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Box Office - zaslužek filmov
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oo7 ::
Ta vikend 25-27 oktober najbolj uspešni filmi v BO ZDA/Kanada
Venom: The Last Dance $51.0M
Smile 2 $9.4M
The Wild Robot $6.5M
Conclave $6.5M
We Live in Time $4.8M
Venom: The Last Dance $51.0M
Smile 2 $9.4M
The Wild Robot $6.5M
Conclave $6.5M
We Live in Time $4.8M
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Gledam film Canary Black 2024 s Kate Beckinsale v glavni vlogi.
Pokaže mesto in napiše Zagreb Croatia. Potem pa gresta ven iz hiše na večerjo in sta na,Prešercu v Ljubljani
Pokaže mesto in napiše Zagreb Croatia. Potem pa gresta ven iz hiše na večerjo in sta na,Prešercu v Ljubljani
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Gregor P ::
Prva slika za film Cliffhanger reboot.Čemu?!?
A mountain guide and his daughter's alpine climbing business in the Italian Alps faces a tragic event, forcing them to confront and overcome adversity as dangerous foes emerge, unleashing chaos.
Originalen film je z leta 1993 v katerem je igral Silvo Stalone.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
D3m ::
Moderno občinstvo. Mogoče bo tokrat hčerka v glavni vlogi.
Ahhh kje.
Tranvestit bo v glavni vlogi. :D
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
oo7 ::
Prva slika za film Cliffhanger reboot.Čemu?!?
A mountain guide and his daughter's alpine climbing business in the Italian Alps faces a tragic event, forcing them to confront and overcome adversity as dangerous foes emerge, unleashing chaos.
Originalen film je z leta 1993 v katerem je igral Silvo Stalone.Kdo je nujno hotel še enkrat gledati to zgodbo?
Silvo bi moral zaigrati v filmu ampak je odpovedal. Bo pa v filmu igral Pierce Bronsnan.
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Cristopher Nolan bo za svoj nanjnovejši trenutno še neznan film uporabil najnovejšo IMAX tehnologijo.
"I'm pleased to share that Chris will be utilizing new Imax technology in the making of the film -- never-before-used equipment that our teams have been developing through this past year."
"I'm pleased to share that Chris will be utilizing new Imax technology in the making of the film -- never-before-used equipment that our teams have been developing through this past year."
oo7 ::
Warner Bros dela na Game of Thrones filmu ali več njih ?
Warner Bros. Pictures has reportedly been quietly developing at least one film set in George R.R. Martin's epic "Game of Thrones" fantasy universe.
The project is said to be very early in development right now so no-one is attached - no director, writer or cast members. However the studio is seemingly keen on getting a Westeros story into cinemas.
oo7 ::
Billy Zane (Titanik) bo na Torinskem festivalu igral Marlon Brando-ta.
Billy Zane is set to make the trek to Italy's Torino Film Festival which has secured the world premiere of hotly anticipated indie film "Waltzing With Brando" directed by Bill Fishman in which Zane plays Marlon Brando during the period when he was preparing to star in "The Godfather" and "Last Tango in Paris."
Billy Zane As Marlon Brando
Skoraj kot originalni Marlon v filmu Boter.
Billy Zane is set to make the trek to Italy's Torino Film Festival which has secured the world premiere of hotly anticipated indie film "Waltzing With Brando" directed by Bill Fishman in which Zane plays Marlon Brando during the period when he was preparing to star in "The Godfather" and "Last Tango in Paris."
Billy Zane As Marlon Brando
Skoraj kot originalni Marlon v filmu Boter.
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Ta vikend 1-3 november najbolj uspešni filmi v BO ZDA/Kanada
Venom: The Last Dance $26.1M
The Wild Robot $7.6M
Smile 2 $6.8M
Conclave $5.3M
Here $5.0M
Venom: The Last Dance $26.1M
The Wild Robot $7.6M
Smile 2 $6.8M
Conclave $5.3M
Here $5.0M
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Budget $200 mio
Box office $204.7 mio
Joker 2 ni samo FLOP v BO ampak tudi na PVOD
The failure of Joker: Folie ? Deux is no laughing matter as the musical sequel comes off like a bad joke on PVOD
oo7 ::
Kurzweil ::
Budget $200 mio
Box office $204.7 mio
Joker 2 ni samo FLOP v BO ampak tudi na PVOD
The failure of Joker: Folie ? Deux is no laughing matter as the musical sequel comes off like a bad joke on PVOD
Vprašanje, če bom sploh gledal tole skropucalo...
