Forum » Problemi človeštva » Dr. Drumpflove
Dr. Drumpflove

ZaphodBB ::
Levičarski anti-semitizem ne obstaja. Obstaja le boljševizem (ki ni levičarski), ki je v svojem bistvu anti-semitističen (in anti-vse-kar-ni-nam-podobno).
Holy postmodernist relativism Batman!
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::

Pac-Man ::
Za Trumpa so dovolj dobre samo najboljše snežinke.
Carter Page, Donald Trump’s former foreign policy adviser, accused his British examiners of “anti-Russian bias” after they took the highly unusual step of failing his “verbose” and “vague” PhD thesis, not once but twice.
In emails seen by the Guardian, Page compares his decade-long struggle to get a postgraduate qualification to the ordeal suffered by Mikhail Khodorkovsy – the Russian oligarch sent to a Siberian prison by Vladimir Putin.
In one unhappy note to his examiners, he writes: “Your actions to date have been far more destructive than anything I have personally experienced in my 39 years on this planet.” The fate of Khodorkovsky, he adds, represents “the closest analogy in recent history to my trials”.
Page first submitted his thesis on central Asia’s transition from communism to capitalism in 2008. Two respected academics, Professor Gregory Andrusz, and Dr Peter Duncan, were asked to read his thesis and to examine him in a face-to-face interview known as a viva.
Meanwhile, Andrusz said he was mystified as to why Page tried to pursue an academic career. The FBI, which is currently investigating allegations of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Moscow, reportedly bugged Page’s communications in 2016. The Bureau suspected Page of being a Russian agent. He denies this.
“Carter Page wanted to become a rich man. He hinted at having contacts in high places in Russia who were his informants,” Andrusz observed. The professor – who taught at Middlesex and Birmingham universities – said during his three decades as a lecturer he failed just one PhD student twice: Page.
Carter Page, Donald Trump’s former foreign policy adviser, accused his British examiners of “anti-Russian bias” after they took the highly unusual step of failing his “verbose” and “vague” PhD thesis, not once but twice.
In emails seen by the Guardian, Page compares his decade-long struggle to get a postgraduate qualification to the ordeal suffered by Mikhail Khodorkovsy – the Russian oligarch sent to a Siberian prison by Vladimir Putin.
In one unhappy note to his examiners, he writes: “Your actions to date have been far more destructive than anything I have personally experienced in my 39 years on this planet.” The fate of Khodorkovsky, he adds, represents “the closest analogy in recent history to my trials”.
Page first submitted his thesis on central Asia’s transition from communism to capitalism in 2008. Two respected academics, Professor Gregory Andrusz, and Dr Peter Duncan, were asked to read his thesis and to examine him in a face-to-face interview known as a viva.
Meanwhile, Andrusz said he was mystified as to why Page tried to pursue an academic career. The FBI, which is currently investigating allegations of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Moscow, reportedly bugged Page’s communications in 2016. The Bureau suspected Page of being a Russian agent. He denies this.
“Carter Page wanted to become a rich man. He hinted at having contacts in high places in Russia who were his informants,” Andrusz observed. The professor – who taught at Middlesex and Birmingham universities – said during his three decades as a lecturer he failed just one PhD student twice: Page.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

gus5 ::
Presenetljivo, slovenska zunanja politika se je 'uprla' Trumpu in cionistom. Glasovanje v GS ZN, 21. 12. 2017, resolucija ES-10/L.22...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gus5 ()

jype ::
Ja, sem že prilepil. V resnici je itak šlo za igro "Kdo se boji oranžnega moža?"
Odgovor je seveda: Nihče.
Odgovor je seveda: Nihče.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

Cervantes ::
Mi se amersom itak bolj zasrat, kot smo se že, ne moremo.
Gostimo putkota, ne kupujemo njihovega orožja in drugega šita.
Jamramo čez sankcije in veselo razvijamo trgovino z rusjaki.
Se čudimo, če podpirajo ubogljive hrčke.
Ampak, zdej smo jih pa zjebal!
Gostimo putkota, ne kupujemo njihovega orožja in drugega šita.
Jamramo čez sankcije in veselo razvijamo trgovino z rusjaki.
Se čudimo, če podpirajo ubogljive hrčke.
Ampak, zdej smo jih pa zjebal!

