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Ko poizkusam namestiti WinFOX 2.0 mi napise tole ?!?!

Ko poizkusam namestiti WinFOX 2.0 mi napise tole ?!?!

Cranchi ::

Torej ko hocem posecki po instalu mi napise tole (btW: probal sem tudi ze iz njihove strani dolpotegnit in instalirat vendar javi isti error!)

16 bit windows subsystem
C:\WINDOWA\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Shoose "close" to terminate the application

Cranchi ::

dejte pomagat prosm, nujno rabm!

Raw ::

Error Message:
The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.

There is a problem with either CONFIG.NT or AUTOEXEC.NT. When NTVDM starts up, it edits these files to meet the requirements of MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows. If you get this message, NTVDM was not able to make all the edits necessary to meet all of those requirements.

User Action:
Contact your system administrator.

Ful dobr user action a? :D lol

No, poglej se tale link. Mogoce ti kaj pomaga.
Imas NTje? Imas zadnje popravke - service packi...?


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Raw ()

Cranchi ::

nope imam XPje, ko sm probal prvic instalirat je delovalo potem sm dal cez pol ure dol in poizkusal spet instalirati on nedela!

Raw ::

Weird stuff..

Logika prav, da so krivi Winsi. Kaj tocn je narobe mi ne pade na pamet. Vseen - imas zadnje popravke? :\
Ce ti bo uspel resit, sporoc se tukaj kako.


Cranchi ::

zadnje popravke hm. ?

imam tist kar mi samo upgrejda na vsake par dni neke hotfixe itd.

Cranchi ::

huh pa sm spedenal.. in sicer tako da sm zagnal rocni instal in ne 16 bitnega (animiranega)

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