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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Temo vidijo: vsi
14 / 897

TezkoDihanje ::


So the FSB
- knew her house
- searched her car
- filmed her routes
and still let her kill Dugina and leave the country safely?!
What a great service this is ...

Pac-Man ::

Fantje, Rusija.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Unchancy ::

Medtem na RTvslo trobilu pri poročilih objavijo zgolj rusko inačico - da naj bi atentat bilo delo ukrajinske tajne službe in da naj bi ga zagrešila mamica 11 letne deklice, ki je bila v Rusiji.
Obstaja tudi že odziv ukrajinske strani na to trditev, ampak naši RTvslo "neodvisni novinarji" seveda tega ne objavijo. Za povprečno slovensko ovco je Ukrajina izvedla atentat na hčerko enega ruskega desničarja, ki je Putinov zaveznik.
Jap, dobro potrošen denar za RTV, res imamo kvalitetno poročanje...
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Unchancy ()

Pac-Man ::

Pa hčerka je bila filozofinja, novinarka.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

s1m0n ::

Ko bi Rusom uspelo kak drug zločin tak hitro rešit :)
A to je material že bil pripravljen?

Pac-Man ::

Precej f*ed, da bi oče žrtvoval hčer, ampak kot bo pojasnjeno v niti je Dugin zelo f*ed.

Vseeno sam menim, da so jo ubili brez njegove vpletenost. Od operacije Navalni je znano, da so roski obveščevalci zelo temeljiti pri sledenju in radi izkoristijo priložnost.


Regarding the question "who could stand behind Darya Dugina's death". We need to separate many topics here.

Dugina was a devoted and important Nazi propagandist and a party member, but WAY far from being a star in Russia. In Ukraine or else she wasn't known at all. Her father Alexandr was way more famous. But he was not as important as he wanted us to believe. His ideas were taken, stolen, appropriated, used by the Kremlin, but he personally was never allowed to belong to Kremlin's inner circle. He was always a 3rd class starlet.

Ok, who was the target - he or she? The car was registered on the father's name, and he was intended to drive it, as some of his friends said. It can be, he was targeted (as anyway he was more prominent). The only way she was targeted is, if HE planned the murder.

Let me elaborate on this. It is not as weird as one can think. Dugin was a philosopher of the cult of death and sacrifice. He always said, that the death experience is the most important one. He was a Death Eater. In his "Eurasist" ideology a mighty Father sacrificing his daughter's life could really be something titanic, bringing supernatural powers into movement, and improving his (weakend) position. Be like a legendary King. Still, this is only one of the ideas. I just want to say, it is not unthinkable.

What do we have further?

Russian FSB or other Kremlin groups. I would say, it is the most realistic version. Here 2 very opposite motives can be in place:

1) Intensifying the war via playing the card "Ukrainians are killing us in Moscow!"
2) Exit strategy sending signals to the hawks "shut up"

I know, that these motives oppose each other. This should not surprise you. There can be different ideas within the FSB leadership, and different orders can be given. One can imagine, that some groups want to intensify the war, and others want to look for exit strategies.

Dugin can be targeted by both groups - as it is not important that he was targeted (and killed in the successful scenario), but what informational campaign follows. "We must fight back!" or "Look what insanity Dugin brought to us".

Could the Ukrainian commandos stay behind this attack? I doubt it. Dugin was not the most prominent Russian propagandist. He was not the face of Russian aggression for Ukrainians. Skabeyeva, Solovyov, Tolstoy, Kiselyov, Simonyan - anyone would be a more logical target.

And of course, one should not forget the cannibalizing tendencies within the far-right Russian groups. Could Dugin be hatred by somebody here? Sure. Do these people know how to install bombs? Oh yes, many of them fought in Ukraine. This motive cannot be ignored.

Anyway, for practical means, it is important to see, how the Kremlin will use this news. Even if it was not Kremlin, they will start to use this explosion. An attack in luxury Odintsovo district, where all the Ministers and Putin himself have their villas, will be used. We will witness very soon, what profit Kremlin (but also other far-rights) will try to get out of the death of the Nazi Darya Dugina.

UPDATE: in his April 2020 article, Alexandr Dugin clearly wrote, that parts of the elite should be groomed with one purpose - to be killed (sacrificed) amid challenging times, so the society could magically buy back the lost support of the Gods. Does it give us any call?

