Forum » Problemi človeštva » Turška policija: Saudijci so iz oporečnika naredili šiškebab
Turška policija: Saudijci so iz oporečnika naredili šiškebab
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
Jamal Khashoggi @ Wikipedia je šel v torek na saudski konzulat v Istanbulu po papirje, ki jih je potreboval za poroko. Od tedaj je pogrešan.
Viri v turški policiji zdaj pravijo, da so ga v konzulatu umorili in truplo odstranili. Menda je zanj poskrbela 15-članska ekipa, ki je že nazaj v SA. Jutri/danes bo tiskovka z več detajli.
“The initial assessment of the Turkish police is that Mr. Khashoggi has been killed at the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. We believe that the murder was premeditated and the body was subsequently moved out of the consulate,” one Turkish official told Reuters.
Turkey has concluded that Jamal Khashoggi, a prominent journalist from Saudi Arabia, was killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul earlier this week by a Saudi team sent “specifically for the murder,” two people with knowledge of the probe said Saturday.
Turkish investigators believe a 15-member team “came from Saudi Arabia. It was a preplanned murder,” said one of the people. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation.
They offered no specific evidence to back up the account.
Turkish police will release statement and CCTV footage within 48 hours regarding what they say is the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. So far, there has been no evidence. We're waiting for a horrible confirmation.
A trusted Turkish government source on L’Affaire Khashoggi, in reply to my text from two days ago: “The news are not good. And by not good, I mean terrible.”
I asked if I should take it to mean the worst, his response: “I would expect a detailed statement from our side very soon—by Monday at the latest.”
My understanding is that very few people are in the know. Those that are in the know are strictly embargoed from speaking. My sense, from our subsequent conversation, is that Ankara thinks JK was whisked away to Riyadh. Let’s wait and see.
Since this dropped out, I guess I can write more: Ankara thinks that the body was removed in a car belonging to an embassy staffer and whisked away to Riyadh, presumably using a private jet. There are people working overtime in Ankara, poring over footage from highway cams. I don’t think that they *know* that he is killed but assume so, as the rest of us do. My source, when I asked, said: “I highly doubt that you’d put someone in the trunk of a car to take them to a tea party.” Which is mostly true.
Also, if Khashoggi was indeed murdered by the Saudis, it’s *diabolically* smart of MbS to have it done in Turkey. Riyadh will blame it on a false-flag by the Turkey-Qatar-Iran axis, muddy the waters, and it’s going to be like the narrative wars after Ghouta gas attacks but worse.
Turkey and KSA are two of the busiest countries when it comes to computational propaganda in the Middle East. Right now and in the next days us data scientists will possibly observe the most significant troll/bot war in the region’s history.
It will also be one of the hardest to monitor as it requires language and context-specific historical misinfo expertise in two countries (plus English). Very eager to see how digital alliances will form up.
Saudi Arabia in the past 24 hours:
- Young economist & entrepreneur @essamz charged with terrorism & treason
- Death penalty sought for Muslim thinker @HsnFrhanALmalki
- Veteran journalist @JKhashoggi whereabouts unknown
With @realDonaldTrump giving MBS the space to do whatever the fuck he wants, and with Germany & Spain recently backing down diplomatically, there's *nobody* to push back. You don't fucking listen to us. You don't fucking care. We said the more you appease them the more shameless they'll become. We told you. You ignore us time after time. Who pays the price?
I said before that the next step after you enabled them time and time and time again is to get physical. If they get away with kidnapping the next step will be assassinations in your capitals, and I'm not joking even a little bit. For the record, MBS doesn't give a shit. So long he has Trump in his pocket, and so long the EU is silent (and/or selling him weapons), he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Every government that fails to speak out is complicit.
When I tweeted about assassinations, I did not expect that we'd be soon sharing reports about the premeditated murder of @JKhashoggi. Remember this moment, we're seeing the rise of a new Gaddafi - but one with deeper pockets and connections, and crucially, one who is a US ally.
Everyone who supported MBS, did PR for him, apologized for him, lobbied on his behalf, or made excuses for him at any point during or after his rise - you have a *lot* to answer for. You have enabled pure evil. You have contributed to the destruction of so many lives.
If the news are true, and the Saudi regime lured @JKhashoggi into one of their consulates to murder him, then the world should do what it failed to do after the Canada-Saudi spat - break ties with the Saudi regime and render it the pariah regime that it deserves to be.
