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Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto

Seznam Airdropov! Free crypto

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Neon87 ::

Zastonj XRP 10x Telegram!

Bot je zadaj, torej tu se prijavi, potem pa imaš ukaze tam, vneseš naslov in pa potem dvig. Vmes lahko sheras svoj ref.
Traja do konca meseca.

didix ::

TrustWallet Token Airdrop.

100 TWT coins to new and existing TrustWallet users.

Referral direct bot url: https://t.me/twt_31janbot?start=5090606...

buttcrack ::

Neon87 je izjavil:

Zastonj XRP 10x Telegram!

Bot je zadaj, torej tu se prijavi, potem pa imaš ukaze tam, vneseš naslov in pa potem dvig. Vmes lahko sheras svoj ref.
Traja do konca meseca.

Se pravi joinaš se na kanal, lajkaš in retwitaš potem pa moraš še nekoga povabit?

Dober dan ::

Tako je, mislim da če ne dobiš vsaj tri prijatelje, da ni nič iz tega.

buttcrack ::

Aja celo tri :)
Ne da se mi več...

Neon87 ::

buttcrack je izjavil:

Aja celo tri :)
Ne da se mi več...

3 prijatelje je za Trust wallet

Za XRP ne rabiš nobenega ref in dobiš 10xrp.

buttcrack ::

Si zihr?
? Refer friends to earn more (you earn up to 10 XRP for each referral)
? You can send your withdrawal request once you complete all 3 tasks, XRP will be airdrop on 31 JAN 2022 to your wallet.

didix ::

The Sandbox is airdropping a total of 100,000 SAND to promote usage!
Complete simple social tasks and receive 50 SAND now from this airdrop.Airdrop distribution wil start on 31.jan.2022. direct to your wallet.

Referral direct bot url: https://t.me/thesandbox_airdropbot?star...

baro2000 ::

didix je izjavil:

The Sandbox is airdropping a total of 100,000 SAND to promote usage!
Complete simple social tasks and receive 50 SAND now from this airdrop.Airdrop distribution wil start on 31.jan.2022. direct to your wallet.

Referral direct bot url: https://t.me/thesandbox_airdropbot?star...

Vceraj sem poklikal tvoj link. ;) Torej razen SAND, XRP in TWT linkov, ki so bili pred kratkim objavljeni prilagam se ostale Airdrope:
MANA: https://t.me/decentraland_airdropbot?st...
AXS: https://t.me/axieinfinity_AXSbot?start=...
ADA: https://t.me/cardano_ADAairdropbot?star...
SUSHI: https://t.me/officialairdrop_sushibot?s...
SHIBA: https://t.me/shibainu_shibairdropbot?st...

Od teh se Shiba najmanj splaca... skupaj ni niti $5 izplacila. Ce se kdo ni sel TWT skozi, se priporocam tudi preko mojega linka:

Dober dan ::

baro2000 ::

didix ::

Dobite 1 TRX, vrzete ga na stake...cca 100-130% daily....mogoče se bo kaj zgodilo :)

OwlDAO Pools
Referral direct bot url: https://t.me/official_owldaobot?start=5...

Referrals direct bot url: https://t.me/officialtunaswap_bot?start...

Referrals direct bot url: https://t.me/officialburgerswapbot?star...

Your referral link https://t.me/slushpoolmining_bot?start=...

Referral direct bot url: https://t.me/officialalphafinance_bot?s...

C.R.E.A.M. Finance
Referral (20%) direct bot url: https://t.me/official_creamfinancebot?s...

Ninja Swap
Referral direct bot url: https://t.me/officialninjaswapbot?start...

didix ::

You can get 80 SNS tokens by joining ouar Airdrop

Airdrop rewards will be distributed on March 1st.

Note: We are airdrop hunters, please do not spend any penny on any airdrop tokens!

referral link: https://t.me/SynesisOneAirdropBot?start...

didix ::


Reward: 85,000 TRX
Distribution date: March 9th

-Complete all tasks of the airdrop
-Submit your TRX wallet address
-This is for all eligible participants


didix ::

New airdrop: Mones
Reward: 30 Mones
Distribution date: After IDO

-Complete all tasks of the airdrop
-Submit the AVAX wallet address
-For 3,000 Random Lucky people

-Search for "AVAX" in your Trust wallet and it is the same as the BSC address

referral link: http://t.me/monesAirdrop_bot?start=zJoz...

