Forum » Mobilne tehnologije » kako odkleniti LG G5?
kako odkleniti LG G5?
Ijus ::
kako odklenit ta k***** telefon?k bom znor*.
ne bom dajal 100-1000€ da mi ga odklenejo na servisu.
rajš crk***. haha
gledam na goolgu za imei unlock codes for remote unlocking pa samo sra*** od strani.
lahko kdo od vas tle pomaga? please.
telefon je moj. sem ga pa zaklenil ko sem hotel ga dat matki ko sem not dal njeno SIM kartico. pa se je zaklenil.
tud na kolegovo SIM kartico ne grabi. in še najhuje tudi na mojo ne. wtf?
ne bom dajal 100-1000€ da mi ga odklenejo na servisu.
rajš crk***. haha
gledam na goolgu za imei unlock codes for remote unlocking pa samo sra*** od strani.
lahko kdo od vas tle pomaga? please.
telefon je moj. sem ga pa zaklenil ko sem hotel ga dat matki ko sem not dal njeno SIM kartico. pa se je zaklenil.
tud na kolegovo SIM kartico ne grabi. in še najhuje tudi na mojo ne. wtf?
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
xda develope ::
Sklepam da se ti je zaklenil na določenega operaterja? Če ja samo pojdi v poslovalnico kjer si ga kupil z računom in ti bojo odklenili BREZPLAČNO.
Ijus ::
aha. aha aha. okey.
oke doke.
oke doke.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
oiwedfhjweif ::
Kolikor vem, v uniji že 10 let ne zaklepajo telefonov? Da te ne sprašuje slučajno za PUK kodo (v kolikor še to obstaja)?
Ijus ::
naredil sem factory reset. ko pridem v začetek - v začetni meni - tam ko izberem language pa opcija je za une z težavami... ko grem naprej... ko pridem do emaila pa usernamea (ki sta prava) mi napiše unknown error al neki tazga.
aja pa glede xda-developerja: am, telefon ni več v garanciji - že leto dni.
naredil sem factory reset. ko pridem v začetek - v začetni meni - tam ko izberem language pa opcija je za une z težavami... ko grem naprej... ko pridem do emaila pa usernamea (ki sta prava) mi napiše unknown error al neki tazga.
aja pa glede xda-developerja: am, telefon ni več v garanciji - že leto dni.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ijus ()
oiwedfhjweif ::
Garancija nima veze, če je res zaklenjen na operaterja, ti ga je ta dolžen brezplčano odklenit.
Ijus ::
ja jaz ne vem na kaj je zdaj zaklenjen.
sem pri telemachu. tud tega lg g5 sem melp ri telemachu. pri njih kupil.
sem pri telemachu. tud tega lg g5 sem melp ri telemachu. pri njih kupil.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
oiwedfhjweif ::
Sej mi tudi ne vemo, kaj si naredil, da ne dela več.
Telemach ni nikoli zaklepal telefonov.
Če se ustavi pri username/email in password, potem je verjetno še vedno zaklenjen na prejšni Google račun. Na mailu pa te verjetno čaka avtorizacija, da ga izbrišeš.
Sej razumeš, gre se za zaščito, če telefon najdeš/vkradeš etc. ga ne moreš uporabljat. Isto kot applov icloud.
Telemach ni nikoli zaklepal telefonov.
Če se ustavi pri username/email in password, potem je verjetno še vedno zaklenjen na prejšni Google račun. Na mailu pa te verjetno čaka avtorizacija, da ga izbrišeš.
Sej razumeš, gre se za zaščito, če telefon najdeš/vkradeš etc. ga ne moreš uporabljat. Isto kot applov icloud.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: oiwedfhjweif ()
Ijus ::
ja pol moram najdet pravi mejl. k jih mam tolk. jao ej.
shit to.
bom vseen jutri poklical na telemach poslovalnico. al kaj?
jst tud ne vem če mam ta mejl k brišem te zadeve.
bom pogledal.
pa prejle sem probal neki nardit na temu lg g5 telefonu.
pa sem spet dobil ja ta mail od googla. bom probal če bo sedaj deloalo.
isto. izpiše unknown error. pa da probam čez 24hrs.
shit to.
bom vseen jutri poklical na telemach poslovalnico. al kaj?
jst tud ne vem če mam ta mejl k brišem te zadeve.
bom pogledal.
pa prejle sem probal neki nardit na temu lg g5 telefonu.
pa sem spet dobil ja ta mail od googla. bom probal če bo sedaj deloalo.
isto. izpiše unknown error. pa da probam čez 24hrs.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ijus ()
oiwedfhjweif ::
Operater tega ne more rešit, ker ni njihova težava. To je zaščita sistema. Če pozabiš email + geslo, in nimaš dostopa do google računa, tough luck, nisi ne prvi, ne zadnji z novim obtežilnikom za papir.