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Simonjanova je s katedralarjema/prodajalcema športne prehrane naredila tisti (ne)slavni intervju za RT. Zdaj pa precej direktno priznala, da sta res GRU:


In which Simonyan inadvertently confirms that her famous interviewees Chepiga & Mishkin are indeed Salisbury poisoners.

Reacting to Dugina murder investigation, she says: “I am sure we can find professionals willing to admire the famous spires in the vicinity of Tallinn”.


The FSB: "The assassination was carried out by Ukrainian tourists"

The Ukrainian Tourists:

The joke is that they find it funny murdering people and then lying to your face about it. They even laugh and tell you that it's all a big joke.

It would be more amusing if people weren't being killed and if we didn't have frauds like these useful idiots in the UK contributing to this absurd farce.


It says much about how drastically the invasion of Ukraine has reshaped Russia that Margarita Simonyan basically admitted Russia did the Salisbury poisonings today and barely anyone batted an eyelid
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.


To pa ni bilo lepo od Ukrajine, da na tak nacin jezijo Putina. Atentat na moskega ajde ja, ampak na zensko tole je pa new low.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!

Pac-Man ::

Praktično zagotovo Ukrajina nima nič s tem.


Natalia Vovk’s (Dugina murder suspect) (ex) husband is one of the Donetsk referendum’s organisers… 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Za lahko noč, ruski MacGyver. Zdaj s podnapisi:


Soldier is saving a cat stuck on the tree. You know the country. [video]

Algoritem je izpljunil še to. 11 minut.

Putin’s Secret Neo-Nazi Armies | Decade of Hate

Putin has long claimed that he is “denazifying” Ukraine, but these claims are hypocritical.

In the early 00s, a wave of revolutions swept across countries in the former Soviet Union, calling for democratic reform and changing of political leadership.

Fearing a similar uprising could start in Russia, Putin’s Kremlin clandestinely fostered relationships with far-right groups and ultra-nationalists in a policy that has been dubbed “managed nationalism”.

These groups proved vital in turning Russia into the authoritarian regime that we see today.

However, these relationships also proved useful in Russia exerting its power abroad, and have cultivated groups that will now fight abroad, and train foreign white supremacists – all with deadly consequences.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

cias ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin

A Rusija je diktatura? Zakaj se potem kaznuje vse ljudi ki so bili naključno rojeni tam?

Še dobro da imamo demokracijo kjer naša elita dela za našo blaginjo.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Dugin ima kar naenkrat močno dvignjen profil v Rusiji, samo hčerka mu je morala bit ubita.
Slutsky je bil prvi na piki #metoo gibanja v Rusiji, kakih posledic ni videt, Prigožina verjetno ni treba več predstavljat.

Grupa obupa, videoposnetki na povezavi.


Daria Dugina's funeral is being held today at the Ostakino TV tower where much of Russian state TV broadcasts from.

Alexander Dugin, her father, says she would have wanted people to "defend our faith, our Orthodoxy, to love our Russian people" in her memory [video]

Russian senator Leonid Slutsky:

"Whatever your political party, faith, or age, there is only one way. One country! One president! One people!" [video]

Also at the funeral: “Putin’s chef” and Wagner mercenary group impresario Evgeny Prigozhin, spotted wearing his Hero of Russia medal by @skazal_on

Kdo je fašist?

A candidate deputy. Psychopath. Corruptor.

State Duma deputy harasses journalists. He grabs them, locks them in his office, offers to "become his mistress." The situation seems completely wild, this is impossible, but the fact is that State Duma deputy Leonid Slutsky continues to be a deputy, despite the fact that several journalists have already announced sexual harassment on his part. And one even recorded them on a dictaphone. And the leaders of the State Duma advise girls to “find a new job” if the situation in the Duma does not suit them.
Today is March 8th. A wonderful celebration of solidarity with women who stand up for equality. The Anti-Corruption Foundation expresses its support to brave journalists who were not afraid to tell the truth about deputy Slutsky, and publishes facts on the basis of which the deputy should be immediately deprived of his mandate. He is not only a lustful pervert, but also a corrupt official.

Happy holiday! Happy International Women's Day.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

ripmork ::

Jup, ne smeš nasprotovati ukrepom ki te vodijo v bedo
Sej smo vsi proti ukrepom. Sam eni smo zato, da se jih odstrani pri izvoru (da Rusija spizdi, od kjer je prišla). Pa brez skrbi, da ni efekta; Moskovski plebsi že glasno čivkajo nad sankcijami. Slike pokolov v Ukrajini jih niti promil toliko ne prizadanejo kot to, da imajo manj izbire v trgovinah. Ko bo dovolj trupel ruskih vojakov prispelo nazaj, bo imel narod dovolj.