DarwiN ::
Eni so se sicer malce usrali in vzdržali glasovanja, med drugim Hrvati in Avstralci. Shame, shame, shame!
Mehičane in Kanadčane pa po drugi strani razumem.. Gotovo ni lahko mejit na najmogočnejšo državo na svetu pod vodstvom Oranžnega Hitlerja no less. Better safe than sorry.
Mehičane in Kanadčane pa po drugi strani razumem.. Gotovo ni lahko mejit na najmogočnejšo državo na svetu pod vodstvom Oranžnega Hitlerja no less. Better safe than sorry.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

jype ::

Cervantes ::

DarwiN ::
Ampak, a ni bil celo enkrat že tuki?
Menda je prišel, rekel "hi father, goodbye father" Malenijinemu fotru in odšel.
Ampak medtem je demenca (slurred speech, drinking water with two hands like a child) napredovala in je pozabil na ta dogodek.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

T-h-o-r ::
Drugac pa je bil veckrat. Tudi v Slovenj Gradcu med drugim :D
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

Scaramouche ::
Ampak, a ni bil celo enkrat že tuki?
Menda je prišel, rekel "hi father, goodbye father" Malenijinemu fotru in odšel.
Ampak medtem je demenca (slurred speech, drinking water with two hands like a child) napredovala in je pozabil na ta dogodek.
Smeha en komentar je dobr pojasnil to patetično gledanje Trumpa...
zebagebapred 3 dnevi
This is all the Left has. This is it.

DarwiN ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
This is all the Left has. This is it.
Potem vas pa nima kaj skrbet, a ne... Podobno kot pri Muellerjevi preiskavi. Le čemu ga Swamp in Fake News media poskušata diskreditirat na vsak način, z vsemi možnimi lažmi in teorijami zarot, ko pa gre vendar za Nothingburger.. Pustite mu dihat in naj opravi svoje.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
This is all the Left has. This is it.
Potem vas pa nima kaj skrbet, a ne... Podobno kot pri Muellerjevi preiskavi. Le čemu ga Swamp in Fake News media poskušata diskreditirat na vsak način, z vsemi možnimi lažmi in teorijami zarot, ko pa gre vendar za Nothingburger.. Pustite mu dihat in naj opravi svoje.
Sej nas ne skrbi, noben sploh ne bere teh dolgih skopiranih tekstov from trigged anti Trump losers!

DarwiN ::
Drgač pa tole okrog demence je zgolj en del comedy showa. Mogoče je res, mogoče mali Dumpo pripravlja podlago za morebiten odstop v prihodnosti, who knows in je dokaj nepomembno, a zabavno nevertheless. Impicha zagotovo ne bo. Zakaj bi se prepustil impeachu, ko imaš na voljo alternativna dejstva in ~35% volilnega telesa, ki verjame v vso govno, ki prismrdi iz tvojega gobca?
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Scaramouche ::
Drgač pa tole okrog demence je zgolj en del comedy showa. Mogoče je res, mogoče mali Dumpo pripravlja podlago za morebiten odstop v prihodnosti, who knows in je dokaj nepomembno, a zabavno nevertheless. Impicha zagotovo ne bo. Zakaj bi se prepustil impeachu, ko imaš na voljo alternativna dejstva in ~35% volilnega telesa, ki verjame v vso govno, ki prismrdi iz tvojega gobca?
Ne skrbi, on sploh ne ve da ti obstajaš...

DarwiN ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Ne skrbi, on sploh ne ve da ti obstajaš...
I feel safer already... In tudi če bo izvedel, imam belo kožo in modre oči. Arijska rasa. I'm safe!
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Ne skrbi, on sploh ne ve da ti obstajaš...
I feel safer already... In tudi če bo izvedel, imam belo kožo in modre oči. Arijska rasa. I'm safe!
Ni slabo, potem imaš soliden IQ, nič za bat! Sploh pa ko si rojen tam kjer nikoli nismo nobenga zasužnjili, no fear, no white guilt!

DarwiN ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Ne skrbi, on sploh ne ve da ti obstajaš...
I feel safer already... In tudi če bo izvedel, imam belo kožo in modre oči. Arijska rasa. I'm safe!
Ni slabo, potem imaš soliden IQ, nič za bat! Sploh pa ko si rojen tam kjer nikoli nismo nobenga zasužnjili, no fear, no white guilt!
Že že, a kaj ko mi je v spotiko razum, empatija, racionalnost, smisel za pravičnost, enakopravnost, ipd.. V nasprotnem primeru bi se rade volje pridružil vam fašistom.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Ne skrbi, on sploh ne ve da ti obstajaš...
I feel safer already... In tudi če bo izvedel, imam belo kožo in modre oči. Arijska rasa. I'm safe!
Ni slabo, potem imaš soliden IQ, nič za bat! Sploh pa ko si rojen tam kjer nikoli nismo nobenga zasužnjili, no fear, no white guilt!
Že že, a kaj ko mi je v spotiko razum, empatija, racionalnost, smisel za pravičnost, enakopravnost, ipd.. V nasprotnem primeru bi se rade volje pridružil vam fašistom.
jah vi Stalinisti in komunisti ste pod radarjem,lahko ste ksenofobni do belcev,židov in tistih ki jih ne marate, sej ste zaradi stigmatizacije desnice zdaj lahko agresivni...