Googlaj, kako folk na veliko kupuje rabljene iphone zaklenjene pod icloud. Niti Apple ne more rešit težave. Samo prejšni lastnik (če pozna email in geslo).
Googlaj, kako folk na veliko kupuje rabljene iphone zaklenjene pod icloud. Niti Apple ne more rešit težave. Samo prejšni lastnik (če pozna email in geslo).
Ijus ::
pa sej poznam mail pa geslo.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
starfotr ::
Zaklenjene telefone imajo lahko vsi, razen telekoma. Ker ima prevladujoč položaj.
Telesmeh zaklepa modeme v predplačniški ponudbi. Ne vem, če to še delajo. A1 zaklepa iphone. Spet, ne vem, če je to še aktualno.
Telesmeh zaklepa modeme v predplačniški ponudbi. Ne vem, če to še delajo. A1 zaklepa iphone. Spet, ne vem, če je to še aktualno.
Ijus ::
oiwedfhjweif je izjavil:
Ja pol se pa spravi na google račum in izbriši ved LG G5. Potem pa bo šlo dalje.
Okey bom probal.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Ijus ::
Ne gre. Sploh nikjer ne najdem da bi odstranil ta lg g5.
In tud ce bi ga odstranil s cem bi se pol prijavil? Ker nocem met vec mail racunov.
Sej tam sem najdel dejavnost prijave pa oznaceno kot alarm pa izbral da sem to jaz delal da je okey. Pa me telefon se kr ne spusti naprej.
In tud ce bi ga odstranil s cem bi se pol prijavil? Ker nocem met vec mail racunov.
Sej tam sem najdel dejavnost prijave pa oznaceno kot alarm pa izbral da sem to jaz delal da je okey. Pa me telefon se kr ne spusti naprej.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Ijus ::
tle mi najde samo nov telefon.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Qcube ::
Če ga resetiraš na tovarniške nastavitve bi se moral tudi brez sim kartice vklopit. Si poskusil?
Ijus ::
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
OK.d ::
To je tko kot pri samsungih, če ne odstraniš njihovega accounta se lahko s telefonom sladko j...
Verjetno je pri Lg-ju podobno bil namenoma ali pomotoma vstvarjen njihov račun.
Verjetno je pri Lg-ju podobno bil namenoma ali pomotoma vstvarjen njihov račun.
louser ::
V primeru doticnega telefona je predvidevam treba na novo flashat flash pomnilnik.
Na Applovih napravah to gre tako, da reprogramiras cip (zelo drago) ali da zamenjas cip (manj drago, a zahtevno)
Najlazje ti je, da kupis kskrga razbitega za male pare ali menjas maticno plosco.
Na Applovih napravah to gre tako, da reprogramiras cip (zelo drago) ali da zamenjas cip (manj drago, a zahtevno)
Najlazje ti je, da kupis kskrga razbitega za male pare ali menjas maticno plosco.
cortez ::
Factory Reset Protection (FRP) Feature
What is Device Protection, or Factory Reset Protection (FRP)?
Android™ devices provide built-in security features you can use to protect your device and information, including screen locks and data encryption. Data protection, or Factory Reset Protection (FRP), is a security feature on Android devices with Lollipop 5.1 and higher.
FRP is automatically activated when you set up a Google™ Account on your device. Once FRP is activated, it prevents use of a device after a factory data reset, until you log in using a Google username and password previously set up on the device.
How does FRP work?
When you perform a Factory Data Reset, all settings are returned to the factory default settings. All data is erased, including files and downloaded apps.
If you have a Google Account set up on the device, FRP is active. This means that after the reset, you'll be required to log in to the Google Account using the username and password. If you have multiple Google Accounts set up on the device, you can log in using any of the accounts.
If an unauthorized person tries to reset the device by another method, the device would still require log-in using the Google username and password. This means that if your device is lost or stolen, another person would not be able to reset it and use it.
What do I need to know about FRP?
If you want to reset your device to factory defaults, make sure you know your Google Account and password, because you'll need to log in at the end of the reset.
If you want to reset your device to factory defaults, but don't remember your Google username and/or password, you can do one of these:
Check your device’s Account settings for your account name, and reset your password via the device or at
It can take 24 hours for the password reset to sync with all devices registered to the account.
Remove the account before you reset the device.
If you already reset your device, but don't remember your Google username and/or password, the device can't be used. In that case, you can do one of these:
If you know your Google username but can't remember the password, you can reset your password on the device, or at It can take up to 24 hours for a new password to sync with all registered devices. After 24 hours, you can try logging in to your phone with the new password.
If you have multiple Google Accounts, and you can't remember which Google Account you set up on your device, visit
Log in with your Google username and password and check the list of devices registered to the account. If you don't see the device listed on the account, it means the device is registered to a different account. Use the same process to check for devices linked to your other Google Accounts. When you find the registered account, use it to log in to your device.