Sicer ni to box office to remember... ampak kako je lahko zadeva finančen flop, če ima že po enem mesecu +7 mio? Torej ko se bo tole čudo predvajalo do konca v vseh kinematografih, kasneje pa streaming platforme, TV... bo verjetno še dobička toliko več...
Kako je lahko finančni flop nekaj, kar dela plus... sicer ne nek blazen plus, ampak če bo par 10 mio $ plusa, kako je to flop?
oo7 ::
Budget $200 mio
Box office $204.7 mio
Joker 2 ni samo FLOP v BO ampak tudi na PVOD
The failure of Joker: Folie ? Deux is no laughing matter as the musical sequel comes off like a bad joke on PVOD
Vprašanje, če bom sploh gledal tole skropucalo...
Sicer ni to box office to remember... ampak kako je lahko zadeva finančen flop, če ima že po enem mesecu +7 mio? Torej ko se bo tole čudo predvajalo do konca v vseh kinematografih, kasneje pa streaming platforme, TV... bo verjetno še dobička toliko več...
Kako je lahko finančni flop nekaj, kar dela plus... sicer ne nek blazen plus, ampak če bo par 10 mio $ plusa, kako je to flop?![]()
Joker 2 bi moral pokasirati 450 mio $, da bi sploh pokril stroške.
“Joker 2” cost $200 million to produce and roughly $100 million to market and distribute. At this rate, the film won't get anywhere close to the $450 million needed to break even in its theatrical run (ticket sales are split between studios and theater owners).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
oo7 ::
Kurzweil ::
Budget $200 mio
Box office $204.7 mio
Joker 2 ni samo FLOP v BO ampak tudi na PVOD
The failure of Joker: Folie ? Deux is no laughing matter as the musical sequel comes off like a bad joke on PVOD
Vprašanje, če bom sploh gledal tole skropucalo...
Sicer ni to box office to remember... ampak kako je lahko zadeva finančen flop, če ima že po enem mesecu +7 mio? Torej ko se bo tole čudo predvajalo do konca v vseh kinematografih, kasneje pa streaming platforme, TV... bo verjetno še dobička toliko več...
Kako je lahko finančni flop nekaj, kar dela plus... sicer ne nek blazen plus, ampak če bo par 10 mio $ plusa, kako je to flop?![]()
Joker 2 bi moral pokasirati 450 mio $, da bi sploh pokril stroške.
“Joker 2” cost $200 million to produce and roughly $100 million to market and distribute. At this rate, the film won't get anywhere close to the $450 million needed to break even in its theatrical run (ticket sales are split between studios and theater owners).
Ja potem pa drugič napiši celoten budget... kaj ti jaz vem, kaj si includal v budget... za mene je budget nekega projekta pač vse, kar je šlo od prve črka v scenariju do predvajanja v kinu... drugič dopiši pač vsa dejstva, drugače nima smisla...
BT52 ::
Budget $200 mio
Box office $204.7 mio
Joker 2 ni samo FLOP v BO ampak tudi na PVOD
The failure of Joker: Folie ? Deux is no laughing matter as the musical sequel comes off like a bad joke on PVOD
Vprašanje, če bom sploh gledal tole skropucalo...
Sicer ni to box office to remember... ampak kako je lahko zadeva finančen flop, če ima že po enem mesecu +7 mio? Torej ko se bo tole čudo predvajalo do konca v vseh kinematografih, kasneje pa streaming platforme, TV... bo verjetno še dobička toliko več...
Kako je lahko finančni flop nekaj, kar dela plus... sicer ne nek blazen plus, ampak če bo par 10 mio $ plusa, kako je to flop?![]()
Joker 2 bi moral pokasirati 450 mio $, da bi sploh pokril stroške.
“Joker 2” cost $200 million to produce and roughly $100 million to market and distribute. At this rate, the film won't get anywhere close to the $450 million needed to break even in its theatrical run (ticket sales are split between studios and theater owners).
Ja potem pa drugič napiši celoten budget... kaj ti jaz vem, kaj si includal v budget... za mene je budget nekega projekta pač vse, kar je šlo od prve črka v scenariju do predvajanja v kinu... drugič dopiši pač vsa dejstva, drugače nima smisla...
Sorry samo studiji objavljajo samo cifro, ki jo @oo7 navaja ;) ostalo pa so tihe tajne, ter pogodbeni dogovori.
oo7 ::
Film Captain America 4 Brave New World kateri izide drugo leto ima ogromno težav.
