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Mogoce kdo ve kako v IE6 nastavis da lahko downloadas vec file-ov na 1x ? Ce grem na http, ftp, in lahko downlovdam samo 2 fila na 1x...

CaqKa ::

za to rabiš kakšen tweak.. ali pa recimo zunanji program kot je getright...
to je pač ena bedna omejitev v winsih...

Kebab ::

Probaj to:

Increase simultaneous HTTP connections
To abide by the HTTP specifications Windows limits the number of simultaneous connections that it will make to a single HTTP (web) server. This affects all Windows Internet applications that use the standard API, including Internet Explorer. The behavior can be seen when downloading multiple files from a web site only a certain number (2 or 4) will be active at any one time.

Create two new values, or modify the existing values, called 'MaxConnectionsPerServer' and 'MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server'. Change the values to equal the number of simultaneous requests allowed to a single HTTP server, the default values are 2 and 4 respectively.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Setting]
MaxConnectionsPerServer REG_DWORD 0x00000005 (5) - change this to 4
MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server REG_DWORD 0x00000005 (5) - change this to 8

ahac ::

najboljša rešitev je da se nehaš igrat z IE pa daš gor resen browser:
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

CaqKa ::

vendar ker ti je pri srcu IE, ter pogrešaš samo tabe, ter par manjših dobrotic, poleg hitrega nalaganja, boš zgornji post spregledal in posegel po MyIE2.

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