Forum » Problemi človeštva » Dr. Drumpflove
Dr. Drumpflove

D3m ::
Ne, zaradi bedakov, ki podpirajo takšno osebo.
Vidim, da logika res ne špila.
Folk si kar sam izmisli izgovor za njegovo blebetanje. Dajte mu sporočit, da se naj izgovarja na "thinking out loud". To ga opraviči vsega. Folk bo kupil. Vi tukaj ste si kar sami dali izgovor in ga kupili. Zakon. Take lahkomiselne volivce potrebuje oseba ala Trump.
Še vedno ne razumem, kaj je tvoj problem?
A bi bil rad milijarder? Bi rad bil predsednik?
Kaj hočeš od nas?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

DarwiN ::
Tole sem ves čas pričakoval. Da bo Dumpo nekoliko porezal krila Ameriki. Tako je tudi prav, da se moči malo razporedijo in ne bomo več nujno talci ameriške blaznosti. 4 leta bo sicer najbrž premalo, a nič ne de.
In medtem se nadaljuje rop ameriškega ljudstva s strani republikancev. Milijonarji celo prosijo kongres, naj jim zvišajo davke, ne znižajo. Seveda gre za liberalne milijonarje, med njimi tudi George Soros. Trumptards triggered? Must be a conspiracy?
P.S.: Si zna kdo pri zdravi pameti predstavljat kakšnega konzervativnega milijonarja, ki bi tako nastopil pred kamero?

You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()

ZaphodBB ::
In medtem se nadaljuje rop ameriškega ljudstva s strani republikancev. Milijonarji celo prosijo kongres, naj jim zvišajo davke, ne znižajo. Seveda gre za liberalne milijonarje, med njimi tudi George Soros. Trumptards triggered? Must be a conspiracy?
Prazno razkazovanje kreposti. Če bi Soros tako rad plačeval davke potem ga ne bilo v Paradise Papersih. Sicer pa lahko komot nakaže viške v proračun. Tako kot to lahko storite vsi, ki vas žuli denar, pa bi ga radi darovali državi.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

DarwiN ::
Prazno razkazovanje kreposti.
To se bo najbrž izkazalo za resnično, ker republikanci ne bodo niti pod točko razno opustili svojih plačanih sanj - tax cuts for the rich and donors.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Pac-Man ::
Roy Moore je šel full Bubba. Nikoli ne greš full Bubba.
Roy Moore says today we have a problem after "new rights" were created in 1965, which is the year the Voting Rights Act was passed.
Voting Rights Act of 1965 @ Wikipedia
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting.
Roy Moore says today we have a problem after "new rights" were created in 1965, which is the year the Voting Rights Act was passed.
Voting Rights Act of 1965 @ Wikipedia
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting.

RedDrake ::
Roy Moore je šel full Bubba. Nikoli ne greš full Bubba.
Roy Moore says today we have a problem after "new rights" were created in 1965, which is the year the Voting Rights Act was passed.
Voting Rights Act of 1965 @ Wikipedia
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting.
Tole je vse predvidevanje in špekulacija na tej podlagi.
Glede na njegovo, versko fundamentalistično, usmerjenost, da ni imel morda v mislih slippery-slope problema z vedno novimi fringe skupinami, ki zahtevajo "MUHHHHH RIGHTS!"?
Ali pa leta '65 sprejeta pravila o imigraciji, ki, prosto po Blumpfu, trenutno povzročajo daleč največje glavobole ameriškim usto-dihačem?
Video je drugače en tak lep hit piece.
Je pa dodeliti pavšal volilno pravico delu prebivalstva, ki v solidnem deležu spada v mentalno zaostal del populacije vsekakor potencialno problematično. Hkrati pa tistih 10% ljudi-od-barve (čeprav črna ni barva, pa bela tudi ne?!?) itak ni odločilnega pomena.
Pa MSM še kar ni dojel. Volilcev takšnih ljudi se ne prepriča s Hit piece in pol-lažmi, ki se vrtijo 24/7/365. Kvečjemu še bolj bodo jezni, in še kak pokol več bodo naredili, iz čiste jeze do "Človeka, ki jih zatira!".
Tudi agent Paco ne dojame. Bitko proti Blumpf! teamu se ne dobi s fantaziranjem o tem kako je vsak CIS ne-od-barve-moški pravzaprav ruski agent - malodane telepatsko voden s strani samega utelešenja hudiča - Putke.
Ampak s tem, da se da boljšo alternativo.
Ki pa je ni, ker je alternativa trenutno na tem, da se zna dreti Blumpf!, pa zna se dreti RAYCISSSS!, pa zna oklicati vsakega za nacista, kadarkoli, kjerkoli in zaradi česarkoli! Hkrati alternativa tudi preprečuje svobodo izražanja, ampak samo kadar je to njim v prid.
Ko bo alternativa boljša, bodo Blumpfi in teokrati v USA politiki odpadli kot stari gumbi iz hlač.

