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Steel Division: Normandy 44

Steel Division: Normandy 44

cebelar123 ::

Najavljena je igra Steel Division: Normandy 44

Paradox Interactive, a publisher on the front line of gaming, today announced that it has partnered with Eugen Systems, a renowned developer of games such as the Wargame-series and R.U.S.E., to release Steel Division: Normandy 44, a new tactical real-time strategy game.

cebelar123 ::

Nekaj se že več ve o igri :)

Opis kaj naj pričakujemo:

Each game starts with a deployment phase where you position your starting units and give them orders they will apply once the battle is launched. Every unit costs a certain amount of Requisition Points and must, therefore, be chosen wisely.
The two first phases of the battle, A & B, last ten minutes each whereas phase C stretches to the end. Each new phase unlocks a new set of units from your deck and grants you a better Requisition Points income, which you receive every minute. Units availability and incomes are different for each division, entailing a unique way to play for each one.

Okrepitve bodo :)
The way you call in your reinforcements throughout the game reproduces the buildup of military forces in Normandy after D-Day and confronts you to accurate logistical concerns. As time goes by you will have to secure the line, waiting for reinforcement, as well as regularly supply your units with ammunition.

Še nov video:

oo7 ::

To bo samo MP ali bo tudi SP ?

cebelar123 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

To bo samo MP ali bo tudi SP ?

Takole piše na njihovi strani:
This new game puts players in command of detailed, historically accurate tanks, troops, and vehicles at the height of World War II. Players can measure their tactical skills against several opponents in big multiplayer battles or against enemies in a challenging single-player campaign. Steel Division: Normandy 44 allows players to take control over legendary military divisions from six different countries, such as the American 101st Airborne, the German armored 21st Panzer or the 3rd Canadian Division, during the invasion of Normandy in 1944.

Če te zanima kaj podobnega predvidevam da je najbolj podobno v tem trenutku "Wargame Red Dragon", nevem če poznaš. Ker za Normandy 44 sta moči združila točno Paradox Interactive in Eugen Systems kateri je naredil wargame igro.

Wargame Red Dragon igre še nisem zagnal imam pa jo namen.

cebelar123 ::

pravi gameplay razložen skozi igro

cebelar123 ::

Steel Division: Normandy 44 will release on May 23, 2017

jtothek ::

To me spominja na igro Blitzkrieg izpred mnogih polnih mesecev nazaj.

Gameplay te igre me ravno ne navdusi, ce primerjam da lahko igram Company of Heroes.

cebelar123 ::

Tole ni ravno podobno Blitzkriegu. Mislim da je bo tole dosti bolj zakomplicirano in strateško usmerjeno.
Blitzkrieg mi je tudi všeč in sem ga ogromno preigral. Ko si že Blitzkrieg omenil, nevem če veš da v kratkem prihaja ata Blitzkriega "Sudden strike" tokrat 4ka.

Berserker ::

To je isto sranje kot wargames, ko taktično premikaš in gledaš enote kot ikone, boji na blizu pa so medtem zelo slabo narejeni.

Medtem je Supremme Commander in Total war igram uspel združit tako taktično premikanje kot boje od blizu, Eugen Systems pa to ni uspelo niti v eni od njihovih iger, ki se bolj igrajo kot kakšne šahovske partije.

Ghost007 ::

company of heroes clone.

opeter ::

cebelar123 je izjavil:

Tole ni ravno podobno Blitzkriegu. Mislim da je bo tole dosti bolj zakomplicirano in strateško usmerjeno.
Blitzkrieg mi je tudi všeč in sem ga ogromno preigral. Ko si že Blitzkrieg omenil, nevem če veš da v kratkem prihaja ata Blitzkriega "Sudden strike" tokrat 4ka.

Točno. Blitzkrieg 3 pa je izšel leta 2015. Zdaj je na vrsti Sudden Strike :)

Eugen Systemsove strategije so bile vedno komplicirane ... zame najbolj igrabilna je bila serija Act of War iz sredine 2000-ih. Tazadanjo (re)inkarnacijo nisem še nisem utegnil preizkusit.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

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