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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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Pac-Man ::

redtech je izjavil:

Verjetno zahodne agencije zahtevajo neko kompenzacijo od UA, da daruje borce za ISIS v Sahari, ker drugih interesov UA tam nima.

Kako ne, eliminirajo wagnerjeve borce. V tej slavni zasedi je bil ubit Nikita Fedjanin, moderator telegram kanala Grey Zone


In addition to the deaths or captures of scores of Russians mercenaries from the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) in northern Mali, a mercenary propagandist and administrator of the Grey Zone Telegram channel was killed.

During the fighting, the administrator of Grey Zone Tele, a Telegram channel with over 500,000 subscribers associated with Wagner mercenaries, was killed. Nikita Fedyanin, 29, was a native of Lipetsk. A photograph of what is likely his dead body has been posted on the Internet.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Machete ::

Himars strike nikoli ne razočara:
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Strel455 ::

Kakšne bebave članke pišejo ljudje, ki nimajo pojma o pojmu.

Opozarja, da lahko razmere dodatno zaplete tudi Belorusija, saj je njen predsednik Aleksander Lukašenko napovedal, da bo na mejo z Ukrajino poslal več kot 100.000 vojakov oziroma tretjino oboroženih sil.

Belorusija ima okoli 50-60 tisoč ljudi v svoji vojski.

Kopenske vojske je pa za tri brigade. Brez kakršnihkoli borbenih izkušenj.

blay44 ::

Tko, razni pozejdoni so prešteli opremo in posneli frekvence, zdaj pa lahko pričakujemo kaj večjega.

luli ::

Tukaj se vidi vrednost doktorata na FDV. Z njenim "znanjem" lahko predava samo Rusom in Srbom. Vsak, ki pa je sposoben odpreti Wikipedijo pa takoj ve, zakaj se pri tej zgodbi gre. Upam, da jo novinar znova intervjuja naslednji teden, ko bodo Ukrajinci vkorakali v Brjansk.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: luli ()


Da ne bodo samo resni posti...
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: TESKAn ()

Comandante ::

luli je izjavil:

Tukaj se vidi vrednost doktorata na FDV. Z njenim "znanjem" lahko predava samo Rusom in Srbom. Vsak, ki pa je sposoben odpreti Wikipedijo pa takoj ve, zakaj se pri tej zgodbi gre. Upam, da jo novinar znova intervjuja naslednji teden, ko bodo Ukrajinci vkorakali v Brjansk.

Njo preseneca blag odziv Rusije na vpad pri Kursku. Seveda, ce verjame ruski propagandi, da imajo Rusi v Ukrajini zgolj manjsi del svojih sil. Resnica je, da nimajo poslati nikogar, da bi nagnal Ukrajince iz pokrajine Kursk, ker jim kompletna vojska gnije v jarkih na fronti. Samo iz zraka pa Ukrajincev ne bodo nagnali.

Prav zanimivo je brati nase obramboslovce, kako se v _vsem_ motijo.

luli ::

Tudi mene stalno znova preseneča, kakšne zgodbe so Srbi in Rusi pripravljeni kupiti.

Utk ::

Kako lepo je bit fdvjevec. Se grem stavit da na tem forumu najdemo vsaj 10 ljudi (se ne štejem vmes), ki bi znali povedat kaj veliko bolj smiselnega od 90% doktorjev tam.
Pač nekaj bluziš, morda je tako, morda tako, morda bo pa tako, če bo tako.

Bauc ::

Utk je izjavil:

Kako lepo je bit fdvjevec. Se grem stavit da na tem forumu najdemo vsaj 10 ljudi (se ne štejem vmes), ki bi znali povedat kaj veliko bolj smiselnega od 90% doktorjev tam.
Pač nekaj bluziš, morda je tako, morda tako, morda bo pa tako, če bo tako.

Saj razni Macgregorji tudi pišejo in govorijo kot, da nimajo pojma. Eni so plačani z strani ruske propagandne mašine drugi pa dejansko nimajo pojma. Ne smemo jih kar vse po vrsti označiti za bedake. Nekateri verjetno celo upajo, da se jih označuje za bedake, ker se tako prikrije resnična motivacija :D

fur80 ::

redtech je izjavil:

Ima RU sedaj veliko premoga na strani, ker je Kitajska uvedla carino na uvoz, da ščiti svojo proizvodnjo.

