Forum » Zvok in slika » Niti najpopolnejši TV ni popoln
Niti najpopolnejši TV ni popoln

Tony710 ::
Panasonic cz950 naj bi bil skoraj popoln TV in do tega trenutka TV z najboljšo možno sliko. Poznavalci pravijo da je slika na tem OLED-u tako dobra da še zadnja generacija Pioner Kuro ob njem izgubi vsak čar.
A na žalost tudi ta TV ni 100% popoln in brez napak.
Ima namreč kar nekaj težav z gibanjem ki jih pri taki tehnologiji ne bi ravno pričakoval.
Kopirano iz omenjene strani;
Although OLED displays have very fast pixel switching and therefore feature no motion smearing caused by the response time of the display elements, Panasonic’s TX-65CZ952B, like LG’s OLED televisions, is 100% a sample-and-hold display. Unlike Samsung’s OLED and LCD products, and indeed even some of Panasonic’s LCDs, there is no dark picture insertion mode to increase motion resolution. This puzzles us, because in theory, the ultra-fast pixel response time of OLED should allow for the pixels to be set to black for a small amount of time.
Sony’s OLED broadcast monitors, instead of blanking the entire screen, disrupt their native sample-and-hold nature by featuring a “rolling scan”. In these displays, a chunk of rows of the panel are set to black, meaning that every line on the OLED is not illuminated at once. Of course, this causes some flicker and decreases the light output of the display. Unlike a plasma which had to flash its pixels in various different configurations at ultra-high speed in order to draw a single 60, 96 or 100 Hz video frame and could therefore insert a very short, controlled burst of black, current OLED displays refresh at 120Hz, which is apparently too low a refresh rate for flicker-free, controlled dark frame insertion.
In other words, the motion performance of the TX65CZ952B has a lot in common with LCD: on the old FPD Benchmark test, it resolves 300 lines with its motion interpolation features off, and about 650 with [Intelligent Frame Creation] enabled. We were not left wanting by the real-world performance, but that’s largely because our main use is for 24p film, which is too low a frame rate to really push any display. With high motion sports content, plasma may still have the edge, although its very crisp motion was not entirely perfect (to be succinct, LCD and OLED motion has the tendency to blur, whereas plasma motion has the tendency to become noisy).
In the future, we’d love to see an alternative option for motion rendering on OLEDs.
Povedano drugače, v gladkosti gibanja ga na daleč prehiti celo 2014 LCD LED model Panasonic AX-800 ki brez težav doseže 1080 linij gibanja z vključeno interpolacijo komaj na minimum. Če je 300 linij minimum, 1080 pa max, je CZ950 komaj v povprečju kar se tega tiče.
Pa ravno ko sem resno razmišljal o nakupu tega lepotca.
A na žalost tudi ta TV ni 100% popoln in brez napak.
Ima namreč kar nekaj težav z gibanjem ki jih pri taki tehnologiji ne bi ravno pričakoval.
Kopirano iz omenjene strani;
Although OLED displays have very fast pixel switching and therefore feature no motion smearing caused by the response time of the display elements, Panasonic’s TX-65CZ952B, like LG’s OLED televisions, is 100% a sample-and-hold display. Unlike Samsung’s OLED and LCD products, and indeed even some of Panasonic’s LCDs, there is no dark picture insertion mode to increase motion resolution. This puzzles us, because in theory, the ultra-fast pixel response time of OLED should allow for the pixels to be set to black for a small amount of time.
Sony’s OLED broadcast monitors, instead of blanking the entire screen, disrupt their native sample-and-hold nature by featuring a “rolling scan”. In these displays, a chunk of rows of the panel are set to black, meaning that every line on the OLED is not illuminated at once. Of course, this causes some flicker and decreases the light output of the display. Unlike a plasma which had to flash its pixels in various different configurations at ultra-high speed in order to draw a single 60, 96 or 100 Hz video frame and could therefore insert a very short, controlled burst of black, current OLED displays refresh at 120Hz, which is apparently too low a refresh rate for flicker-free, controlled dark frame insertion.
In other words, the motion performance of the TX65CZ952B has a lot in common with LCD: on the old FPD Benchmark test, it resolves 300 lines with its motion interpolation features off, and about 650 with [Intelligent Frame Creation] enabled. We were not left wanting by the real-world performance, but that’s largely because our main use is for 24p film, which is too low a frame rate to really push any display. With high motion sports content, plasma may still have the edge, although its very crisp motion was not entirely perfect (to be succinct, LCD and OLED motion has the tendency to blur, whereas plasma motion has the tendency to become noisy).
In the future, we’d love to see an alternative option for motion rendering on OLEDs.
Povedano drugače, v gladkosti gibanja ga na daleč prehiti celo 2014 LCD LED model Panasonic AX-800 ki brez težav doseže 1080 linij gibanja z vključeno interpolacijo komaj na minimum. Če je 300 linij minimum, 1080 pa max, je CZ950 komaj v povprečju kar se tega tiče.
Pa ravno ko sem resno razmišljal o nakupu tega lepotca.

Dr_M ::
Dobrih 9k, bom uzel tri. 
Brez tezav preskocim prve tri generacije teh najbolj popolnih panelov. Toliko da vidim, koliko casa zdrzi, brez da bi zacel zgubljat barve, tako kot na telefonih.

Brez tezav preskocim prve tri generacije teh najbolj popolnih panelov. Toliko da vidim, koliko casa zdrzi, brez da bi zacel zgubljat barve, tako kot na telefonih.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Tony710 ::
Nikdar ne bom razumel folka ki si kupijo tak tv zgolj kot computer monitor.
Ga je pa mal prevec skoda za to.
Ga je pa mal prevec skoda za to.

Dr_M ::
Seveda tega nebi kupil za monitor, ampak bi kupil monitor za monitor, tv pa za tv.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

fiti ::
Sam imam zadnjo generacijo Pioneer KURO in slika je res top. Se pa veselim dneva, ko bo OLED tako dalec, da bo cena bolj dostopna, kvaliteta pa superiorna.

Dr_M ::
Oled nima burn in-a, ampak kvecjemu burn out

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
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