Lep del ruskega prebivalstva je že pobegnil iz skorumpirane, nasilne kremeljske kleptokracije, uporniški del bo pa prej ali slej obračunal z njo. Začelo se je z avto-bombami, stvari se počasi premikajo naprej. Poetična pravica bi bila, da na koncu Putin dobi z novičokom "sladkan" čaj.

Pac-Man ::

Bomo videli kaka bo realizacija, ampak na nacionalki smrt Darje Dugine uporabljajo za zaostritev retorike. Solovjov je recimo predlagal ponovno ustanovitev posebnih gulagov za inženirje, kjer bi ti razvijali orožje.
Ker jih je trenutno preveč po zaporih.

Video s podnapisi:


Watch Russia blame the West for Dugina's death and predict a full-on war with NATO, but listen closely: Kremlin propagandists are trying to use her demise to mobilize the population, revealing weapon production problems and a lackluster recruitment.

Primerjaj to retoriko s tisto znotraj Ukrajine in hitro postane jasno, kdo je nor fašist.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

tomlin ::


"Ustanovita se dva prostovoljna topniška diviziona. Vabimo moške od 18. do 60. leta,"

tarnajo govorci po zvočnikih.

To je sporočilo, ki se ponavlja gor in dol po tej ogromni državi. Na družbenih

omrežjih, na televiziji in na reklamnih panojih moške pozivajo, naj podpišejo

kratkoročne pogodbe z vojsko za boj v Ukrajini.

Rusija ne navaja številk, a zahodni uradniki pravijo, da je bilo med 70.000 in 80.000

ruskih vojakov ubitih ali ranjenih, odkar je začela svojo invazijo pred šestimi


Raziskovalni novinar Roman Dobrokhotov pravi, da je novačenje znak obupa s strani

oblasti: "To niso tipi vojakov, ki so potrebni za zmagovito vojno. Kremelj še vedno

upa, da bo kvantiteta premagala kakovost. Da lahko dobijo te na stotisoče obupanih

ljudi z njihovimi dolgovi in jih preprosto vržejo v konfliktno območje."

"Problem za Kremelj je, da večina Rusov ne bo umrla za Putina ali za obnovo 'velikega

imperija'. Novačenje v trenutnih okoliščinah ni mogoče, ker v Rusiji ni

državljanskega konsenza za vojno.

"Primerjajte to z Ukrajino. Ukrajinci so pripravljeni na boj."


cias ::

tomlin je izjavil:

Ukrajinci so pripravljeni na boj.

Kontraofenziva je že uspela?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: nejcek74 ()

BorutO ::

BBB je izjavil:

Katere od naslednjih navedb so neresnične?

Ne pozabi, da je on bil tudi na chill, ko je tik pred napadom na Ukrajino trdil, da ne namerava napasti Ukrajine ... In takrat smo bili vsi "chill" ...

Pac-Man ::

to, video s podnapisi


Speaking at his daughter's funeral, Alexander Dugin says "Russia" and "our empire" were among her first words as a child

in to


How utterly bizarre and twisted. Somehow makes me think of the legendary legendary 1999 NTV “kukly” sketch with Putin as a baby shrieking “мочить в сортире!” (“waste them in the outhouse” is the vague translation), the phrase he had used about Chechen rebels.

misli na to, spet podnapisi

tole je novo zame

The forbidden satire about Putin | VPRO Documentary

For many years the program Kukly was a great success on Russian TV. In 1999, Putin's puppet came on stage, which soon played the leading role in every episode. It wasn't long before the makers received an official letter that their "main character" had to disappear from the series.

Almost all Kukly puppets are now lying in the producer's barn, but not that of Putin. A search through the former employees reveals a Putin puppet after all but also shows how the censorship of the Kremlin got hold of the Russian media.

Kot rečeno, oddajo so prepovedali/odpovedali, podobna usoda je kmalu sledila tudi TV kanalu, ki ga je pod prisilo kupil Gazprom. Verjetno zaradi oddaje o bombah po blokih.

