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Postavitev DNSSEC (Debian, Bind9)

Postavitev DNSSEC (Debian, Bind9)

HotBurek ::

Navodila po korakih za DNSSEC na Debina in Bind9.

Če so kakšne napače in izboljšave, pa kr povedat.

#1 Init...

named -v
BIND 9.10.3-P4-Debian 

nano /etc/bind/named.conf.local
# Direct zone | example.si
zone "example.si" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/example.si.zone";
        allow-update { none; };

nano /etc/bind/example.si.zone
$TTL    60480
@       IN      SOA     ns1.example.si. hostmaster.example.si. (
                        2019022401      ; Serial
                        6048            ; Refresh
                        864             ; Retry
                        1209600         ; Expire
                        6048)           ; Negative Cache TTL
@       IN      NS      ns1.example.si.
@       IN      NS      ns2.example.si.
@       IN      A
ns1     IN      A
ns2     IN      A
@       IN      CAA     128 issue "letsencrypt.org"

#2 Config options

nano /etc/bind/named.conf.options
options {
	dnssec-enable yes;
	dnssec-validation yes;
	dnssec-lookaside auto;

#3 Keygen

cd /var/cache/bind/

Joža, požen:
dnssec-keygen -a NSEC3RSASHA1 -b 4096 -n ZONE example.si
dnssec-keygen -f KSK -a NSEC3RSASHA1 -b 4096 -n ZONE example.si

ls -l


#4 Copy zone file

cp /etc/bind/example.si.zone /var/cache/bind/

#5 Add DNSKEYs

nano /var/cache/bind/add-dnskey.sh and save:

for key in `ls /var/cache/bind/Kexample.si*.key`
echo "\$INCLUDE $key">> /var/cache/bind/example.si.zone

Joža, požen:
/bin/sh /var/cache/bind/add-dnskey.sh

nano /var/cache/bind/example.si.zone
$TTL    60480
@       IN      SOA     ns1.example.si. hostmaster.example.si. (
                        2019022401      ; Serial
                        6048            ; Refresh
                        864             ; Retry
                        1209600         ; Expire
                        6048)           ; Negative Cache TTL
@       IN      NS      ns1.example.si.
@       IN      NS      ns2.example.si.
@       IN      A
ns1     IN      A
ns2     IN      A
@       IN      CAA     128 issue "letsencrypt.org"
$INCLUDE Kexample.si.+007+12345.key
$INCLUDE Kexample.si.+007+12346.key

#6 Sign zone

cd /var/cache/bind/

Joža, požen:
dnssec-signzone -3 $(head -c 1000 /dev/urandom | sha1sum | cut -b 1-16) -A -N INCREMENT -o example.si -t example.si.zone

Verifying the zone using the following algorithms: NSEC3RSASHA1.
Zone fully signed:
Algorithm: NSEC3RSASHA1: KSKs: 1 active, 0 stand-by, 0 revoked
                         ZSKs: 1 active, 0 stand-by, 0 revoked
Signatures generated:                       12
Signatures retained:                         0
Signatures dropped:                          0
Signatures successfully verified:            0
Signatures unsuccessfully verified:          0
Signing time in seconds:                 0.211
Signatures per second:                  56.756
Runtime in seconds:                      0.239

#7 Copy signed zone

cp /var/cache/bind/example.si.zone.signed /etc/bind

#8 Reconfig zone file

nano /etc/bind/named.conf.local
# Direct zone | example.si
zone "example.si" IN {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/example.si.zone.signed";
        allow-update { none; };

#9 Add DS records to registrar

nano /var/cache/bind/dsset-example.si.
example.si.               IN DS 12345 7 1 C1958F1FF50FD18D9845629D8A4ABBFBA035223F
example.si.               IN DS 12345 7 2 7E45C686BBA075157AE7EE24AA047FF734512C5A789D4909001233FF 6A122DBF

Oznaka ključa = 12345
Algoritem ključa = 7
Tip digitalnega izvlečka = 1, 2
Digitalni izvleček DS = dolgi string, od začetka do konca, brez presledkov (AAA BBB -> AAABBB)

Hitrost.com sample:

 DS DNSSEC Hitrost.com

DS DNSSEC Hitrost.com

root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

jype ::

Kudos za še kar spodobna navodila. Na prvi pogled ne vidim napak.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagalo izbris: 49106 ()

poweroff ::

O, super, ravno to sem rabil. Sem ravno pred kratkim začel gledati kako bi se tegale lotil.
sudo poweroff

tony1 ::

Hvala avtorju še z moje strani.

HotBurek ::

Še dve malenkosti.

#1 Kako preverit remote verzijo bind-a:
dig CH TXT version.bind @ns.slo-tech.com

Da se verzije ne vidi, se uredi v named.conf.options:
options {
    version "Bind";
    //ali version none;

#2 Da se uredit tudi signign on the fly in je manj manual copy/past dela.


Opcija " inline-signing" in pa key-directory.
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

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