični odziv:))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • odbrisal: bluefish ()

TezkoDihanje ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Ciljajo na fotra in ubijejo hčerko. Keri retardi nesposobni :))
Ni čudn da jim država polzi iz rok z vsakim dnem več in več

Avto je bil pisan na njo, tako da so fentali kar ta pravo.

"National Republican Army" took responsibility for the explosion of Dugina's car.
Nothing is known about them yet, but apparently this is a new group within the Russian Federation.

National Republican Army manifesto, a

We, Russian activists, military and politicians, now partisans and fighters of the National Republican Army, outlaw warmongers, robbers and oppressors of the peoples of Russia!
We declare President Putin a usurper of power and a war criminal who amended the Constitution, unleashed a fratricidal war between the Slavic peoples and sent Russian soldiers to certain and senseless death.
Poverty and coffins for some, palaces for others - the essence of his policy.

We believe that disenfranchised people have the right to rebel against tyrants.
Putin will be deposed and destroyed by us!
Our goal is to stop the destruction of Russia and its neighbors, to stop the activities of a handful of Kremlin businessmen who have sucked on the wealth of our people and are committing crimes today inside and outside the country.
We call on those who are ready to fight to follow our example and overthrow this inhuman, hypocritical and anti-people regime!
We consider it unacceptable that Russians have begun to be defamed all over the world because of war crimes committed by those who have neither nationality nor fatherland, and who love only money and power.
The world is not an enemy of Russia, and Russia is not an enemy of humanity, and we will prove this by deeds.
We will give protection to all who follow our call.
All those who carry out our program up to the change of regime are exempted from the responsibility provided for by the laws of the usurper.
After our victory, we will immediately release all those illegally convicted by the Putin authorities.
We will give freedom to all the peoples inhabiting Russia and build a new society - a society without oligarchs, without corruption, without arbitrary officials, without humiliating poverty.
A society in which everyone is rewarded according to their work. Society without wars and violence.
A society in which power will belong to the people, where citizens will choose their own leaders and organize the life of their cities and villages themselves.
A society in which the rulers will not be able to sacrifice human lives for their own greatness, but will think about education, medicine and scientific progress.
A society in which everyone will be proud that he was born on the territory of Russia and will want to live in it!
Long live Free Russia!
Wherever you are - fight like us, fight with us, fight better than us!
Let's cleanse our Motherland from filth! Victory will be ours!

Voss ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Ciljajo na fotra in ubijejo hčerko. Keri retardi nesposobni :))
Ni čudn da jim država polzi iz rok z vsakim dnem več in več

Hčerka je bila enako ekstremna kot njen oče. Verjetno sta bila cilj kar oba.

Karma is a bitch. Dedec je pisal o poboju vseh Ukrajincev, sedaj pa ji je pred očmi umrla hčerka.

Se ja pa očitno začelo kuhati v Rusiji. Vzpon takšnih skupin kot je National Republican Army je bil samo vprašanje časa. Putinova vojna enostavno nima cilja in namena. On je ogromno napako storil že takrat, ko je v zapor poslal Navalynega.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Voss ()

pangro ::

Če rusija pade v ukrajini bo to dokončen padec sovjetske zveze oz. tega sovjetskega echo bubble-a.

l0g1t3ch ::

The former deputy read what purported to be an NRA manifesto:
"We declare President Putin a usurper of power and a war criminal who amended the Constitution, unleashed a fratricidal war between the Slavic peoples and sent Russian soldiers to certain and senseless death.

"Poverty and coffins for some, palaces for others - the essence of his policy. We believe that disenfranchised people have the right to rebel against tyrants. Putin will be deposed and destroyed by us!"

Fun times ahead :)

Sheteentz ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Ciljajo na fotra in ubijejo hčerko. Keri retardi nesposobni :))
Ni čudn da jim država polzi iz rok z vsakim dnem več in več

če ubiješ fotra, se lahko hčerka še naprej množi.
zato najprej ubiješ hčerko, kar povzroči, da fotra fršlok.
in tako si ubil dve muhi na en mah, in preprečil širjenje škodljivega genetskega in idejnega materiala.

jernejl ::

Voss je izjavil:

Se ja pa očitno začelo kuhati v Rusiji.

Hja, zmeraj več je rusov, ki dobijo domov svoje sinove in brate v krstah, in tega nobena propaganda ne more skriti.
Nič nenavadnega ni, da je tudi med rusi vedno več takih, ki bi z največjim veseljem ob prvi priložnosti odgovornim ruskim politikom poslali strel v glavo.

Sheteentz ::

jernejl je izjavil:

Voss je izjavil:

Se ja pa očitno začelo kuhati v Rusiji.

