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Turška policija: Saudijci so iz oporečnika naredili šiškebab

Turška policija: Saudijci so iz oporečnika naredili šiškebab

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Fritz ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

V ZDA so objavili CIA analizo, da za umorom stoji MBS (doh), ki jo je prejšnja administracija zaprla v bunker.

Komentar kongresnika, ki je bil pod Obamo v Svetu za nacionalno varnost:

Andy Kim (politician) @ Wikipedia


I just finished reading the declassified memo on killing of #Khashoggi. I’ve read thousands of intel reports in my career in national security, but this one stands out. Here’s why we need to take this seriously and why we need to do more to hold Crown Prince accountable.
WHAT KIND OF KING MIGHT HE BE: This is how a 35 year old in line to be King acts. It presages what we would potentially expect for decades to come. If we accept this behavior now, what does that mean for the next half century?
When we make exceptions for our allies in situations like this, we project to the rest of the world that our values only go as far as our relationships. We show countries like Russia and China that we may have convictions, but consequences are never guaranteed.
The world is facing a critical moment of monumental change. We’ve seen the rise of strongmen and the fall of basic freedoms. MBS targeting Khashoggi, Putin targeting Navalny, Duterte targeting thousands of his own citizens are all abhorrent acts.

Biden ne bo naredil nič, ker bi bilo to v nasprotju z geopolitičnimi interesi ZDA. Tudi v preteklosti jih niso nikoli motili zločinci in diktatorji, če so ti bili zavezniki ZDA. Pove pa reč čisto vse kar je potrebno vedeti o hinavščini ZDA:
- rusko zapiranje Navaljnega SLABO, savdijsko klanje Kašogdžija DOBRO;
- kitajski ukrepi zoper radikalizacijo v Xinjiangu SLABO, izraelski apartheid zoper Palestince in Savdijsko klanje Jemencev DOBRO;
- ruska okupacija Krima SLABO, izraelska okupacija Golana DOBRO;
- itn. itn.

Lahko se nehamo sprenevedati da so ZDA neka demokratična sila dobrega. Pa sploh nisem omenjal tega, kako so ravnali s protestniki Occupy Wall Street in kasneje BLM. Če bi to počela kakšna druga, njim neljuba država, bi jih bila polna usta človekovih pravic.

Tako bogata država s takšnimi naslovi si ne zasluži, da bi jo sploh resno jemali kadar je govora o človekoljubju in človekovih pravicah:
‘I hope I make it’: 7-year-old Alabama girl selling lemonade to fund her own brain surgeries
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Po objavi so iz poročila izbrisali 3 posameznike. Weak sauce, politika spet pritiska na obveščevalce.


Shortly after the US intelligence community published its long-awaited report on Friday afternoon on the Saudis who were responsible for the death of Jamal Khashoggi, it was taken down without explanation and replaced with another version that removed the names of three men it had initially said were complicit.
The quiet switch by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence went largely unnoticed as the outcry grew that the Biden administration was failing to punish the prince in any way, despite having just declared in no uncertain terms that MBS was responsible.


The first of the three names removed is Abdulla Mohammed Alhoeriny, who has not been previously connected with Khashoggi's death.
According to a person familiar with the inner workings of Saudi intelligence, he's the brother of General Abdulaziz bin Mohammed al-Howraini, a minister who is in charge of the powerful Presidency of State Security which oversees multiple intelligence and counterterrorism agencies. Abdulla (as it's spelled by ODNI) appears in Saudi reports as the assistant chief of state security for counterterrorism.
The two other names that appeared in the unclassified intelligence report and then disappeared are Yasir Khalid Alsalem and Ibrahim al-Salim. It was not immediately clear who they are.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::

Lažejo kot pes teče.

White House defends decision not to punish Saudi crown prince, says U.S. does not sanction foreign leaders.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

ajdov2 ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Lažejo kot pes teče.

White House defends decision not to punish Saudi crown prince, says U.S. does not sanction foreign leaders.


A Sadamu bo to kdo povedal?
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