Do 2045
Rosatom, which has been building nuclear power plants mostly abroad in recent years, is turning its sights to the Russian market. The company plans to build 11 new nuclear power plants in Russia. And this does not include the replacement of several old nuclear power plants.

Saj prav, glede na to, da so jim sedaj Ukrajinci začeli že tankerje potapljat.

Moments ago, a Ukrainian Navy Neptune cruise missile successfully struck a Russian ferry carrying fuel tankers in the Kavkaz port, near Kerch.

A series of explosions have ripped through the port area.



Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Strel455 ::


Recruitment of Russians in prisons has reached a new level: they are sent to war even at the stage of arrest
Olga Romanova, a human rights activist and head of the organization "Russia Behind Bars", told NEXTA about new ways of obtaining "cannon fodder" for the war in Ukraine.


Pac-Man ::

Rusi rešujejo letala samo zato, ker so ukrajinski droni tako počasni, da jih pred njihovim prihodom lahko evakuirajo. Na leto naj bi izdelali 4-8 Su-34.


Meanwhile a Russian Air Force insider channel says the only reason they can save their airframes from Ukrainian UAV attacks is because the drones fly so slow that they have time to disperse the jets, but as soon as Western missile strikes are allowed...

Oh and per the same guy's assessment, Russia produces no more than 2-4 Su-34s (which are the main glide bomb carriers) in half a year. For comparison, there were 15 Su-34s at Marinovka airfield that was hit today (they dispersed)

So just one strike would have a potential to destroy roughly 2 years worth of production of Su-34s.

This would be unsustainable for Russia.

The Pentagon should stop pretending they have reasons other than eScAlAtiOn mAnAgEmEnT.

Concerning escalation management per se, I believe it is a pointless exercise because Putin has laid his cards open by saying that Russia's strategic defeat would be reason enough for going nuclear

If Ukraine's Western partners are true to their stated goal of peace on Ukrainian terms, which, by definition, implies Russia's strategic defeat, they should start calling Putin's bluff.

Declaring open season on those airfields would be a good start.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

Strel455 je izjavil:


Recruitment of Russians in prisons has reached a new level: they are sent to war even at the stage of arrest
Olga Romanova, a human rights activist and head of the organization "Russia Behind Bars", told NEXTA about new ways of obtaining "cannon fodder" for the war in Ukraine.


Se pravi da ti lokalni šerif, če nisi priden lahko zrihra rov na prvi fronti. :) Zanimivo, to bodo še maščevanja tam nič kaj prijazen svet za živet.

Sync ::

Moments ago, a Ukrainian Navy Neptune cruise missile successfully struck a Russian ferry carrying fuel tankers in the Kavkaz port, near Kerch.

Ta raketica je odgovorna tudi za potopitev vojaške ladje MOSKVA.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Strel455 ::

In kako je lahko ta Neptune sploh prišel do tja... pa to je stotine in stotine kilometrov od ukrajinske obale.

Sync ::

Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin je obtožil Ukrajino, da je skušala napasti jedrsko elektrarno Kursk, o čemer je Moskva obvestila Mednarodno agencijo za jedrsko energijo (IAEA).

Tako ali drugače mora Putin vsake toliko izustit nekaj v zvezi radioaktivnim"strahom"

Jaz temu lažovu ne verjamem ničesar. Verjetno so spet neke gume kurli.

V bistvu pa želi samo mednarodno pritiskat na Ukrajince.

Obmejno območje v ukrajinski oblasti Sumi je obiskal ukrajinski predsednik Volodimir Zelenski, ki se je po lastnih navedbah srečal z vrhovnim poveljnikom ukrajinskih sil Oleksandrom Sirskim ter poveljnikom vojaške uprave v regiji.

Pusi Putler bi pa lahko obiskal Kursk?!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Sync ()

Strel455 ::

Wilmer Puello Mota, nekdanji ameriški vojak je prebegnil v Rusijo in je sedaj operater ruskih izvidniških dronov. Razlog za njegov pobeg je enak, kot pri večini Zahodnih rusofilov. Na ameriškem sodišču ga je čakalo sojenje zaradi pedofilije in razpečevanja otroške pornografije.