Dictators can *not* be appeased. They take appeasement as permission. Like bullies, they will keep escalating until they get a punch in the face. With nobody willing to stand up to them, the worst may be yet to come.
Viri v turški policiji zdaj pravijo, da so ga v konzulatu umorili in truplo odstranili. Menda je zanj poskrbela 15-članska ekipa, ki je že nazaj v SA. Jutri/danes bo tiskovka z več detajli.
“The initial assessment of the Turkish police is that Mr. Khashoggi has been killed at the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. We believe that the murder was premeditated and the body was subsequently moved out of the consulate,” one Turkish official told Reuters.
Turkey has concluded that Jamal Khashoggi, a prominent journalist from Saudi Arabia, was killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul earlier this week by a Saudi team sent “specifically for the murder,” two people with knowledge of the probe said Saturday.
Turkish investigators believe a 15-member team “came from Saudi Arabia. It was a preplanned murder,” said one of the people. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation.
They offered no specific evidence to back up the account.
Turkish police will release statement and CCTV footage within 48 hours regarding what they say is the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. So far, there has been no evidence. We're waiting for a horrible confirmation.
A trusted Turkish government source on L’Affaire Khashoggi, in reply to my text from two days ago: “The news are not good. And by not good, I mean terrible.”
I asked if I should take it to mean the worst, his response: “I would expect a detailed statement from our side very soon—by Monday at the latest.”
My understanding is that very few people are in the know. Those that are in the know are strictly embargoed from speaking. My sense, from our subsequent conversation, is that Ankara thinks JK was whisked away to Riyadh. Let’s wait and see.
Since this dropped out, I guess I can write more: Ankara thinks that the body was removed in a car belonging to an embassy staffer and whisked away to Riyadh, presumably using a private jet. There are people working overtime in Ankara, poring over footage from highway cams. I don’t think that they *know* that he is killed but assume so, as the rest of us do. My source, when I asked, said: “I highly doubt that you’d put someone in the trunk of a car to take them to a tea party.” Which is mostly true.
Also, if Khashoggi was indeed murdered by the Saudis, it’s *diabolically* smart of MbS to have it done in Turkey. Riyadh will blame it on a false-flag by the Turkey-Qatar-Iran axis, muddy the waters, and it’s going to be like the narrative wars after Ghouta gas attacks but worse.
Turkey and KSA are two of the busiest countries when it comes to computational propaganda in the Middle East. Right now and in the next days us data scientists will possibly observe the most significant troll/bot war in the region’s history.
It will also be one of the hardest to monitor as it requires language and context-specific historical misinfo expertise in two countries (plus English). Very eager to see how digital alliances will form up.
Saudi Arabia in the past 24 hours:
- Young economist & entrepreneur @essamz charged with terrorism & treason
- Death penalty sought for Muslim thinker @HsnFrhanALmalki
- Veteran journalist @JKhashoggi whereabouts unknown
With @realDonaldTrump giving MBS the space to do whatever the fuck he wants, and with Germany & Spain recently backing down diplomatically, there's *nobody* to push back. You don't fucking listen to us. You don't fucking care. We said the more you appease them the more shameless they'll become. We told you. You ignore us time after time. Who pays the price?
I said before that the next step after you enabled them time and time and time again is to get physical. If they get away with kidnapping the next step will be assassinations in your capitals, and I'm not joking even a little bit. For the record, MBS doesn't give a shit. So long he has Trump in his pocket, and so long the EU is silent (and/or selling him weapons), he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Every government that fails to speak out is complicit.
When I tweeted about assassinations, I did not expect that we'd be soon sharing reports about the premeditated murder of @JKhashoggi. Remember this moment, we're seeing the rise of a new Gaddafi - but one with deeper pockets and connections, and crucially, one who is a US ally.
Everyone who supported MBS, did PR for him, apologized for him, lobbied on his behalf, or made excuses for him at any point during or after his rise - you have a *lot* to answer for. You have enabled pure evil. You have contributed to the destruction of so many lives.
If the news are true, and the Saudi regime lured @JKhashoggi into one of their consulates to murder him, then the world should do what it failed to do after the Canada-Saudi spat - break ties with the Saudi regime and render it the pariah regime that it deserves to be.