?Please remember: We are airdrop hunters and only participate in free airdrops, please do not buy any airdrop tokens

didix ::

New airdrop: Clebus
Reward: 15 TRX
News: Korean project
Distribution date: February 27th

-Complete all tasks of the airdrop
-Submit your TRX wallet address
-For 2,000 Random lucky people

referral link: https://t.me/ClebusAirdropBot?start=509...

?Please remember:................... only participate in free airdrops, please do not buy any airdrop tokens

didix ::

Get 1,000,000,000 Saitama

Get 1,000,000,000 Saitama for joining
Get 500,000,000 Saitama for each referral

Saitama Is Already Listed On Many Exchanges Gate.io, LBank,SushiSwap E.t.c And Soon Get Listed on Binance & Coin base.

Airdrop will end on 1st February and distribution starts from 5th February.


Dober dan ::

didix ::

New airdrop: ElfMatrix
Reward: 50 EMT (~$6)
Distribution date: After IDO
-Complete all tasks of the airdrop
-Submit your BSC wallet address
-For 1,000 Random Lucky people
-The top 100 referrals can each get more EMT tokens

referral link: https://t.me/ElfmatrixAirdropBot?start=...

didix ::

? Airdrop: Fort swap
? Value: $ 50
? Referral: $ 10
? Tokens: 50 #Forts

For your own participation you can earn: 50 FORTS (~50$), for the 1st referral: 10 FORTS (~10$).
Participation in the airdrop in the Telegram bot -


Airdrop must be received by all qualified participants.
Token distribution starts on March 5.
Listing : 1 FORTS = ~1$.

didix ::

? Airdrop: Fort Protocol Round 3
? Value: 5 $USDT
? Referral: 1000 $DCU
? Exchange: Fort
? Partnership: Bitcoinsistemi Blogtienao , BSC News , Blockster , DefiLive
? Contract: BSCscan
? End Date: 28th February, 2022
? Distribution Date: 3rd March, 2022


didix ::

Candy cash airdrop

Candy Cash is airdropping a total of 1,100,000 CANDY for doing simple social tasks. Sign up for the airdrop and complete the tasks to earn $20 worth of CANDY. Top referrers will get up to $300 worth of USDT.
Airdrop ends 2022-02-15


didix ::

LAW token Airdrop

Reward for Tasks: Up to 20 LAW (~$20)
Referral Reward: 4 LAW (~$4)


DePalmo ::

Pa kdo izmed vas dejansko kaj zasluži s temi airdropi ali so bolj zbiranje osebnih podatkov? Pa pod "zasluži" štejem kot celotni izkopiček par 100e ali več, ne par 10e.

Dober dan ::

To ni nič. Jaz še nisem dobil niti enaga, tako da sem nehal to početi.

DePalmo ::

Iz istega razloga sem tudi jaz obupal, pa sem lansko leto sodeloval na vseh airdropih ki sem jih našel v prvih treh mesecih (al štirih). Nato so hoteli vse več in več podatkov od mene in sem zaključil. Do neke meje grem, prestopim pa ne.

Mato989 ::

DePalmo je izjavil:

Pa kdo izmed vas dejansko kaj zasluži s temi airdropi ali so bolj zbiranje osebnih podatkov? Pa pod "zasluži" štejem kot celotni izkopiček par 100e ali več, ne par 10e.

Večinoma so fail, zato tudi več tega ne počnem... čim hočejo od mene neke "aktivnosti" kot je likanje twitterja, itd... smao zaprem dol... dokelr je airdrop v smislu prijavi se in daj Wallet Address še gre, karkoli je več sem že sumljiv...

Sem sicer dobil ene par airdropov ki so bli nekaj vredni. ampak zlo malo, v skupni vrednosti mogoče par stotakov.
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

didix ::

UniSwap (UNI) Token Airdrop

Click on my referral link, https://t.me/uniswapairdrop_bot?start=5... and receive 10 UNI airdrop now!