DarwiN ::
jah vi Stalinisti in komunisti ste pod radarjem,lahko ste ksenofobni do belcev,židov in tistih ki jih ne marate, sej ste zaradi stigmatizacije desnice zdaj lahko agresivni...
Če smo mi komunisti, potem tudi ti živiš v komunistični državi. Hence, odseli se. Kaj čakaš?
Ksenofobija in levica, ja.. Sure.. Tole spada v "War on Christmas" kategorijo.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Scaramouche ::
jah vi Stalinisti in komunisti ste pod radarjem,lahko ste ksenofobni do belcev,židov in tistih ki jih ne marate, sej ste zaradi stigmatizacije desnice zdaj lahko agresivni...
Če smo mi komunisti, potem tudi ti živiš v komunistični državi. Hence, odseli se. Kaj čakaš?
Ksenofobija in levica, ja.. Sure.. Tole spada v "War on Christmas" kategorijo.
Socialisti in komunisti živijo v Ameriki, tudi socialni bojevniki, zato se ne bodo normalni ljudje odselili, vi ste tisti ki morate iz Slovenije in Amerike v Rusijo!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Scaramouche ()

DarwiN ::
Seveda smo proti Izraelu.. To je tisti občutek pravičnosti, o katerem sem govoril. Izrael je agresor, Palestinci pa tisti, katerim se dogaja krivica in se obupno branijo.. Ne obratno. To napačno sliko si si ti ustvaril v tvoji glavi samo zato, ker so Izraleci pač "naši".
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Scaramouche ::
Seveda smo proti Izraelu.. To je tisti občutek pravičnosti, o katerem sem govoril. Izrael je agresor, Palestinci pa tisti, katerim se dogaja krivica in se obupno branijo.. Ne obratno. To napačno sliko si si ti ustvaril v tvoji glavi samo zato, ker so Izraleci pač "naši".
Imajo Izrealci napake samo če pogledaš kdo je bolj debilen tam in kdo je bolj produktiven in kje bi raje živel se takoj ve!
Hamas Covenant @ Wikipedia
Article 8 The Hamas document reiterates the Muslim Brotherhood's slogan of "Allah is its goal, the Prophet is the model, the Qur'an its constitution, jihad its path, and death for the sake of Allah its most sublime belief."[1][22]
The Hamas Charter reads like a modern-day Mein Kampf." According to the charter, Jewish people "have only negative traits and are presented as planning to take over the world."[39] The charter claims that the Jews deserve God's/Allah's enmity and wrath because they received the Scriptures but violated its sacred texts, disbelieved the signs of Allah, and slew their own prophets.[40] It quotes a saying of Muhammad from a hadith:
"The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, 'O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' Only the Gharkad tree would not do that, because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)[1]
This "exchange" occurred when Hitler received Saudi Arabian ruler Ibn Saud’s special envoy, Khalid al-Hud al-Gargani.[7] Earlier in this meeting Hitler noted that one of the three reasons why Nazi Germany had warm sympathies for the Arabs was:
… because we were jointly fighting the Jews. This led him to discuss Palestine and the conditions there, and he then stated that he himself would not rest until the last Jew had left Germany. Kalid al Hud observed that the Prophet Mohammed … had acted the same way. He had driven the Jews out of Arabia ….
Torej ste z Muslimani na strani Hitlerja in Islama ki ima v svoji doktrini včrtano uničenje Židov..