Dictators can *not* be appeased. They take appeasement as permission. Like bullies, they will keep escalating until they get a punch in the face. With nobody willing to stand up to them, the worst may be yet to come.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
gendale2018 ::
Teli saudijci rabijo malo batin, samo drek mešajo
ja sam mali poštar, kurac mi je oštar
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
čuvajte se žene, bit ćete jebene
Zheegec ::
Izgleda, da je to res. Ni še 100% potrjeno.
Prediction: Popolnoma nobenih posledic ne bo. MBS je počel praktično iste stvari lani (sploh uničevanje Jemna), pa so ga Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey in vsi ostali sprejeli z vsemi častmi. Kolumne v NYT, Washington Post in povsod drugje so ga na veliko hvalile. Isto je bilo v UK.
They couldn't care less.
Prediction: Popolnoma nobenih posledic ne bo. MBS je počel praktično iste stvari lani (sploh uničevanje Jemna), pa so ga Trump, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey in vsi ostali sprejeli z vsemi častmi. Kolumne v NYT, Washington Post in povsod drugje so ga na veliko hvalile. Isto je bilo v UK.
They couldn't care less.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Zheegec ::
Bernie, Lee, Murphy in mogoče Rand Paul so samo 4% Senata. Preprosto premalo, da bi vplivali na ogromno pro-war večino v Senatu.
P.s.: je sploh kakšen večji medij poročal o tem, kako je leta 2017 Savdska Arabija ugrabila predsednika Libanona?
P.s.: je sploh kakšen večji medij poročal o tem, kako je leta 2017 Savdska Arabija ugrabila predsednika Libanona?
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zheegec ()
Zheegec ::
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
jype ::
Bernie, Lee, Murphy in mogoče Rand Paul so samo 4% Senata. Preprosto premalo, da bi vplivali na ogromno pro-war večino v Senatu.Američani volijo, kakor volijo.
Dokler ne izvolijo boljših, bodo taki, mi pa lahko izvolimo evropske poslance, ki bodo nadaljevali dialog z Iranom, čeprav nas ZDA izsiljujejo.
joze67 ::
P.s.: je sploh kakšen večji medij poročal o tem, kako je leta 2017 Savdska Arabija ugrabila predsednika Libanona?Še v Sloveniji so poročali o tem. Menda ne naš dopisnik (oziroma: poročanje slovenskih medijev je tipično povzetek poročanja angleških in ameriških, in tam najpogosteje bbc/cnn/guardian).
Saudijci in Američani bodo uničili bližnji vzhod. Prvi njihov skupni projekt Isis je na srečo padel v vodo.
SimplyMiha ::
Me preseneča, da si je Turška policija upala to obelodanit, sploh ob vseh okostnjakih v njihovi omari.
nsa_ag3nt ::
Po naključju kamere na konzulatu tisti dan niso delovale.
Zheegec ::
Kako nepričakovano. To so pač Saudijci, nimajo denarja za nadgradnjo njihovega VHS sistema.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
feryz ::
V čem je fora te teme? Vsak dan v povprečju nasilno pospravijo okrog 1500 ljudi.
A je kakšna razlika kdo jih in zakaj? Upaš, da nisi med njimi. To je vsa umetnost.
A je kakšna razlika kdo jih in zakaj? Upaš, da nisi med njimi. To je vsa umetnost.
jype ::
Sultan Erdogan se bo osebno šel detektiva in raziskal kaj se je zgodilo.Ti itak podpiraš fašiste, tako da ti je to zagotovo všeč.
Če pri tem umre kak milijon Kurdov, še toliko močneje ploskaš.
V čem je fora te teme? Vsak dan v povprečju nasilno pospravijo okrog 1500 ljudi.Je razlika, ja.
A je kakšna razlika kdo jih in zakaj? Upaš, da nisi med njimi. To je vsa umetnost.
Zheegec ::
Reports coming from #Turkey today hint that Jamal Khashoggi may be alive:
1-NBC's @RichardEngel citing Turkish officials said they're unsure if Khashoggi "been killed or sedated and taken away."
2-AKP adviser Yasin Aktay: We still hope he is alive
Saudi denies all allegations
Both U.K. and France foreign ministries issued statements of concern today.
US State Department has said in emails it's monitoring and concerned but no official statement yet.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Vanich ::
A bodo sedaj EU, GB in USA uvedli kakšne sankcije proti SA? Ehhh - nič ne bo. Aja; "statements of concern", to pa bo, ja.
Pac-Man ::
Ex-NSA, zgovoren.