Pac-Man je izjavil:


The burning ferry "Conro Trader" with oil tanks in the port of "Kavkaz"

109m dolga ladja

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Strel455 ()

Strel455 ::

The ferry had 30 (!) fuel tanks and up to 5 crew members, - local authorities said.

sparklyslo ::

Ruski vojaki odsekajo roko svojemu mrtvemu kompanjonu.
Verjetno bi kasneje radi uporabili njegov mobitel. ;((


Pac-Man ::

nitka, več avtorjev


🇷🇺Marinovka Air Base 🇷🇺
Here is a 'before' image from 19 August 2024

Loads of airframes on the flightline
14x Su-24
15x Su-34 (I think, @MilAviaUA confirm?)

What I find more interesting are the 8x semi trucks (~18m in length)

What are they carrying? Ammo resupply? Shaheds?

It is possible that the trucks brought the grey boxes with the UMPK. There are many grey boxes here. It is possible that the preparation of the UMPK is taking place in these two easternmost shelters.

Here are some examples of what the grey UMPK crates look like.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


Ukrainian officials report the ferry Slavyanin was hit by a Neptune missile was fully loaded with fuel at Port Kavaz, Krasnodar Krai

The Slavyanin was built in 1984 with a capacity of up to 36 rail cars

it was the last operational roro ferry serving occupied Crimea

On July 23, 2024, a Ukrainian attack heavily damaged the roro railroad ferries Conroe Trader and Avangard

There was confusion after that attack on whether the Conroe Trader or Slavyanin was hit

The only way for fuel to get to occpied Crimea is on the Kerch Strait Bridge

Pristanišče Kavkaz je 13 km od mosta na Krim, torej bi moralo bit pod konkretnim dežnikom zračne obrambe
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

center vs. province


I've been talking daily with Ukrainian soldiers who are currently in the Kursk region, and they all share the same story. They're shocked by the extreme poverty they're seeing. Many homes don’t even have running water, and the government buildings are in terrible condition. It’s clear that this region is incredibly poor, a reality far removed from the image russia tries to project. This is just another reminder of the vast differences between our nations.


Russian Post Office, Kursk Region

"Hey Tonya...look what we got for you...you know that @LibertyUkraineF delivers so much faster then russian post services" the message that came with this picture...


Our @Bob2306Bob is at work 💪🏻 so is our @LibertyUkraineF team!

Look at this building… and please don’t forget to support our fundraising! Link in the comment! We have so little left to go!

Thank you!

Neka druga država nujno potrebuje decentralizacijo. Na zadnji fotki je občinska uprava v Novoivanovka, Sudzhansky District, Kursk Oblast @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Machete ::

Jebeš to, važno, da so prvaki v proizvodnji granat.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

damirj79 ::

Strel455 je izjavil:

Kakšne bebave članke pišejo ljudje, ki nimajo pojma o pojmu.

Opozarja, da lahko razmere dodatno zaplete tudi Belorusija, saj je njen predsednik Aleksander Lukašenko napovedal, da bo na mejo z Ukrajino poslal več kot 100.000 vojakov oziroma tretjino oboroženih sil.

Belorusija ima okoli 50-60 tisoč ljudi v svoji vojski.

Kopenske vojske je pa za tri brigade. Brez kakršnihkoli borbenih izkušenj.

Čuden članek. Rusijo lahko zaustavi samo enako močna vojaška sila. Kaj pa če je močnejša? Je ne more ustaviti?

Machete ::

Nisem bral, ampak načeloma pismena bralnost omogoča razumevanje, da to pomeni enaka ali močnejša.
(Niti se s to trditvijo, če je v članku, ne strinjam, rusijo lahko zaustavi marsikaj..)
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Machete ()

Geho ::

Machete je izjavil:

Če vidimo, kako se par tisoč ukrajinskih vojakov sprehodi v Rusijo, lahko sklepamo, da bi Nato rabil točno 2 dni, da denazificira rusijo. Res ne vem kaj čaka NATO že 2 leti in pol. 2 dni in diktator bi visel na kandelabru.