Pac-Man ::
Je pa dodeliti pavšal volilno pravico delu prebivalstva, ki v solidnem deležu spada v mentalno zaostal del populacije vsekakor potencialno problematično. Hkrati pa tistih 10% ljudi-od-barve (čeprav črna ni barva, pa bela tudi ne?!?) itak ni odločilnega pomena.
Sem napisal, da nikoli ne greš full Bubba. In potem bi taki pavšalizirali o "delu prebivalstva, ki v solidnem deležu spada v mentalno zaostal del populacije".
Poroči sestrično in daj mir.

c3p0 ::
Paco živi v svoji realnosti, impič, impič, kokice, rusi za vsakim ovinkom nekaj spletkarijo, killary president itd. Debata ne bo padla na plodna tla.

jype ::

Pac-Man ::
Last night, Sean Hannity casually told John Solomon, Sara Carter, and Jay Sekulow, "I have sources saying all of us are being surveilled illegally."
Has Fox News verified this reporting? Because the federal government illegally surveilling three news outlet employees and the president's lawyer seems like a pretty big story to casually toss off on Hannity's program. It resembles Andrew Napolitano's claim that his sources were telling him the British intelligence service spied on Trump for Obama, which Fox later said they could not confirm.
Not a lot of margin here, either there's serious and dangerous activity going on or Sean Hannity is a paranoid conspiracy theorist. I'd bet on Option B, but Fox should be pushed on this.
ter NSA dude:
OK, how does Sean know this -- and that it's illegal?
Talking to RIS agents is a good way to get surveilled by FBI/NSA. Notion that IC would do this w/o FISA warrants, ie illegally, is insane. I remind that Hannity regularly pushes overt lies, including ones we know were scripted by Russian intelligence. See details here:
"Journalists" who play footsie with HoIS & act as mouthpieces for foreign propaganda are legitimate & legal CI targets.
Welcome to reality.
Last night, Sean Hannity casually told John Solomon, Sara Carter, and Jay Sekulow, "I have sources saying all of us are being surveilled illegally."
Has Fox News verified this reporting? Because the federal government illegally surveilling three news outlet employees and the president's lawyer seems like a pretty big story to casually toss off on Hannity's program. It resembles Andrew Napolitano's claim that his sources were telling him the British intelligence service spied on Trump for Obama, which Fox later said they could not confirm.
Not a lot of margin here, either there's serious and dangerous activity going on or Sean Hannity is a paranoid conspiracy theorist. I'd bet on Option B, but Fox should be pushed on this.
ter NSA dude:
OK, how does Sean know this -- and that it's illegal?
Talking to RIS agents is a good way to get surveilled by FBI/NSA. Notion that IC would do this w/o FISA warrants, ie illegally, is insane. I remind that Hannity regularly pushes overt lies, including ones we know were scripted by Russian intelligence. See details here:
"Journalists" who play footsie with HoIS & act as mouthpieces for foreign propaganda are legitimate & legal CI targets.
Welcome to reality.