Puppets (TV series) @ Wikipedia

NTV (Russia) @ Wikipedia

On 24 March 2000, two days before the presidential elections, NTV featured the Ryazan apartment bombing of fall 1999 in the talk show Independent Investigation. The interviews of the residents of the Ryazan apartment building, along with FSB public relations director Alexander Zdanovich and Ryazan branch head Alexander Sergeyev was filmed a few days earlier. On 26 March, Boris Nemtsov voiced his concern over the possible shut-down of NTV for airing the talk.[9]

Seven months later, NTV general manager Igor Malashenko said at the JFK School of Government that the Information Minister Mikhail Lesin had warned him on several occasions. Malashenko's recollection of Lesin's warning was that by airing the talk show NTV had "crossed a line" and that the NTV managers were "outlaws" in the eyes of the Kremlin.[10]

According to Alexander Goldfarb, Malashenko told him that Valentin Yumashev had brought a warning from the Kremlin, one day before the airing of the show, promising in no uncertain terms that the NTV managers "should consider themselves finished" if they went ahead with the broadcast.[11]


On 11 May 2000, tax police, backed by officers from the general prosecutor's office and the FSB, stormed the Moscow headquarters of NTV and Media-Most and searched the premises for 12 hours. Critics considered this move politically motivated, as NTV voiced opposition to Putin since his presidential electoral campaign. Putin denied any involvement.

Viktor Shenderovich claimed that an unnamed top government official requested NTV to exclude the puppet of Putin from Kukly.[12] Accordingly, in the following episode of the show, called "Ten Commandments", the puppet of Putin was replaced with a cloud covering the top of a mountain and a burning bush.


On 19 July, investigators of the office of the Prosecutor General of Russia came to Gusinsky's home, distrained and arrested his property.

In a surprisingly informal deal, the charges against Gusinsky were lifted after he signed an agreement with Mikhail Lesin, Minister of Media, on 20 July. Under the "shares for freedom" transaction or Protocol No.6 (Протокол N.6. Доля свободы) agreement, Gusinsky would discharge his debts by selling Media-Most to Gazprom-Media, which had held a 30% share of NTV since 1996, for the price imposed by the latter, and was given a guarantee that he would not be prosecuted. After leaving the country, Gusinsky claimed he was pressured to sign the agreement by the prospect of the criminal investigation. Media-Most refused to comply with the agreement.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

Da se bo vedeli kdo je kdo in za koga. Seveda tega pri nas ne bodo vrteli! ;)

Erdogan: Krim je ukrajinski

Turski predsjednik Recep Tayyip Erdogan, čija zemlja ima dobre odnose i s Rusijom, također je rekao da Krim jasno pripada Ukrajini. "Vraćanje Krima Ukrajini, čiji je neodvojivi dio, suštinska je potreba s aspekta međunarodnog prava", rekao je on u videoporuci na drugom summitu Krimske platforme.

Crimea must be returned to Ukraine!" - Erdogan.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Vanich ::

Na enem izmed kanalov na Telegramu, se je pojavila novica z kratkim opisom ekzekucije petih na smrt obsojenih tujih najemnikov v Donbasu. Trije britanci, Šved in pa Hrvat. Skupaj z linki do posnetkov same ekzekucije - z strelskim vodom? - za katere se je pa potrebno posebej prijaviti - nisem klikal te linke.
Lahko je tudi hoax, verjetno bi bila novica drugače objavljena na večih kanalih.

PrimoZ_ ::

Erdogan je pokazal da je pameten in moder vladar.

Jasno je povedal da mora biti Krim vrnjen Ukrajini

PrimoZ_ ::

Očitno bo Sultan najprej obračunal s Putinom :))

Krim nazaj Ukrajini. Naj se zgodi Sultanova volja.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

tole je novo zame

The forbidden satire about Putin | VPRO Documentary

For many years the program Kukly was a great success on Russian TV. In 1999, Putin's puppet came on stage, which soon played the leading role in every episode. It wasn't long before the makers received an official letter that their "main character" had to disappear from the series.

Almost all Kukly puppets are now lying in the producer's barn, but not that of Putin. A search through the former employees reveals a Putin puppet after all but also shows how the censorship of the Kremlin got hold of the Russian media.

cela epizoda, 40 minut, angleški podnapisi

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


putin wants to escalate his war against Ukraine; but he can't blow up apartment buildings in russia - he did that already. And he can't murder opposition politicians in front of the kremlin - he did that already too.