What did U.S. intelligence and the White House know about the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi—and when did they know it? Those are the Top Secret questions haunting Washington right now. A National Security Agency official tells me that the codebreakers, as usual, have some answers.
I can confirm that the National Security Agency, America’s big ear, indeed intercepted Saudi communications that indicated Riyadh had something unpleasant in store for Khashoggi. Listening in on foreign governments, after all, is NSA’s main job, and that includes frenemies like Saudi Arabia as well as hostile regimes. At least a day before Khashoggi appeared at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, an NSA official told me, the agency had Top Secret information that Riyadh was planning something nefarious—though exactly what was not clear from the intercepts. This was deemed important because Khashoggi is a legal resident of the United States, and is therefore entitled to protection. According to the NSA official, this threat warning was communicated to the White House through official intelligence channels.
It needs to be asked what, if anything, the White House did with this Top Secret warning. Intelligence without action is merely expensive noise, and if no action was taken in this case, Congress should ask why not. If action was taken—meaning a warning was issued to Saudi officials to keep their hands of Khashoggi—and Riyadh ignored it, that too is something worth investigating. Saudi Arabia is a difficult ally of the United States, but our influence in Riyadh remains significant. This is particularly the case due to the close relationship between President Donald Trump’s administration and MBS, which is reported to be cordial and then some. At press time, the White House had not responded to a request for comment.
NSA did its highly classified job and provided the White House with threat information, direct from Saudi sources, which might have saved Jamal Khashoggi from whatever grim fate he met on October 2 at the hands of Saudi officials. If the Trump administration failed to take necessary action to protect a journalist and dissident who was resident in our country, the guilt in this case will not lie solely with Riyadh.
S sankcijami pa tako, podpisanih je 22 senatorjev.
Invoking the Global Magnitsky Act w/ @SenBobCorker, requiring POTUS to determine if the Saudi gov’t was responsible for gross human rights violations against #JamalKhashoggi. Under this law, if the White House finds Saudi Arabia responsible, they MUST impose sanctions Zdaj ima administracija 120 dni časa, da razjasni kako&kaj.
What did U.S. intelligence and the White House know about the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi—and when did they know it? Those are the Top Secret questions haunting Washington right now. A National Security Agency official tells me that the codebreakers, as usual, have some answers.
I can confirm that the National Security Agency, America’s big ear, indeed intercepted Saudi communications that indicated Riyadh had something unpleasant in store for Khashoggi. Listening in on foreign governments, after all, is NSA’s main job, and that includes frenemies like Saudi Arabia as well as hostile regimes. At least a day before Khashoggi appeared at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, an NSA official told me, the agency had Top Secret information that Riyadh was planning something nefarious—though exactly what was not clear from the intercepts. This was deemed important because Khashoggi is a legal resident of the United States, and is therefore entitled to protection. According to the NSA official, this threat warning was communicated to the White House through official intelligence channels.
It needs to be asked what, if anything, the White House did with this Top Secret warning. Intelligence without action is merely expensive noise, and if no action was taken in this case, Congress should ask why not. If action was taken—meaning a warning was issued to Saudi officials to keep their hands of Khashoggi—and Riyadh ignored it, that too is something worth investigating. Saudi Arabia is a difficult ally of the United States, but our influence in Riyadh remains significant. This is particularly the case due to the close relationship between President Donald Trump’s administration and MBS, which is reported to be cordial and then some. At press time, the White House had not responded to a request for comment.
NSA did its highly classified job and provided the White House with threat information, direct from Saudi sources, which might have saved Jamal Khashoggi from whatever grim fate he met on October 2 at the hands of Saudi officials. If the Trump administration failed to take necessary action to protect a journalist and dissident who was resident in our country, the guilt in this case will not lie solely with Riyadh.
S sankcijami pa tako, podpisanih je 22 senatorjev.
Invoking the Global Magnitsky Act w/ @SenBobCorker, requiring POTUS to determine if the Saudi gov’t was responsible for gross human rights violations against #JamalKhashoggi. Under this law, if the White House finds Saudi Arabia responsible, they MUST impose sanctions Zdaj ima administracija 120 dni časa, da razjasni kako&kaj.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Saudijci pa 120 dni časa, da skrijejo premoženje ;)
Sankcije bodo na posameznike, če se bo ciljalo dovolj visoko bo še zabavno. V tistih koncih so hitro užaljeni.