Hja, zmeraj več je rusov, ki dobijo domov svoje sinove in brate v krstah, in tega nobena propaganda ne more skriti.

Ampak tile v krstah hodijo domov samo v neke zakotne kraje Sibirije in ostale centalne rusije, kjer še stranišč ne poznajo, in kjer je človek bolj kot ne potrošna roba. Še veliko bo potrebno, da se bosta obrnila Moskva in Sankt Peterburg.

cias ::

Sheteentz je izjavil:

kjer še stranišč ne poznajo, in kjer je človek bolj kot ne potrošna roba.

A lahko linkaš članek na kijev independet?

shmandi ::

cias je izjavil:

Sheteentz je izjavil:

kjer še stranišč ne poznajo, in kjer je človek bolj kot ne potrošna roba.

A lahko linkaš članek na kijev independet?

Ti si bedak, če misliš, da se bo KI ukvarjal z ruskimi stranišči...
No, pa vseeno link:
In rural Russia, almost two-thirds have no access to indoor toilets, 48.1 percent of whom use outhouses

Unchancy ::

cias je izjavil:

Kaj bo sploh sedaj z EU ko se gre Nemčija deindustrializacijo? Kdo bo vse plačal :))

Pariški L’oeuvre je 4. maja 1939 na naslovni strani objavil slavno vprašanje: “So Francozi zares pripravljeni umreti za Gdansk?”


Danes nihče ne dvomi, da je bilo treba Hitlerja ustaviti.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

p0f ::

Voss je izjavil:

P0f, ZDA ni v interesu šibka Evropa. Vse vidiš črno-belo.

Lol in to mi rece nekdo, ki vidi samo, da je Rusija napadla Ukrajino :)):)):))

Ce jaz vidim crno belo, ste vi slepi.

WhiteAngel ::

cias je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Pomočnik ruskega obrambnega ministra ima 255 m2 veliko stanovanje na zasebnem otoku ob Miamiju

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky rode to power on pledges to clean up the Eastern European country, but the Pandora Papers reveal he and his close circle were the beneficiaries of a network of offshore companies, including some that owned expensive London property.

Lol, razlika je v tem, da Putinova propaganda pravi, da je zahod gnil. Njegova dejanja (opa, njenih hčera) pa pravijo nasprotno >:D

fikus_ ::

Dokler boste en drugemu očitali slaba dejanja svojih nasprotnikov, vaših ljubljencev pa spregledali, tako dolgo vas bodo vodili za nos.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

gazibo ::

ccc, nacisti, oops....ukrajinci utrpeli najhujse izgube v celi operaciji.

cias ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Dokler boste en drugemu očitali slaba dejanja svojih nasprotnikov, vaših ljubljencev pa spregledali, tako dolgo vas bodo vodili za nos.

Ja MSM je Zelenskemu vse odpustil.

Pac-Man ::

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

The former deputy read what purported to be an NRA manifesto:
"We declare President Putin a usurper of power and a war criminal who amended the Constitution, unleashed a fratricidal war between the Slavic peoples and sent Russian soldiers to certain and senseless death.

"Poverty and coffins for some, palaces for others - the essence of his policy. We believe that disenfranchised people have the right to rebel against tyrants. Putin will be deposed and destroyed by us!"

Fun times ahead :)

NRA mi deluje precej fatamorgana, Ponomarev pa sumljiv.

Moj denar je na ruskih obveščevalcih, verjetno FSB.


Odd twist in the Daria Dugina car bombing. Russian opposition ex-MP Ilya Ponomarev – who was once close to Surkov, but went into exile and moved to Ukraine a few years ago – says a “National Republican Army” of Russian partisans has taken responsibility.

Lots to unpack. Ponomarev was not exactly a widely trusted figure in Russia during his opposition days. Even moving to Ukraine didn’t help. Nobody has heard of this group. And if you are going to start doing car bombings in Russia, Dugin and his daughter are odd first targets

maj 2013:


Surkov has been one of the main organizers of the Skolkovo Innovation Center near Moscow. The decision to start Skolkovo as a Russian equivalent of Silicon Valley in California was made by Medvedev in November 2009. Recently, Skolkovo has been under attack from by the Russian Investigative Committee (Sledstvenny Kommitet Rossiy or SKR), which has accused the high-tech complex’s management of misappropriating budget funds and, much more damaging, of funneling money to the pro-democracy, anti-Putin opposition. Surkov had publicly defended Skolkovo’s reputation and accused the SKR of being too rash in its unproven public accusations. The SKR, in turn, accused the “managers of Skolkovo [of] possibly smoking themselves high,” when they decided to payroll the anti-Putin opposition “by signing a contract with opposition Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev to read a number of lectures for $750,000” (Izvestia, May 7). The SKR is at present running a criminal investigation of Skolkovo activities, and there are reports that Surkov personally sanctioned the signing of a lavish lecture contract with Ponomarev and that this information induced the Russian president into action. Putin, an increasingly paranoid authoritarian ruler, sees enemies all-round, external and internal, and in his own surroundings. Putin believes opposition protests are financed by his enemies and anyone providing any support to the opposition in any form must also be an enemy—so Surkov had to be punished. Reportedly, Sergei Ivanov, the chief of the Kremlin administration, and his first deputy, Vyacheslav Volodin, who now occupies Surkov’s former position of being in charge of ideology and internal politics, used the opportunity to tarnish Surkov in Putin’s eyes as a traitor (www.forbes.ru/sobytiya/vlast/238807-vla....