DarwiN ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Imajo Izrealci napake samo če pogledaš kdo je bolj debilen tam in kdo je bolj produktiven in kje bi raje živel se takoj ve!
Ja, tako kot če primerjaš spolno sužnjo in lastnika te sužnje. Ti boš potegnil z lastnikom, ker nosi Rolex uro in vozi super avtomobil, pa še barvo kože ima enako kot ti.. Jaz bom pa podprl sužnjo. #justice
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Scaramouche ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Imajo Izrealci napake samo če pogledaš kdo je bolj debilen tam in kdo je bolj produktiven in kje bi raje živel se takoj ve!
Ja, tako kot če primerjaš spolno sužnjo in lastnika te sužnje. Ti boš potegnil z lastnikom, ker nosi Rolex uro in vozi super avtomobil, pa še barvo kože ima enako kot ti.. Jaz bom pa podprl sužnjo. #justice
Kje ti tam vidiš sužnje?
Prej bi rekel da jim Izrealci celo pomagajo! Pustijo jim da se pri njih zdravijo!
to je mentaliteta takih ljudi, nikjer na svetu ni takega debilizma kot pri njih,da so tako veseli tako groznih stvari!
Tej ženski so zdravili otroka Izraelci in tako jim vrne...
Potem se ti po desetletjih malo zmeša in tudi kot Žid začneš biti agresiven!

DarwiN ::
Kje ti tam vidiš sužnje?
Ma jaz sem dal splošen primer. Point je bil, da denar, družba, razvitost prav nič ne pomenijo, dokler si ti tisti bad guy. In med Izraelom in Palestino ni nobenega dvoma, kdo je bad guy. Izrael je okupator in Palestinci zatirani. Vse ostalo je moot point, dokler Izrael ne preneha krasti ozemlja in kršiti mednarodno pravo.
Mah smo off-topic.
Merry Christmas everyone. :D
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

jype ::

vostok_1 ::
Niste je še prepovedali. Ne.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

vostok_1 ::
Jype jo bije že leta...
Jype jo bije že leta...
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

gozdar1 ::
Potem bo potrebno nazaj k koreninam, nič več dober dan ali pa bog ne daj kakšen zdravo, od slej je dovoljen samo še hvaljen jezus.

vostok_1 ::
Ali "pozdravljen tovariš".
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

gus5 ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Torej ste z Muslimani na strani Hitlerja in Islama ki ima v svoji doktrini včrtano uničenje Židov..Dolfe je sprva načrtoval preselitev (nemških) Judov. Zamislil si je judovsko kraljestvo na Madagaskarju; problem: prevelik logistični projekt, poleg tega Madagaskar je bila pred 2SV francoska kolonija. Potem si je omislil judovsko državo v Palestini in o preselitvi nemških Judov celo dosegel dogovor z nekaterimi sionističnimi organizacijami. Ko se je začela vojna, pa ni bilo več časa in volje za preseljevanje, vojno vihro je sklenil izkoristiti za 'neopazno' iztrebljenje Judov...

ZaphodBB ::
Ko se je začela vojna, pa ni bilo več časa in volje za preseljevanje, vojno vihro je sklenil izkoristiti za 'neopazno' iztrebljenje Judov...
Figo neopazno. Vsi so vedeli, samo so se potem sprenevedali, da nič ne vedo. Še več, proti koncu vojne je Hitler pobiral može in surovine s fronte in pospeševal iztrebljanje Judov - v škodo obrambe Nemčije.
To je isto, ko alt-right danes govoriči o "plačanem preseljevanju" ter "freedom of association" - Scaramouche ima čisto prav - totalitarci imajo genocid skozi pred očmi, četudi so nekateri dejansko tako slepi, da tega ne vidijo.
Genocid je logična implikacija totalitarne ideologije in to ve vsak, ki ima odprte oči.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

jype ::

ZaphodBB ::
Zakaj si jih pa ti zatiskaš? What's your excuse?
Saj si jih ne. Zato vas pa poskušam opozorit.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Pac-Man ::
Idiot admits conspiring with Moscow reps, including payments, says everybody does it and it's no big.
A year into Donald Trump's presidency, with the end of Robert Mueller's painstaking investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election nowhere in sight, I have a confession to make.
On multiple occasions over the last several years I have attended private meetings with individuals who are members of a Moscow-based international organization that opposes gay marriage, the European Union, globalism, and secularism. Also present at some of these meetings were right-leaning journalists, heads of think tanks, and even federal officials. Over drinks — sometimes, yes, vodka — and cigarettes, political issues were discussed, the Obama administration roundly criticized, and at least once there was a long conversation about Russian intelligence. Between meetings I communicated via email and Twitter with these individuals, who were based for a time in Australia, where both were involved in politics and even lobbying. On more than one occasion I was responsible for ensuring that payments in the four-figure range were made into the bank account of one of the individuals. A few months before the first of the above encounters, I met Trump himself at a D.C. hotel. At a later meeting, the individual I had been compensating appeared at another meeting in Manhattan with prominent social conservatives at which she made arguments on behalf of Trump.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Spet se mi obrača želodec.
Late show ima segment "Real News tonight", parodijo novic za Trumpa. Fox&friends je ravnokar postal ta parodija.
Late show ima segment "Real News tonight", parodijo novic za Trumpa. Fox&friends je ravnokar postal ta parodija.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Glavna skupina anti-trumperjev na twitterju je znana kot "Scooby-Doo gang". Stvar je šla tako daleč, da se en vozi okrog s tem kombijem.
Tole je uradni božični portret družine Obama.
Precej veliko naključje.
Tole je uradni božični portret družine Obama.
Precej veliko naključje.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Jarno ::
V Home of the free a.k.a Murici si res privoščijo.
Sicer najraje ne bi linkal, ampak to je free press po US standardih, bo že šlo skozi.
Sicer najraje ne bi linkal, ampak to je free press po US standardih, bo že šlo skozi.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