Magnitsky Act @ Wikipedia
Sankcije bodo na posameznike, če se bo ciljalo dovolj visoko bo še zabavno. V tistih koncih so hitro užaljeni.
Magnitsky Act @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Malo konteksta. Kush je rabil keš za nasedlo družinsko investicijo, najbolj so mu dišali bližnjevzhodni dolarji.
Marec 2018.
Kushner, who had been tasked with bringing about a deal between Israel and Palestine, was particularly engaged by information about the Middle East, according to a former White House official and a former U.S. intelligence professional.
In June, Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman ousted his cousin, then-Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, and took his place as next in line to the throne, upending the established line of succession. In the months that followed, the President’s Daily Brief contained information on Saudi Arabia’s evolving political situation, including a handful of names of royal family members opposed to the crown prince’s power grab, according to the former White House official and two U.S. government officials with knowledge of the report.
In late October, Jared Kushner made an unannounced trip to Riyadh, catching some intelligence officials off guard. “The two princes are said to have stayed up until nearly 4 a.m. several nights, swapping stories and planning strategy,” the Washington Post’s David Ignatius reported at the time.
What exactly Kushner and the Saudi royal talked about in Riyadh may be known only to them, but after the meeting, Crown Prince Mohammed told confidants that Kushner had discussed the names of Saudis disloyal to the crown prince, according to three sources who have been in contact with members of the Saudi and Emirati royal families since the crackdown. Kushner, through his attorney’s spokesperson, denies having done so.
On November 4, a week after Kushner returned to the U.S., the crown prince, known in official Washington by his initials MBS, launched what he called an anti-corruption crackdown. The Saudi government arrested dozens of members of the Saudi royal family and imprisoned them in the Ritz-Carlton Riyadh, which was first reported in English by The Intercept. The Saudi figures named in the President’s Daily Brief were among those rounded up; at least one was reportedly tortured.
After Trump spoke, the White House said national security adviser John Bolton and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, had spoken to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about the matter on Tuesday.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo followed up with his own call to the Crown Prince, who had forged close ties to the administration, especially Kushner.
“In both calls they asked for more details and for the Saudi government to be transparent in the investigation process. We will continue to monitor this situation and provide updates as available,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a statement.
Kush je...sumljiv, Bolton obseden z Iranom. Bomo videli.
Marec 2018.
Kushner, who had been tasked with bringing about a deal between Israel and Palestine, was particularly engaged by information about the Middle East, according to a former White House official and a former U.S. intelligence professional.
In June, Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman ousted his cousin, then-Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, and took his place as next in line to the throne, upending the established line of succession. In the months that followed, the President’s Daily Brief contained information on Saudi Arabia’s evolving political situation, including a handful of names of royal family members opposed to the crown prince’s power grab, according to the former White House official and two U.S. government officials with knowledge of the report.
In late October, Jared Kushner made an unannounced trip to Riyadh, catching some intelligence officials off guard. “The two princes are said to have stayed up until nearly 4 a.m. several nights, swapping stories and planning strategy,” the Washington Post’s David Ignatius reported at the time.
What exactly Kushner and the Saudi royal talked about in Riyadh may be known only to them, but after the meeting, Crown Prince Mohammed told confidants that Kushner had discussed the names of Saudis disloyal to the crown prince, according to three sources who have been in contact with members of the Saudi and Emirati royal families since the crackdown. Kushner, through his attorney’s spokesperson, denies having done so.
On November 4, a week after Kushner returned to the U.S., the crown prince, known in official Washington by his initials MBS, launched what he called an anti-corruption crackdown. The Saudi government arrested dozens of members of the Saudi royal family and imprisoned them in the Ritz-Carlton Riyadh, which was first reported in English by The Intercept. The Saudi figures named in the President’s Daily Brief were among those rounded up; at least one was reportedly tortured.
After Trump spoke, the White House said national security adviser John Bolton and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, had spoken to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about the matter on Tuesday.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo followed up with his own call to the Crown Prince, who had forged close ties to the administration, especially Kushner.
“In both calls they asked for more details and for the Saudi government to be transparent in the investigation process. We will continue to monitor this situation and provide updates as available,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a statement.
Kush je...sumljiv, Bolton obseden z Iranom. Bomo videli.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
tikitoki ::
Menda imajo sedaj dokaz, da so ga mucili in ubili.
In Savdijci obtozujejo Katarce, da podpirajo terorizem.