RedDrake ::
Sem napisal, da nikoli ne greš full Bubba. In potem bi taki pavšalizirali o "delu prebivalstva, ki v solidnem deležu spada v mentalno zaostal del populacije".
Poroči sestrično in daj mir.
Število cis-nacistov-pod-krinko in ljudi-lepšega-odtenka, ki imajo IQ pod 70 je enako.
Njun delež v splošni sestavi prebivalstva je pa cca 5:1. Saj OŠ matematiko je tak super-agent kot ti verjetno sposoben razumeti?
Ali si v bolj nesrečnem levem delu krivulje?
Ne bom dal mir, dokler boš tu v dveh prispevkih objavil točno ENO slovensko besedo, pa še to je samo tričrkovni veznik.
Ker potem bom jaz en prispevek napisal v Nemščini, enega v Italjanščini, pa kakega v bivšem južno-od-kolpe-skupnem jeziku, pa enega v Japonščini. A veš, eni znamo več kot dva jezika ... mogoče povezano z IQ v zadnjem odstotku, al' pa tut' ne. Ti maš zih prov, sem inbred retard. Paco ma VEDNO prav ljudje!

juroz ::
Glede na to kaj se je meni že vse brisalo je res beyond me kako se njemu pusti postat čisto propagando.

jype ::
Glede na to kaj se je meni že vse brisalo je res beyond me kako se njemu pusti postat čisto propagando.Nobene propagande ni, samo dejstva, ki nas zanimajo.
Ker potem bom jaz en prispevek napisal v Nemščini, enega v Italjanščini, pa kakega v bivšem južno-od-kolpe-skupnem jeziku, pa enega v Japonščini.Ça va avec moi, du borde göra det, dělej to jako vostok_1.
I R TARDMAN!Obnašaš se že tako.

ZaphodBB ::
Že, že, mesece nazaj. Samo še republikanci se morajo opogumit in poštemplat.
Tako je. Vsi predsedniki v zgodovini so bli impičani. Samo poštempljana sta bila pa samo dva.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

ZaphodBB ::
Ali je to res, ali je le CNN fake news?
Res je. Demokrati so vložili impičment za vse republikanske predsednike v zadnjih 40 letih.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

RedDrake ::

jype ::
Tako je, njena obramba temelji na tem, da je še sedem drugih ministrstev požegnalo ta biznis.
The death squad defense, kot se imenuje.
The death squad defense, kot se imenuje.