If you can't remember any of your Google Account information, you can send your device, along with proof of purchase, to an authorized Samsung Service Center. Samsung has special tools to reset the phone to factory defaults with no protection enabled.
What is Device Protection, or Factory Reset Protection (FRP)?
Android™ devices provide built-in security features you can use to protect your device and information, including screen locks and data encryption. Data protection, or Factory Reset Protection (FRP), is a security feature on Android devices with Lollipop 5.1 and higher.
FRP is automatically activated when you set up a Google™ Account on your device. Once FRP is activated, it prevents use of a device after a factory data reset, until you log in using a Google username and password previously set up on the device.
How does FRP work?
When you perform a Factory Data Reset, all settings are returned to the factory default settings. All data is erased, including files and downloaded apps.
If you have a Google Account set up on the device, FRP is active. This means that after the reset, you'll be required to log in to the Google Account using the username and password. If you have multiple Google Accounts set up on the device, you can log in using any of the accounts.
If an unauthorized person tries to reset the device by another method, the device would still require log-in using the Google username and password. This means that if your device is lost or stolen, another person would not be able to reset it and use it.
What do I need to know about FRP?
If you want to reset your device to factory defaults, make sure you know your Google Account and password, because you'll need to log in at the end of the reset.
If you want to reset your device to factory defaults, but don't remember your Google username and/or password, you can do one of these:
Check your device’s Account settings for your account name, and reset your password via the device or at
It can take 24 hours for the password reset to sync with all devices registered to the account.
Remove the account before you reset the device.
If you already reset your device, but don't remember your Google username and/or password, the device can't be used. In that case, you can do one of these:
If you know your Google username but can't remember the password, you can reset your password on the device, or at It can take up to 24 hours for a new password to sync with all registered devices. After 24 hours, you can try logging in to your phone with the new password.
If you have multiple Google Accounts, and you can't remember which Google Account you set up on your device, visit
Log in with your Google username and password and check the list of devices registered to the account. If you don't see the device listed on the account, it means the device is registered to a different account. Use the same process to check for devices linked to your other Google Accounts. When you find the registered account, use it to log in to your device.
If you can't remember any of your Google Account information, you can send your device, along with proof of purchase, to an authorized Samsung Service Center. Samsung has special tools to reset the phone to factory defaults with no protection enabled.
Ijus ::
no tole slednje bom naredil.
samo da bom poslal na LG servis.
eni firmi sem že poslal pa so mi rekli da niso pooblaščeni servis za LG pametne telefone.
so mi rekli na koga se naj obrnem.
danes je sicer petek. tako da bom moral počakat do ponedeljka da dobim e-mail odgovor.
vam sporočim.
samo da bom poslal na LG servis.
eni firmi sem že poslal pa so mi rekli da niso pooblaščeni servis za LG pametne telefone.
so mi rekli na koga se naj obrnem.
danes je sicer petek. tako da bom moral počakat do ponedeljka da dobim e-mail odgovor.
vam sporočim.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
oiwedfhjweif ::
Če imaš vklopljen FRP, ti servis ne more pomagat (tu je že GDPR problem). Razen, če ti menjajo komplet matično, kar pa iz finančnega vidika ni smiselno.
Le sporoči kaj bodo odpisali, me res zanima.
Le sporoči kaj bodo odpisali, me res zanima.
Ijus ::
ok bom.
hvala vsem za sodelovanje.
me malo frustrira tale situacija s tme telefonom.
hvala vsem za sodelovanje.
me malo frustrira tale situacija s tme telefonom.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
jb_j ::
ok bom.
hvala vsem za sodelovanje.
me malo frustrira tale situacija s tme telefonom.
sem imel podoben problem,
nastaviš le da si izgubil geslo in greš skozi postopek. (čeprav sem vedel geslo)
in se prijaviš z google računom, ki si ga uporabljal doslej. (na temu telefonu)
(potrebno je bilo le, da sem opravil ponovno verifikacijo)
mogoče nekje ni natančnen prevod, ali kaj podobnga
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()
Ijus ::
točno to sem tudi jaz naredil. probal to varianto. pa me ne spusti naprej.
dobil na mail neko 6 mestno številko jo vnesel pa isto: unknown error... ter da naj probam čez 24hrs.
dobil na mail neko 6 mestno številko jo vnesel pa isto: unknown error... ter da naj probam čez 24hrs.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
Ijus ::
vprašal servis in rekli če narediš hard reset preden odstraniš google račun se po hard resetu zaklene.
točno to sem jaz naredil.
servis - odklep pride 15€.
točno to sem jaz naredil.
servis - odklep pride 15€.
Corpse & Mrhovina & Jožica, Inc.
OK.d ::
To je tko kot pri samsungih, če ne odstraniš njihovega accounta se lahko s telefonom sladko j...
Verjetno je pri Lg-ju podobno bil namenoma ali pomotoma vstvarjen njihov račun.
Sem ti že jaz nakazal kje je težava.
louser ::
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