Ni problem sam putler. Problem je potem, če rusija razpade in koliko jedrskega orožja potem pride.v roke n fanatikom, ki se bodo želeli maščevati ali pa napasti soseda za malo večji kos zemlje. Dokler je putler na oblasti so stvari dokaj stabilne. Zdaj če bi Nato šel v Rusijo, bi morali izvesti skoraj popolno okupacijo. Tako velikega ozemlja pa ne moreš okupirati v 2 dneh, plus rabil bi ogromno ljudi in sredstev za to. Najbolje, kar bi se v tem trenutku lahko zgodilo, da bi se kitajska spravila na pohod "zemljo krast" proti severu...

Lonsarg ::

Ah daj daj, tudi če se par regij odcepi bo centralna Moskva regija edina imela ključe do jedrskga orožja.

To je vse non-issue. Pa itak ni to nek realen scenarij, tudi če bi popolnoma ekonomsko razpadla Rusija bi se pač par posameznih regij odcepilo in je to to.

Je pa boljši scenarij da se razpade ampak zgolj režim postane bolj normalen, to pa.

Malidelničar ::

Zakaj menite, da je Putin šel do Kadirova v Čečenijo? Kaj je v ozadju?
Malo čudno je, a misli, da izgublja nadzor nad Čečeni oz. a je Kadirov klan v Putinovih očeh postal liability, morda ga se je Kadirov moral zagovarjati glede bega Čečenov v Kurskun, morda je Kadirov hotel lažno pomiriti Putina v ozadju se pa pripravlja na morebitno post-Putin obdobje???
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

mikhaair ::

Jaz bi rekel, da je vse bolj šov za Čečence... saj Putin je poslal dvojnika, pa očitno je vse služilo le za šov malega Ramba.

EjTi ::

Machete je izjavil:

Nisem bral, ampak načeloma pismena bralnost omogoča razumevanje, da to pomeni enaka ali močnejša.
(Niti se s to trditvijo, če je v članku, ne strinjam, rusijo lahko zaustavi marsikaj..)

Ja, malo čudno izjava s strani akademika. Tudi šibkejša sila lahko ustavi močnejšo vojaško silo s t.i. asimetričnim vojskovanjem. To lahko poteka tudi če je šibkejša država popolnoma okupirana.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: EjTi ()

Pac-Man ::

Tole je nit o poti čez Karpate v Romunijo


Prvi mu za svobodo čestita Rus s tako tvitr biografijo


Programmer, anarcho-capitalist, Russian nationalist, door killer. I don't step on the snake and you don't have to. PMC SVTV 🤙

ki je očitno v Gruziji


In fucking Tbilisi, a fucking pickpocket took 2100 bucks out of my bag. Fortunately, this is not my last money, but the situation is depressing. If you want to express your sympathy to me, this can be done with words here or by transfer to a crypto wallet

Go figure.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Geho ::

Lonsarg je izjavil:

Ah daj daj, tudi če se par regij odcepi bo centralna Moskva regija edina imela ključe do jedrskga orožja.

To je vse non-issue. Pa itak ni to nek realen scenarij, tudi če bi popolnoma ekonomsko razpadla Rusija bi se pač par posameznih regij odcepilo in je to to.

Je pa boljši scenarij da se razpade ampak zgolj režim postane bolj normalen, to pa.

Nebi bil preveč prepričan, da vsi ključi ostanejo v Moskvi. Če ne drugega lahko potem manjše regije prodajajo neuporabno orožje državam ala Iran in s. Koreja. Tega si pa ne želimo.
Podpiram, da se Čečenija in Gruzija (Abhkazija) odcepijo in mogoče še kaka država, ostalo pa bolje da za nekaj časa ostane skupaj, dokler se ne zmanjša količina jedrskega orožja na splošno.

blackbfm ::

Ni problem sam putler. Problem je potem, če rusija razpade in koliko jedrskega orožja potem pride.v roke n fanatikom, ki se bodo želeli maščevati ali pa napasti soseda za malo večji kos zemlje. Dokler je putler na oblasti so stvari dokaj stabilne.

jajaj boljše da ostane putin, ker naslednik bo še hujši :)) obupana kremeljska propaganda. putinov režim bo 1x zagotovo crknu, to je dejstvo

Gregor P ::

Pa saj si vsaj zunaj Rusije v resnici noben ne želi, da bi Rusija kar razpadla, le da preneha z vojaško agresijo nad Ukrajino.