VaeVictis ::
Democrats Want To Impeach A Republican President? What Else Is New?
Impeachment investigations of United States federal officials
Ronald Reagan
On March 6, 1987 Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez, Democrat of Texas, introduced articles of impeachment against President Ronald Reagan regarding the Iran Contra affair, leading to the joint hearings that dominated the summer. A special prosecutor was appointed.
George H. W. Bush
On January 16, 1991, Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez introduced H. Res. 34, to impeach President George H. W. Bush for starting the Gulf War. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee, where it died. Gonzalez tried again with H. Res. 86 on February 21. Both bills were referred to the Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law March 18, 1992, where the efforts also died.
George W. Bush
Due to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, George W. Bush and other officials were targets of impeachment efforts, none of which got past the hearing stage.
Btw, enako kakor demokrati tudi republikanci aktivno probavajo izvesti impeachement, samo republinkacem je v zadnjem času celo uspelu pri Clintonu.
Bill Clinton
Clinton and Lewinsky on a 1998 Abkhazia stamp, the scandal caused derision throughout the world
On November 5, 1997, Rep. Robert Barr introduced a resolution, H. Res. 304, directing the House Judiciary Committee to inquire into impeachment proceedings -- months before the Monica Lewinsky scandal came to light. Foremost among the concerns Barr cited at the time was alleged obstruction of Justice Department investigations into Clinton campaign fundraising from foreign sources, chiefly the People's Republic of China.[20] The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee for further action, which tabled the resolution.
Later, Clinton was impeached and acquitted over charges relating to the Lewinsky scandal.
Barack Obama
In March 2012, Congressman Walter B. Jones introduced H. Con. Res. 107, calling for Congress to hold the sentiment that certain actions of President Barack Obama be considered as impeachable offenses, including the CIA's drone program in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The resolution died in the House Judiciary Committee.
On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on whether or not to impeach the President. At the hearing, there were views among Republicans that the president has not done his duty and that he abused his executive power.
Impeachment investigations of United States federal officials
Ronald Reagan
On March 6, 1987 Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez, Democrat of Texas, introduced articles of impeachment against President Ronald Reagan regarding the Iran Contra affair, leading to the joint hearings that dominated the summer. A special prosecutor was appointed.
George H. W. Bush
On January 16, 1991, Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez introduced H. Res. 34, to impeach President George H. W. Bush for starting the Gulf War. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee, where it died. Gonzalez tried again with H. Res. 86 on February 21. Both bills were referred to the Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law March 18, 1992, where the efforts also died.
George W. Bush
Due to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, George W. Bush and other officials were targets of impeachment efforts, none of which got past the hearing stage.
Btw, enako kakor demokrati tudi republikanci aktivno probavajo izvesti impeachement, samo republinkacem je v zadnjem času celo uspelu pri Clintonu.
Bill Clinton
Clinton and Lewinsky on a 1998 Abkhazia stamp, the scandal caused derision throughout the world
On November 5, 1997, Rep. Robert Barr introduced a resolution, H. Res. 304, directing the House Judiciary Committee to inquire into impeachment proceedings -- months before the Monica Lewinsky scandal came to light. Foremost among the concerns Barr cited at the time was alleged obstruction of Justice Department investigations into Clinton campaign fundraising from foreign sources, chiefly the People's Republic of China.[20] The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee for further action, which tabled the resolution.
Later, Clinton was impeached and acquitted over charges relating to the Lewinsky scandal.
Barack Obama
In March 2012, Congressman Walter B. Jones introduced H. Con. Res. 107, calling for Congress to hold the sentiment that certain actions of President Barack Obama be considered as impeachable offenses, including the CIA's drone program in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The resolution died in the House Judiciary Committee.
On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on whether or not to impeach the President. At the hearing, there were views among Republicans that the president has not done his duty and that he abused his executive power.

jype ::
Pozabil si še
On 17 May 2017, Rep. Al Green (D) of Texas called for impeachment of President Trump on the House floor.[26] Later, just under six months into Trump's presidency, Rep. Green and Rep. Brad Sherman introduced H. Res. 438, exhibiting one article of impeachment.
On 17 May 2017, Rep. Al Green (D) of Texas called for impeachment of President Trump on the House floor.[26] Later, just under six months into Trump's presidency, Rep. Green and Rep. Brad Sherman introduced H. Res. 438, exhibiting one article of impeachment.

VaeVictis ::
Pozabil si še
On 17 May 2017, Rep. Al Green (D) of Texas called for impeachment of President Trump on the House floor.[26] Later, just under six months into Trump's presidency, Rep. Green and Rep. Brad Sherman introduced H. Res. 438, exhibiting one article of impeachment.
Ne nisem pozabil.
Načrtno je bilo izpuščeno, ker sem hotel pokazati, kako so ti poizkusi potekali v preteklosti pred Trumpom.
Da se ne bo mislilo, da so ti impeachmenti nekaj grozno posebnega in izvedeni samo v primerih kakega hudega kršenja zakona.
Vse tole zelo spominja na interpelacije v našem parlamentu, še sama uspešnost je zelo podobna...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VaeVictis ()

jype ::
Ja, no, sej. Sam še republikanci poštemplajo, pa je to to. Če so pičkice, so pač pičkice, prej ali slej jih bo morala pamet srečat.