So he has Dugina whacked, because she is a minor celebrity, but she and her dad aren't Kremlin insiders. Can't whack the child of a Kremlin insider... that might lead to trouble for putin's rule - maybe even lead to a coup.

So whack a blonde, young looking woman - make a spectacle of her funeral, then declare Ukraine a "State Sponsor of Terrorism".

It is all so obvious. No one in the russian government, military, or intelligence services is bright... but like all dumb people in power they have an unshakable belief that they are smarter than everyone.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Kayzon ::

Kako pristransko komentiras rusijo,je kar smesno vse skupaj.

kuall ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


putin wants to escalate his war against Ukraine; but he can't blow up apartment buildings in russia - he did that already. And he can't murder opposition politicians in front of the kremlin - he did that already too.

So he has Dugina whacked, because she is a minor celebrity, but she and her dad aren't Kremlin insiders. Can't whack the child of a Kremlin insider... that might lead to trouble for putin's rule - maybe even lead to a coup.

So whack a blonde, young looking woman - make a spectacle of her funeral, then declare Ukraine a "State Sponsor of Terrorism".

It is all so obvious. No one in the russian government, military, or intelligence services is bright... but like all dumb people in power they have an unshakable belief that they are smarter than everyone.

tole je pa vraževerje - vera brez dokazov. je ena možna teorija ampak verjetnost za njo je majhna. tudi če mi gre putler na živce, še bolj mi gredo na živce vraževerni ljudje, ki na pamet nekaj verjamejo, ker se sklada z njihovo agendo. levaki so taki npr.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: kuall ()

Voss ::

The US is set to announce its largest military aid package ($3 bn) to Ukraine so far.

The decision will be announced on August 24, which marks 6 months since the Russian invasion and is Ukraine's Restoration of Independence Day.

Air defense & loads of ammo expected.

fur80 ::

Pa dajte tega Vladarja odstranit moderatorji? Kaj temu človeku dela v glavi, sedaj si že roke snema? :D

Drugače pa kako pa tole komentirate? Je to sarkazem ali se ladja počasi potaplja?

Lukašenko čestitao Ukrajini: Želim vam mirno nebo, hrabrost, snagu i uspjeh


Akira_ ::

Podgane zapuščajo potapljajočo se ladjo (Moskvo) :))

cias ::

Uf, Ukrajinci pa proslavljajo z orenk ognjemeti, po celi državi.

redtech ::

Ukrajinske obveznice 1yr nazaj na 200%, miši zapuščajo ladjo..pravi obraz EU.

PrimoZ_ ::

redtech je izjavil:

Ukrajinske obveznice 1yr nazaj na 200%, miši zapuščajo ladjo..pravi obraz EU.

Kaj brbljaš?

fikus_ ::

PrimoZ_ je izjavil:

redtech je izjavil:

Ukrajinske obveznice 1yr nazaj na 200%, miši zapuščajo ladjo..pravi obraz EU.

Kaj brbljaš?

Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

fur80 ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

PrimoZ_ je izjavil:

redtech je izjavil:

Ukrajinske obveznice 1yr nazaj na 200%, miši zapuščajo ladjo..pravi obraz EU.

Kaj brbljaš?


Dokaj normalno, če te napade "druga vojaška velesila" sveta! Se ti ne zdi?

fikus_ ::

Sem dal link Primožu.
Sicer pa glede na to, da so že pred vojno imeli težave s financami in sedaj še vojna, je to dokaj normalno.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

redtech ::

Jaz ciljam na EU, po eni strani spi z zelenim, po drugi strani zahtevajo 200% obresti za delovanje države (zdravstvo, šolstvo, pokojnine, plače...).

Orožje "pomoč je dolg" sigurno pošiljajo pod določenimi obrestmi, za katere bodo izvedeli čez 100 let, da so odplačane..

Ampak ja politika v EU govori eno, dela nekaj drugega..

fikus_ ::

Pravijo, da se pri denarju konča prijateljstvo.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

WhiteAngel ::

redtech je izjavil:

Jaz ciljam na EU, po eni strani spi z zelenim, po drugi strani zahtevajo 200% obresti za delovanje države (zdravstvo, šolstvo, pokojnine, plače...).

Orožje "pomoč je dolg" sigurno pošiljajo pod določenimi obrestmi, za katere bodo izvedeli čez 100 let, da so odplačane..

Ampak ja politika v EU govori eno, dela nekaj drugega..

