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Je li Xamarin zdaj brezplačen (Xamarin.Forms) ?

Je li Xamarin zdaj brezplačen (Xamarin.Forms) ?

treshold2 ::

Zanima me da li je Xamarin zdaj brezplačen ali se še plača ? Veliko se veselim, kaj morem da vporabljam Xamarin za razvajanje UWA no zanima me da li je zdaj brezplačen ali bo počakal še 1-2 mesec? Vem da je Microsoft kupil Xamarin, ampak ne vem da li je to zdaj brezplačno ali kdaj VS 15 bode final . Hvala !
N2820 2.13 Ghz,4GB DDR3,500GB,Windows 10 Pro x64,Intel HD Graphics Mobile

sebastjan28 ::

Some expected news regarding Xamarin...
Well, for those who have not noticed some of the announcements that have come out of the Build this year:
a) Xamarin is now available at no cost for MSDN subscribers and users of Visual Studio Enterprise, Visual Studio Professional and the Visual Studio Community Edition. The version of Xamarin corresponds to the version of Visual Studio; e.g. the higher the Visual Studio SKU, the more Xamarin functionality.
b) A Community Edition license of Xamarin Studio for OS X is also available for free.
c) Mono has been 'donated' to the .Net Foundation, who will be releasing it back as open source under the MIT license. Unity, Red Hat and JetBrains have joined the .Net Foundation, which has announced some encouraging plans:
d) Data Analytics and BI improvements are in preview, and the Data Analytics platform is being consolidated as Cortana Intelligence Suite:
e) DocumentDB will be able to be accessed by MongoDB drivers... this feature is currently in Preview.
Personally I can see that it makes sense for those with existing applications who suddenly want to migrate to DocumentDB for scale... and it will be nice to be able to use some of the existing Mongo tools for accessing DocumentDB, but unless Microsoft are going to make a pretty major shift in the direction of DocumentDB it is not going to be of use.
DocumentDB has a different feature set, different overall approach being focused on scale out via Collections (which form the basis of its pricing, and PAAS capacity model), and different storage capabilities (pretty fundamental for a database). I have actually just created a DocumentDB provider for a CQRS framework that supports MongoDB, and it is needs a completely different approach.
Still, Microsoft have hinted at changes to pricing, so who knows, maybe there will be more of an alignment.

jernejl ::

Za majhna podjetja je brezplačen, tako kot Visual Studio Community.
Instaliraj VS 2015 Community in zraven dobiš Xamarin (tudi Xamarin.Forms) - nobene potrebe ni, da bi čakal.

treshold2 ::

jernejl je izjavil:

Za majhna podjetja je brezplačen, tako kot Visual Studio Community.
Instaliraj VS 2015 Community in zraven dobiš Xamarin (tudi Xamarin.Forms) - nobene potrebe ni, da bi čakal.

Hvala :) Je li Xamarin samo C# ali in C++ ? C++ vem zelo dobro kot C#.
N2820 2.13 Ghz,4GB DDR3,500GB,Windows 10 Pro x64,Intel HD Graphics Mobile

Looooooka ::


treshold2 ::

Looooooka je izjavil:


Ok, hvala, bo rabil samo C++ ker je C# težko za mi, in ne morem da učim drugi jezik.
N2820 2.13 Ghz,4GB DDR3,500GB,Windows 10 Pro x64,Intel HD Graphics Mobile

noraguta ::

Smola smolena, zakva pa pol nucaš?
Pust' ot pobyedy k pobyedye vyedyot!

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