jype ::

Pac-Man ::
Konzervativni socialdemokrat z doktoratom iz avstro-ogrske zgodovine, ki je v 90ih delal za NSA na področju Jugoslavije.
Odlično branje.
Warning: Donald Trump Is America’s Slobodan Milošević
First, let’s get out of the way how Milošević and Trump were dissimilar. While the latter is a much-married reality TV showman who lives for the camera and can’t shut up or stay off social media, the former was a colorless Communist functionary, a private man devoted to his wife and possessing a somewhat dour demeanor. As social personalities they could not be more different.
Yet a cursory look at their political personalities reveals troubling likenesses. Like Trump, Milošević made his name in finance, playing shady games with other people’s money, and got ahead in the Yugoslav system due to personal connections more than professional acumen. Milošević, like Trump, casually used people, even his closest friends, and discarded them when they were no longer needed (at the end of his regime, Milošević had his former best friend and mentor assassinated); loyalty with both is a one-way street.
Yugoslavia was deeply in hock to foreign banks, its ailing economy having grown dependent on infusions of Western cash to keep running, and by the mid-1980s Tito’s Ponzi scheme was collapsing. As a result, unemployment spiked and average Yugoslavs, who had grown accustomed to near-Western levels of consumer comfort, saw it all evaporate before their eyes. Fury followed.
Given such economic turmoil, political ferment burst forth, and in multiethnic Yugoslavia, that inevitably took on nationalist coloration. Serbian nationalism, taboo for decades under Communism, emerged from under the ice in the mid-1980s with dangerous passion.
By 1987, the Kosovo issue dominated Serbian politics, and out of nowhere Slobodan Milošević, a rising party boss, jumped on the nationalist bandwagon. He had never shown the slightest interest in nationalism, personally or politically, and seemed devoid of ethnic ressentiment himself, yet he realized that the issue was his ticket to power.
He cleverly employed nationalism to take power over Serbia and eventually even Yugoslavia. By late 1989, Milošević was the master of the country, the powerbroker of a state in terminal decline. Institutions that stood in his way—Yugoslavia’s Federal political system, the military and the security services—were attacked, then purged of opponents, then re-staffed with Milošević pawns and cronies.
What the novice strongman didn’t plan on, however, was the rise of competing nationalisms against Serbia. The threat of Serbian chauvinism terrified Albanians, and soon Croats and Slovenians too. Old enmities returned.(...)Today, most of the former Yugoslavia remains poorer, more corrupt, more ethnically divided, and more crime-ridden than it was then Milošević grabbed the axe of Serbian nationalism and used it to chop down the country.
Milošević ruined Serbia just like he ruined most of Yugoslavia, inflicting political, social, and economic wounds that show few signs of healing even now.
In truth, he never cared about Serbs, he merely wanted power. Cynically donning the cloak of nationalism, he fooled Serbs by telling them what they wanted to hear: I will protect you. I will defend Serbdom. I will restore prosperity. None of it was true. His plan to Make Serbia Great Again was nothing but a charade. Once he achieved power, Milošević really didn’t know what to do; he was better at fiery rhetoric than reality. As a result, Milošević improvised crisis after crisis and left behind a broken and impoverished Serbia, smaller and weaker than it was before the First World War.
You can understand the remarkable rise of Donald Trump in 2015-16 by simply exchanging “Serbian nationalism” for “white nationalism”: the parallels are eerie and disturbing. Trump, who never had shown the slightest interest in the plight of the white working class while he built his flimflam empire of gauche condos and casinos, suddenly reinvented himself as their champion. By telling angry and alienated people just what they wanted to hear, Trump created a political movement overnight and mysteriously rode it right to the White House.
So far, of course, America has avoided the fate of Yugoslavia. We’re a much bigger and richer country, and our economy, for all its structural problems, is a lot less troubled than Yugoslavia’s was in the 1980s. That’s the good news. The bad news is that Donald Trump has opened the same can of ethno-nationalist worms that Slobodan Milošević did, and if he keeps stoking those fires while doing nothing for his angry and alienated base, America could yet wind up resembling Yugoslavia a lot more than anybody sane should want.
