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Destiny 2

Destiny 2

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oo7 ::

Destiny 2 Coming To PC, Aims To Feel Like A Totally New Game

Destiny 2, the currently unannounced 2017 sequel to Destiny, is coming to PC in addition to Xbox One and PS4, according to several sources. The first game was exclusive to consoles, much to the dismay of Destiny fans with beefy computers. We also hear that Bungie aims to make Destiny 2 feel like an entirely new game rather than a Taken King-style expansion—even if that means leaving old characters behind.

The PC rumor first popped up on NeoGAF today. This afternoon, a GAF poster named benny_a wrote that a friend at Activision had told him that Destiny’s much-anticipated sequel will indeed be on PC. The publisher informed employees about the news during an internal presentation today, according to benny_a. He added another interesting tidbit: that the Activision-owned studio Vicarious Visions is also helping out on Destiny 2. Although that isn’t public knowledge, I had heard the same thing a few weeks ago, which adds credence to benny_a’s report.

Earlier this year, I’d also heard from a person familiar with Bungie’s plans that Destiny 2, which is currently slated for a late 2017 release, will be on PC. This isn’t a shocker. Releasing Destiny’s sequel on PC will give Bungie access to a giant new potential audience, one that wasn’t around for the first game. Ditching last-gen consoles, which Bungie has already done for the recently released Rise of Iron expansion, ensures that they no longer have to worry about antiquated memory restrictions.

Over the past few months, I’ve heard that Bungie’s leadership wants Destiny 2 to feel like a proper sequel, even if that means leaving old planets, characters, and activities behind. In conversations with me, people connected to Bungie have made comparisons to Blizzard’s Diablo 2, which iterated on the first game in some incredible ways but didn’t carry over characters or content from Diablo. I don’t know exactly how much will change in Destiny 2, but all signs point to the developers starting from scratch. “D2 is a completely different game,” said one person familiar with development. “The Taken King was a reboot for Destiny 1 to fix small things. This is the overhaul to fix big things.”

One of the terms we’ll be hearing often with Destiny 2, according to sources, is “play-in destinations”—a new activity model that will revamp how Destiny’s world functions. The plan, from what I’ve heard, is for Destiny 2's planet areas to feel more populated with towns, outposts, and quests that are more interesting than the patrol missions you can get in Destiny.

Assuming Destiny 2 won’t let players carry over their old characters, Bungie will likely offer something to players who have poured hundreds of hours into the first game. (Last I heard, Bungie has not yet finalized these decisions.)

In April, according to several sources, Bungie had a staff reorganization. During this process, The Taken King director Luke Smith and executive producer Mark Noseworthy became, respectively, director and executive producer of Destiny 2. They rebooted the story that had been written up to that point. A number of veteran Bungie staffers also left the studio around that time. Some went to big companies; others moved into indie development.


oo7 ::

Destiny 2 Everything We Know 2017


oo7 ::

Destiny 2 confirmed for 2017


Singleplayer >:D

Titanfall 1 ni imel SP Titanfall 2 ga ima
Star wars Batllefront ni imel SP drugi del ga bo imel
Isto naj bi bilo pri Destiny s tem, da bo še za PC :)

Zmajc ::

Saj dejansko je Destiny core zgodba čisto single player, ne vidim kaj bi se naj spremenilo. Mogoče bodo naredili vse bolj cinematsko.

oo7 ::

Destiny 2 Forge of Hope PS4 leak - release date and story rumors

Destiny 2 Forge of Hope will be released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One, and PC in Q4 2017, according to a Reddit insider claiming to have info on the game ahead of Activision's quarterly earnings call.

Destiny 2 story leak
The leak goes on to outline the game's storyline, with Destiny 2 reportedly taking place after The Taken King, with the Cabal invading the Tower and Guardians battling in an effort to rescue the Last City from invading forces. Along the way, we'll apparently discover Queen Mara Sov's story and the intentions behind the Exo-race Stranger. The new Destiny 2 raid will allegedly end with the Tower and Last City banding together against the leader of the Cabal.


oo7 ::

Destiny 2 Poster Leaks Online; Game To Release On September 8th - Rumor


Tr0n ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

oo7 ::

Dober in smešen teaser :))

Tr0n ::

Prvi leaks. Trailer ob 19. uri.


Tr0n ::

PC confirmed, 8. september.