Given the problems and rivalries between forces in Russia's security apparatus, it cannot be ruled out that Daria Dugin's assassination was an inside job, especially if Dugin is telling Putin - as the rumors whisper - that the FSB is to blame for the bad results in Ukraine.

And now they will also have the instrument to draw attention to Ukrainian - or Western - cells working inside Russia to be blamed (which is already running as a campaign) while clearing the terrain and finding nationalist reasons to bring more soldiers to the frontlines.


I don't think the Dugin murder was FSB. I think more likely it was GRU or SVR and/or a group comprised of intelligence and military officers who see the Russian military and diplomatic corps being destroyed by a dying madman surrounded by sycophants like Dugin and his daughter.

NRA's manifesto sounded like something I wrote borrowed from Thomas Jefferson: "We believe that disenfranchised people have the right to rebel against tyrants." Perhaps Russian rank & file military commanders who've watched corrupt Putin regime loot the armed forces to buy super yachts for scoundrels while the majority of people in Russia live in squalor, have the recipe for a second Russian revolution. They got to Dugin's daughter and maybe him too. Now let's see what if any Oligarch's are on their short list.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

nirburu ::

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

The former deputy read what purported to be an NRA manifesto:
"We declare President Putin a usurper of power and a war criminal who amended the Constitution, unleashed a fratricidal war between the Slavic peoples and sent Russian soldiers to certain and senseless death.

"Poverty and coffins for some, palaces for others - the essence of his policy. We believe that disenfranchised people have the right to rebel against tyrants. Putin will be deposed and destroyed by us!"

Fun times ahead :)

To je nekako res. Namesto, da bi se slovani malo bolj poenotili se še koljejo. Ampak putin mi itak deluje mešaček z mongoloidno krvjo. To je brutalna etnična skupina.

PrimoZ_ ::

Kako kaj 3 dnevna operacija ?

Zadnje čase nekaj poka in gori po Krimu, most v smeri proti celini je zabasan...

Neki ne gre tu :))

fur80 ::

Antonovski most je padel na pol po prvih informacijah, na njem pa kolona vozil z orožjem! Verjetno ne bodo flikali več?

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Moj denar je na ruskih obveščevalcih, verjetno FSB.

Nekam hitro & dokončno so rešili primer, identificirali odgovorno, ampak nobenih fotk ali iskanja.

V Rusiji ne poznajo sodišč?


MOSCOW, 22 August. /TASS/. The murder of journalist Daria Dugina has been solved, it was prepared by the Ukrainian special services, the performer is a citizen of Ukraine Natalia Vovk, who disappeared after the crime in Estonia. This was reported to TASS on Monday at the Center for Public Relations of the FSB of Russia.

"As a result of a complex of urgent operational-search measures, the Federal Security Service has solved the murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina, born in 1992," the FSB stressed. The special service established that "the crime was prepared and committed by the Ukrainian special services," and its perpetrator is a citizen of Ukraine Vovk Natalya Pavlovna, born in 1979.

She arrived in Russia on July 23, 2022, together with her daughter Shaban Sofia Mikhailovna, born in 2010. “On the day of the murder, Vovk and Shaban were at the Tradition literary and music festival, where Dugina was present as an honored guest. region to Estonia," the FSB said.

The secret service clarified that in order to organize the murder of Dugina and obtain information about her lifestyle, Vovk and her daughter rented an apartment in Moscow in the house where the deceased lived. The criminals used a Mini Cooper car to monitor the journalist. At the same time, when entering Russia, the numbers of the Donetsk People's Republic were used - Е982ХН DPR, in Moscow - Kazakhstani numbers 172AJD02, and when leaving - Ukrainian AH7771IP. "The materials of the investigation have been transferred to the Investigative Committee," the FSB added.

Earlier, the Russian opposition leader Ilya Ponomarev, on the air of the YouTube channel "Morning of February", said that the so-called National Republican Army could be behind the murder of the daughter of the philosopher of the Russian world, Daria Dugina. At the same time, Ponomarev himself called for joining the NRA and providing support to this organization.