DarwiN ::
IMO je impeachment možen samo v teoriji. Če bo že prišlo tako daleč, bo mali Dumpo enostavno odstopil in krivdo prevalil na demokrate, reptiliane ali whatever. ~35% prebivalstva iz alternativnega vesolja verjame vsako njegovo laž in jim bo pač prodal neko teorijo zarote ter postal njihov mučenik.
Snowflake liberalci medtem zganjajo celo štalo zaradi nekih slonov. Mislim, kill them all, right trumptards? Kaj pravijo alternativni mediji na to novico? Fake news? Nothingburger?
Snowflake liberalci medtem zganjajo celo štalo zaradi nekih slonov. Mislim, kill them all, right trumptards? Kaj pravijo alternativni mediji na to novico? Fake news? Nothingburger?
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Heavy ::
Mislim, kill them all, right trumptards? Kaj pravijo alternativni mediji na to novico? Fake news? Nothingburger?
Lahko jih že zdaj vse pobijejo. Gre se samo za uvoz trofeje v državo.

xmetallic ::
Premik v pravo smer. Formally recognize AntiFa as a terrorist organization
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: xmetallic ()

jype ::
Premik v pravo smer. Formally recognize AntiFa as a terrorist organizationUnited States Armed Forces _so_ AntiFa:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

xmetallic ::
IMO je impeachment možen samo v teoriji. Če bo že prišlo tako daleč, bo mali Dumpo enostavno odstopil in krivdo prevalil na demokrate, reptiliane ali whatever. ~35% prebivalstva iz alternativnega vesolja verjame vsako njegovo laž in jim bo pač prodal neko teorijo zarote ter postal njihov mučenik.
Tudi v teoriji ni možen. Preveč vplivnih ljudi ima od Trumpa korist. Od kar je on na oblasti indeksi dosegajo rekorde, država je prodala že za nekaj deset milijard dolarjev orožja, itd. Liberalci se morajo s tem sprijazniti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: xmetallic ()

jype ::
Liberali se morajo s tem sprijazniti.S čim? Da je bil Obama neoliberalec in omogočil Bezosu, da iztisne iz revežev vse, kar lahko, ter jih na njihove stroške pošlje v bolnišnice? Ja, I guess.
No, saj bo Trump bogatim zmanjšal davke, revnim pa podražil zdravstvo, pa bo vse bolje.

Pac-Man ::
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak said on Wednesday that it would take him more than 20 minutes to name all of the Trump officials he's met with or spoken to on the phone.
"First, I'm never going to do that," he said. "And second, the list is so long that I'm not going to be able to go through it in 20 minutes."
Kislyak made the remarks in a sprawling interview with Russia-1, a popular state-owned Russian television channel.
The interview followed a contentious day of testimony for Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions was grilled by representatives on the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday over whether he lied about meetings he had with Kislyak last year while he was a senator.
Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., asked Sessions on Tuesday how long his September meeting with Kislyak was.
"I doubt it was 50 minutes, but it may have been," Sessions said.
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak said on Wednesday that it would take him more than 20 minutes to name all of the Trump officials he's met with or spoken to on the phone.
"First, I'm never going to do that," he said. "And second, the list is so long that I'm not going to be able to go through it in 20 minutes."
Kislyak made the remarks in a sprawling interview with Russia-1, a popular state-owned Russian television channel.
The interview followed a contentious day of testimony for Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions was grilled by representatives on the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday over whether he lied about meetings he had with Kislyak last year while he was a senator.
Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., asked Sessions on Tuesday how long his September meeting with Kislyak was.
"I doubt it was 50 minutes, but it may have been," Sessions said.

ZaphodBB ::
United States Armed Forces _so_ AntiFa:
A niso konzervativci fašisti?
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Markus386 ::
IMO je impeachment možen samo v teoriji. Če bo že prišlo tako daleč, bo mali Dumpo enostavno odstopil in krivdo prevalil na demokrate, reptiliane ali whatever. ~35% prebivalstva iz alternativnega vesolja verjame vsako njegovo laž in jim bo pač prodal neko teorijo zarote ter postal njihov mučenik.
Snowflake liberalci medtem zganjajo celo štalo zaradi nekih slonov. Mislim, kill them all, right trumptards? Kaj pravijo alternativni mediji na to novico? Fake news? Nothingburger?
Trump admin. to reverse ban on elephant trophies from Africa
nekje sredi članka:
The government has not officially announced this policy change yet, but it was reportedly raised at a wildlife forum in South Africa this week, according to Safari Club International, which filed a lawsuit to block the 2014 ban.