In Savdijci obtozujejo Katarce, da podpirajo terorizem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tikitoki ()
krneki0001 ::
Vsak dan v povprečju nasilno pospravijo okrog 1500 ljudi.
Parkrat toliko.
Samo v Braziliji je v povprečju na dan brutalno ubitih 160 ljudi, Mehika nekje 95 na dan, Honduras okoli 60 na dan.
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
feryz ::
Zakaj si pa napisal, da jih ubijejo "brutalno"?
To je nivo rumenega tiska. Kakšne tudi popolnoma nežno in potiho. Ampak midva tega ne veva.
To je nivo rumenega tiska. Kakšne tudi popolnoma nežno in potiho. Ampak midva tega ne veva.
zmaugy ::
Vidni zahodnjaški poslovneži se umikajo iz poslov in dogodkov v SA. Razen psihopata iz bele hiše.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
zmaugy ::
Zdaj jim ne bo preostalo drugega kot da kupijo Teslo, kjer so edini dovolj obupani, da se bi pajdašili z njimi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Pac-Man ::
Eh. Verjetno lahko pričakujemo praktični prikaz preiskave zločina po ruskem modelu.
#Saudi and #Turkey agree to form a joint team to investigate #Khashoggi disappearance.
Turkey Presidency made announcement and said it's based on Saudi official request.
#Saudi and #Turkey agree to form a joint team to investigate #Khashoggi disappearance.
Turkey Presidency made announcement and said it's based on Saudi official request.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
c3p0 ::
Lonsarg ::
V bistvu je to bla pika na i, ker so poslovnezi ze prej ratali previdni, ko je SA imela velko racijo zaradi podkupovanja.
Pika na i je pa to pa zato, ker drzave krsenje miroljubnih veloposlanistev stejejo za vecjo krsitev, kot ce se fenta tisoce nedolznih.
Pika na i je pa to pa zato, ker drzave krsenje miroljubnih veloposlanistev stejejo za vecjo krsitev, kot ce se fenta tisoce nedolznih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()
zmaugy ::
Vidni zahodnjaški poslovneži se umikajo iz poslov in dogodkov v SA. Razen psihopata iz bele hiše.
Pred tem umorom, pa je SA bila znana kot miroljubna in strpna država?
Ne. Vedno je bila zahojena država, z umorom novinarja pa so to zgolj potrdili pred celim svetom.
S tem da je bil ta novinar nazadnjak svetovne klase, savdijski princ, ki je naročil umor, pa reformist, kar je svojevrsten primer narobe sveta (sploh v kombinaciji z Erdotovim ogročenjem nad dogodkom, vendar sta bila z umorjenim novinarjem politična zaveznika. Tukaj je veliko stvari, ki so drugačne kot se zdi, kljub temu pa vse to ne opravičuje tega nagnusnega dejanja.), vendar očitno tudi reformistični vladar ni mogel iz okvirjev obravnavanja človeškega življenja kot trivialnega.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
nsa_ag3nt ::
Bojda je turška MIT pridobila posnetek iz apple clouda, novinar je pred vstopom v konzulat vklopil snemanje na apple watch uri, vsaj tako pravi turški častnik Sabah, ki ima ponavadi dobre vire.
Bojda je turška MIT pridobila posnetek iz apple clouda, novinar je pred vstopom v konzulat vklopil snemanje na apple watch uri, vsaj tako pravi turški častnik Sabah, ki ima ponavadi dobre vire.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()
Fritz ::
Kdaj začnemo oboroževati savdsko opozicijo proti krvoločnemu diktatorju?
Erdogan bo s temi posnetki oskubil Savdijce za precej denarja in kakšno uslugo, recimo glede Katarja. Za novinarja, pravico ipd. mu prav dol visi.
Erdogan bo s temi posnetki oskubil Savdijce za precej denarja in kakšno uslugo, recimo glede Katarja. Za novinarja, pravico ipd. mu prav dol visi.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
SimplyMiha ::
Antipatični kot so mi ti Savdijci, nekako mi vse skupaj vleče na "false flag"... Ti Turki so bili nekam dobro pripravljeni.
jype ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Antipatični kot so mi ti Savdijci, nekako mi vse skupaj vleče na "false flag"... Ti Turki so bili nekam dobro pripravljeni.False flag je vse, kar ne spada v tvoj ideološki okvir?