Kebo ::

Jaz ne "služim" z airdropi, sem pa na ICP aidropu dobil ven vsaj 1000€ zanekrat. S temi 5$ aidropi se verjetno res nima smisla ukvarjati ampak v "hype" aidropih se pa sigurno splača sodelovati.

didix ::

Exaltcoin Airdrop
500 random winners get $15 worth of Exalt
Airdrop end date: 14 February, 2022
Distribution date: 28 February, 2022
Referral link: https://t.me/exaltcoinairdropbot?start=...

Givetime Airdrop
450 GTM for 2000 participants each.
Airdrop end date: February 11, 2022.
Distribution date: February 20, 2022.
Referral link: https://t.me/GivetimeAirdropBot?start=5...

Origin Land Airdrop
$25 worth of ORI for 1000 random participants each.
Airdrop end date: February 22, 2022.
Distribution date: February 28, 2022.
Referral link: https://t.me/originlandairdropbot?start...

Verse Worlds Airdrop
30 VERSE (~$30)
Distribution date: Airdrop rewards will be distributed after the Pre-Sale event.
Referral link: https://t.me/Verseworldsairdrop_bot?sta...

Astroshot Airdrop
8.44 Billion ASTRO (~$10)
Airdrop end date: February 13, 2022.
Distribution date: Airdrop rewards will be distributed starting from February 21, 2022.
Referral link: https://t.me/Astroshot_Bot?start=r02595...

didix ::

Spellfire NFT Card & Token Giveaway

$2000 USD of $SPELLFIRE Token split amongst 100 randomly selected winners
3 Original NFT cards ($750 value each) split amongst top 3 participants by entries
9 NFT Original cards ($300 value each) split amongst 9 randomly selected winners who created & submitted an original Meme, Fan Art, Video, or Infographic
30 Original NFT cards ($100 value each) split amongst 30 randomly selected winners
100 non-NFT digital playing cards split amongst 100 randomly selected winners


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: didix ()

didix ::

Shaktiio Airdrop

Airdrop Token Supply - $150,000 in SKTO Tokens
Tokens Per Airdrop user - $40 in SKTO tokens to 1,000 randomly chosen lucky winners who have completed all the tasks
Tokens Per Referral - Leaderboard Contest with up to $110,000 in SKTO tokens
Airdrop Start Date - January 31, 2022
Airdrop End Date - April 31, 2022
Airdrop Distribution Start Date - July 31, 2022
KYC is not a requirement

referral link: http://t.me/Shaktiio_bot?start=19365

didix ::

Airdrop: Echangy Lunar Year

Value:10$ for 5,000 random winners
End Date: 20th February, 2022
Distribution Date: 25th March,2022

Referral: https://wn.nr/YPFn7s

didix ::


1. Visit the REV3AL giveaway page
2. Submit your details and sign up.
3. Now complete the social tasks to earn entries.
4. Also earn more entries for each referral.
5. A total of 5 participants will be randomly selected to win $1,600 worth of REV3AL each.

End Date: 02-18-2022


didix ::


? 1 PRX for the first 30,000 users who join the Gleam event
BEP20 Awards
? 250 PRX for 1 Person
? 50 PRX per 10 Persons
? 25 PRX per 100 Persons

Additional rewards for those who add Parex Market Uid Code

? 1,000 PRX for 1 Person
(365 days production right as CloudTracker) +/- 2.000 PRX production

? 500 PRX for 1 Person
(365 days production right as CloudTracker) +/- 1.000 PRX production

? 250 PRX for 1 Person
(365 days production right as CloudTracker) +/- 500 PRX production

? 100 PRX per 2 Persons
(365 days production right as CloudTracker) +/- 200 PRX production

? 50 PRX per 5 Persons
(365 days production right as CloudTracker) +/- 100 PRX production

Distribution date: Uncertain


didix ::

Wateenswap @Airdrop ?
Task: ? $15 worth of WTN for 10,000 random participants each.
Referral: ? $10 worth of WTN for top 1000 referrers each.
Distribution date: May 10, 2022.