DarwiN ::
A niso konzervativci fašisti?
Kot tudi rasisti in homofobi, among other things. Če želiš posploševat in vse konzervativce zmetat v isti umazani koš.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

jype ::
Če želiš posploševat in vse konzervativce zmetat v isti umazani koš.To sicer želim, ampak na košu piše "konzervativci".
United States Armed Forces niso konzervativci, ne vsi. Nekaj med njimi jih je tudi trans, haha. So pa vsi antifašisti, razen tistih, ki jih bodo dishonorably dischargal v kratkem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

thom4s ::

Pac-Man ::
Poveljnik STRATCOM pravi, da ne bo upošteval ilegalnega povelja za jedrski napad.
The top U.S. nuclear commander said Saturday he would push back against President Trump if he ordered a nuclear launch the general believed to be "illegal," saying he would hope to find another solution.
"I think some people think we're stupid," Hyten said in response to a question about such a scenario. "We're not stupid people. We think about these things a lot. When you have this responsibility, how do you not think about it?"
Hyten explained the process that would follow such a command. As head of STRATCOM, Hyten is responsible for overseeing the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
"I provide advice to the president, he will tell me what to do," Hyten added. "And if it's illegal, guess what's going to happen? I'm going to say, 'Mr. President, that's illegal.' And guess what he's going to do? He's going to say, 'What would be legal?' And we'll come up with options, with a mix of capabilities to respond to whatever the situation is, and that's the way it works. It's not that complicated."
"If you execute an unlawful order, you will go to jail. You could go to jail for the rest of your life," Hyten said.
Hyten said the U.S. military is always ready to respond to the threat of North Korea, even at that very moment.
"And we are ready every minute of every day to respond to any event that comes out of North Korea. That's the element of deterrence that has to be clear, and it is clear," Hyten said.
"President Trump by himself can't change the behavior of Kim Jong Un," Hyten said. "But President Trump can create the conditions that the international community can reach out in different ways where we can work with the Republic of Korea, where we can work with our neighbors in the region."
The top U.S. nuclear commander said Saturday he would push back against President Trump if he ordered a nuclear launch the general believed to be "illegal," saying he would hope to find another solution.
"I think some people think we're stupid," Hyten said in response to a question about such a scenario. "We're not stupid people. We think about these things a lot. When you have this responsibility, how do you not think about it?"
Hyten explained the process that would follow such a command. As head of STRATCOM, Hyten is responsible for overseeing the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
"I provide advice to the president, he will tell me what to do," Hyten added. "And if it's illegal, guess what's going to happen? I'm going to say, 'Mr. President, that's illegal.' And guess what he's going to do? He's going to say, 'What would be legal?' And we'll come up with options, with a mix of capabilities to respond to whatever the situation is, and that's the way it works. It's not that complicated."
"If you execute an unlawful order, you will go to jail. You could go to jail for the rest of your life," Hyten said.
Hyten said the U.S. military is always ready to respond to the threat of North Korea, even at that very moment.
"And we are ready every minute of every day to respond to any event that comes out of North Korea. That's the element of deterrence that has to be clear, and it is clear," Hyten said.
"President Trump by himself can't change the behavior of Kim Jong Un," Hyten said. "But President Trump can create the conditions that the international community can reach out in different ways where we can work with the Republic of Korea, where we can work with our neighbors in the region."