Odlično branje.
Warning: Donald Trump Is America’s Slobodan Milošević
First, let’s get out of the way how Milošević and Trump were dissimilar. While the latter is a much-married reality TV showman who lives for the camera and can’t shut up or stay off social media, the former was a colorless Communist functionary, a private man devoted to his wife and possessing a somewhat dour demeanor. As social personalities they could not be more different.
Yet a cursory look at their political personalities reveals troubling likenesses. Like Trump, Milošević made his name in finance, playing shady games with other people’s money, and got ahead in the Yugoslav system due to personal connections more than professional acumen. Milošević, like Trump, casually used people, even his closest friends, and discarded them when they were no longer needed (at the end of his regime, Milošević had his former best friend and mentor assassinated); loyalty with both is a one-way street.
Yugoslavia was deeply in hock to foreign banks, its ailing economy having grown dependent on infusions of Western cash to keep running, and by the mid-1980s Tito’s Ponzi scheme was collapsing. As a result, unemployment spiked and average Yugoslavs, who had grown accustomed to near-Western levels of consumer comfort, saw it all evaporate before their eyes. Fury followed.
Given such economic turmoil, political ferment burst forth, and in multiethnic Yugoslavia, that inevitably took on nationalist coloration. Serbian nationalism, taboo for decades under Communism, emerged from under the ice in the mid-1980s with dangerous passion.
By 1987, the Kosovo issue dominated Serbian politics, and out of nowhere Slobodan Milošević, a rising party boss, jumped on the nationalist bandwagon. He had never shown the slightest interest in nationalism, personally or politically, and seemed devoid of ethnic ressentiment himself, yet he realized that the issue was his ticket to power.
He cleverly employed nationalism to take power over Serbia and eventually even Yugoslavia. By late 1989, Milošević was the master of the country, the powerbroker of a state in terminal decline. Institutions that stood in his way—Yugoslavia’s Federal political system, the military and the security services—were attacked, then purged of opponents, then re-staffed with Milošević pawns and cronies.
What the novice strongman didn’t plan on, however, was the rise of competing nationalisms against Serbia. The threat of Serbian chauvinism terrified Albanians, and soon Croats and Slovenians too. Old enmities returned.(...)Today, most of the former Yugoslavia remains poorer, more corrupt, more ethnically divided, and more crime-ridden than it was then Milošević grabbed the axe of Serbian nationalism and used it to chop down the country.
Milošević ruined Serbia just like he ruined most of Yugoslavia, inflicting political, social, and economic wounds that show few signs of healing even now.
In truth, he never cared about Serbs, he merely wanted power. Cynically donning the cloak of nationalism, he fooled Serbs by telling them what they wanted to hear: I will protect you. I will defend Serbdom. I will restore prosperity. None of it was true. His plan to Make Serbia Great Again was nothing but a charade. Once he achieved power, Milošević really didn’t know what to do; he was better at fiery rhetoric than reality. As a result, Milošević improvised crisis after crisis and left behind a broken and impoverished Serbia, smaller and weaker than it was before the First World War.
You can understand the remarkable rise of Donald Trump in 2015-16 by simply exchanging “Serbian nationalism” for “white nationalism”: the parallels are eerie and disturbing. Trump, who never had shown the slightest interest in the plight of the white working class while he built his flimflam empire of gauche condos and casinos, suddenly reinvented himself as their champion. By telling angry and alienated people just what they wanted to hear, Trump created a political movement overnight and mysteriously rode it right to the White House.
So far, of course, America has avoided the fate of Yugoslavia. We’re a much bigger and richer country, and our economy, for all its structural problems, is a lot less troubled than Yugoslavia’s was in the 1980s. That’s the good news. The bad news is that Donald Trump has opened the same can of ethno-nationalist worms that Slobodan Milošević did, and if he keeps stoking those fires while doing nothing for his angry and alienated base, America could yet wind up resembling Yugoslavia a lot more than anybody sane should want.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

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