Film so že posneli pa niso bili zadovolnji pa so dodatno spet snemali nove prizore... sedaj spet režejo in snemajo nove prizore. Tako, da je trenutni produkcijski proračun filma že preko 375 mio $ in pravijo, kot bi spet na novo snemali nov film.
Kot kaže se Dizniju obeta še težak flop.
‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Star Giancarlo Esposito Reveals Struggling Marvel Film Headed For Another Round Of Reshoots
Gregor P ::
Sploh ne vem, kako naj odgovorim, da ne bi izpadlo preveč rasistično![:P](
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Polda ::
Gregor P ::
Ko je film tako "težak", da se še na Honest Trailer-ju zelo matrjajo z njim, da vsaj nekako izpade gledljivo ![:D](
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gregor P ()
mahone ::
Film Captain America 4 Brave New World kateri izide drugo leto ima ogromno težav.
Film so že posneli pa niso bili zadovolnji pa so dodatno spet snemali nove prizore... sedaj spet režejo in snemajo nove prizore. Tako, da je trenutni produkcijski proračun filma že preko 375 mio $ in pravijo, kot bi spet na novo snemali nov film.
Kot kaže se Dizniju obeta še težak flop.
‘Captain America: Brave New World’ Star Giancarlo Esposito Reveals Struggling Marvel Film Headed For Another Round Of Reshoots
Vedno znova reshoots, reshoots, reshoots...
Kaksni bi bili sele budgeti v analogni dobi, ce bi trenutna generacija morala ustvarjati filme?
Kurzweil ::
oo7 ::
'Nosferatu' First Reactions Call Robert Eggers' Remake 'Devilish' and 'Classically Haunting': It 'Goes Harder Than Any Other Horror Film This Year'
oo7 ::
oo7 ::
Ta vikend 8-10 november najbolj uspešni filmi v BO ZDA/Kanada
Venom: The Last Dance $16.2M
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever $11.1M
Heretic $11.0M
The Wild Robot $6.7M
Smile 2 $5.0M
Venom: The Last Dance $16.2M
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever $11.1M
Heretic $11.0M
The Wild Robot $6.7M
Smile 2 $5.0M
oo7 ::
Oče zombie filmov George Romero je umrl leta 2017 ampak je še napisal zgodbo za zazdnji film z naslovom Twilight of the Dead.
V glavni vlogi bo zaigrala Mila Jovovich. Trenutno še ni znan izid filma.
Zgodba - Follows the last humans on Earth as they fight to survive on an island filled with zombies.
George Romero je znan po filmih
Night of the Living Dead (1968) režiser in pisec
Dawn of the Dead (1978) režiser in pisec
Day of the Dead (1985) režiser in pisec
Night of the Living Dead (1990) pisec (edini film katerega ni režiral)
Land of the Dead (2005) režiser in pisec
Diary of the Dead (2007) režiser in pisec
Survival of the Dead (2009) režiser in pisec
V glavni vlogi bo zaigrala Mila Jovovich. Trenutno še ni znan izid filma.
Zgodba - Follows the last humans on Earth as they fight to survive on an island filled with zombies.
George Romero je znan po filmih
Night of the Living Dead (1968) režiser in pisec
Dawn of the Dead (1978) režiser in pisec
Day of the Dead (1985) režiser in pisec
Night of the Living Dead (1990) pisec (edini film katerega ni režiral)
Land of the Dead (2005) režiser in pisec
Diary of the Dead (2007) režiser in pisec
Survival of the Dead (2009) režiser in pisec
oo7 ::
Glede na govorice je proračun za novi Disneyev film Snow white menda šel čez pol milijarde $.
Film je bil v produkciji več let pa tudi veliko dodatnih scen so snemali...
Prvo so bili palčki
Sedaj so taki
Tole bo 100% FLOP. Če je informacija o proračunu resnična mora film v BO prinesti vsaj 1,2 milijarde $, da sploh pokrije stroške.
Že tako osovražena igralka Rachel Zegler kar ne more biti tiho zdaj jo je strgalo še zaradi volitev v ZDA.
Disney’s Snow White Actress Rachel Zegler Causes Controversy With Unhinged Social Media Election Tantrum, Hopes Trump Supporters ‘Never Know Peace’
Sigurno bo to dobičkonosno za Disney
Gregor P ::
Tole lahko mirne zaprejo v nek sef, ali pa kar izbrišejo
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).