Tudi ko je razpadala Jugoslavija si noben tega zunaj nje v resnici ni želel (mi znotraj seveda da), še celo ZDA je delala vse kar je politično lahko, da ne bi prišlo do tega.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Malidelničar ::

Rusi imajo težave z notranjo varnostjo države:

Muslimani v eni od kazenskih kolonij so se jim uprli:

Major terrorist incident in Volgograd, Russia, where "Islamists" seized the IK-19 penal colony.
According to preliminary data, several convicts (?) murdered three to five employees of the colony with knives. Graphic footage of the murders is available online (attached is a screenshot).
As of now, the perpetrators are demanding access to a helicopter and $2,000,000


18+ Footage of the convicts who took prisoners employees of the IK-19 penal colony in Volgograd.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

AvtoR ::

Pomoje Rusija nima jederskega orožja v drugih republikah, ki bi se lahko potencialno odcepile, ala Čečenija, Tatarstan. Ingušetija, Dagestan, Čerkezija itd...

Pac-Man ::

putka je zapaničaril, da ne bi kdo ugotovil za koliko UMPK kitov vredno uro nosi na zapestju, video


Putin was informed about the seizure of the prison in Volgograd. They were obviously in a hurry with the video - he didn't have time to take off his watch. Had to improvise.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

nitka, več anketnih vprašanj na povezavi


For the sake of better understanding the inner workings of the "mysterious Russian soul", I've compiled a long list of polls which, put together, make for a rather compelling image, one that I hope will dismiss the idea of the "silent majority of the good Russian people". 🧵

Despite the claims of various academics and the Russian opposition of a silent majority of Russians that feel something even remotely close to compassion or sympathy for Ukrainians, these surveys spanning across the past 6 years paint a very different image.
Only about 30% of the good Christians of Russia would have an issue with the capital punishment, with the rest either not caring or being in favor of it, despite fully knowing just what kind of a justice system Russia has.
While it's widely claimed the young Russians are different given they aren't as "touched" by regime propaganda, it turns out they're the least likely Russians to actually have an issue with torture.
When looking at the reasons given by those Russians who would leave Russia if they could, it becomes rather hard to believe the image painted by the Russian opposition of the "good Russian people that are lied to about the West".
Because when they talk about "traditional values" they probably mean hypocrisy, your average Russian would rather chose a "woke, decadent and collapsing" Western democracy to move to, instead of their Chinese BRICS overlord and champion.
// na žalost je izpustil % tistih, ki bi se preselili, verjetno ni prav velik

While for the most part the pro-Palestine "activists" seem to somewhat gravitate towards Russia, Russians at best don't care about Palestine. And never did.
In the spirit of making it harder for your average Russian propagandist to label everything in this thread as "Western lies and manipulation", all the polls listed here are done by Levada Center, a Russian polling institute fairly well tied to the Russian state.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

JanBrezov ::

Sankcije po eni strani delujejo
"Businesses Report Shortage of Polymethylenephenylisocyan"
It's not made in Russia & the EU's 14th package sanctioned it.
The lack of the material is fueling bankruptcy worries.


Po drugi strani pa ne, kar si je EU sama kriva:
There's only one EU country that's cracking down on the totally absurd flood of goods to Kyrgyzstan: Poland (top row, middle chart). Everywhere else in the EU exports to Kyrgyzstan are at all-time highs. Over two years of this nonsense and EU policy makers just do nothing...

Najnovejše v ruski tankovski tehnologiji. Vsebuje tudi ležišče.

Russian craftsmen presented a new generation of homemade survivability improvements for the T-80 tank.

This one genuinely helps with survival - it even has a fold-out bed inside the metal shell.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Strel455 ::

"There it is flying by, fuck. Fucking flying over again, fuck. It's all fucking fucked up! Everything. It's fucked as fuck. They're fucking bombing it since 2.30 am...

v to
New satellite images of the Russian airfield Marinovka after the AFU attack on August 22 have appeared. OSINT researcher The Military Watch analyzed the footage and concluded that as the Russian army lost at least 6 Su planes.