Gameplay reveal pa sele 18. maja. Oh well. :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Zmajc ::

Upam da ne zaserejo kot ostali ki so console igre naredili za PC in pozabili na hackerje (GTA V, Devision, etc).

oo7 ::

Tale lik, ki mi je posodil glas Nathan Fillon me v trailerju spominja na Deadpool-a :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

scipascapa ::

Milky milky :)

Zmajc ::

To je hunter NPC is Destiny 1 :P

oo7 ::

Ob 19.00 uri bodo pokazali gameplay.


ahac ::

Zgleda kot tipičen konzolast on-rails "cinematic" shooter, kjer je vse direkt pred tabo, da se ni treba obračat.
Zgleda kot wannabe MMO s pol funkcionalnosti kot jo imajo proper MMOji. Hypal so stvari za katere sem mislil, da so standard že od prejšnjega stoletja...

Je pa zanimivo, da bo na battle.net in ne na Steamu.
Mogoče so pa začel poslušat Blizzard namesto, da delajo bedarije na PCju...
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

Tr0n ::

Se cel live stream.

Tr0n ::

next3steps ::

Temu ti rečeš obetavno? Obetavno? Vse to so osnove za proper PC release.

Tr0n ::

Ne vem, ce kaj sledis dogajanju v gaming industriji, ampak ni ravno veliko dobrih PC portov big budget iger, ki so bile originalno na konzoli. Prestejes jih verjetno lahko na prste ene roke. :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

oo7 ::

Igre sploh ne bo na Steamu?

ahac ::

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Škoda :(

ahac ::

Zakaj? Imaš lastniški delež v Valve? :)):P
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Rad imam vse igre na enem mestu se pravi Steam. Tudi ubisoftove imam vse preko Steama.

next3steps ::

Tudi Ubisoftove so samo bližnjica v Steamu.

scipascapa ::

Obupno, kot prvi del. Pa še predrago.

Zmajc ::

Osebno sem v zgodbi Destiny 1 kar užival, eden najboljših settingov po mojem mnenju. Ni se pa mi dalo grindat oz iskat soigralce za raide & stuff.

Na PCju bo to lažje. Upam samo da contenta ne bo tako malo kot v Destiny 1

Nerdor ::

Bojda bo za PC tržil Blizzard v svojem Storu in v klientu Battle.net
... for lifetime!

Zmajc ::

Ni več battle.net klient ...apak Blizzard launcher.:P

Dejansko je za Activision to edina pametna poteza.

Destiny igralce izpostavi Blizzard igram in obstoječe miljone igralcev Blizzard iger izpostavi Destiny 2.

Za kaj bi denar usmerjali v roke Valve-a če ga lahko v svoje. Steam je počasi postal bolj negativna stvar kot pozitivna z svojo politiko izsiljevanja založnikov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

ahac ::

Activision se je s tem tudi postavil v dobro pozicijo, da od Valve zahteva boljši deal za vsakoletni Call of Duty. Zadnji je že bil tudi na Windows Store (kar je sicer fail, ampak vseeno...)
Zdaj lahko pokažejo na Destiny 2 in rečejo "poglejte, ne rabimo vas več".

Kot zanimivost:
Cena za WoW token je po tej napovedi orenk skočila gor. ;)
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Tr0n ::

Zmajc je izjavil:

Ni več battle.net klient ...apak Blizzard launcher.:P

Ocitno ne, ker ga vsepovsod (v originalnem announcementu in kasnejsih intervjujih) se vedno omenjajo kot Battle.net. :)

How Bungie plans to make Destiny 2 on PC 'legit on day one'

Dedicated serverjev torej ne bo, kar je bilo za pricakovat.

Is it still peer-to-peer in terms of the multiplayer? Are there dedicated servers?

It is a complicated typology. We do not have dedicated servers for Destiny 2 on PC.

Server infrastruktura bo tudi laufala na Bungie strani, in ne preko Blizzarda.


Who will be operating Destiny 2’s servers?

Bungie will maintain Destiny 2’s servers; Blizzard’s servers will be used for features related to the Blizzard platform, such as login and social functionality.

Zmajc ::

Če bo cela stvar peer-to-peer bo vse skupaj na PCJu en velik hackfest fail. Ne moreš v današnjih časih na PCjih meti peer-to-peer no. Ni GTA oline pa The Division nikogar nič naučil?

Prokleti skopuhi.

Bom raje kupil ps4 verzijo, tam vsaj nebo hackanja.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

Tr0n ::

No ja, preden se odlocis za PS4 verzijo, vedi tole.

