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Meet Dan Spitz, Anthrax Guitarist Turned Master Watchmaker

Meet Dan Spitz, Anthrax Guitarist Turned Master Watchmaker

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Za tiste, ki se se spomnite ;)


Dan Spitz, former lead guitarist for thrash metal band Anthrax, has sold more than 15 million albums, been nominated for 3 Grammy’s, created over 10 studio albums – and now he is recognized as one of the best watchmakers in the world. After leading one of the greatest metal bands of all time, he abruptly departed Anthrax and pursued numerous courses of study to master the art of watchmaking.

c3p0 ::

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Thrash / Industrial metal bendi

Oddelek: Sedem umetnosti
122102 (1966) Mesar

Kaj poslušaš? (strani: 1 2 )

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625963 (4225) ShowDown

Metal Camp 2005

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141726 (1453) Gwanaroth

Vaš najboljši komad (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )

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26623157 (17167) AnWar

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