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OO writer macro

OO writer macro


Tole jemlje data iz enega 2Darray, v smislu:


V zgornjem krneki primeru podatkov iz arraya nastopi problem da se stvar dvakrat prepiše in dobimo 'hfoo' kar ni nič.

Zato bi pri replace normalen font zamenjal z BOLD. Iščem pa samo not bold. Torej stvar ki se zamenja se zamenja samo enkrat.

Alora, ne dela, zamenja text (tudi večkrat, kot zgoraj opisano), bolda pa ni nikjer. ?

For i= Lbound(matrix,1) To Ubound(matrix,1)
     oReplace.SearchString = matrix(i)(0)          ' Regular expression. Match any text
     oReplace.ReplaceString =  matrix(i)(1)           'Note the & places the found text back
    ' msgbox ( matrix(i)(0))
    ' oReplace.SearchRegularExpression=False  Use regular expressions
    oReplace.searchStyles=True             'We want to search styles
    REM This is the attribute to find
    SrchAttributes(0).Name = "CharWeight"
    SrchAttributes(0).Name = "CharStyleName"
    SrchAttributes(0).Value =com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL' tryed DONTKNOW, no difference

    REM This is the attribute to replace it with
    ReplAttributes(0).Name = "CharWeight"
    ReplAttributes(0).Name = "CharStyleName"
    ReplAttributes(0).Value =com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD

    REM Set the attributes in the replace descriptor
     oReplace.searchAll=True               ' Do the entire document
  Next i

  • spremenil: BRBR ()

Nublet ::

Nikoli delal še z OO ampak, kaj se zgodi če zakomentiraš iz kode te vrstice:
ReplAttributes(0).Name = "CharStyleName"

EDIT: Glej primer boldanja:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Nublet ()

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