Source: Jesse Cox, ki je igral obe verziji vceraj.

Truthfully it's hard to tell on PC. Everything felt better. On PS4 is felt pretty much the same as 1.
On PC it was gorgeous. On PS4 everything seemed muddled and muted. The tech is already so old :(
Yes. I had a blast. FPS on PC is ALWAYS better.
The graphics, the gameplay, everything looks and feels infinitely better on PC. I'll post info soon.
I think this goes without saying but I'll say it anyway. #destiny2 on PC at medium settings makes the PS4 version feel sluggish and low res

Console verzija bo tudi locked pri 30 FPS, PC bo uncapped.

Have you taken any extra steps with the PC version specifically to stop cheats?

Oh yeah, I mean, the consoles and the PC are very, very different beasts. You get a lot of things kind of built in or nearly for free with the consoles, so yes, we’ve looked at a whole slew of different things that frankly don’t exist on consoles. And we’re addressing as many of those as we can as fast as we can, and we’re super excited to bring it to PC.

Ne pove veliko, ampak vsaj delajo na tem. :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Zmajc ::

To je vse lepo in prav a če bo vse client based in bo klient slepo verjel podatkom ki mu jih pošilja drug klient bo to field day za cheaterje ki bodo delali kar bodo hteli in NIHČE jim tega ne bo mogel preprečiti.

Raje imam slabšo grafiko in boljšo izkušnjo kot da mi bodo vse uničile budale.

yoco ::

Po pravici povedano, edini špil, ki me mika da bi ga prednaročil! ;((

Tr0n ::

Zdaj se splaca, cena je okoli 38-40 EUR. :)


No, mogoce se pade kaj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Zmajc ::

Kak lahko prodajajo steam kodo če igre tam nebo?

yoco ::

Na cdkeys imajo oznako za battle.net

ahac ::

Zmajc je izjavil:

Kak lahko prodajajo steam kodo če igre tam nebo?

Good question... :P

Taki preorderji so itak za keye, ki sploh še ne obstajajo. Oni ti prodajo samo obljubo, da boš dobil key. Govoril se je, da bo igra na Steamu in so to napisal...
Za njih je itak super pobrat keš še zdaj, čeprav ne vedo kaj prodajajo. Ko bo treba bodo že nekje dobil keye...
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Tr0n ::

Tukaj se vidi nekaj cam PC gameplaya.

next3steps ::

ahac je izjavil:

Activision se je s tem tudi postavil v dobro pozicijo, da od Valve zahteva boljši deal za vsakoletni Call of Duty. Zadnji je že bil tudi na Windows Store (kar je sicer fail, ampak vseeno...)
Zdaj lahko pokažejo na Destiny 2 in rečejo "poglejte, ne rabimo vas več".

Kot zanimivost:
Cena za WoW token je po tej napovedi orenk skočila gor. ;)

Igričarji tako ali drugače ne rabimo CoD pleb iger na Steamu. So taki špili, kjer oklevaš pri pisanju Volvo ali ti naj igro brišejo iz knjiznice ali ne.

Zmajc ::

Destiny niti mimo CoD-a ni šel kaj šele da bi ju lahko primerjal.

next3steps ::

Res je. Oboji predstavljajo PC šrot igričarjem. A res rabimo 144fps cap, ko smo v eri 240Hz ekranov?

fireX88 ::

destiniy preveč spominja na overwatch.. will pass!

Tr0n ::

Overwatch je bolj ali manj samo PvP, tukaj imas pa solo story, co-op story, co-op strikes, PvP, raids, klasicen open world exploration s public eventi in mini bossi and lots and lots of loot. :)

fireX88 ::

Tr0n je izjavil:

Overwatch je bolj ali manj samo PvP, tukaj imas pa solo story, co-op story, co-op strikes, PvP, raids, klasicen open world exploration s public eventi in mini bossi and lots and lots of loot. :)

vem, vendar vizualno me zelo spominja.

Zmajc ::

Destiny je od vseh iger glede gameplaya še najbolj podoben Borderlands franšizi.

ahac ::

Why Can't Destiny 2 Run at 60fps on PS4 Pro?

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

Tr0n ::

Mislim, da noben pri zdravi pameti ni pricakoval, da bo Destiny 2 pa kr 60 FPS na PS4 Pro in Scorpio, ce so komaj 30 FPS ujeli za Destiny 1.
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