Včasih se je temu reklo shizofrenija.
jype ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Moj ideološki okvir ne vključuje "cilj opravičuje sredstva" miselnosti.Zato je to false flag. Razumem. Še vedno shizofrenija, kakor psihiatri imenujejo nezmožnost ločevanja fikcije od resničnosti.
SimplyMiha ::
Za razliko od vas nekateri nimamo brezpogojnega zaupanja v javni konsenz kadar ta sovpada z našim ideološkim okvirjem.
Ta vaš bias je boleče očiten in je zelo škodljiv.
Ta vaš bias je boleče očiten in je zelo škodljiv.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SimplyMiha ()
tikitoki ::
V bistvu je to bla pika na i, ker so poslovnezi ze prej ratali previdni, ko je SA imela velko racijo zaradi podkupovanja.
Pika na i je pa to pa zato, ker drzave krsenje miroljubnih veloposlanistev stejejo za vecjo krsitev, kot ce se fenta tisoce nedolznih.
Miroljubnih? Od kje tebi ta pravljica?
Izvensodni umori ljudi s strani vlad niso bili nikoli dobro sprejeti. Razen, ce si ZDA in se katera drzava in pobijas "teroriste". Vedno so bile te obsodbe, ali pomankanje lelet, politicno obarvane.
zmaugy ::
SA v primeru ameriških sankcij grozi s tem, da bojo dali vojaško bazo Rusiji in z zmanjšanjem črpanja nafte in dvigom cen na 200 $ za sod. Odlično. Američani in Rusi bojo pobrali profite, svet pa bo še bližje odpravi dreka izpod zemlje kot glavnega energenta.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Vazelin ::
Haha najbolj smešna je Erdoganova skrb za novinarja. Takoj ko bo savdski podpisan ček prispel v Turčijo ne bo več zaskrbljen.
Trumpa pa tako ali tako zanima zgolj to, da bo SA lepo plačevala za orožje.
Trumpa pa tako ali tako zanima zgolj to, da bo SA lepo plačevala za orožje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
Pac-Man ::
Mislim da smo ga nasrali. Par ljudi jim odpove sodelovanje na konferenci, oni pa takole. The're steadfast and glorious. Ne, ni štos. Z uradnega računa zunanjega ministrstva.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Vazelin ::
Savdijci lahko delajo glih karkoli želijo. Dokler ne bodo razjezili (=odtegnili orožarske in druge posle) podpornikov v ZDA
Mr.B ::
Trump Suggests 'Rogue Killers' May Be Behind Saudi Journalist Disappearance Da ne bo savdice razjezil
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
fujtajksel ::
"Spodletel poizkus zaslišanja"?
Hehe, CIA se zdejle matra zdeepfejkat turške posnetke zaslišanja tako da oni zasliševalcem tolk opsuje vse prednike in preroke da se enostavno ne morejo zadržat da ga ne bi sfaširali. Ker če jim ne rata, jim Saudijci lahko spet kakšne stolpnice v NY sesujejo.
zmaugy ::
Trump Suggests 'Rogue Killers' May Be Behind Saudi Journalist Disappearance Da ne bo savdice razjezil
Jap, verjetno bo to uni 200 kilski heker, ki je vdrl v Demokratsko stranko in se pretvarjal za Rusa.
Kakšno odvratno govno je ta tip, kako zabiti morajo biti šele njegovi volivci, da požrejo takšne prav nesramno nore nebuloze...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
zmaugy ::
Ko ogabno nesramno nore izgovore, ki si jih v stilu "nimam naloge, ker mi je pes zvezek pojedu", izmisli PussyGrabber, demantirajo v "najbolj demokratični državi na svetu" Savdski Arabiji.
Kreteni, če se že lažete, se vsaj zmente prej za isto zgodbo.
Kreteni, če se že lažete, se vsaj zmente prej za isto zgodbo.
Machete ::
Umrl je med zasliševanjem, to bo postalo menda uradno stališče SA.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
jype ::
Kreteni, če se že lažete, se vsaj zmente prej za isto zgodbo.Ni jim treba, ker volilcev desnice dejstva ne zanimajo. Njihovega volijo vedno, tudi če gradi koncentracijska taborišča.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
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Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Bližnjevzhodne države so pomagale TrumpuOddelek: Problemi človeštva | 4270 (3387) | dice7 |
⊘ | Državni udar v Saudovi ArabijiOddelek: Problemi človeštva | 3027 (2301) | Mr.B |