Zahteva? Trg zahteva... verjetno so glavni kupci obveznic kakšni skladi v ZDA. In če ni dovolj povpraševanja po nizkih obrestih, se obresti dvignejo, dokler ni povpraševanja. Isto je bilo z Grčijo, Španijo, Italijo.

redtech ::

Trg ja na katerem so vse države EU in ECB..., ki ne izkazujejo enake podpore, kot jo v medijih prikazujejo.

kow ::

To je pac unija. Nikoli ne bo taksne "enotnosti" kot v ruski federaciji, lol.

DarkSite ::

tomlin ::

Po vsem kar nam je znano glede ruskih režimsko premožnih turistov, menim, da ima češki zunanji

minister prav in upravičeno predlaga omejitev pri izdajanju vizumov za ruske državljane.

Po poročanju avstrijske tiskovne agencije APA je zunanji minister Češke, ki trenutno predseduje

Svetu EU, Jan Lipavsky v razpravi na istem panelu danes pozval k omejitvi turističnih

vizumov za ruske državljane. Meni namreč, da potuje zelo malo Rusov in da so ti pogosto bogataši

iz Moskve in Sankt Peterburga, ki niso občutili ruske agresije v Ukrajini
. V zvezi s

tem je potrebna veliko ostrejša politika, je dejal.


Kayzon ::


Toliko o vasi ubogi ukrajini..

tomlin ::

Ukrainian defenders have inflicted such substantial losses on the Russian army that the

Kremlin is recruiting even mentally ill young men to replenish its ranks.


nejclp ::

Kayzon je izjavil:


Toliko o vasi ubogi ukrajini..

Lol, še več o grozotah korupcije v Ukrajini, lahko izveste v temle intervjuju znane republikanke, trumptardke in fašistke s Pedrom Gonzalesom, na katerega se sklicuje avtor članka, neodvisni novinar in putinov pucflek.

Kayzon ::

Kot nekdo ki je ze delal z ukrajinci v tujini,vem iz prve roke kaksno stanje je v drzavi in kaj menijo sami ukrajinci o svoji drzavi,drzavljanih in politiki.. Ti pa svobodno masturbiraj dalje na njih,kot pocnes ze celo temo.

s1m0n ::

Kayzon je izjavil:

Kot nekdo ki je ze delal z ukrajinci v tujini,vem iz prve roke kaksno stanje je v drzavi in kaj menijo sami ukrajinci o svoji drzavi,drzavljanih in politiki.. Ti pa svobodno masturbiraj dalje na njih,kot pocnes ze celo temo.

Dobro tudi vemo kaj menijo o nezaželjenih vsiljivcih rusih...

tomlin ::

Kayzon je izjavil:

Kot nekdo ki je ze delal z ukrajinci v tujini,vem iz prve roke kaksno stanje je v drzavi in kaj menijo sami ukrajinci o svoji drzavi,drzavljanih in politiki.. Ti pa svobodno masturbiraj dalje na njih,kot pocnes ze celo temo.

A bejž, da mi ne bi ti slučajno, kaj menijo Rusi o svoji državi ...:D8-)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tomlin ()

nejclp ::

Kayzon je izjavil:

Kot nekdo ki je ze delal z ukrajinci v tujini,vem iz prve roke kaksno stanje je v drzavi in kaj menijo sami ukrajinci o svoji drzavi,drzavljanih in politiki.. Ti pa svobodno masturbiraj dalje na njih,kot pocnes ze celo temo.

Obstaja možnost, da Ukrajinci poskrbijo za dekoruptiranje Ukrajine in ta postane spodobna, demokratična država. Proces bo dolg, ampak močno upam, da jim uspe. Ukrajina je njihova država in nikogar drugega. Ti pa lahko "svobodno" masturbiraš na uspehe putinove vojske in veličastje fašistične Rusije, ki mu jo je uspelo vzpostaviti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: nejclp ()

Pac-Man ::

Nove 3 mrd $ ameriške pomoči:


It is noted that the new aid package from the US worth almost $3 billion includes:

- six additional NASAMS air defense systems and corresponding projectiles;

- up to 245,000 155-mm shells for artillery;

- up to 65,000 120-mm shells for mortars;

- up to 24 counter-battery radars;

- Puma unmanned aerial systems and auxiliary equipment for Scan Eagle systems;

- means of computer combat against Vampire drones;

- missile systems with laser guidance;

- financing of training, maintenance and support.

NASAMS @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
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