Consequences of the Ukrainian strike on the Russian airfield #Marinovka in the #Volgograd region, #russia.

JanBrezov ::

Eno naftno skladišče gori že pet dni. Za gašenje so rusi ubrali novo taktiko, a tudi ne deluje:

Russian priests pray near still-burning oil depot in Rostov region.

Doesn't appear to be working.

redtech ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

putka je zapaničaril, da ne bi kdo ugotovil za koliko UMPK kitov vredno uro nosi na zapestju, video


Putin was informed about the seizure of the prison in Volgograd. They were obviously in a hurry with the video - he didn't have time to take off his watch. Had to improvise.

To samo zahodna propaganda tako razmišlja, vsak Rus dobro ve, da ni revež, niti nočejo reveža, to Slovenci radi vidijo, da imajo reveža nad sabo ...

Bil sem na njegovi jahti, dober voz za 150M :D

Malidelničar ::

Btw. na Kharkovski fronti (smer Svatove-Kreminna) je ukrajinska brigada premagala cel bataljon v manjšem t.i. 'spoiler' napadu. Napadli so kljub razmerju sil v korist Rusije več kot 1:2,5. Ruska stran naj bi imela vsaj 300 mrtvih.

Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Bauc ::

redtech je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

putka je zapaničaril, da ne bi kdo ugotovil za koliko UMPK kitov vredno uro nosi na zapestju, video


Putin was informed about the seizure of the prison in Volgograd. They were obviously in a hurry with the video - he didn't have time to take off his watch. Had to improvise.

To samo zahodna propaganda tako razmišlja, vsak Rus dobro ve, da ni revež, niti nočejo reveža, to Slovenci radi vidijo, da imajo reveža nad sabo ...

Bil sem na njegovi jahti, dober voz za 150M :D

A zato noče, da bi videli kateri Louis Patek oziroma Rolex nosi? Jahta z pozlačeno sekret školjko na drugi strani pa wc na šturbunk. To hočejo Rusi. Pol pa kar:))

Pac-Man ::

redtech je izjavil:

To samo zahodna propaganda tako razmišlja, vsak Rus dobro ve, da ni revež, niti nočejo reveža, to Slovenci radi vidijo, da imajo reveža nad sabo ...

Bil sem na njegovi jahti, dober voz za 150M :D

Vladimir je v zadnjih šestih letih uradno zaslužil 753 000 $, 125 000$ na leto.


Kako je to kompatibilno z jahto za 150M za katero bi moral brez vseh drugih stroškov delat 1200 let?

Poleg tega je ni prijavil volilni komisiji. Pri drugih so dovolj (izmišljene) malenkosti, njemu pa ne bodo prepovedali sodelovanja na volitvah?

According to the data Putin submitted to the CEC, he possesses savings totaling 54.5 million rubles (approximately $606,000) across ten bank accounts. His vehicle collection includes two vintage Soviet Union cars (GAZ M-21s) from the 1960s, a Russian-made 4X4 from 2009, and a 1987 camping trailer. Additionally, Putin owns an apartment and a garage in St. Petersburg and another apartment in Moscow. Not included in the list are other properties believed to be associated with Putin, such as a summer house in Sochi, a residence on the Black Sea coast known as "Putin's Palace," and a luxurious estate near the Finnish border, which was recently documented.

Skrivnostna ruska duša...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Strel455 ::

Lukashenko congratulated Ukrainians on Independence Day ...

grimmir3 ::

Strel455 je izjavil:

Lukashenko congratulated Ukrainians on Independence Day ...

Luka poskuša sedeti na dveh stolih.
Upa da ko zaruži v Rusiji in se svo konča, da bo bolje zapisan v svetu in pri ukrajincih.

Saj je že malo nazaj razlagal da so bili cilji v UA doseženi in da se svo lahko konča.

Malo pripravlja teren očitno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: grimmir3 ()

Ganon ::


Ruski troli z vsemi topovi pod novico o ruskem kriminalcu. :))
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