Smrdi, smrdi, tako smrdi.

So pa dali par fix podatkov, ki jih bo lahko preveril Grozev.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

gazibo ::

zee đermans like zee freeze :))
mal throwback na 44/45 k so zmrzoval k lizike v Rusiji

Pac-Man ::

Morda drži tista, da bi Rusija že zmagala, če bi bil ruski predsednik Navalni in smo lahko samo hvaležni Putinu, ki je totalno zavozil državo?


Russian prominent liberals (and Putin opponents) publish their mourn the death of Daria Dugina, a 30-y.o. top Nazi party member and a prominent Nazi propagandist, who openly called Ukrainian "subhumans", called for a genocide of Ukrainians and for public execution of POWs.

The West totally ignores how the Russian liberals (who well understand that they are dependent on Putin) are well-integrated into this Nazi propaganda system. Here: Alexey Venidiktov, "Echo Moscow", with Putin's tops propagandists incl Simonyan (RT) and with Maria Zakharova

Or look here: the "Moscow liberal" star Yevgeniya Albats and a liberal star journalist Zygar (the author of a book about the Kremlin inner circle, which was cheered in the West as a great insight) are happy to meet Margarita Simonyan at a Kremlin's FIFA WM and post a selfie.

Do you think it is just smth "professional" like "we both are journalists after all, let's put away our differences"? (Weird, but still). No. Here is a top liberal Novaya Gazeta journalist Kanygin smiling and showing a "victory" sigh with a Russian terror organizer Borodai

Of course, the "liberal" circle is not identical to the "Kremlin" one and is sometimes targeted by state-run attacks, incl. very brutal ones. But the lifestyle of both is not a fight, it is a complicated and sophisticated co-habitation, a mutual dependency (and often - liking)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

cias ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Morda drži tista, da bi Rusija že zmagala, če bi bil ruski predsednik Navalni in smo lahko samo hvaležni Putinu, ki je totalno zavozil državo?

Jop, isto kot če bi bil v Ameriki Trump, Rusi ne bi upali izvajat posebne vojaške operacije, cene ne bi šle strmo navzgor, Evropi ne bi bilo treba ugašati industrije…

yayo ::

:)) in Srbija bi dobila nazaj Kosovo, kos Bosne in Hrvaške. :))

Unchancy ::

yayo je izjavil:

:)) in Srbija bi dobila nazaj Kosovo, kos Bosne in Hrvaške. :))

In Karadjordjevićevo posest na Bledu :))
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

PrimoZ_ ::

Most gori, rus beži!

Aja ne ne more, ker mostu ni več :))

koyotee ::

cias je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Morda drži tista, da bi Rusija že zmagala, če bi bil ruski predsednik Navalni in smo lahko samo hvaležni Putinu, ki je totalno zavozil državo?

Jop, isto kot če bi bil v Ameriki Trump, Rusi ne bi upali izvajat posebne vojaške operacije, cene ne bi šle strmo navzgor, Evropi ne bi bilo treba ugašati industrije…

cias je danes ob 07:59:54 izjavil:

Sheteentz je danes ob 07:12:33 izjavil:

kjer še stranišč ne poznajo, in kjer je človek bolj kot ne potrošna roba.

A lahko linkaš članek na kijev independet?

Ti si bedak, če misliš, da se bo KI ukvarjal z ruskimi stranišči...
No, pa vseeno link:
In rural Russia, almost two-thirds have no access to indoor toilets, 48.1 percent of whom use outhouses
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Pac-Man ::

Par sogovornikov opozarjam, da je tole tema o Rusiji.

Ker smo to rešili - en ukrajinski pogled na primer Dugina. :)

So odlomki ruskih propagandistov, ki jih zdaj daje panika in same Dugine, ki je imela precej fašo izjav. 9 minut, ukrajinski podnapisi, prevajalnik pomaga

Russian propagandists are frightened and paranoid after the elimination of Dugin's daughter
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ker smo to rešili - en ukrajinski pogled na primer Dugina. :)

Pozabil omenit, ruska propagandistka @5:45 v videu omeni, da na VIP parkirišču, kjer so najverjetneje podstavili bombo, kamere niso delovale. Se jim že kaj svita?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

Pa da vidimo! :) A ni nekdo tukaj trdil, da imajo vse v jedrskem bunkerju tam?

Big explosions are heard in Sevastopol


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

TezkoDihanje ::

cajt je, da ga nekdo smakne

German foreign minister says 'no alternative' to giving Ukraine military aid

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin refuses to negotiate even on the simplest issues and doesn't respond to attempts to mediate in the war, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said at the German federal government's open day in Berlin on Aug. 21, German magazine Der Spiegel reported on Aug 22.?
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