xmetallic ::
V zapor gre tudi če ne upošteva. Je pa zelo prijazno od njega, da se je izpostavil. Trump že išče zamenjavo zanj. Lahko ga zamenjajo v 20 minutah, če bi bilo to potrebno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: xmetallic ()

konspirator ::
Ko so napadali Irak, Libijo, Afganistan, Sirijo jih zanimivo ilegalna povelja niso nič motila.
Trenutek razsvetljenja ?
Poveljnik STRATCOM pravi, da ne bo upošteval ilegalnega povelja za jedrski napad.
Ko so napadali Irak, Libijo, Afganistan, Sirijo jih zanimivo ilegalna povelja niso nič motila.
Trenutek razsvetljenja ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: konspirator ()

jype ::
konspirator je izjavil:
Ko so napadali Irak, Libijo, Afganistan, Sirijo jih zanimivo ilegalna povelja niso nič motila.Ti pa res ne veš, kaj je ilegalno povelje.
V zapor gre tudi če ne upošteva.Ne, ne gre. V zapor gre lahko samo v primeru, da ga tja pošlje sodnik - pa ga ne bo, ker ni storil ničesar narobe.
Lahko ga zamenjajo v 20 minutah, če bi bilo to potrebno.Ja, lahko ga, z bolj butastim. Ampak potem bo naslednji v verigi zatajil. Zamenjati morajo celotno ameriško vojsko, ker je trenutna še vedno antifašistična.

xmetallic ::
Ja, lahko ga, z bolj butastim. Ampak potem bo naslednji v verigi zatajil. Zamenjati morajo celotno ameriško vojsko, ker je trenutna še vedno antifašistična.
Dovolj je da ima na svoji strani enega, ki bo ukazal napad in še enega, ki bo vpisal kode za izstrelitev. Junake se lahko poišče v nekaj minutah. Enega za drigim razreši dolžnosti dokler ne pride do tistega, ki bi rad dobil medalijo za pogum.
Ameriški vojaki veliko dajo na ukaz predsednika (razen demokratskih lutk, ki v zameno za "protest" prejmejo milijonček ali dva). Predsednik je zanje the greatest in ukaz je potrebno spoštovati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: xmetallic ()

jype ::
Dovolj je da ima na svoji strani enega, ki bo ukazal napad in še enega, ki bo vpisal kode za izstrelitev.Vidim, da veš zelo malo o tem, kako se uporabi jedrsko orožje.
Junake se lahko poišče v nekaj minutah. Enega za drigim razreši dolžnosti dokler ne pride do tistega, ki bi rad dobil medalijo za pogum.Drži. Takšnega komot najdeš med slovenskimi nacisti, med ameriškimi vojaki pa bistveno težje.
Ameriški vojaki veliko dajo na ukaz predsednika. Predsednik je the greatest in ukaz je potrebno spoštovati.Ameriški vojaki predsedniku brez slabe vesti pokažejo fakiča, kadar je njegov ukaz protizakonit, ker je ameriška ustava bistveno težja od njega, ne glede na to kako izrazito prekomerno telesno težo ima.

xmetallic ::
Ameriški vojaki predsedniku brez slabe vesti pokažejo fakiča, kadar je njegov ukaz protizakonit, ker je ameriška ustava bistveno težja od njega, ne glede na to kako izrazito prekomerno telesno težo ima.
Še posebej ko jim ta poviša vojaški proračun. Kakšen general je zagotovo vesel večjega proračuna. Bo že poskrbel, da bo pravi sedel za računalnikom če bo potrebno vtipkati kode.

jype ::
Še posebej ko jim ta poviša vojaški proračun.Tega predsednik ne more storiti. Trenutni predsednik tega sicer ne ve, pa ti tudi ne, ampak to je itak glavni razlog, da nihče več ne jemlje resno ne predsednika, ne tebe.
Kakšen general je zagotovo vesel večjega proračuna.Predvsem so večjega proračuna veseli v vojaško-industrijskem kompleksu. Generali od njega nimajo bistvenih koristi, razen tistih generalov, ki so zaposleni v vojaško-industrijskem kompleksu.
Bo že poskrbel, da bo pravi sedel za računalnikom če bo potrebno vtipkati kode.Napačen film si si ogledal.

xmetallic ::