Dober dan ::


Fm token airdrop

didix ::

Beer Money (BEER)

Total Reward: 500,000 BEER
Winners: For Everyone
Distribution: 15th March


didix ::


Task: 1000 MEST (~$50) for 400 random participants each.
Referral: 5000 MEST (~$250) for top 50 referrers each.
Notes: Total airdrop pool is 650,000 MEST (~$32,500).
Distribution date: After listing on PancakeSwap.


didix ::

AvaStation - Biggest Airdrop
AvaStation is a 100% automated decentralized fundraising and initial liquidity offering platform
We build a product set of 8 main services, including: AvaLaunch Launchpad - AvaFairLaunch - AvaLock - AvaMint - AvaFarm - AvaAudit&KYC - AvaDex - AvaChart
Total Reward: 500,000 AVS
Audited Project
Start date : 11th Febuary 2022
End Date: 26th February 2022
Distribution Date: 15 days after the end of the Airdrop


didix ::

New Airdrop: Ashward
Total Airdrop Pool: 100,000 ASC [~$50,000]
Reward: Up to 20 ASC [~$10] + 20,000 ASC [~$10,000] for the top 150 referrers.
4,000 valid participants will be randomly selected by the project team in addition to the top 150 referrers. The distribution date announced by the project is March 31st, 2022.


Round2 airdrop: DarkLand
Reward: 10 $BIG
Distribution date: Aftr IDO

referral link: https://t.me/DarkLandAirdropBot?start=5...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: didix ()

didix ::

New Airdrop: payMe Trivia Quiz
Reward: Up to 350,000 payME [~$35] + 300 Million payME [~$30,000] for the top 300 referrers
2,000 valid participants will be randomly rewarded in addition to the top 300 referrers on March 25th, 2022.


didix ::

New Airdrop: Zetly

Total Airdrop Pool: 35,000,000 ZET [~$245,000]
Reward: Up to 4,285 ZET [~$30] + 5,000,000 ZET [~$35,000] for the top 150 referrers.


didix ::

New airdrop: MetaNFT
Reward: 10 MNFT
Distribution date: February 26th


didix ::

Earn PassiveIncome for life:
+ $SOL Weekly
+ $BOLOKS Daily
Participation time: 6:00 UTC, Feb 7 - 13:00 UTC, Feb 17

didix ::

Naga Kingdom

Reward: Up to 30 NAGA [~$30] + 200,000 NAGA [~$200,000] for the top 1,000 referrers.

10,000 valid participants will be randomly selected by the project team in addition to the top 1,000 referrers. The distribution date announced by the project is within one week after the IDO.


didix ::


Chance to win up to $1500 worth FAF + 1,000 USDT
Total Airdrop value: 110,000$
Winners will be awarded within 15 days after IDO/Listing.
First 10,000 winners will be awarded with FAF tokens and TOP 100 winners will also be awarded with USDT !
This airdrop event will finish on March 15.


didix ::

New Airdrop: CR Square Finance
Total Airdrop Pool: 1 Million CR2 [~$200,000]
Reward: Up to 75 CR2 [~$15] (For 10,000 Random) + 250,000 CR2 [~$50,000] for the top 200 referrers.

didix ::


Est. value $15
The end of the airdrop on 30th of April, 2022.
?Distribution will be after the end of the airdrop.


SafeMoon have fixed backdoor of the old protocol that could lead to loss of billions of dollars for token holders. The old functions became even better: Low fees for easy trading, fair token burning.

SafeMoon exists on BEP-20 smart contract. For each $SAFEMOON transfer the smart contract takes a 5% commission, which is later being distributed among all of the token holders. The mechanic works in a way that both encourages and rewards users for holding the tokens so that they could receive more tokens.

didix ::

Highpertoken @Airdrop

Task: Up to $100 worth of HPT
Referral: $20 worth of HPT
Notes: Airdrop will end on April 30, 2022. Total airdrop pool is $ 1 Million worth of HPT.
Distribution date: Within 1 week after the end of the airdrop.

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